Oct 26, 2017
I feel the gameplay issues have been exagerrated for people who aren't playing the game because of the tone (and some aggressive commentary) in the DF article, and more importantly, things like the Crowbcat video being seen as indicative of general gameplay.

That said, things like the hilarious movement of setting a motorcycle back up after it's fallen is some Grade-A jank. I don't want to overstate things to imply the game is ideal as-is, but I don't bother with broken games, and I already have at least seven hours into this version.

Oh things are definitely being overblown, but what else is new? Game is very playable and yes it needs certain things looked at but that's game preview. I didn't play it on Xbox One, only X, but what Crowbcat showed did look bad but i have a feeling that is not how the game constantly is, no way. And of course typically those videos on Youtube of folks claiming in the video title how horrible the game is on X, lol. Yeah ah well.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I guess they will update the game every week?

I wonder if he means that or he's just kind of using it as a vague term. Weekly updates seem kinda quick, but I'm not familiar with most game preview games and PUBG on PC.

With that said, even though I'm enjoying the game a lot, I'm glad for all these negative reactions. It just puts more pressure on Microsoft, Bluehole, and Player Unknown to improve the game at a faster rate.


Oct 26, 2017
No. If anything the issues are being glossed over by millions of people. And the shit isn't exaggerated. It's fucking awful. I'm not gonna speak to the PC version but Xbox? I can't actually believe there are people who play this and think it's good. Pretty fucking crazy man. Legit blows my mind. Textures are PS1 level. Framerate atrocious. HDR broken. Controls are the worst and unresponsive. Everything about the game on Xbox is trash. No hyperbole. Just pure trash. Super happy w Xbox Support for giving me my refund

It's legit the worst game I've ever played in my life.

...would you say they shot themselves in the foot?
Last edited:

The Cellar Letters

Oct 25, 2017
Eh. Game is a shit ton of fun. I can look over some obvious issues.
The only bug I've noticed that isn't also in the PC version is the crashing to dashboard.


Oct 26, 2017
Eh. Game is a shit ton of fun. I can look over some obvious issues.
The only bug I've noticed that isn't also in the PC version is the crashing to dashboard.

I had one crash, but I found out if you start the game back up, you can rejoin the match right where you were, inventory and all. That's a feature I don't see very often in games.
Oct 26, 2017
No. If anything the issues are being glossed over by millions of people. And the shit isn't exaggerated. It's fucking awful. I'm not gonna speak to the PC version but Xbox? I can't actually believe there are people who play this and think it's good. Pretty fucking crazy man. Legit blows my mind. Textures are PS1 level. Framerate atrocious. HDR broken. Controls are the worst and unresponsive. Everything about the game on Xbox is trash. No hyperbole. Just pure trash. Super happy w Xbox Support for giving me my refund

It's legit the worst game I've ever played in my life.

You must have played very few game preview games if this is the worst for you. Had this been a full finished game, yes i would have agreed all the way but this is game preview and i fully expect a much more polished experience when it eventually releases officially.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, come on. We've got articles from super reputable sites such as Digital Foundry saying the game straight up performs badly. What I'm saying isn't crazy. In fact, since I've never played the PC version I could arguably be a gauge of what the average consumer who's trying PUBG on the X1 for the first time is thinking. The game doesn't have a great first impression....at all.

When I play Rainbow 6 Siege, for instance, there are some janky ass things that happen in that game. I've seen shit like Tachanka's turret glitching out and floating in the air in the middle of the room. Sometimes you'll be watching another player and you can't see their hands, just a gun wobbling around on the screen. These are all silly, stupid glitches that are at the end of the day humorous because the gameplay is super rock solid.

PUBG as stands now ain't remotely close to this, I'm sorry. And again, I fully understand it's a game preview and it will (knock on wood) improve. I'm really HOPING it will improve. Right now though I'll stick to other games that feel more fleshed out and don't make me feel like a guinea pig.

Edited: spelling and stuff.

I think that is all cool and totally your opinion but, honestly, this line that Microsoft has blundered the release is just not right. All the problems that are hilarious and being laughed at in the tech threads (low/missing textures, marshmallow houses that don't have working doors, bad frame rates) are all totally legitimate technical issues and, if you can't get past them, then yeah they're 'game breaking'. But they've also all existed on the PC since release (and still do in a lot of cases?). That version has been out for nine months and has become the most played and arguably the biggest game in the world while having all of those issues. I just find it weird that they're just being discovered by a load of people now and people are outraged by it. There's an amazing game under those tech problems. To shout about Microsoft botching the release and the fact that it's pre-alpha is just a bit far. Microsoft have published (not even developed) a console version of the janky PC game that 3 million people at a time are currently playing on Steam. I get that you might hate it, but what's on console is PUBG. There isn't a version of it that is bug-less with flawless performance that everyone else is playing and Xbox users are being cheated or robbed. They've released the game as it exists. It may be janky and have a rough frame rate, but that didn't stop people discussing it for GOTY awards and breaking records with sales and playtime.


Oct 25, 2017
No. If anything the issues are being glossed over by millions of people. And the shit isn't exaggerated. It's fucking awful. I'm not gonna speak to the PC version but Xbox? I can't actually believe there are people who play this and think it's good. Pretty fucking crazy man. Legit blows my mind. Textures are PS1 level. Framerate atrocious. HDR broken. Controls are the worst and unresponsive. Everything about the game on Xbox is trash. No hyperbole. Just pure trash. Super happy w Xbox Support for giving me my refund

It's legit the worst game I've ever played in my life.

This seems to be the redux of people complaining about xbox insider updates after they signed up for them

If you don't think it is acceptable never buy games from game preview


EDIT: also whats strange is blaming microsoft for these issues. I get that microsoft advertised this game, but of course they did its the biggest game in the world even partially broken. But microsoft would have allowed bluehole to publish on xbox in the exact same state even if the game had only sold 100,000 on pc

The Futurist

Oct 25, 2017
No. If anything the issues are being glossed over by millions of people. And the shit isn't exaggerated. It's fucking awful. I'm not gonna speak to the PC version but Xbox? I can't actually believe there are people who play this and think it's good. Pretty fucking crazy man. Legit blows my mind. Textures are PS1 level. Framerate atrocious. HDR broken. Controls are the worst and unresponsive. Everything about the game on Xbox is trash. No hyperbole. Just pure trash. Super happy w Xbox Support for giving me my refund

It's legit the worst game I've ever played in my life.

Hyperbole to the max right here.


Oct 23, 2017
I mean, come on. We've got articles from super reputable sites such as Digital Foundry saying the game straight up performs badly. What I'm saying isn't crazy. In fact, since I've never played the PC version I could arguably be a gauge of what the average consumer who's trying PUBG on the X1 for the first time is thinking. The game doesn't have a great first impression....at all.

When I play Rainbow 6 Siege, for instance, there are some janky ass things that happen in that game. I've seen shit like Tachanka's turret glitching out and floating in the air in the middle of the room. Sometimes you'll be watching another player and you can't see their hands, just a gun wobbling around on the screen. These are all silly, stupid glitches that are at the end of the day humorous because the gameplay is super rock solid.

PUBG as stands now ain't remotely close to this, I'm sorry. And again, I fully understand it's a game preview and it will (knock on wood) improve. I'm really HOPING it will improve. Right now though I'll stick to other games that feel more fleshed out and don't make me feel like a guinea pig.

Edited: spelling and stuff.
The issue is you're comparing a game that's had consistent patching and changes over a couple years to a game that just released in Game Preview. This game has never been advertised as a game that is super polished or feature complete. Even on PC, it is just now leaving Early Access in a couple days. The game preview program is exactly what you say you don't want to be. A way for us to "guinea pig" a game. Expecting a game in the game preview program to be running wonderfully at launch shouldn't be expected. I bought Ark on game preview and it ran worse than PUBG does now for me. I'll take that.

It definitely isn't for everyone tho, and some people can't take the framerate or bugs that are in what we have now in the game, and that's totally cool. But, if people are having fun with the game as it is right now, that's all that matters and it should improve because there are definitely things to improve upon.


Oct 27, 2017
So funny to see all the press trying to force the "this game is unplayable"-stamp, yet people simply don't give a fuck and it will be (probably) at the top of the most played games in the store next week.


Oct 27, 2017
No. If anything the issues are being glossed over by millions of people. And the shit isn't exaggerated. It's fucking awful. I'm not gonna speak to the PC version but Xbox? I can't actually believe there are people who play this and think it's good. Pretty fucking crazy man. Legit blows my mind. Textures are PS1 level. Framerate atrocious. HDR broken. Controls are the worst and unresponsive. Everything about the game on Xbox is trash. No hyperbole. Just pure trash. Super happy w Xbox Support for giving me my refund

It's legit the worst game I've ever played in my life.


Anyways, my friends and I had a lot of fun last night playing the "legit worst game [saltyramen has] ever played" in his life. And we plan on playing more this weekend. Choose not to believe that people can think it's good all you want. We're doing it anyways. What rebels we are.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
No. If anything the issues are being glossed over by millions of people. And the shit isn't exaggerated. It's fucking awful. I'm not gonna speak to the PC version but Xbox? I can't actually believe there are people who play this and think it's good. Pretty fucking crazy man. Legit blows my mind. Textures are PS1 level. Framerate atrocious. HDR broken. Controls are the worst and unresponsive. Everything about the game on Xbox is trash. No hyperbole. Just pure trash. Super happy w Xbox Support for giving me my refund

It's legit the worst game I've ever played in my life.



Oct 27, 2017
You must have played very few game preview games if this is the worst for you. Had this been a full finished game, yes i would have agreed all the way but this is game preview and i fully expect a much more polished experience when it eventually releases officially.
What other games were in Game Preview for Xbox? I would probably say I missed them. Still doesn't subtract from the fact that this is the worst thing that I have played in my life. Not talking PC.

This seems to be the redux of people complaining about xbox insider updates after they signed up for them

If you don't think it is acceptable never buy games from game preview


EDIT: also whats strange is blaming microsoft for these issues. I get that microsoft advertised this game, but of course they did its the biggest game in the world even partially broken. But microsoft would have allowed bluehole to publish on xbox in the exact same state even if the game had only sold 100,000 on pc
Lesson learned. I won't ever again. When did I blame Microsoft. I thanked them for giving me my damn refund.

Hyperbole to the max right here.
Do you not know the definition of hyperbole? None of what I said is "exaggerated". The textures are shit. The HDR is broken. The controls are atrocious. The framerate is garbage. It's a heaping piece of shit objectively. Jesus Christ.


Anyways, my friends and I had a lot of fun last night playing the "legit worst game [saltyramen has] ever played" in his life. And we plan on playing more this weekend. Choose not to believe that people can think it's good all you want. We're doing it anyways. What rebels we are.
Yeah. It is literally the most unfathomable thing I have come across in video game history. How you guys ride for this. I genuinely, whole-heartedly can't believe it. Is it just the concept? Any other game with these glaring issues would be fucking crucified.


Oct 29, 2017
The marketing was pretty clear, the fact it was a preview and an unfinished product was plastered everywhere. It's even on the game's box if you buy it physical, it's on the game store's page on Xbox, and it tells you at the start of the game. Too bad there's that pathetic fanboy narrative in the other threads that Microsoft barely ever mentioned it wasn't a finished product to mislead the people. The lenghts people go for the console wars...

Yea I had to flesh out my ignore list due to this. Seems their was a thread here every few hours bashing the game. GAME PREVIEW couldn't have been more clear or plastered across anymore places. Those choosing to ignore it and complain are being purposely obtuse for fanboy warring.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. It is literally the most unfathomable thing I have come across in video game history. How you guys ride for this. I genuinely, whole-heartedly can't believe it. Is it just the concept? Any other game with these glaring issues would be fucking crucified.

You just might not like this gameplay design. I think the design is so strong it can shine through a lot of technical jank. Millions of people on PC agree with me, you don't have to, this just might not be your cup of tea.

If you can think of a game that provides this amount of tension in the final minutes of gameplay I'd be curious to hear about it. Top 10 showdowns in PUBG are so intense they take years off your life. Even in this broken state.


Nov 24, 2017
I have to admit I'm a tad annoyed that it doesn't play better on the X straight out of the gate. I have friends who are console gamers exclusively and I have been hyping this game up since early this year. One of them bought it and he said it ran pretty badly on his X. I feel like I let him down telling him how good it was.

I wanted it to be at least on par with my experience of the game on mid range PC around may/june but it doesn't even seem to manage that. Do we have an ETA on a patch?


Oct 29, 2017
I think that TV is exactly like mine (KS8000). It's dark, but not bad. Just need to mess with brightness a bit.

Yea my TV is the previous years version of that TV. I have my PQ settings calibrated to look good regardless of material being played.I use my Xbox for cable TV passthrough, gaming, video streaming and 4k Blu ray. It took awhile to get it right but you can tweak it so everything looks good without changing options on the TV for every type of material being played. I'm also not using any type of game mode on the TV, I'm lucky to not be able to notice controller lag, still plays smooth for me.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017

And 500,000 of them are now asking for a refund.

Speaking of which I just tried to get a refund and they declined it so looks I'm going to have to eat this one. I guess in one sense it's good since I'll be able to track the game and see how it progresses - hopefully to a state to where I'm enjoying it. I WANT to like this game....maybe it'll happen by force since I can't get the refund.

The person I was dealing with said quote "Every person who has asked for a refund on this game has been declined since it's a digital download". Makes me think alot of people have tried this as well.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
And 500,000 of them are now asking for a refund.

Speaking of which I just tried to get a refund and they declined it so looks I'm going to have to eat this one. I guess in one sense it's good since I'll be able to track the game and see how it progresses - hopefully to a state to where I'm enjoying it. I WANT to like this game....maybe it'll happen by force since I can't get the refund.

The person I was dealing with said quote "Every person who has asked for a refund on this game has been declined since it's a digital download". Makes me think alot of people have tried this as well.

To be fair, the article said 1,000,000 players.


Oct 25, 2017
Since it is digital how do you play without BUYING? Doubt many are using the share technique for it.

the only way i can think of is if you have another gametag playing on the console.. ie. you bought it with your primary account, yer buddy visits to try it out and tries it with his gamertag.

that would obviosuly be a really small % amount in the 1mil players though...


Oct 27, 2017
And 500,000 of them are now asking for a refund.

Speaking of which I just tried to get a refund and they declined it so looks I'm going to have to eat this one. I guess in one sense it's good since I'll be able to track the game and see how it progresses - hopefully to a state to where I'm enjoying it. I WANT to like this game....maybe it'll happen by force since I can't get the refund.

The person I was dealing with said quote "Every person who has asked for a refund on this game has been declined since it's a digital download". Makes me think alot of people have tried this as well.
salty bro -- i feel bad bc i was able to get one. how many hrs did you have in the game?


Oct 27, 2017
Cleveland Ohio
I feel the gameplay issues have been exagerrated for people who aren't playing the game because of the tone (and some aggressive commentary) in the DF article, and more importantly, things like the Crowbcat video being seen as indicative of general gameplay.

That said, things like the hilarious movement for setting a motorcycle back up after it's fallen is some Grade-A jank. I don't want to overstate things to imply the game is ideal as-is, but I don't bother with broken games, and I already have at least seven hours into this version.
I agree...The input lag seems to be a YMMV thing as well. The DF guy on here said it was horrendous. Seems fine to me and that is something I am very sensitive to and would notice immetiately


Oct 26, 2017
Any explanation why there isn't a trial version? I think it's pretty disgusting that there's nothing in place for automatic refunds for a game in this state in a game preview program.


Oct 27, 2017
North East, UK
Just got my first chicken dinner with a squad of mates.

Man that feeling!! Our bums were all a bit tight in that last circle, man! All lived too!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What other games were in Game Preview for Xbox? I would probably say I missed them. Still doesn't subtract from the fact that this is the worst thing that I have played in my life. Not talking PC.

Lesson learned. I won't ever again. When did I blame Microsoft. I thanked them for giving me my damn refund.

Do you not know the definition of hyperbole? None of what I said is "exaggerated". The textures are shit. The HDR is broken. The controls are atrocious. The framerate is garbage. It's a heaping piece of shit objectively. Jesus Christ.

Yeah. It is literally the most unfathomable thing I have come across in video game history. How you guys ride for this. I genuinely, whole-heartedly can't believe it. Is it just the concept? Any other game with these glaring issues would be fucking crucified.

Sombra: "You're taking this very seriously."