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Oct 25, 2017
Hnnng, I just realized the woman warrior in Civil War is Ayo, and that she's also in Black Panther with Nakia and Okoye. Super awesome! We just need Aneka and we have the Midnight Angels.

[edit] Okay, fuck it, I'm on maximum hype for the Black Panther movie!

This looks like an entrance to a mine with vibranium in it. The Great Mound?

I wonder what area this is in?

Welcome to the Golden City!

The King rejects all them bullets!

At his throne inside the Golden City. Black Panther better win an award for best costumes and design.

I likewise wonder what all those signs says, is it a Korean train station? It looks high-tech. A line from South Korea into Wakanda? Although in the comic books the only entrance is the open border near Niganda and the Nyanza lake.

Is this at the mines? It seems like a underground high-speed railway.

Hopefully Erik Killmonger turns out to be more than a Black Panther copycat. His suit looks dope nonetheless.

This is my favorite shot from any of the trailers, and I hope this entire fight scene is in the final movie. It's also the perfect showcase of his night-vision goggles.


Heart-shaped herbs!

This entire scene in Korea is gonna be tense and sick if the Comic Con description is to be believed.

I'm impressed with a lot of the costuming in this movie, especially the tribes, but man it would be a lie to say I wouldn't want all of T'Challa's clothing!

To the King! Hail the King! Why I've never thought about dressing a piece of clothes on top of a suit like that.

To those who haven't seen the new map from Coates' run:

I hope the movie will not just be all high paced action, but also give us time to breath to take the scenery all in. The trailers gives another impression, but I'm hopeful they'll let us breathe.
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Oct 25, 2017
I like that they also have walk-over bridges where people can walk over if there's too many folks down below. And the baskets that is for sale, but I see nobody carrying them on their heads, it's pretty useful and we do so in Asia. I should travel there and share my tip lol.

I really hope Ryan Coogler gives us time to breathe so we can take in all the scenery, so it's not just all-out action.

I would also like to see the Hatut Zeraze but it wouldn't fit with T'Challa's rule and his distaste towards secret police and shadowy organizations. That was more a thing of his father but I hope they are still out there, since they are loyal to the throne and may just be waiting for the right time to come forward and be useful. But then again, he got the Dora Milaje already.


Elizabeth Olsen wrapped filming on Avengers 4 yesterday.

Karen Gillan Describes Her Experience Working On The Set Of AVENGERS 4
"I don't know how chaotic it is. It's just an extremely long shoot with so many characters. Logistically, it must be a challenge for them to schedule it. I guess that's where the chaos comes from," the actress said.

Gillan added, "But, it's so much fun. In terms of atmosphere on set, it's one of the best I've ever experienced. Everybody is just having a really good time, at least of what I've seen. They've set a really nice tone for the environment, so I'm having a good time."

"I think I'm most impressed with the producers who organized the whole thing," she said. "To get half of the movie stars in the world together, at the same time, I don't even know how they do it when they all have other projects going on. I'm most impressed by the people that are organizing the thing."
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Oct 25, 2017
New Avengers: Infinity War promotional art on new t-shirts:



Also, here's a new batch of images of Black Panther from the latest Empire issue.
Seems that scene in the forest I love is featured in the magazine so I guess there's a big chance it'll end up in the final film.

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Dec 15, 2017
Maan if black panther doesn't win some kind of award for costume design, it'll be a shame


Oct 25, 2017
BossLogic drew up Jake Gyllenhaal as Marc Spector:


The masked one looks great:


Netflix, where is my Moon Knight show!?
I wonder if we will even get any more heroes besides Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Punisher. Doesn't seem like Netflix wanna explore much and are fine with their current contracts and just bringing new seasons to all the shows. I would like them to nail Iron Fist and bring a stronger season to Luke Cage first, but in time, I wouldn't mind Moon Knight or even Blade on Netflix.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
BTW, some of the LEGO sets for Black Panther and Infinity War give some spoilers I guess, but nothing too crazy. The BP sets kinda give away some things what will probably be in the scenes of the movie that we already know about. The Infinity War sets (none have pics yet) give away battles and a potential plot thread for a main character.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
BTW, some of the LEGO sets for Black Panther and Infinity War give some spoilers I guess, but nothing too crazy. The BP sets kinda give away some things what will probably be in the scenes of the movie that we already know about. The Infinity War sets (none have pics yet) give away battles and a potential plot thread for a main character.


Oct 25, 2017
BTW, some of the LEGO sets for Black Panther and Infinity War give some spoilers I guess, but nothing too crazy. The BP sets kinda give away some things what will probably be in the scenes of the movie that we already know about. The Infinity War sets (none have pics yet) give away battles and a potential plot thread for a main character.

This was the exact picture I was thinking of as an reply when reading heh. It wouldn't surprise me if Kraven was even a part of Black Panther's Lego sets.


Oct 25, 2017
They should announce Iron-Man 4 and have RDJ cameo and show him with the most focus in all the trailers but then actually have Iron Heart as the main character lol. Passing on the mantle, and a billion dollars thinking they came to see RDJ.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
LOOOL, I knew you guys were gonna post that pic. But seriously, that was the one rare exception in regards to the movie tie in sets. They've been pretty spot on since that Iron Man 3 set. And like I said, nothing in those sets seems too wild or out of place, just has some accessories/characters that weren't shown in the trailers that take place during certain scenes they have shown in the trailers.


Oct 25, 2017
Empire magazine had a talk to Peyton Reed in their latest issue, and he had something to say about the four main characters of Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Scott Lang:
"The events of Captain America: Civil War gave us something clear, which is: what was Hank Pym and Hope Van Dyne's reaction to Scott having taken this technology out into the world in Civil War? We had a lot of fun playing around with that. And we play with size and scale a lot. I love the idea of Giant-Man."

Hank Pym:
"The events of Civil War, and how Scott reacted to that, have thrown a big wrench into the works. But his curiosity has been reawakened about the Quantum Realm and whether Janet's still alive down there."

Janet van Dyne:
"She's a very important character. It's fair to say if someone were to have spent thirtysomething years in the Quantum Realm and survived, it would have an effect. What did she eat? All she eats is cereal called Quantum Krispies."

Hope van Dyne:
"This is really her coming out party as a hero. Her power set is fantastic. She and Scott both shrink, but there the flying, and the fighting style of The Wasp is different from Ant-Man's."

Now I'm looking forward to seeing Hope do some battles, but I'm secretly hoping to see a Michelle Pfeiffer get some shots too.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently reading the Drax comic from 2005, which is pretty much the origin of the modern version of Drax we see in the MCU (from what I understand).

It's so cute to read the fan mail at the end of the first issue. They're like "Wow, what an obscure character to bring back. Interested in where you go with such a limited character"

Fast forward 12 years and Drax is a household name and a solid B-tier Marvel character. He's probably more well known to the masses than the Fantastic Four at this point. Crazy.


Dec 19, 2017
Not much of a reader of superhero comics, I usually read graphic novels like Y: The Last Man (my favourite comic ever), Preacher, 100 Bullets, etc. But since the Infinity War trailer I got hyped and have decided to delve into Marvel. Only comic I'd read previously was a Wolverine comic, and Daredevil's Born Again (can't wait to see how season 3 handles this). Right now I'm halfway through reading Jonathan Hickman's Avengers stuff. First time I'm reading a comic 'event', which is truly annoying as fuck. I think it'll be the last event I suffer through, I'm too old for this shit.

But anyway, although I can see why everyone likes Hickman's Avengers run, I'm getting bogged down by the contrived plot. I mean it's just plot plot plot, not enough character. I'm past the Infinity book at the moment. Very interested to see how the movie represents The Black Order. I'm also curious if Avengers 4 will touch on Incursions as a plot too, that could be very high 'steaks' stuff.

After I'm done with Hickman, I'm gonna read some Punisher. Then Black Panther. Then I'm thinking Captain Marvel. I don't know much about her, but she looks cool as fuck. Then Dr Strange. Then Gwenpool because she looks weird, but sadly cancelled? Damnit there's too much shit to read!!!

Infinity War trailer got me so hyped I did a mini-binge recently. Rewatched Iron Man 1, Avengers 1 and 2, Winter Soldier. Gonna rewatch Civil War next month to prepare for Black Panther.

Marvel got me by the balls. Feige's got a firm grip on them, while staring intently at me with an evil grin.

EDIT: Actually, this will sound weird and dumb, but as a testament to how much Zack Synder has absolutely poisoned the brand of DC, I have zero desire to read any DC comics right now. I grew up loving Batman and Superman. I've read a few Batman comics in the past, a couple Supes. But right now? Zero desire to read any DC. The movies have done a lot of damage to this casual reader, and I suspect many others around the world.


Oct 25, 2017
Got a source for this bit of information?
I think it was Bob Iger who mentioned it in one of their earning calls. I'll see if I can find a source.

[Edit] I found this but still trying to find the original source:

Content Filtering: The service will not feature "R" rated content. This seemingly means that the service will not feature the hard-edged Marvel shows that are currently airing on Netflix or many Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures films. Higher levels of content filtering will be available through the service.
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Oct 25, 2017
Actually, this will sound weird and dumb, but as a testament to how much Zack Synder has absolutely poisoned the brand of DC, I have zero desire to read any DC comics right now. I grew up loving Batman and Superman. I've read a few Batman comics in the past, a couple Supes. But right now? Zero desire to read any DC. The movies have done a lot of damage to this casual reader, and I suspect many others around the world.

Current DC comics are very good and current Marvel comics are kinda lackluster. The movies have no impact either way because people don't really read comics even when they're good.


Dec 19, 2017
Current DC comics are very good and current Marvel comics are kinda lackluster. The movies have no impact either way because people don't really read comics even when they're good.

Yeah I know its weird, but it's like I just have no desire to read those DC characters at this point in my life, and I feel the movies have influenced me. I feel like Namor gives me more entertainment than Aquaman ever could.

I did overcome a hurdle and read a quite recent Superman comic due to high praise, American Alien. But then it turned out Max Landis is a sex fiend like everyone else in the world and now I feel a little dirty and tainted. (but seriously, it was a good comic)

Bit of a divergent rant, but I've decided I hate the Inhumans, I hate their concept, their design, their characters and their smug attitude. I hate how ludicrous Black Bolt is, and am not surprised their TV show flopped. Yes it was led by Marvel's greatest villain Scott Buck, but I just don't think you can bring Inhumans to live-action without it looking goofy as fuck. They would probably work better as an animated show. A mute guy screaming people to death is just too silly in live-action! Feige dodged a bullet when TV got a hold of them I think.

While on my Hickman binge, I also read his FF stuff which was great. It shocked me how badly the movies fucked those characters. I mean I knew they were mishandled, but only after reading FF for the first time do I see how awful the movies have been for FF fans. How do you fuck up Doctor Doom like that? Damn.


Oct 25, 2017
Vincent D'Onofrio Says Kingpin Will "Blow Fans Away" In DAREDEVIL Season 3
"It's hard to top the first season, with Steven DeKnight's writing, but Erik Oleson (the new showrunner) is a very good writer," said D'Onofrio. "I've shot some pretty cool scenes, so far. It's different, but it's very Fisk. It's still very emotional. The character is evolving. His whole deal is based on emotion, so we're taking him down that role further."
D'Onforio added, "There are new focuses and new goals. That's all I can say. If it was up to me, I would go on and on and on about it because it's so interesting, but it's so important to them, for us to keep our mouths shut."
"I can only say that we're doing things that are just going to blow the fans away. We've already shot some things that are just going to be neat for the fans. There's some awesome things that are very much in the history of Fisk and Daredevil, that people have been waiting for. We've already put some of that stuff in the can, and there's a lot more to do. I think they're gonna be very happy."
But given D'Onofrio's status as an in-demand actor, it's interesting that he continues to pop in on the Netflix series. He opened up about his arrangement with Marvel Television, revealing that he has a bit of leeway with how often he appears.

"I have a standing agreement with [Marvel Television president] Jeph Loeb. We made a deal, before the first season, that I could come in and out of the show," D'Onofrio said. "We made an agreement that we would give each other a head's up, throughout the years, so they'd know my availability. So, we picked a particular amount of time that he would give me the heads up on, if they needed me to come in. That particular amount of time, I won't tell you, but that's the agreement that we have."

I really miss Steven S. DeKnight, and I still believe he was the ultimate reason the first season was so great, so I wasn't shocked when the second season wasn't quite up to snuff, but it calms me to hear, that Erik Oleson isn't so bad himself.

I feel like Daredevil S3 have a huge potential to be something great. I'm currently reading the "Born Again" comic book run which is currently on sale over on Comixology, and I am liking it so far. Haven't gotten much further than the Melvin Potter subplot, but the Kingpin is about to enter the frame.


Oct 25, 2017
It'll sure be nice to have DareDevil get away from the ridiculous HAND fuckery. Kingpin is so much more interesting.

Also, who do we think Thanos is talking to when he says his famous trailer line of "This does put a smile on my face"? I'm guessing he's talking to Gamora or Nebula because that sounds like something personal to me.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
The Hand stuff was probably the single most mishandled (heh) aspect of these shows. How do you fuck up mystical ninjas three times?


Dec 19, 2017
Also, who do we think Thanos is talking to when he says his famous trailer line of "This does put a smile on my face"? I'm guessing he's talking to Gamora or Nebula because that sounds like something personal to me.

I imagine he's looking out at a devastated NY or other city, while talking to his main henchman whose name I can't remember. And then he gives an order. Then we cut to Tony looking sad. Because Pepper was in his suit and died.

Kidding, that dumb twist shit better not happen. :|


Oct 25, 2017
I think your right about pepper. I don't see such a personal line like that as a side conversation to one of his generals though.

Why would destroying earth be any more interesting than the hundreds of other random world's he's wiped out that would make this one so much more pleasurable than the rest? Although if the rest of the black order are also his "adopted" children, maybe this is the first time he's brought them along for the fun or something. Seems like more of something he would say to Gamora


Dec 19, 2017
I feel like it's a jovial line, whereas if he's talking to one of our heroes it would be tinged with more venom or mocking. It's a relatively tame and light hearted line compared to other things he could say. But on the other hand, it's a bit exposition-ish too, which is the kind of thing he'd say to our heroes and not one of his own team who'd already know his plan to 'balance the universe'.

So maybe Steve notices Thanos smiling, and he says "You think this is fun?" pointing at a destroyed city, and then Thanos says his line.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it sounds like a "Thanos taunting the heroes" line to me. Like, to show that Thanos fucking up their shit isn't even something he's exerting effort for - it's just a good time.


Oct 25, 2017
I hear that Ryan Coogler's favorite scene in Black Panther is the scene between T'Challa and the previous black panthers from a interview I believe. So I am willing to bet the movie won't all just be action but will have moments where you can absorb the surrounding environments and the history it holds. I know that dreamlike sequence they showed in trailer with the panthers is one of the biggest things I am hyped for. I hope Coogler does justice to it.

Also I am curious about the scene in the international trailer where you see Michael B Jordan, Killmonger's character say take me to the king. He sounds a lot more sincere and genuine?
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Oct 25, 2017
A lotta people gon die and be brought back to life

We already can see that the time stone is used in the trailer when Tony takes off his shades


Oct 25, 2017
A lotta people gon die and be brought back to life

We already can see that the time stone is used in the trailer when Tony takes off his shades
I dunno about "brought back to life" literally.

More like, someone is gonna go back in time, and pull past versions to the present to fight Thanos with newfound knowledge of how much he beats they asses.

Except to see Thanos totally wreck peeps, and then we get a replay where they see it coming and Thanos is like "wtf"

Edge of Tomorrow style.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno about "brought back to life" literally.

More like, someone is gonna go back in time, and pull past versions to the present to fight Thanos with newfound knowledge of how much he beats they asses.
I'm forseeing some DORMAMMU I've come to bargin with you scenes but gone horrivly wrong


Dec 19, 2017
Feige and Russos are shrewd storytellers, I think they know bringing people back to life is cheap as fuck, especially at this point with a savvy audience whose seen that shit too many times. I don't see them doing it, not en mass anyway. I also don't see the Russos trying to do some Lost/Westworld mind-fuckery twist either, which everyone online seems to expect from every media they consume, like they expect that eveything they're witnessing just HAS to be a fucking mystery or twist, storytellers can't just tell a damn story in a simple and effective fashion, oh no, they have to mindfuck the audience! Films this year like The Last Jedi, or War for the Planet of the Apes are plagued with viewers just assuming out of fucking nowhere ridiculous twists that don't materialise and are left disappointed, wallowing in their own mis-

....ahem, rant over.

Here's something I haven't seen discussed much: everyone has talked about the moment Vision loses his gem, but nobody's talking about how Strange is going to lose his. Marvel's not gonna kill him off after just introducing him, so any ideas on how that's going to pan out? Isn't one of the Black Order a master illusionist or something? That would be a sneaky way to defeat Strange and make him give up the time gem.

I can see the events of this movie having repercussions for him going into his next solo movie. Like beating himself up over not being strong enough to protect Earth and holding onto his gem, maybe he'll do drastic things to obtain more mystical power (of course midway through the film he'll look in a mirror and see Mordo smiling back at him, and he'll say "my God, what have I become?", and he realises the Moral of the Story and does not sell his soul for more magic, blah blah blah blah!!!)
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