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Oct 30, 2017
Actually, let's talk about my argumentation:

Ya see, when you paraphrase someone, what it does is force them to respond with what they meant:

As opposed to what they said:

Which makes debating their actual point infintely more efficient. Which makes for a better discussion.
Of course there is merit to it to make their points more clear, or get feedback on what you understand from their point, but most of the time it's just used as an disingenuous rhetoric to simply discredit someone in bad faith, get them riled up and to get them to defend themselves and basically forcing them to distance themselves from their "alleged" point they didn't even make, because if they don't distance themselves, everyone simply aligns that point (or an altered variation) with the poster, despite never actually making it. It also puts the poster in a defensive position, no matter what and stops the discussion from developing in most scenarios.

In this topic we have many suggestions and guidelines as to what a better discussion should look like, but many of these don't actually want discussion. Just like I initially wrote in this topic, they want their opinion validated and echoed, instead of challenged or even just seeing an opinion that is divergent to theirs and all the people demanding more and stricter bans just really emphasize that kind of thinking. It's only human to react that way, but it doesn't make for a good discussion foundation.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to be honest, I didn't report it because due to precedent I was not sure that it would be reportable and I wanted them to continue talking to clarify

Stating this forum is anti-white is as clear trolling as you can get. None of the rules or registration for this site says you need to be a certain skin colour to sign up.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Guys cmon, seriously, I mocked the concept of dog-piling earlier as it's not really a thing, but continually quoting what is a clear troll post and acting like it's serious is making that a reality.

Out of everyone who has now quoted that troll post, how many of you used the report button? Don't on the same cuff then complain about mods not cleaning up a topic because you quoted something.

I think most of you have been on the internet long enough to know on a public forum, even with a registration system, there will be plenty of trolling. That post is as obvious as it gets. It's probably going to be quoted 35 times before a moderator steps in and says please stop quoting this post.

People came for a show. Let's talk about what's really going on here.


Oct 27, 2017
Ask yourself this: If you're waiting for the facts, why even post in the topic in the first place. Seems kind of pointless "Imma tell you guys that my decision.... will come at a later date lol"
Discussion, that's all.

The point is that taking the allegations seriously should be the priority. There's no need to post "let's wait and see" or "let's see if anything comes out of this"; this distracts from focusing on the fact that the allegations were made in the first place.

The suggesting that we need to "wait and see" suggests that you don't believe the story, or that you doubt it.

Coming out and telling people you were sexually abused is hard enough. Dealing with people doubting whether or not you're telling the truth is the exact reason why that shit's often taken to the grave.
Like I said it can be seen as disrespectful because you doubt the accuser. The thing is that there are sceptic people out there, not everyone is the same - that's what I'm trying to say since the first post.

If one person can post "I've always knew that X was a piece of shit and hope X rots in hell" why can't another post "Let's see what comes out of this"? - especially when the second one actually can evolve into a discussion.

I've seen good discussions around this but most evolve into disrespecting the user that doubts just because he/she is sceptic.

I addressed this in an earlier post to another user:
Great post and I agree. People should be considerate about what they post but you shouldn't treat another user like shit just because of that. There are polite ways to do that and there's no need to ban them because of their opinion. Opinions shouldn't be bannable when in a respectful way.

Discussions are ok. Inflammatory posts and disrespecting users for different opinions isn't.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually like the moderation and warning system on this forum. Bans only get long when the person keeps fucking up. Pretty transparent to me. And on the whole, look at the rest of the internet, this place is actually pretty damn intelligent when it comes to discussion and being thoughtful of other people. I mean, most of the internet is the real trash.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I think it is one of the posts that people around here will say is not "arguing in good faith".
You say that as though you have never heard people who genuinely believe these things.

Nothing about that post sounded like the user didn't honestly believe the bullshit they're spewing. Nothing about it isn't something I haven't heard in real life.

Disingenuous and painfully, idiotically wrong are not the same thing.


Oct 25, 2017
So even though they framed their post in a coherent, polite form of discussion he was banned for wrong-think?

Shouldn't the goal be to counter this guy with more coherent, polite discussion to try to point out where he could be wrong? Banning him in this situation is just saying "we're not interested in what you have to say".

I understand being intolerant of sexism as a site policy, but the form of intolerance should come as a form of discussion rather than saying just shelving a person for a few days. I'm not sure what that solves.

Saying that discussions about sexism are scaring women away from tech fields is egregiously disrespectful and insulting, regardless of it's window dressing. Those words mean a lot to actual real people and the notion that it's some matter of dry academia that perhaps has merit is one of privilege. It's more than an internet argument for people and his words are damaging.


Oct 25, 2017
At what point do we need to coddle posters who refuse to do anything such as read the thread over before posting? For example, usually threads on the first few pages actually take arguements in good faith and arguements happen. Then a new person comes in defending an opinion without knowing all the context, rinse and repeat. It's a cycle at this point. Or even not reading the OP article, to the point where mods had to remake a thread saying 'Read the OP'.

It's not like I disagree with you, of course it isn't going to make ignorance disappear, but aren't you prioritizing the unintentionally ignorant over the minorites and women in the forum? This is an online forum for video games, not the real world. I guess it depends on ERA wants to be shaped in the end though.

All I know is I'm glad I'm not a mod.

It might help to have some "master" threads to link to that clearly and effectively refute most of the common ignorant arguements (without being condescending) so they can be quickly linked to after a user is warned. It's frustrating to me when I see those posts because I know their position is wrong and has been refuted hundreds of times over, but I don't have the information readily available and it feels like too much work to write a research paper in response to one asshole. But maybe if we all chip in (and by "we" I mwill an the women and minorities, not me) and set up these resources it would help? I dunno.


Oct 25, 2017
The negativity has carried over from NeoGAF

The OT used to be an amazing place with tons of topics of different subjects where you could learn about stuff or laugh at wacky antics. Eventually it was taken over by politics, racial issues, fast food threads and endless Disney Entertainement Products (tm) threads.

ResetERA was positive for about a week, then it's back to exactly the same song and routine. The etcetEra should be renamed at "COME GET PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS LATEST EVENT WITH US" at this point

I think we really need a separate sections for politics and horrible news. It is obvious that the negativity is a source of anxiety for many posters and makes this side of the forum 100% toxic. Some of us come to the internet to relax and forget about real life.

The OT used to be a place to have fun, it eventually turned into a receptacle for anger .

EtcetERA is morphing into something like that, but I feel it's getting more aggressive.

The moderation team has to stop avoiding the issue and pretending that the current situation is not problematic. The moderation team has to consider that many users on this forum have to deal with depression and other illness and that the overall negativity is not helping them AT ALL.

We need sub forums to contain certain dangerous topics.

The time to act has come now, unless you want this place to turn into NeoGaf 2.0
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Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You say that as though you have never heard people who genuinely believe these things.

Nothing about that post sounded like the user didn't honestly believe the bullshit they're spewing. Nothing about it isn't something I haven't heard in real life.

I don't use the phrase "arguing in good faith" myself, but I think that post fits the descriptor to a tee. Maybe they believe whatever they say, who knows, but it's clearly either trolling or bullshit to come into a topic like this and drop that post. Mods dealt with it after it was either reported or seen quoted 15 times. I reported it.

One thing this site has that GAF doesn't is a report button, rather than having to PM mods.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I think it is one of the posts that people around here will say is not "arguing in good faith".

And now, check the post message

"User has been banned for a week for racism and dog whistling."

It was as clear as day it was a post made to rile people up in this topic and get quoted non-stop. The rules and FAQ for this forum states none of the nonsense in that post.

Which brings up another problem?

Like I really don't want to question mods' reasoning but why a just week? Why not permanent? If he's a blatant troll like you said, I doubt he's gonna reconsider the error of his ways.


Nov 1, 2017
The community is packed full of shitty, low-effort, toxic, racist/misogynistic men. It just is. That's not even debatable.

People would rather look nice and fair while holding a broom as opposed to actually sweeping.

Again - this is one of many social media platforms. If the whole purpose of this place being made was to escape the toxic, shitty, male atmosphere of NeoGAF (and it was) as personified by its toxic, shitty owner, there is absolutely no fucking reason that people who believe in promoting the recreation of that atmosphere (just in nicer clothes) should be in here. They can go home. Or find a new home where other sour, dunning-kruger afflicted assholes can huddle up and warm themselves with the reassurance they're "really the smart ones" by burning posts from this forum for the next 10 years of their confused lives.

Setting up a bullshit gauntlet so that you can feel better about booting them "fairly" is pointless time wasting and damaging to building the atmosphere this place was explicitly set up to foster. These angry insecure men are not being executed. They're not being silenced. They're not being exiled. They're losing free access to a pop-cultuer messageboard. A fuckin' web forum. There are others. There's a big Orange and White one they're pretty fuckin' familiar with. Waiting with open arms.

I'll debate it, got any data/proof to back up your claims that make them irrefutable?
What I see is a really well moderated community(especially compared to others on the internet) that bans people when they act out of line. It isnt perfect(nothing is) and can always be improved and hopefully will as the mod team expands.


Nov 29, 2017
Put dscussion in a place you don't have to see it? What a conveniant way to ignore the voices of minorites and women because they bother your echo chamber.

Use some personal responsibility.

Actually it's funny because that already exists and there's options here to ignore what you want. There are already separate community sub-forums to enter and talk about hobbies or other stuff. Also there's the ignore button to just not read a thread. Or ignore anything you dislike. Yeah, I was being sarcastic with that message you quoted and see how many people dogpile.

And no, it's not echo chamber when there's threads derailing up and down because of dogpiling or making assumptions, and I'm talking about both sides.


Oct 25, 2017
The negativity has carried over from NeoGAF

The OT used to be an amazing place with tons of topics of different subjects where you could learn about stuff or laugh at wacky antics. Eventually it was taken over by politics, racial stuff, fast food threads and endless Disney Entertainement Products (tm) threads.

ResetERA was positive for about a week, then it's back to exactly the same song and routine. The etcetEra should be renamed at "COME GET PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS LATEST EVENT WITH US" at this point

I think we really need a separate sections for politics and horrible news. It is obvious that the negativity is a source of anxiety for many posters and makes this side of the forum 100% toxic.

The moderation team has to stop avoiding the issue and pretending that the current situation is not problematic.

The time to act has come now.
This is the wrong way to go. The carefree wonderful existence you speak of only exists when people dont have to be worried about their livelihoods and governments. I WILL NOT support removing these facts and putting them in a sub-bubble people can easily ignore.


Oct 25, 2017
So do people just not get that people are gonna fucking talk about what's going on in the world

Not every thread is gonna be people laughing at inept dumbasses who can't wipe their ass
Like shit I don't click on every Trump thread bc I don't care

Is it difficult for you not to click? Are you that fucking troubled?


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Now I'm educated on the subject. That's what I'm talking about.

I don't think when someone makes a conflicting argument, it should be dismissed with a silly joke. People need to be educated so they don't make posts like that again.

That's actually the purpose of the warning system. It's to warn you about flawed argumentation and give you a chance to improve. It's not a personal condemnation of you. It's a condemnation of how the post comes across and how it can be problematic. It's ultimately up to the user to take the warning to heart though and some don't. Certain types of arguments should and do get you banned immediately. Downplaying racism/sexism/sexual assault/homophobia/transphobia consistently across multiple posts will get you an immediate ban.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's how you can handle it.

1. Stop making this an anti-American site.
2. Stop making this an anti-White site.
3. Stop banning people if they aren't anti-American or anti-White.

That would be a good start. The off-topic forum is absolutely littered with anti-American and anti-White rhetoric. How many threads do we have on Trump? Why is America so constantly brought up here? Why are people constantly claiming white people are inherently evil?

It's disgusting.

Good steps to getting rid of the trash is to move the politics to a separate sub-forum. Off-topic shouldn't be primarily a political subforum. That alone would clean up most of the muck here. It's so bad it even spills in to the gaming forum either through people erroneously posting threads there or for some reason bringing politics in to video game discussions.

I'm also going to actually stop visiting this "EtcetCera" part of the site as a way to keep away from the negative vibes present here. I don't see the world as a place of hate and I really don't care to have to view all these hateful attitudes present.
Just saw this post and the swift response. THANK YOU MODS.


Oct 27, 2017
Good thing it exists then, as long as it is respectful and constructive, I think we should be able to complain about moderation and criticize it, unless anyone wants this to become some sort of dictatorship.
I agree. I thought more transparency is one of the points this forum was built on (see:warnings and ban messages).

Being unable to criticise moderation (especially in a young forum like this) seems ridiculous to me.
Of course, it should have a rather more centralised and controlled space so it doesn't derail onto people having posts complaining about bans everywhere. I think specifically this thread is not supposed to have those complaints, but I think it ought to, or a new thread opened for that.


Oct 26, 2017
The negativity has carried over from NeoGAF

The OT used to be an amazing place with tons of topics of different subjects where you could learn about stuff or laugh at wacky antics. Eventually it was taken over by politics, racial stuff, fast food threads and endless Disney Entertainement Products (tm) threads.

ResetERA was positive for about a week, then it's back to exactly the same song and routine. The etcetEra should be renamed at "COME GET PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS LATEST EVENT WITH US" at this point

I think we really need a separate sections for politics and horrible news. It is obvious that the negativity is a source of anxiety for many posters and makes this side of the forum 100% toxic.

The moderation team has to stop avoiding the issue and pretending that the current situation is not problematic.

The time to act has come now.

What does hidding the threads YOU don't like accomplish?

If you don't like it, simply ignore the threads, there's still a lot of variety in Etceta, but you can't say simply "move these threads away" when people want to discuss them, especially people that is affected by them.

If certains discussions enables negativity (highly debatable, I personally disagree) just moving them to another subforum would have no effect anyways.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Which brings up another problem?

Like I really don't want to question mods' reasoning but why a just week? Why not permanent? If he's a blatant troll like you said, I doubt he's gonna reconsider the error of his ways.

Maybe someone looked at their post history, or it's a known poster, I don't know. I've never spoken to that poster before. As for mods decision making, I think some of them don't want this forum to be as permanent ban trigger happy as GAF (for some things). Either way, if that poster comes back and posts more nonsense I'm sure it'll quickly be a perm.

This is why my first post in this topic was satirising don't ever become a mod on a forum. No matter what you do, you will be questioned, demanded and hung out to dry. It's never good enough. Mods make mistakes and they are human. It's not easy babysitting 30,000+ grown adults throwing shit and arguing with each other 24/7.

edit: Isn't it the case some mods can only do 1/2 week bans max? Higher ups do perms?
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Oct 28, 2017
I made a suggestion in the suggestions thread a while back, that even with reasoning and warnings, people still don't feel like they have any recourse to an 'unjust' action by a mod. The only way to deal with that and not end up with threads like this, is a hall of infamy thread. Any punitive action against a user should be posted with the reason and link to the offending post, in this thread for everyone to see. People can comment and discuss the issue there. Harder for anyone to claim unjust and more transparency for the site.
Dec 31, 2017
I remember lurking a thread where a gangmember who was like a YouTube guy or something was killed by the mafia, but when people pointed out he had likely hurt people or worse, because he was in a gang, and did something dumb to draw attention to himself,ml many were warned (and I think a ban or two) for victim blaming etc.

But it boils down to this site having the same issue as the old one and it's a 3 fold process:

1. Most of the Mods/Admins are lopsided on numerous topics making them far from neutral which is required for moderation.

2. Due to the above, the regular users that are biased become the main and sometimes only group in these topics when they come up in threads relating to them, creating a bubble that makes it hard to bring in different opinions in those threads without being hounded, banned, or your opinion/view dismissed.

3. This spreads through more and more topics with nothing stopping it until this issue becomes so large, across many topics, that now the forum as a whole becomes a bubble/hivemind for a significantly large portion of the site outside some safezones (and almost all are in gaming)

I mean I'm going to be honest here, When this site first opened up a quote from an admin was circulating on Twitter that had me scratching my head because their comment, as well as their profile, read like a joke, they were basically openly saying they would hunt people down and that they were super biased on certain topic. Which doesn't make much sense to me in regards of choosing someone to patrol a message board.

Then there's the fact you have to avoid long conversations because mods/admins won't read all the quotes so they'll go by the most recent one which can result in some flawed understandings as has been mentioned here.

Also people like to burn bridges in social threads. To the point they bring it up in threads that aren't social threads, making it hard to escape. Which details the thread to a different topic.

Social threads are basically agree or die situations which is why you see mostly the same groups of users post in them. But the big issue with these users is bringing the toxin to unrelated threads which then get taken over.


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said it can be seen as disrespectful because you doubt the accuser. The thing is that there are sceptic people out there, not everyone is the same - that's what I'm trying to say since the first post.

If one person can post "I've always knew that X was a piece of shit and hope X rots in hell" why can't another post "Let's see what comes out of this"? - especially when the second one actually can evolve into a discussion.
"let's see what comes out of this" isn't a discussion, it's a dismissal. It's a nicer way of saying "I don't have what I need to believe what the victim is saying". "let's wait and see" doesn't move a discussion. All you're saying is that you don't have the info you're satisfied with. That the victim's (and in most cases, multiple victims') act of speaking out isn't enough.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
ResetERA was positive for about a week, then it's back to exactly the same song and routine. The etcetEra should be renamed at "COME GET PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS LATEST EVENT WITH US" at this point.

I'm sorry you can't hide from the reality that the world isn't as nearly of a cheery place as you want it to be, and that slowly that reality is becoming more and more apparently to more and more people (or, as others have put it, people who always knew this as reality are finally getting others to believe them). And that ResetEra is providing a place for people to talk about it.

Politics are toxic because the person leading the charge in the US is toxic. Mr. Toxic Man goes away, I bet a fair bit of the "toxic" political threads you hate so much go away as well.

Until then though, sounds like you're going to have to deal with it.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
I don't see the world as a place of hate

Must be a nice privilege to have. Some of us don't get a choice. When hatred is constantly directed your way you tend to be far more wary of and in anticipation of it. Read a history book over the next week to learn how this happened. Of course you won't cause we both know you really don't give a shit. Lemme guess you say dumb shit like "Slavery is over, get over it!" Without understanding the underlying systemic consequences of Jim Crow.

Also, "Anti-white". Hmm, where do I hear that rhetoric most often from? Oh yea bitter bigots. Take this bullshit to reddit.

And this is what I an talking about when I say I am fed up as a minority


Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
The negativity has carried over from NeoGAF

The OT used to be an amazing place with tons of topics of different subjects where you could learn about stuff or laugh at wacky antics. Eventually it was taken over by politics, racial issues, fast food threads and endless Disney Entertainement Products (tm) threads.

ResetERA was positive for about a week, then it's back to exactly the same song and routine. The etcetEra should be renamed at "COME GET PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS LATEST EVENT WITH US" at this point

I think we really need a separate sections for politics and horrible news. It is obvious that the negativity is a source of anxiety for many posters and makes this side of the forum 100% toxic. Some of us come to the internet to relax and forget about real life.

The OT used to be a place to have fun, it eventually turned into a receptacle for anger .

EtcetERA is morphing into something like that, but I feel it's getting more aggressive.

The moderation team has to stop avoiding the issue and pretending that the current situation is not problematic. The moderation team has to consider that many users on this forum have to deal with depression and other illness and that the overall negativity is not helping them AT ALL.

We need sub forums to contain certain dangerous topics.

The time to act has come now, unless you want this place to turn into NeoGaf 2.0
Just don't go in the threads if you don't want to?

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Of course there is merit to it to make their points more clear, or get feedback on what you understand from their point, but most of the time it's just used as an disingenuous rhetoric to simply discredit someone in bad faith, get them riled up and to get them to defend themselves and basically forcing them to distance themselves from their "alleged" point they didn't even make, because if they don't distance themselves, everyone simply aligns that point (or an altered variation) with the poster, despite never actually making it. It also puts the poster in a defensive position, no matter what and stops the discussion from developing in most scenarios.

In this topic we have many suggestions and guidelines as to what a better discussion should look like, but many of these don't actually want discussion. Just like I initially wrote in this topic, they want their opinion validated and echoed, instead of challenged or even just seeing an opinion that is divergent to theirs and all the people demanding more and stricter bans just really emphasize that kind of thinking. It's only human to react that way, but it doesn't make for a good discussion foundation.
You can make that argument, but you can't make that argument to me. I have responded to nearly everyone who has quoted me and everyone who has quoted me because I quoted them. It's how I post and it gets my point across. Either they'll clarify because they realize that they're coming off poorly or they'll double down. Either way, I have my objective laid out.

Sweet gentle words neither change minds nor win debates.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think I've ever had a more popular discussion that wasn't just about listing things, so I'm pretty pleased with this.

I don't know if we've necessarily come up with the best solution for our problem though.

People keep talking about Neogaf like it's a secret that we all came from there. Coming from Neogaf doesn't mean we're incapable of making good posts.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
There's already a politics OT where the discussion is civil and informed. If just seeing a thread about a political subject in Etcetera is just too much for you than use the thread hiding extension instead of lobbying for worse usability for everyone else


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Funny thread. Just don't post here if you don't like it. Wow, what a revelation. Not every Internet forum needs to be molded for your personal preferences. I don't post on forums where the community supports racism and sexism, for example. It's so fresh to come here and see people warned for victim blaming, because that is all too common in a forum where the majority are anonymous males. If you think your argument should be heard, well people can and will counter you with evidence and if you don't like it then that's the beauty of a forum.


Oct 25, 2017
Actually it's funny because that already exists and there's options here to ignore what you want. There are already separate community sub-forums to enter and talk about hobbies or other stuff. Also there's the ignore button to just not read a thread. Or ignore anything you dislike. Yeah, I was being sarcastic with that message you quoted and see how many people dogpile.

And no, it's not echo chamber when there's threads derailing up and down because of dogpiling or making assumptions, and I'm talking about both sides.
No it doesn't exist, what are you talking about?
I agree with this, separate sub-forums would "fix" many of the problems because it would lead to the user just straight up ignoring that sub-forum. And it will contain discussion inside that place only.
I can still talk about politics or sexism in character designs or whatever in a video game thread. People have been complaining about that because they want an echo chamber to discuss games without letting others express their opinions. Even if I didn't always agree with it.

You say your post was sarcastic bait but I don't even know what you're trying to say.

Choosing to enter a discussion about Hiphop or the current political climate doesn't stop me from talking about those topics in video game threads so...


Oct 26, 2017
I can tend to trail off with my ADHD, but I didn't think my opening post was that difficult to understand.

People seem to be taking it in some odd ways, which is entertaining. By all means, continue.


Oct 27, 2017
"let's see what comes out of this" isn't a discussion, it's a dismissal. It's a nicer way of saying "I don't have what I need to believe what the victim is saying". "let's wait and see" doesn't move a discussion. All you're saying is that you don't have the info you're satisfied with. That the victim's (and in most cases, multiple victims') act of speaking out isn't enough.
No. You can take an accusations serious without having an opinion... that's not dismissing the accusation, it's actually waiting for more info. Dismissing is the actual opposite.
Just because you don't take a side doesn't mean you're dismissing the victim.

But hey, that's ok. I don't agree with you but that's ok.


Oct 27, 2017
I also want to point out that I believe mods have been fantastic here. Seems like some of you want people banned for having another opinion which is terrible. I love that someone can have a different opinion here as long as they engage in conversation and try to explain their view without being banned or warned. The only times it happens is when someone obviously does a drive by post or is blatantly excusing racism, sexism, etc. That's how it should be.


Oct 26, 2017
The post has a really common argument structure that is often used in dismissing systematic issues.
1. Women in the game industry complain about sexism and harassment.
2. Here is a woman or a number of women who didn't experience it
3. Therefore the problem doesn't exist or is not a systematic issue

It's dismissing the experience of the first group of women. In addition in this case the user also posted that because he didn't notice any sexism there were none. Another common argument to dismiss these issues.
Honestly I'm a bit baffled how you can spent any amount of time with the topic and not notice these patterns of dismissal.

At the end of the day, the poster places stock in his wife's awareness and what he's heard from women in tech he knows, which are experiences I think any poster should be able to elucidate.

It's not just a tacky "my black friend has never been stopped by a cop so there's no racism"-type post.
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