
Oct 25, 2017
You know, dropping "sjw" causally like that doesn't really help your argument. Nor does framing criticism as "sensitivity"

What was the unforgivable censorship done to Blade & Soul?

SJW is a common term used just about everywhere. Its up to anyone's frame of mind to associate it positively or not, I have nothing against the philosophy aslong as it doesn't interfere with the initial vision of any kind of work (be it controversial, shocking, etc) There's as much room for this to co exist with "holding" back. My personnal point of view is that if someone is too weak to digest something, said person should move on accordingly. Criticism is fair, but its done pretty much all the time toward pointless and dangerous point of views which are harming awareness of the self / freedom of opinion

There is simply way too much room given to the public opinion for just about everything nowadays, especially so since the explosion of social media labelisation and rework of vocabulary by psychologists which tend to soften a lot of things, for the wrong reasons

Of course this is further hindered regarding the society where X or Y individual is living, which is not helping the situation either.

I really do not approve censorship at all. Everyone has limits, its up to you to acknowledge them. If you look at countries such as norsk ones (norway, denmark etc), you ll notice a world of difference in mores compared to other countries where lets say, conservative views are the norm.

In short, its a kind of discussion that shouldn't be the meat of a recreationnal activity. We play to have fun and find things that either fascinate or create some strong reactions, in the realm of fantasy.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not generalizing.

Convincing the publishers that there is a minority who cares is going to be tough.

People seem to be listening. Anita Sarkeesian had a noticeable impact on western devs. Many people cited that her videos were shared around in studios. The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 writer specifically cites that he was influenced by her. Many people now cite the Last of Us as a huge landmark gaming.

Even then, being critical of something, isn't dependent on devs listening.

yes, i think it's completely unnecessary and if they want to change it, get into gaming, and change it. stop bitching.

are women simply choosing not to enter STEM fields?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
A forum dedicated to general social studies would be more appropriate IMO.
Do you know of any specific sites that would be appropriate, and have a reasonably sized userbase? Or are you assuming some exist based on it being the internet, where practically everything exists (not suggesting that's a bad thing, just wondering if you can endorse any sites)?
Holier-than-thou types tend to actively engage in calling others out on being somewhat less than a paragon of morality. Often in a fairly rude and dismissive manner because on a purely ethical level they are right, and both sides damn well know it. Of course, lengthy tirades that boil down to "what you like is bad, and you should feel bad" rarely score anyone likeability points with individuals outside of fellow prudes, but that's a whole another topic.
And yes, I would include those with a need to aggressively shame others for their preferences in entertainment in the name of "discomfort of a large number of other humans" into my definition of high-and-mighty.
Ok, so you find the ethics of people saying video games are currently filled with lots of sexism and racism to be purely correct?
Yet, you think that these ethically sound people are tonally off when they attempt to communicate their ethics?
Have I understood you correctly?
Also, it's really odd that you keep calling these purely-ethical people "prudes". Since that's quite a judgmental term in today's vernacular.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not generalizing.

Convincing the publishers that there is a minority who cares is going to be tough.

Yes, you are. You said "gamers don't care". In this thread there are people who care. And it has clearly worked. Games like Horizon prove you otherwise, and didn't need sex to sell.

i know and i think he does too, but the people who do care have to realize that the others don't care at all. we just play games. i don't care if i'm playing as a refrigerator, a pterodactyl, a tractor, or any kind of person, and most people don't. a chick having tits shown off in a game is just like 'oh, nice tits' and people live on. i think those who protest it just make it bigger than it ever would've been vs if they would've just ignored it. from the outside, it does seem extremely, extremely whiny. live and let live, if you don't like it, don't buy the product, plain and simple. i'm completely against society today where everyone is changing or apologizing for stuff. i much prefer people like yoko taro, who are just like 2b is sexy as fuck, deal with it. if 2b was the ugliest robot on planet earth in the guise of a female, i would play it just like it is now. it's not a matter of being intellectual, it's a matter of just not letting everything bother you that you don't agree with or think is wrong.

I'm glad to see you take a "live and let live" kind of mentality, because using that mentality, why shouldn't people have the right to criticize something they don't like? Are companies these all knowing entities that know why someone didn't purchase a game? Developers are not obligated to change anything. Plus it's a discussion board, this would be very boring if we "just played games" and didn't discuss them. If people don't like the discussion, they are more than welcome to take the same approach you imply with not purchasing a game, by simply "not joining the discussion".


Oct 25, 2017
i don't know their names, but there are three males, an animal, and five females. two females can be considered sexualized and one male can. .07% difference.

Asides from the Choco designs, I wasn't even talking about the Rare blades. So, great statistics? Also lolicon bait is lolicon bait, no matter how low a percentile that is. I thought we all agreed that was the line.


Oct 28, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
Yes, you are. You said "gamers don't care". In this thread there are people who care. And it has clearly worked. Games like Horizon prove you otherwise, and didn't need sex to sell.

I'm glad to see you take a "live and let live" kind of mentality, because using that mentality, why shouldn't people have the right to criticize something they don't like? Are companies these all knowing entities that know why someone didn't purchase a game? Developers are not obligated to change anything. Plus it's a discussion board, this would be very boring if we "just played games" and didn't discuss them. If people don't like the discussion, they are more than welcome to take the same approach you imply with not purchasing a game, by simply "not joining the discussion".
i already said i don't care if people complain, but doing it constantly about every little thing isn't effective, and live and let live doesn't involve people constantly trying to get people to change something and shove their opinions down other's throats, and i'm coming from the other side, so i can tell you this is exactly what it comes across as whether you intend to or not. i'd rather just talk about the games themselves instead of trying to constantly create controversy or find something to be offended about.

Asides from the Choco designs, I wasn't even talking about the Rare blades. So, great statistics? Also lolicon bait is lolicon bait, no matter how low a percentile that is. I thought we all agreed that was the line.

i have no clue what choco or lolicon is dude, the initial question was about the blades. i'm not researching every aspect of xeno 2 just for one thread. i already looked up the blades originally brought into question.


Oct 25, 2017
No , it's a term used by alt-right fucks in order to dismiss and devaluate "liberal" point of views . Your usage of the term speaks volumes to your character and the intent of your posts throughout this thread.

Are you trying to make me feel bad by totally trying to pinpoint my political views while insulting me meanwhile ?

if you don't agree that's fine, I frankly don't care. Alt right is a kinda funny term to passive agressively point at me since I'm not even american btw


Oct 26, 2017
you can complain about whatever you want on forums, just stop bitching about everything if you want the other side to care. and lmao at comparing lootboxes to race/gender in games.

it wasn't a comparison, just surprised how X things are ok to discuss but others are unnecesary and garbage. Also surprised how sometimes is discussion and complains and others is "bitching".


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not generalizing.

Convincing the publishers that there is a minority who cares is going to be tough.
Hmmm? Ubisoft is already doing a good turn on that front - they keep improving with every game. Hell, they're one of the *only* publishers who has a game with truly gender-neutral armor designs over an entire game with For Honor.

Even Activision added female characters to the Call of Duty games, and I wonder why that is? They're not even just there for eye-candy, either! Amazing how that works out.

That's not to say that this progress is "good enough". There are still too many games being released with cheesecake being shoved in unceremoniously without a second thought towards people who aren't into that sort of thing (which, btw, actually constitutes more than 50% of the population thanks to all those men who have something we refer to as "principles").


Oct 25, 2017
you can complain about whatever you want on forums, just stop bitching about everything if you want the other side to care. and lmao at comparing lootboxes to race/gender in games.

The fact that you repeatedly use the word "bitching" when talking about women who want to talk about said issues speaks volumes about you.


Oct 28, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
User was permanently banned: Alt-right rhetoric and posts completely dismissing social issues as "bitching" will not be tolerated.
Reducing the complaints on certain topics won't magically make people care about a topic.
it really will. i don't think you understand how annoyed the people on the other side are of you guys (by that i mean the people constantly getting offended by everything and complaining). if you only brought it up here and there for more severe instances, people would be more willing to listen, otherwise it's just noise.

Doesn't this ignore the rampant sexism in the tech industry? Or is this now suddenly a thing that doesn't exist because reasons?

it doesn't exist.


Oct 25, 2017
i already said i don't care if people complain, but doing it constantly about every little thing isn't effective, and live and let live doesn't involve people constantly trying to get people to change something and shove their opinions down other's throats, and i'm coming from the other side, so i can tell you this is exactly what it comes across as whether you intend to or not. i'd rather just talk about the games themselves instead of trying to constantly create controversy or find something to be offended about.
It's not effective for you. But I'm not gonna wait for you to care to discuss topics. Neither will minorities. These discussions are to bring attention to the topic, specially to publishers and developers, which has clearly worked to a certain point.

it really will. i don't think you understand how annoyed the people on the other side are of you guys (by that i mean the people constantly getting offended by everything and complaining). if you only brought it up here and there for more severe instances, people would be more willing to listen, otherwise it's just noise.

So I should only wait to criticize something when the Hitler equivalent of the topic comes along? No, thanks.


Oct 28, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
it wasn't a comparison, just surprised how X things are ok to discuss but others are unnecesary and garbage. Also surprised how sometimes is discussion and complains and others is "bitching".
lootboxes are inherently bad for obvious reasons, race/gender in games and its discussions aren't. one is based on objective facts, while the other is subjective therefore bitching about one holds more weight bc everyone is pretty much on the same side, bc there are very clear reasons as to why lootboxes are trash.

The fact that you repeatedly use the word "bitching" when talking about women who want to talk about said issues speaks volumes about you.

this is the exact thing i'm talking about. i'm not even talking about just women, lmao. now this is truly projection. this is how you see something when there is nothing there. i truly find this hilarious.


Oct 25, 2017
I've asked this before in individual threads and I don't seem to be able to get a good answer. So maybe a thread about this will be more revealing. What about these conversations seems so upsetting? Why do people feel so defensive? Why is discussion about this subject particularly challenging? When minorities or women feel like they are marginalized by an aspect of a game, or when people feel uncomfortable with a depiction, why is that feeling or discussion of it not valid to you?
'Because thinking about people that don't look like me is haaaaaaaaaaaaard' - cishet white dudes


Oct 25, 2017
i have no clue what choco or lolicon is dude, the initial question was about the blades. i'm not researching every aspect of xeno 2 just for one thread. i already looked up the blades originally brought into question.

So, you want us to have all the research ready on our side ready for this, but you get to not give a damn? Then why even bother coming into this topic in the first place?

1. CHOCO is an artist known for his hentai work and I guess Kantai Collection? I think the former is actually something he's credited more than the later. That's not really a mark against him but its his specific designs I have a problem with.

2. Lolicon is the sexualization of girls, and not just 16-year old girls, but 5-10 year old girls. Both of Choco's designs are slapping breasts on a 10-year old body then contorting it to show off her prepubescent ass and tits. Sorry, I'm not gonna be happy about that fact. No matter how small it is. I wasn't happy with Nowi in Awakening, I'm certainly not going to be happy with it here.


Oct 28, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
It's not effective for you. But I'm not gonna wait for you to care to discuss topics. Neither will minorities. These discussions are to bring attention to the topic, specially to publishers and developers, which has clearly worked to a certain point.

So I should only wait to criticize something when the Hitler equivalent of the topic comes along? No, thanks.
yeah, more women have been placed in games, and one side continues just playing games not caring who the protag is, while the other is still bitching (or should i say COMPLAINING to appease that one guy). the bitching never stops no matter what.

that'd be like saying an industry that primarily employs women is sexist against men, so dumb.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, another thing to consider, especially when it comes down to discussion on social issues and representation: saying it's just an opinion, people don't have to agree, doesn't shield that opinion from criticism. There are very much things as wrong opinions, usually based on misinformation or the individual's limited perspective. For large topics (I get the it's my opinion, that's your opinion routine whenever climate change comes up between my dad and I), but for topics like this as well.

If entire groups of people - minorities, women, etc - are saying that representation and such factors matter to them, affects them, has an influence on their enjoyment and on the medium, let's talk about this, let's address this, and your response is that it doesn't really matter, it's not really a problem, why do people care so much, it's just games, it's just movies...that's less opinion and more denial. Oh, it's an opinion, but it's one based in that individual's limited perspective and refusal to consider a perspective larger than one's own.

Terrific contribution to this thread. The amount of "I just don't care and I'm tired of hearing it" crowd seems to lack perspective.

No , it's a term used by alt-right fucks in order to dismiss and devaluate "liberal" point of views .
Well, sadly he's not entirely wrong as it's a perfectly common insult outside of GAF and Era when it comes to gaming communities alone. Frankly, I'm baffled by the fact that SJW-slinging people would even entertain the thought of mingling with the former GAF community.


Oct 25, 2017
User was warned: Inappropriate Language. Find a better way to express your opinion.
Because a bunch of little white fuckboys think their dumbass baby toys should cater to them and them only.


Oct 28, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
So, you want us to have all the research ready on our side ready for this, but you get to not give a damn? Then why even bother coming into this topic in the first place?

1. CHOCO is an artist known for his hentai work and I guess Kantai Collection? I think the former is actually something he's credited more than the later. That's not really a mark against him but its his specific designs I have a problem with.

2. Lolicon is the sexualization of girls, and not just 16-year old girls, but 5-10 year old girls. Both of Choco's designs are slapping breasts on a 10-year old body then contorting it to show off her prepubescent ass and tits. Sorry, I'm not gonna be happy about that fact. No matter how small it is. I wasn't happy with Nowi in Awakening, I'm certainly not going to be happy with it here.
the entire xeno 2 thing was about blades, that's why i looked it up and commented on it. you bringing up something completely different isn't going to make me all of a sudden go look it up when i was never even arguing it to begin with.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, more women have been placed in games, and one side continues just playing games not caring who the protag is, while the other is still bitching (or should i say COMPLAINING to appease that one guy). the bitching never stops no matter what.
Yeah, because it's still the minority of games and because gaming culture clearly still has problems. If you don't like the "bitching" don't join the discussion, it's that simple.


Oct 28, 2017
Albuquerque, NM


Oct 25, 2017
If you think that, you really need to get out of your bubble.

I'm fine tho, thank you. It's even been used not too long in a light way to describe a character from Marvel's Runaway on Hulu, in a well written review. Again I don't have anything against the philosophy behind it, but just like everything else, it can be used in ways that are wrong, and that's when I usually am bothered a little bit


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, more women have been placed in games, and one side continues just playing games not caring who the protag is, while the other is still bitching (or should i say COMPLAINING to appease that one guy). the bitching never stops no matter what.

that'd be like saying an industry that primarily employs women is sexist against men, so dumb.

Do you work in tech? I'm asking because it seems you are confident in this fact so I would love to see some numbers here for this.


Oct 25, 2017
that'd be like saying an industry that primarily employs women is sexist against men, so dumb.

I feel like you don't really understand anything about the tech industry, including the video game industry if this is your entire takeaway from the situation. Why is it that you feel the tech industry primarily hires men?


Oct 25, 2017
SJW is a common term used just about everywhere. Its up to anyone's frame of mind to associate it positively or not, I have nothing against the philosophy aslong as it doesn't interfere with the initial vision of any kind of work (be it controversial, shocking, etc) There's as much room for this to co exist with "holding" back. My personnal point of view is that if someone is too weak to digest something, said person should move on accordingly. Criticism is fair, but its done pretty much all the time toward pointless and dangerous point of views which are harming awareness of the self / freedom of opinion

There is simply way too much room given to the public opinion for just about everything nowadays, especially so since the explosion of social media labelisation and rework of vocabulary by psychologists which tend to soften a lot of things, for the wrong reasons

Of course this is further hindered regarding the society where X or Y individual is living, which is not helping the situation either.

I really do not approve censorship at all. Everyone has limits, its up to you to acknowledge them. If you look at countries such as norsk ones (norway, denmark etc), you ll notice a world of difference in mores compared to other countries where lets say, conservative views are the norm.

In short, its a kind of discussion that shouldn't be the meat of a recreationnal activity. We play to have fun and find things that either fascinate or create some strong reactions, in the realm of fantasy.
That you conflate certain criticism with being "too weak" to digest the subject matter is interesting. Also something being for fun or "recreational" doesn't excuse it from criticism. Fiction and reality aren't separate entities; they've always been intertwined and have an effect on eachother

And let's be honest, SJW isn't a common term used everywhere. If that's your perspective, that says more about the places you browse, sites you visit, and whatnot.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like you don't really understand anything about the tech industry, including the video game industry if this is your entire takeaway from the situation. Why is it that you feel the tech industry primarily hires men?
The current available talent. No HR department dismisses a more skilled woman.


Oct 25, 2017
i don't think the tech industry actively pushes away women.
Do tell more.

Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?

Why are there so few women in tech? The truth behind the Google memo

Women in Tech Speak Frankly on Culture of Harassment

that'd be like saying an industry that primarily employs women is sexist against men, so dumb.

I really wonder if there's a female dominated industry, even nursing that is typically associated with women has men ascend more quickly through the ranks and positions.

the thread is literally asking for people like me, you do realize that right?

And I'm not saying you can't participate, but I'm saying I don't understand your frustration, even calling criticisms "bitching", when you can simply ignore all other discussions about the topic.


Oct 27, 2017
Referring to people as "prudes" when the topic has nothing to do with actual sexuality and pushing this narrative that we're all constantly judging people out loud for the things they like is remarkably disingenuous.

I constantly repeat the refrain "You can critique things and like those things at the same time" and there is no moral judgment in that. Hell, I consume a ton of problematic content and I don't let it reflect me as a person because, y'know, I can separate them from my person and recognize the ways they are problematic without attributing those flaws to myself. It's apparently a skill that is not en vogue to those who are as defensive about these topics as you appear to be. Note, that's not a statement of judgment either - it's a lament. I wish folks could learn to separate the media they consume from their individual person, because engaging in meta discussions like this always ends up being tiring for... yes... both sides.
Apologies for incorrectly using the word "prude", I was not aware of the sexual connotations and meant, roughly, a person who is excessively and demonstratively concerned with the matters of public morality.

But the issue here is essentially two-fold. Even if one were to ignore character attacks on people who happen to enjoy a certain product that are often embedded in such arguments under the guise of "just asking some questions" tone (something that is usually swiftly outed and dealt with as concern trolling in actual political topics), a number of individuals want "problematic" media censored or banned. It is only natural that those who enjoy those products the way they are get defensive. Expecting someone to just take the prospect of their toys being taken away lying down is naive.
But for the reasons that I've outlined above (namely, the opposite side being logically and ethically correct for the most part) arguing directly is a no-go, so people opt to feign ignorance of the underlying socio-political issues altogether. After all, being ignorant is that much better than being knowingly "evil" from an image standpoint.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Huh, so I think i'm in the twilight zone now that i've been told that sexism doesnt exist in the game industry..... There's the hot take post of the day.


Oct 25, 2017
lol, answer the question. what personally bothers you about xeno 2's depictions? if you have any knowledge of gaming message boards, you will know that they lean heavily left and are youthful, so you are talking with people in an echo chamber. all i said, was that the women i know don't give a shit, they have more important things to think about and aren't caught up on this garbage like people who treat activism like employment.
I never even brought up Xenoblade 2 which is why I was asking if you are even paying attention to who you are quoting. To answer you're question I'm not bothered by it, just disappointed that it's the same old anime designs as ever. I mean, can't designers give her an awesome gambeson, with some mail for extra protection, and some cool boots? Maybe some nice spaulders and matching pauldrons. A curiass as well, to protect her chest. A helmet is optional, I guess... gotta know it's her after all. If a character is going into battle, let them look like it.