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Hopes and Dreams SAVE the World
Oct 26, 2017
That's exactly what he did. What do you think the whole thing about sports illustrated is? The man pussy joke isn't a joke about her surgery. It ties back the wheaties box. The entire special is about white privilege.

(e: and honestly, that's always been the angle of his comedy. )

About Dolezal:
Do you really, honestly, genuinely believe that his joke about Jenner posing nude was in any way a commentary on "the media and how they put Jenner on a pedestal and made her into a 'face of the movement' simply because of her fame, while transgender people of color were around in the spotlight long before her and were and are infinitely more engaged with the community."? Because that is a far, far, far fucking reach.

"… fuck it, I'll just say it for everybody else; YUCK!"
"I dunno why you're gonna cram some man-pussy in the middle of the sports page like this."
"I hope she spreads her lips and there's an itty-bitty dick inside - AAAAAAAAHHHH!"

Jenner being the subject of a joke does not automatically make that joke a commentary on those things I described. The special being about white privilege does not make any joke told during it automatically a commentary on white privilege. This was no commentary. It was a crass joke based in transphobic ideas.

His line about Ali and Jenner clearly was meant to be about white privilege, yet ignored that there is so very much more at play here than just white privilege. It was entirely reductive. And you know what, perhaps if the context was there, I wouldn't have had as much issue with that comment. I understand that you can't explain everything in detail all the time in these types of settings. I get that these types of reductive statements are like that because they can sometimes help make a clearer point about a specific element rather than the whole. And in this case, it is intended to be about white privilege. I get that. But the context it was placed in was crass trans 'jokes' and a rant about how the transgender community are 'bitch-ass niggas' who 'hate' him. And in that context, it becomes more than 'just' a comment on white privilege to me. The context it was placed in diminished the point he was trying to make.

The Dolezal bit is again a matter of context. I have no issue with the specific part you quote there. But he didn't stick with that part. He followed that up with a lazy 'cut their dicks off' joke about transgender people. The entire bit was in the context of a preceding statement that the trans community supposedly 'hates' him - a statement he concluded his rant about 'sensitive bitch-ass niggas with brittle ears' with. Chappelle bringing up Dolezal in a bit about transgender people is in itself a sign to me that he does not understand why she is so harmful to that community. After making a bit more fun of Dolezal - something I fully support! - he just moves on to the transgender community again, leading into the above 'man-pussy' stuff.

And where did he even once allude to trans people of color and the work they have done, or the violence they face?

So what part of what you quoted is 'exactly what he did' exactly?

Because I saw him do none of it. If I'm being generous, I can admit that I see that he tried to breach some of those topics - but even then I still feel he failed in execution.
I honestly believe you do not understand what the point of his statements were. He was mad that a nigga in the 60s couldn't change his own goddamn name without pissing off white people, that's really it.
And if it was just that, I wouldn't have taken issue with that statement. If it had been in the proper context, I wouldn't have made that comment. Hell, I didn't even bring up this specific line in any of my posts on these specials, because I get what he is trying to say with it - my main issue is with the context around it. I said as much in the first sentence of the post you are quoting. I expanded on that in my response to to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ above.

And by 'context' I don't just mean the context of this one special, but also his previous material about transgender people, and his reaction in this special to the criticisms he received for that.
I am not LGBT, but from those I know who are...things ain't too peachy with them and white LGBT people because of a myriad of reasons that appear to be common. White people are the face of this movement. Not black, latino, asian, whites. LGBT rights would not be were they are if niggas were the fuckin face.
I'm confused. Where did I say white privilege did not exist or had no effect on the movement or the public perception of it?
And it is just a blatent lie to say he did none of what I bolded in the last paragraph, a blatent goddamn lie.
Please read my above response to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and explain to me what part of it is 'a blatant goddamn lie'.

Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
BANNED: Repeated transphobia, disingenuous debate. 1 week.
Do you really, honestly, genuinely believe that his joke about Jenner posing nude was in any way a commentary on "the media and how they put Jenner on a pedestal and made her into a 'face of the movement' simply because of her fame, while transgender people of color were around in the spotlight long before her and were and are infinitely more engaged with the community."? Because that is a far, far, far fucking reach.

Yes, it is commentary that jenner, became this faux icon for transgendered because of the white privilege. Is this some secret?

"… fuck it, I'll just say it for everybody else; YUCK!"
"I dunno why you're gonna cram some man-pussy in the middle of the sports page like this."
"I hope she spreads her lips and there's an itty-bitty dick inside - AAAAAAAAHHHH!"

Jenner being the subject of a joke does not automatically make that joke a commentary on those things I described. The special being about white privilege does not make any joke told during it automatically a commentary on white privilege. This was no commentary. It was a crass joke based in transphobic ideas.

I've honestly been waiting for this. This joke was about this "old fuck" on sport illustrated. Now about jenner being trans.

His line about Ali and Jenner c learly was meant to be about white privilege, yet ignored that there is so very much more at play here than just white privilege. It was entirely reductive. And you know what, perhaps if the context was there, I wouldn't have had as much issue with that comment. I understand that you can't explain everything in detail all the time in these types of settings. I get that these types of reductive statements are like that because they can sometimes help make a clearer point about a specific element rather than the whole. And in this case, it is intended to be about white privilege. I get that. But the context it was placed in was crass trans 'jokes' and a rant about how the transgender community are 'bitch-ass niggas' who 'hate' him. And in that context, it becomes more than 'just' a comment on white privilege to me. The context it was placed in diminished the point he was trying to make.

This read like fuck him cause he called me out.

And where did he even once allude to trans people of color and the work they have done, or the violence they face?

This seems to be a running thread, why should chappelle have to address this? Cause he's black? That's fucked up.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, it is commentary that jenner, became this faux icon for transgendered because of the white privilege. Is this some secret?
This post is such disingenuous bullshit and you know it. Blatant trolling.I know you can't possibly believe that the "man pussy" joke is some genius commentary on white privilege, because if you did, you'd have to be fucking braindead, and clearly you have the ability to form complete sentences.

And when the fuck did that poster ever say Dave is obligated to comment on trans women of color because he's black? YOU are the one making his entire thing, including his transphobic bullshit about race. You're the one using someone's race to excuse their transphobia. When you can use his race to your advantage, it's totally okay, right? "Oh! His ENTIRE act is about white privilege. Every joke that you THINK is really targeted at you is just actually about white privilege. So if you have any problems at all, just remember, Dave is black so he MUST be talking about white privilege 100% of the fucking time. But YOU are a bad person because you think he should talk about trans women of color despite taking time out to make fun of trans people." THAT'S what's fucked up.

I know you don't ACTUALLY think this though, because again, that would make you fucking brain dead. What you're REALLY obviously doing is the very popular conservative tactic of turning around accusations to change the conversation. "No, maybe YOU'RE just racist. Let's waste time talking about that now so I don't have to argue against me being a soul-less fucking monster that refuses to have empathy because I think trans people are FUNNY to make fun of, and I don't give a single fucking shit that these jokes contribute to them being hated and murdered on a daily basis, and I will defend that belief no matter how awful it makes me look because I know most people are on my side!"

I don't even agree with every word Llyrwenne is saying but man.

You people never fucking stop. You just absolutely refuse to have any empathy at all.There's really nothing else that can be said, is there?

If you or anyone else wants to respond with "well if you act so aggressive you'll push people awaaaaayyyybbblllahblahblaaah". I really don't give a single fuck. You people have made it completely clear that there is absolutely no argument, no appeal to humanity or decency, that will dig you out of the depth of your hate and apathy.

And I will still be able to say I have more respect for Dave Chapelle for at least trying instead of throwing out bullshit, disingenuous obvious trolling.

I'm not religious, but if a hell exists, I hope you end up there. If you absolutely refuse, if you have to just continue to dig your heels and REFUSE to have any empathy for us, then I have none to spare for you.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
User was banned (2 months): Egregious denial of a fellow poster's transgender identity, personal attacks, prior ban in similar topic.
Perhaps it isn't specifically mentioned because the context in which he makes that point is the real issue?
Or perhaps because the point he attempts to make with that line isn't exactly a stunning revelation?
Is it really that shocking that it was harder for a black man in the 1960s to change his name than it is in 2016 for a transgender person to change their gender, or for any person to change their name for that matter?
Wasn't it also easier for Cox to change her name and gender long before Jenner even came out?
Isn't it more indicative of changes in society rather than any specific 'white privilege' thing?

Perhaps there is a point to be made that the transgender community was 'accepted' faster because white people are part of it. But to imply that it started with Jenner? Or that it is 'insulting to black people'? Or to make that point in just one line through a comparison to what a black man went through in the 1960s? Or to do it in the context of the material that he preceded and followed it with? Or to ignore transgender people of color and their work for the community and how they were in the spotlight long before Jenner? To not even mention the violence transgender people of color face?

That's not honest. It doesn't show much understanding or insight or respect.

If he had wanted to make a point about white privilege, he could've talked about the higher levels of violence that transgender people of color face. Or about the media and how they put Jenner on a pedestal and made her into a 'face of the movement' simply because of her fame, while transgender people of color were around in the spotlight long before her and were and are infinitely more engaged with the community. Or about people like Dolezal hijacking the struggles of other groups and how harmful and insulting she is to both the transgender and black communities.

But he didn't do those things.

Uhhh. I can tell you're not trans. I'm cackling tbh.

Name change is one thing. Getting your gender marker changed is another. Some states, like mine, (mostly) do not allow you to get both the name and the marker changed at the same time. This means you'll have an ID that says [girl name] with a Male gender marker. Anyone who you show your ID can abuse this to be discriminatory, especially police. And here's the rub, sometimes getting the marker changed can be tough. Over here in my state, one of the best ways to get the marker changed is by paying a premium fee of about 1000 + dollars to get your marker changed when visiting a trans judge who takes advantage of the fact that people are willing to pay for such a thing. The fact we are willing to pay that fee should tell you everything. But this also prices a lot of people out. This is without mentioning changing your documents on social security card, something a lot of jobs require. Good way to out yourself when the state makes it literally impossible to get a document like that changed and you live in a Trump federal gov. It's easier to get your name changed to be true. But let's not pretend that every state is like California. TBH you come across as disingenuous because you're arguing things you're barely knowledgeable about much less don't know the fear of handing a police officer an ID with a M on it. Fuck outta here.


Oct 25, 2017
Uhhh. I can tell you're not trans. I'm cackling tbh.

Name change is one thing. Getting your gender marker changed is another. Some states, like mine, (mostly) do not allow you to get both the name and the marker changed at the same time. This means you'll have an ID that says [girl name] with a Male gender marker. Anyone who you show your ID can abuse this to be discriminatory, especially police. And here's the rub, sometimes getting the marker changed can be tough. Over here in my state, one of the best ways to get the marker changed is by paying a premium fee of about 1000 + dollars to get your marker changed when visiting a trans judge who takes advantage of the fact that people are willing to pay for such a thing. The fact we are willing to pay that fee should tell you everything. But this also prices a lot of people out. This is without mentioning changing your documents on social security card, something a lot of jobs require. Good way to out yourself when the state makes it literally impossible to get a document like that changed and you live in a Trump federal gov. It's easier to get your name changed to be true. But let's not pretend that every state is like California. TBH you come across as disingenuous because you're arguing things you're barely knowledgeable about much less don't know the fear of handing a police officer an ID with a M on it. Fuck outta here.



Oct 27, 2017
Well I apologize if I'm incorrect. Just seemed to be quite ignorant of the overall process.
you don't get to decide who is trans or not in the first place. You should know how hurtful it is to say to anyone trans "you aren't trans" is in the first place.

Just cause someone maybe ignorant on issues affecting trans people from your perception doesn't mean they arent trans. So many children, tweens, teenagers, young adults and even older trans people who are just realising who they are are starting their journey of learning all these things about living as trans.
Your sweeping generalisation was petty and childish.
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