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Oct 30, 2017
Calling us frauds, or fake women/men would definitely qualify as a negative attitude. What part of biology makes us frauds by the way?

Obviously calling someone a fraud is a negative position, and that's not something I'll do. Would you say that holding a position founded in biology (biological sex) even silently... is the same as calling someone a fraud vocally? Would the former be transphobic? At this point, I'd love the opportunity to rethink my own views... As I've never had this discussion with anyone, let alone someone transgendered.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Obviously calling someone a fraud is a negative position, and that's not something I'll do. Would you say that holding a position founded in biology (biological sex) even silently... is the same as calling someone a fraud vocally? Would the former be transphobic? At this point, I'd love the opportunity to rethink my own views... As I've never had this discussion with anyone, let alone someone transgendered.
"someone transgender*" is the correct grammatical form

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Obviously calling someone a fraud is a negative position, and that's not something I'll do. Would you say that holding a position founded in biology (biological sex) even silently... is the same as calling someone a fraud vocally? Would the former be transphobic? At this point, I'd love the opportunity to rethink my own views... As I've never had this discussion with anyone, let alone someone transgendered.
what is your position?


Oct 30, 2017
"someone transgender*" is the correct grammatical form

Shows my proficiency on the matter lol. Thank you.

what is your position?

Well my position socially is that you're what you identify yourself as, and that it'd bother someone has always puzzled me. Biologically, I do make the distinction (and leave it there, unvocalized) wandering into this thread had me questioning if that makes me transphobic. That horrifies me and it's something I'd like to confront head on.


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously calling someone a fraud is a negative position, and that's not something I'll do. Would you say that holding a position founded in biology (biological sex) even silently... is the same as calling someone a fraud vocally? Would the former be transphobic? At this point, I'd love the opportunity to rethink my own views... As I've never had this discussion with anyone, let alone someone transgendered.

Even if you aren't voicing a bigoted view, it doesn't change what your views are. If you feel that we're not real women because of biological sex, then that's a transphobic view. Its not the same as voicing it vocally, but views like those don't exist in a vacuum. They paint how you interact with us, how you see us obviously, and leads to other problems.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Shows my proficiency on the matter lol. Thank you.

Well my position socially is that you're what you identify yourself as, and that it'd bother someone has always puzzled me. Biologically, I do make the distinction (and leave it there, unvocalized) wandering into this thread had me questioning if that makes me transphobic. That horrifies me and it's something I'd like to confront head on.
you believe that you're born a man or woman (determined by your genitals) and that's the way it'll stay. that is your sex, as defined by your biology and that won't change.
but you would respect if someone of the male sex wanted to identify as female.
am i correct?


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Well isn't a phobia an extreme fear or aversion? Holding a belief that transwomen aren't "real women" seems more a position held in biology vs aversion. I sincerely hope I can say that without being accused of disliking or fearing transwomen. I get where you're coming from, as no one wishes to be thought a fraud and that's more important to be than anything else. Just wondering if "phobia" has been expanded here.

Phobia here isn't used as phobia but more as an ist as in sexist or racist... just the way language evolved on that front.

You're absolutely being transphobic if you insist trans women aren't women and trans men aren't men.


Oct 26, 2017
That was fun. Liked the first one a bit more, but the more laid back approach of the second one was refreshing.
Ugh, now I want more.


Oct 30, 2017
you believe that you're born a man or woman (determined by your genitals) and that's the way it'll stay. that is your sex, as defined by your biology and that won't change.
but you would respect if someone of the male sex wanted to identify as female.
am i correct?

Yes, but I'd only expand to include "reproductive system, chromosomes" with genitals. Is there a better place to discuss this topic? Don't want to completely hijack this one.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, but I'd only expand to include "reproductive system, chromosomes" with genitals. Is there a better place to discuss this topic? Don't want to completely hijack this one.
ok, now i have a question. if you knew someone was transwoman, in your mind would there be a distinction between her and a cis (non trans) woman beyond the fact that you know one was born male and one was born female?


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but I'd only expand to include "reproductive system, chromosomes" with genitals. Is there a better place to discuss this topic? Don't want to completely hijack this one.

Yeah, I'm going to make a big thread for questions about trans people, just taking time to think it through and get good sources and stuff. These questions really don't deal with the specials


Oct 26, 2017
That's not what he says at all. If anyone wants to know without watching the special:

He says he pissed off the trans community and tells the story of a letter a trans fan wrote him about how devestated they were by his material. The letter upset him and while he has a policy to not feel bad about anything he says or does on stage, he felt bad because they felt bad. He tells the joke he think hurt them (a bit about how he thinks Caitlyn Jenner posing nude would be gross, but mostly because he wouldn't have the strength to NOT look at them. This includes a bit about posing Hustler style, with spread lips and a hidden dick).

He said he reflected on the fact that he has a bunch of trans material and asked himself whether or not he has a problem with transgender peoples. He says no, he doesn't and clarifies that he believes they deserve dignity and safety. He also says that, as a black man, he wonders if this level of touchy discourse would exist if white men didn't want to transition. He asks "since when does America give a fuck how we feel on the inside". He goes into another bit about unknowingly dancing with a transwoman at a club, being surprised by that but taking her home and titty fucking her because "those breasts are as real as any others in LA".
One of my best friends is a trans black woman and she's made similar comments about being trans as it relates to being white. Something like that always seems more acceptable in American society if white people want to do that thing. That's an unfortunate reality of American society.
Oct 26, 2017

My thread was closed. Oh well.

I'm sorry for continuing this then, Chappelle fans. :( Believe me when I say I'm truly sorry.

Well isn't a phobia an extreme fear or aversion? Holding a belief that transwomen aren't "real women" seems more a position held in biology vs aversion. I sincerely hope I can say that without being accused of disliking or fearing transwomen. I get where you're coming from, as no one wishes to be thought a fraud and that's more important to be than anything else. Just wondering if "phobia" has been expanded here.

I guess that's the safest route, but damn KetKat's post just above is seriously trolling...

Hint: It's the biological parts, damnit!

Arguing against trans women being women through biology...isn't a good idea. For one, it demonstrates a rather poor understanding of biology. Mutations happen quite often and hormonal conditions are more common than we tend to think.

Actually studying a diverse range of human body types reveals why this is such a poor argument.

1. Sometimes when people are born they don't have male genatalia, but "suddenly" grow it as they grow older due to the lack of an enzyme in utero. See:

Choice quote:
All babies in the womb, whether male or female, have internal glands known as gonads and a small bump between their legs called a tubercle. At around eight weeks, male babies who carry the Y chromosome start to produce dihydro-testosterone in large amounts, which turns the tubercle into a penis. For females, the tubercle becomes a clitoris.

But some male babies are missing the enzyme 5-α-reductase which triggers the hormone surge, so they appear to be born female with no testes and what appears to be a vagina. It is not until puberty, when another huge surge of testosterone is produced, that the male reproductive organs emerge. What should have happened in the womb happens around 12 years later. Their voices deepen and they finally grow a penis.

For Johnny it happened at the age of seven. He claimed that he had never felt like a little girl and was far happier after he fully became a boy.

2. Sometimes women are born with vaginas but have XY and not XX chromosomes. Are these also not women?

Choice quote:

Atwood is not a freak -- nor is she half-man, half-woman. But her DNA says she's a man. That's because she has male chromosomes, an X and a Y, instead of two Xs, like most females. It's a disorder of sexual development in the womb called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, or AIS. It can be passed down through the mother or occur as a spontaneous mutation.

"There are probably about seven-and-a-half thousand people, women, in the U.S. with the condition," said Dr. Charmian Quigley, a pediatric endocrinologist.

Despite the male chromosomes, Quigley said, women with AIS are just that -- women.

"They have a vagina, like anybody else's," she said, "but it's basically just a pouch, it's not connected to a uterus. There is no uterus. But what they have internally is testes that you would typically find in a male."

3. Sometimes there's active gene deletion going on that can turn girls with XY chromosomes into boys due to a lack of SRY.

This female-to-male sex reversal almost always happens when a certain gene called SRY, usually carried on the Y chromosome, accidentally ends up on the X chromosome inherited from the father.

Other genes have been found to muddle up sexual identity, making the resulting child neither fully male nor fully female. But in most cases of anatomically complete XX men — who have functional testes, but without a Y are infertile — SRY is involved. For this reason, it has long been called the gene that defines 'maleness'.1

TLDR: Life, and to that extent, biology, is infinitely complex. The universe is more complex than you think. It's ok to say,"I don't know" but arguing that trans women aren't women from a biological perspective is showing a profound misunderstanding of the material within a very, very limited scope. Don't argue biology. Just don't do it. That said, we aren't biologically female. You're right about that. Well, most of us. Not like my friend with androgen sensitivity who transitioned at like 13. That chica has a uterus. Most of us were men and transitioned to women. Otherwise, if we were biologically women why in the fuck would we transition to begin with? But the important thing is that because we are biologically male doesn't necessarily mean we are not women.

And alas, here we at the end of the post. Arguing chromosomes and shit in a mother fucking comedy thread. When did the trans community become such bullies?
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017

My thread was closed. Oh well.

I'm sorry for continuing this then, Chappelle fans. :( Believe me when I say I'm truly sorry.

Arguing against trans women being women through biology...isn't a good idea. For one, it demonstrates a rather poor understanding of biology. Mutations happen quite often and hormonal conditions are more common than we tend to think.

Actually studying a diverse range of human body types reveals why this is such a poor argument.

1. Sometimes when people are born they don't have male genatalia, but "suddenly" grow it as they grow older due to the lack of an enzyme in utero. See:

Choice quote:

2. Sometimes women are born with vaginas but have XY and not XX chromosomes. Are these also not women?

Choice quote:

3. Sometimes there's active gene deletion going on that can turn girls with XY chromosomes into boys due to a lack of SRY.

TLDR: Life, and to that extent, biology is infinitely complex. The universe is more complex than you think. It's ok to say,"I don't know" but arguing that trans women aren't women from a biological perspective is showing a profound misunderstanding of the material within a very, very limited scope. Don't argue biology. Just don't do it. That said, we aren't biologically female. You're right about that. Well, most of us. Not like my friend with androgen sensitivity who transitioned at like 13. Most of us were men and transitioned to women. Otherwise, if we were biologically women why in the fuck would we transition to begin with? But the important thing is that because we are biologically male doesn't necessarily mean we are not women.

And alas, here we at the end of the post. Arguing chromosomes and shit in a mother fucking comedy thread. When did the trans community become such bullies?

Thank you for this.


Oct 25, 2017
These were hilarious. His criticism of Trump was way more creative and hilarious than I expected.

The trans thing... he treated it like he treats any other racial group. I think his explanation that as a policy he never feels bad for what he says on stage makes sense, but I thought it was heartfelt how he said the letter from a trans fan got to him and made him think.

Loved both shows, hope he does more.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
When he said his mother was half white, my immediate thought was, "How come we didn't get you in the draft?"

The Driver

Oct 25, 2017
Got through the first special. Probably the most consistently funniest out of all his specials this year so far.

His trans material was better than the last two as well though I can understand people still not caring for it.


Oct 25, 2017
1: It was already tried and locked considering it was only made to completely divert (on topic) talk from something that is very much related

2: I see a lot of comments about the special in question.
Rubbish. Maybe 30 of the 85 posts on this page are related to Chappelle and/or these specials.


Oct 28, 2017
User has been banned one month for transphobic content.
If they say it not to my face, they're also wrong. The views that we're not real women/men are wrong. And I don't know how you can sit there and tell me that they aren't terrible people for holding views like that. People who hold bigoted views are terrible people.
I'm genuinely trying to be as cautious as I can saying this (because I don't want to be an asshole or insult anyone), but I disagree that people who think transgender women aren't real women are wrong. How so?

I mean, genetically/biologically/scientifically speaking they simply aren't, that's just a fact. I appreciate that must be a hard thing to accept when you so desperately want to be something you aren't/weren't but you can't just say "I want to be X thing so I simply am, anyone arguing against this or asking how/why is a bad person", that's just not how life works.

What, is a feral little boy raised by wolves, accepted into their pack, eating raw meat, walking naked on all fours, barking and howling, is he a real wolf? Of course not.

Again, I appreciate this can be a hard thing to come to terms with, and I'm not suggesting that transgender individuals should be made to feel in any way unwelcome or uncomfortable, and I think society still has a long way to go in terms of this acceptance.

But the answer isn't a petulant "this is the way it is because I say it is" tantrum, then insisting that you're clearly an awful human being if you think otherwise.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Arizona, USA
Dave Chappelle is great at stand-up.

His second special was really interesting. The smaller venue. The close camera shots. His positioning on a stool. The tapping of his mic for beats. His seemingly improvised jokes. He just has a bunch of routines memorized that he can mix and match on stage.

Multiple times in both stand-up routines he went beyond just telling jokes. The story of Emmet Till, Pimp etc.

I found it interesting how Dave talked about knowing about Hollywood when he left. Knowing you only have a certain amount of time before you are used up.

You can sense a bit of anger over how he was treated by the media when he spoke up in his own way and stormed off versus how the women speaking up with specific stories are treated. This is a theme running through both specials. There is a theme of being wronged and being betrayed by others in show business who were ready to step in his place for speaking out.

From the previous special he said "you were in on the heist, you're just mad about your cut" when referencing white women.

Dave is obviously listening to his critics, but I think it's a matter of balancing those critics and maintaining/evolving his comedic persona.

Because Dave on stage is his comedic persona and not who he is. It may be bits of him placed influencing the overall story, but it's all in service of the jokes.

I think that's what I found most interesting about these specials. His splicing of outside narrative and historical work into the framework of modern jokes that work for his comedic persona.

I'm trying to imagine another comedian touring with that material and still making it work. I think one of Dave's gifts as a comedian is his ability to just control audiences and hold them. He's a great storyteller. I understand his specials make it look easy, but working with his material in any other context seems like it would be a fight in random comedy clubs. Dave's using his talent and reputation to evolve or re-energize the format of stand-up. I'm sure others have done what Dave is doing, but I was extremely impressed by both specials.
Excellent post! I love the workmanship of standup.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely trying to be as cautious as I can saying this (because I don't want to be an asshole or insult anyone), but I disagree that people who think transgender women aren't real women are wrong. How so?

I mean, genetically/biologically/scientifically speaking they simply aren't, that's just a fact. I appreciate that must be a hard thing to accept when you so desperately want to be something you aren't/weren't but you can't just say "I want to be X thing so I simply am, anyone arguing against this or asking how/why is a bad person", that's just not how life works.

What, is a feral little boy raised by wolves, accepted into their pack, eating raw meat, walking naked on all fours, barking and howling, is he a real wolf? Of course not.

Again, I appreciate this can be a hard thing to come to terms with, and I'm not suggesting that transgender individuals should be made to feel in any way unwelcome or uncomfortable, and I think society still has a long way to go in terms of this acceptance.

But the answer isn't a petulant "this is the way it is because I say it is" tantrum, then insisting that you're clearly an awful human being if you think otherwise.

The reality is that "it's biology, deal with it" is a legitimately unintelligent argument to make, because it is incredibly rare that the people making the argument turn out to be actual biologists. Biology does not contradict a trans person's gender because gender is not under the purview of biology.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely trying to be as cautious as I can saying this (because I don't want to be an asshole or insult anyone), but I disagree that people who think transgender women aren't real women are wrong. How so?

I mean, genetically/biologically/scientifically speaking they simply aren't, that's just a fact. I appreciate that must be a hard thing to accept when you so desperately want to be something you aren't/weren't but you can't just say "I want to be X thing so I simply am, anyone arguing against this or asking how/why is a bad person", that's just not how life works.

What, is a feral little boy raised by wolves, accepted into their pack, eating raw meat, walking naked on all fours, barking and howling, is he a real wolf? Of course not.

Again, I appreciate this can be a hard thing to come to terms with, and I'm not suggesting that transgender individuals should be made to feel in any way unwelcome or uncomfortable, and I think society still has a long way to go in terms of this acceptance.

But the answer isn't a petulant "this is the way it is because I say it is" tantrum, then insisting that you're clearly an awful human being if you think otherwise.

Then maybe don't suggest that we're frauds or that its at all comparable to someone raised by wolves, like what? Read through this some :


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished up and they were absolutely wonderful in two distinct ways. First was hilarious, the 2nd just insightful. Damn, sad to think it might be a while till we get new material now.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely trying to be as cautious as I can saying this (because I don't want to be an asshole or insult anyone), but I disagree that people who think transgender women aren't real women are wrong. How so?

I mean, genetically/biologically/scientifically speaking they simply aren't, that's just a fact. I appreciate that must be a hard thing to accept when you so desperately want to be something you aren't/weren't but you can't just say "I want to be X thing so I simply am, anyone arguing against this or asking how/why is a bad person", that's just not how life works.

What, is a feral little boy raised by wolves, accepted into their pack, eating raw meat, walking naked on all fours, barking and howling, is he a real wolf? Of course not.

Again, I appreciate this can be a hard thing to come to terms with, and I'm not suggesting that transgender individuals should be made to feel in any way unwelcome or uncomfortable, and I think society still has a long way to go in terms of this acceptance.

But the answer isn't a petulant "this is the way it is because I say it is" tantrum, then insisting that you're clearly an awful human being if you think otherwise.
Bye bye
Oct 26, 2017
I mean I shouldn't have to tell you thqat in this case, shade can be cast both ways lol


My lesson to you is when arguing against people who try to use science against us, use science against them. Remember first and foremost that what we have is a medical condition, not an identity. The reason he did not acquiesce before my post is because y'all tend to concentrate too much on identity. The world does not respect identity. The world respects facts and results. Just keep that in mind.
Oct 25, 2017

My lesson to you is when arguing against people who try to use science against us, use science against them. Remember first and foremost that what we have is a medical condition, not an identity. The reason he did not acquiesce before my post is because y'all tend to concentrate too much on identity. The world does not respect identity. The world respects facts and results. Just keep that in mind.

I do use science. You will rarely find me being critical of transphobia using just emotion.
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