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The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't talking about misogynists though. You made a snide comment specifically about cis white men. That has the potential to get more than just mysogynists riled up.
No. They made a comment specifically about society's tendency to accept the word of cishet white men as truth without scrutiny. As opposed to the word of the rest of us, that need 4 or five peer reviewed academic studies before even being considered.


Oct 30, 2017
"Stop critizing those white dudes, some of them are dehumanizing women by accident, after all" is what I'm reading here.
Did you ever take a step back and read what you are posting? Jesus, almost every post from you is a straight up dismissive strawman rhetoric. Your behavior is the prime example of how discussions turn sour or why discussions don't even start to begin with. It's very ironic, considering in the TOPIC you post in.


Oct 25, 2017
Asking why someone didn't leave is not blaming the victim for what happened. It's trying to understand the mind of the victim and the situation.
Because, in dangerous situations, including sexual assault, it's not uncommon for your body to seize up completely until the danger passes. This has happened to me personally.
Because women are socialized to coddle men's egos, so clearly saying "no" and potentially hurting their feelings isn't an option to many of us.
Because if you're a woman who is being harassed by a man, chances are he's bigger and stronger than you, and clearly rejecting his attempts could get you killed.



Oct 27, 2017
Everyone can post poorly, even people in the right.

The heavy handed approach won't work as the moderators are humans and humans make mistakes and are prone to their own biases.

Ultimately, I feel like the best way to discuss controversial topics is just to be nice about it and I understand people can be very angry/offended if their existance is threatended, but it's much better to quote something and tell them
'this is out of line' and explain why than just dog piling on them or baiting them with snarky commentary.

Will it happen? Probably a pipe dream and people who feel they are in the right will post however they like because more often than not, moderation will catch up with their opponents, but I feel like that is not a long-term solution to any forum.
The forum will ultimately devolve into angry mobs attacking people because they've gotten away with it before and that is what happened in the old forum, and a lot of people who probably shouldn't have been excluded from the community will get caught up in it because of the precedence set in the past.

I just think taking a step back with any discussion after 2-3 exchanges in a discussion results in a stalemate is just a good thing overall. Sometimes, all it takes is one side saying 'I'm sorry' or 'I was ignorant of this fact'

My 2 cents.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
maybe I'm wrong but it read to me like Wein was agreeing with Persephone, adding that the person she quoted was revising history.
Looking on it again, yeah that's definitely another possible meaning for it.

Things like that are actually why I responded in the manner I did. Like, it didn't come to my mind that they could be adding to Persephone's comment, but in general there are a lot of times where you can misunderstand something rather easily, and the other person might be coming from a completely different place than you are. So there's no point in attacking, but instead I just asked them a question. Then it's easy for them to fix the misunderstanding if that happened, or elaborate on their view.

I think you read that post wrong. They agree with the statement.
We don't really know for sure until the person posts back.

How was Gaf a gamergate hive? Anyone who argued in favor of it catched an instant ban.
She didn't respond to that part (though certainly there were a lot of gamergaters too), but the part in which the post said it was the opposite (implying that it was all perfect).


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
This place started nice and friendly then quickly turned back into the old place. There's still a lot of good discussions here, but I find a lot topics are best avoided. Sometimes I start reading through threads in OT and the posting quality isn't much better then a place like Yahoo Comments.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
How was Gaf a gamergate hive? Anyone who argued in favor of it catched an instant ban.
gamergate is born from a wilful ignorance and desire to sow discord and hatred in the first place, it's not a real prideful movement where people stand on their principles. i would wager that the vast majority of supporters on gaf weren't the ones posting so obviously. or they were using their burner accounts to do so


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm just pointing out that the mission statement of the site means fuck all to people who aren't here to adhere to it.
Even before the site was up the lifeboat minority discord groups were being f'd with. People have been in the fire, and are just not having it anymore.
And without the proper enforcement here of this code of conduct, it doesn't make any sense to actually give a damn.
It sounds like we're in agreement that harsher consequences are needed, then.

And again, the mission statement/forcing users to read and agree to conditions before they post is a way of removing the excuse that they didn't know what they were doing, therefore justifying swift action from the mods.


Oct 25, 2017
It ain't the job of minorities and women to educate or tolerate that on here though? It doesn't matter if they didn't 'intend' to push them away.

The end result is that they are pushed away.
I'm just being pragmatic. It doesn't do any good to argue about whose responsibility it is. Outright banning ignorant (but not malicious) people isn't going to make them disappear from the world. It isn't going to make things better for women and minorities. At some point, someone needs to engage with these people if we want to improve our world.

I totally understand if you don't want to or are too tired to. I can't even imagine how it must be for women and minorities. I'm just saying we shouldn't get in the way of those who do choose to engage them — because engaging them is the only way we move forward as a society.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes, Gaf, where people were always insta-banned for saying complaining about "politics in video games"

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Did you ever take a step back and read what you are posting? Jesus, almost every post from you is a straight up dismissive strawman rhetoric. Your behavior is the prime example of how discussions turn sour or why discussions don't even start to begin with. It's very ironic, considering in the TOPIC you post in.
1. You don't know what a strawman is. Stop using the term.

2. Argue my points, not my argumentation.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you ever take a step back and read what you are posting? Jesus, almost every post from you is a straight up dismissive strawman rhetoric. Your behavior is the prime example of how discussions turn sour or why discussions don't even start to begin with. It's very ironic, considering in the TOPIC you post in.

There was no strawman, Adder was 100% right.


Oct 27, 2017
Seeing as a lot of girlgaf left because the owner perved on them and more.
The owner being a shitbag doesn't make something a hive.

Maybe, but it was still full of insidious sexism that was let slide. Meanwhile GirlGAF was getting banhammered left and right for no reason.
Can't really say much to that, just the idea that it was a gamergate hive seemed too weird to me when all the mods took such a hard stance against it.


Oct 27, 2017
Because, in dangerous situations, including sexual assault, it's not uncommon for your body to seize up completely until the danger passes. This has happened to me personally.
Because women are socialized to coddle men's egos, so clearly saying "no" and potentially hurting their feelings isn't an option to many of us.
Because if you're a woman who is being harassed by a man, chances are he's bigger and stronger than you, and clearly rejecting his attempts could get you killed.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Honestly, it would be much better to tell people that who have those kinds of questions. It might sound simple to you, but maybe its over their heads. When I see those questions I constantly see smart aleck responses and "victim blaming" being thrown around. Some people simply need to learn about the situation.


Oct 25, 2017
gamergate is born from a wilful ignorance and desire to sow discord and hatred in the first place, it's not a real prideful movement where people stand on their principles. i would wager that the vast majority of supporters on gaf weren't the ones posting so obviously. or they were using their burner accounts to do so

Nah I'm sure it was just a coincidence that so many of the people making gamegate-esque posts were Junior Members.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Misogyny discourages women from posting but people don't seem to get half as upset about that as they do sarcastic jokes about cishet white men :/

I was saying snarky comments that are dismissive of other people's comments ("sexism didn't exist on GAF because a cishet white male said it didn't"), do not contribute to discussion and discourage people from posting.

It's not the content of the post. It's how you used it to dismiss someone's comment.

I think it's the intent behind it. Many of those who make misogynist posts that discourage women from posting have no idea they're doing it (not all, obviously). You know exactly what you're doing with snide comments like that. It seems as if you're just trying to get white dudes riled up. That's... not helpful.

This is the thing here. It seems that this is the case. Why even plant that seed of doubt?

If theres one thing I care about its protecting the feelings of misogynists

The implication being that cishet white men are misogynists? I have no idea what you're even saying.


User banned at own request
Oct 27, 2017
I was tempted to make a similar topic but my wording would probably lead to a ban. Lol.


Oct 30, 2017
1. You don't know what a strawman is. Stop using the term.

2. Argue my points, not my argumentation.
You literally made up a "quote" he supposedly said as paraphrasing instead of actually discussing anything, so I very much would like you to consider following your own point number 2, because that's what you actually don't do.

In this topic we discuss how to discuss better. And I'm pointing out your aggressive line of "reasoning" isn't a good way to accomplish that, let alone considering the topic at hand.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I think the point is that even if most of GAF was anti-gamergate, it was still something that women had to deal with on a daily basis. The kind of casual sexism followed by a swift "that's not what I meant" retort when called out. On gaming side especially the casual remarks were plentiful.


Dec 30, 2017
There's people in this thread that openly cheered GAF going down because they viewed it as a victory against the radical SJW feminist agenda they had been fighting against (their exact words, in some cases).

That's the issue. This is a new URL and a new server. It's not a new community. We've heard the same tired crap over and over. We've seen a bunch of angry dudes presenting themselves as rational or unbiased or just asking questions "argue" the same bullshit talking points at minorities, women, the LGBT community etc. for years. It's the same damn thing. People shouldn't be expected to treat this like a new thing that needs to be preciously explained to every "new" poster, in every thread and tolerated to the ends of the earth. We don't have amnesia.

If the forum stands for anything it's supposedly stands for, then this has to be addressed.

If someone wants a "free speech" community where you can say whatever alt-right drivel you want with no consequences, you can go to Reddit or Twitter or Tumblr or Facebook or the many other Silicon Valley libertarian garbage bins where there's no moderation or repercussions for being a bigoted sack of shit.

We have a bunch of people here that are proud of hating women, minorities gay / queer / transgender folk and many other marginalized groups. This forum cast a wide net. I think think that was a good idea for the health of it. But sometimes you pull in a bunch of garbage, and you have to sift through it. It's time to care about sifting a little more.

Insecurity is the word and it's exhausting having to untangle arguments that guys are making on behalf of themselves from actual social dynamics... I feel this is why dudes take a lot of conversations about society very personally and the age old of problem of having to tip toe around that and appease guys to get anything said or accomplished just undermines the conversations from the start.

The constant appeal to legal definitions and searching for loopholes within them like a lawyer defending their client at all costs, the hand wringing of hypothetical false claims by bitter women that will ruin the man's livelihood or allusions to which hunts are arguments from within and to deconstruct those arguments is to deconstruct the person and the eventual claims of male victimization cauterizes the conversation all together. After that it's all pity parties and claims of echo chambers. All because of insecurity.

Alllllllll of this, and also this:

What I've seen is absolutely inexcusable for this forum and why we made the move from GAF in the first place.

The whole reason why we left the other forum is to get away from this toxic behavior. Defending assaulters/sexual assault now masquerades as "just asking questions" "just voicing an opinion" "fighting against the echo chamber".... (This is) a gaming forum that was created specifically to protect and empower women and victims of sexual abuse/assault, and it needs to be treated as such.

It's clear to me now that a lot of people made the switch here, not because they want to follow the rules or care about women/sexual assault victims, but because NeoGAF died and discussing games is #1 to them, above all else. And some are even bitter about GAF now being what is is, and why it is.. a ghost town.

GAF is right there. They're using the same board software now, even. The transition back should be nice and clean for those dudes. The only thing stopping a lot of shitty, toxic, insecure men from just going back there is probably

1) They don't get the sense enough people would be watching them do their shitty toxic two-steps, and
2) Running back there feels like taking an L because they'd have to own their shit in order to do it.

But it's pretty obvious the way they wanna talk about pop-culture fits way better over there. On the board run by the handsy asshole. The one who cultivated the atmosphere you toxic, shitty, "I'm just askin..." dudes are begging for in the first place.

Fuckin' go home.


Oct 25, 2017
We'll have to agree to disagree. We're too far apart if you see the site as too lenient

The reason no-one gives examples is because you're asking them to put themselves in the position of highlighting an opinion that moderation has a vested interest in not being highlighted. But in the interest of opacity, here is an example

I will never understand what was so heinous in that post it could warrant a warning, let alone 3 day ban.

Outside of the meaningless anecdotes in the post -

It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself.

If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.

This is disgusting. Pointing out, discussing and addressing sexism is not the problem and is not why there are fewer women in science.


Oct 25, 2017
I was saying snarky comments that are dismissive of other people's comments ("sexism didn't exist on GAF because a cishet white male said it didn't"), do not contribute to discussion and discourage people from posting.

Do you know WHO was saying GAF was a progressive haven? IT WAS CISHET WHITE MEN. Women and minorities on GAF were well aware of all the bullshit but cishet white dudes kept telling us to be grateful for how ~tolerant GAF was.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe, but it was still full of insidious sexism that was let slide. Meanwhile GirlGAF was getting banhammered left and right for no reason.
ofc the reason was the site owner didn't like anyone saying you should believe women and naturally a large amount of women happen to hold that viewpoint. gaf became a safe space for tyler malka
(and thats just the stuff from within its last year)


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry that happened to you. Honestly, it would be much better to tell people that who have those kinds of questions. It might sound simple to you, but maybe its over their heads. When I see those questions I constantly see smart aleck responses and "victim blaming" being thrown around. Some people simply need to learn about the situation.
I understand that some people genuinely don't know, and even I, who have considered myself a feminist since I learned of the word, thought "if a dude assaulted me I'd just kick him in the balls!" before it happened to me and my body froze and my mind dissociated until it was over. But you (general you) have to understand that women and minorities are simply exhausted of answering the same questions over and over again. Imagine if someone came to your job and asked you the most basic shit about it and you had to stop everything you're doing to explain it to them in excruciating detail. And then someone else comes the next day and does the same thing. And then the following day. And then the following. Again. And again. And again.
Which is why imo it's important that allies actually do ally work. Women and minorities can't bear the entire burden of educating people. Men, cis people, straight people and white people need to do better. Just saying "oh yeah I support minorities!!" and then doing nothing doesn't help.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry that happened to you. Honestly, it would be much better to tell people that who have those kinds of questions. It might sound simple to you, but maybe its over their heads. When I see those questions I constantly see smart aleck responses and "victim blaming" being thrown around. Some people simply need to learn about the situation.

Just bear in mind that unfortunately loops into the situation where a burden is seemingly placed upon victims to explain the abuse they've received to people. That can mean reliving it, and otherwise bringing the stress it caused back up, which is not a comfortable process, and for some, is honestly damaging. At the very least, it often gets tiring, and for many, they've simply had enough. It's not an easy issue to, however you slice it.

Or as psychowave put it. I still don't know how to turn usernames into notifications.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
It sounds like we're in agreement that harsher consequences are needed, then.

And again, the mission statement/forcing users to read and agree to conditions before they post is a way of removing the excuse that they didn't know what they were doing, therefore justifying swift action from the mods.

Trust, we are in 100% complete agreement on this. What's interesting that I was clumsily pointing out is how expectations for a fresh start came into play, and how that works in reality.
A lot of what I'm reading in this thread is a whole lot of 'fence sitting' 'middle of the road' 'talk around the point but not the actual point' usual nonsense that keeps this all in a stalemate.
I'm not sure why we don't have heavier consequences for these problems, except that no one wants to be the bad guy. Either that, or people don't really care as much as they claim that they do.


Oct 25, 2017
Just bear in mind that unfortunately loops into the situation where a burden is seemingly placed upon victims to explain the abuse they've received to people. That can mean reliving it, and otherwise bringing the stress it caused back up, which is not a comfortable process, and for some, is honestly damaging. At the very least, it often gets tiring, and for many, they've simply had enough. It's not an easy issue to, however you slice it.

Or as psychowave put it. I still don't know how to turn usernames into notifications.
Put an @ in front of their username and a prompt should pop up. Hope that helps!

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
You literally made up a "quote" he supposed said as paraphrasing instead of actually discussing anything, so I very much would like you to consider following your own point number 2, because that's what you actually don't do.

In this topic we discuss how to discuss better. And I'm pointing out your aggressive line of "reasoning" isn't a good way to accomplish that, let alone considering the topic at hand.
Actually, let's talk about my argumentation:

Ya see, when you paraphrase someone, what it does is force them to respond with what they meant:

1 person arguing with you is fine , not everyone thinks the same so opinions will clash, but when 5 plus people start multi quoting it's becomes hectic and usually ends in a ban, I tend to stay out of 1 to 1 discussions until I'm certain my input will actually add value to something. Dogpiling is something that almost always ends with a ban when it can be easily averted

As opposed to what they said:
It's the dogpilling that is fucking disgusting if you ask me , I've been a lurker for a long time and only just made an account this weekend , but boy... it's so unfair. I've seen pages of just 1 person being quoted , and they end up with a ban in the end because they can't keep up with all the multi quotes.

Which makes debating their actual point infintely more efficient. Which makes for a better discussion.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just being pragmatic. It doesn't do any good to argue about whose responsibility it is. Outright banning ignorant (but not malicious) people isn't going to make them disappear from the world. It isn't going to make things better for women and minorities. At some point, someone needs to engage with these people if we want to improve our world.

I totally understand if you don't want to or are too tired to. I can't even imagine how it must be for women and minorities. I'm just saying we shouldn't get in the way of those who do choose to engage them — because engaging them is the only way we move forward as a society.
At what point do we need to coddle posters who refuse to do anything such as read the thread over before posting? For example, usually threads on the first few pages actually take arguements in good faith and arguements happen. Then a new person comes in defending an opinion without knowing all the context, rinse and repeat. It's a cycle at this point. Or even not reading the OP article, to the point where mods had to remake a thread saying 'Read the OP'.

It's not like I disagree with you, of course it isn't going to make ignorance disappear, but aren't you prioritizing the unintentionally ignorant over the minorites and women in the forum? This is an online forum for video games, not the real world. I guess it depends on ERA wants to be shaped in the end though.


Oct 27, 2017
"Wait for all the facts" isn't being neutral. It is a statment that inherently impugns the integrity of the accuser. If you're waiting for all the facts before commenting then you're not saying shit until you have said facts. Or you're giving your opinion on the facts as they currently stand. Either way, as you said, discussion forum, everyone has eve4y right to comment on whatever you said.
Straight saying "Wait for all the facts" might be seen as disrespectful, sure, but it can be neutral. Questioning both sides is totally a ok thing to do and it's open to discussion.

Without being disrespectful of course.

"I'm not sure I believe the victim" and "I'll wait for more evidence" is dismissing the accusation, and the victim. It's a big part of the reason for why people don't step forward with their stories.
You can take an accusation serious but still wait for all the facts to come out to have an opinion. Saying "I'm not sure I believe the victim" might be seen as taking the assaulter side but you can say " These are some serious allegations. Let's see how X will respond or if anything comes out of this" f.e.


Nov 26, 2017

I will never understand what was so heinous in that post it could warrant a warning, let alone 3 day ban.
The post has a really common argument structure that is often used in dismissing systematic issues.
1. Women in the game industry complain about sexism and harassment.
2. Here is a woman or a number of women who didn't experience it
3. Therefore the problem doesn't exist or is not a systematic issue

It's dismissing the experience of the first group of women. In addition in this case the user also posted that because he didn't notice any sexism there were none. Another common argument to dismiss these issues.
Honestly I'm a bit baffled how you can spent any amount of time with the topic and not notice these patterns of dismissal.


Nov 1, 2017
Do you know WHO was saying GAF was a progressive haven? IT WAS CISHET WHITE MEN. Women and minorities on GAF were well aware of all the bullshit but cishet white dudes kept telling us to be grateful for how ~tolerant GAF was.

Gaf was a really progressive forum, not perfect and the gaming side was worse than the Off-Topic but compared to others forums it was way better, especially considering its size. It took a hardline against the GG BS, Trump voters didnt bother posting that much.
Again I'm not saying it is perfect, there is always room for improvement which I hope ResetEra can do.
To get a frame of refrence is there a forum which you would consider a progressive forum?

It was pretty noticeable on the gaming side, especially with those big thread blow ups for Pewdiepie and Jontron. And whenever there was a thread about the latest Anita Sarkeesian video.

People that defended PDP and especially JonTron got banned. The gaming side was worse than the Off Topic but definetly not a GamerGate hive or pro-GG.


Nov 22, 2017
User Banned (1 month): Racism and dog whistling.
Here's how you can handle it.

1. Stop making this an anti-American site.
2. Stop making this an anti-White site.
3. Stop banning people if they aren't anti-American or anti-White.

That would be a good start. The off-topic forum is absolutely littered with anti-American and anti-White rhetoric. How many threads do we have on Trump? Why is America so constantly brought up here? Why are people constantly claiming white people are inherently evil?

It's disgusting.

Good steps to getting rid of the trash is to move the politics to a separate sub-forum. Off-topic shouldn't be primarily a political subforum. That alone would clean up most of the muck here. It's so bad it even spills in to the gaming forum either through people erroneously posting threads there or for some reason bringing politics in to video game discussions.

I'm also going to actually stop visiting this "EtcetCera" part of the site as a way to keep away from the negative vibes present here. I don't see the world as a place of hate and I really don't care to have to view all these hateful attitudes present.
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