
Oct 25, 2017
It's a few letters to the editor expressing their opinions about the Trump voters' letters or the decision to print them. Those are not interviews nor are they direct challenges.

Fair enough. Only the first letter in the group pointed out any specific issues.
Another one said "I could go line by line rebutting them, but.."

The article with the disillusioned voters contrasts the Trump voters more sharply, as well.

My point is that there's nothing irresponsible or biased about publishing these letters. Personally, I found it informative. I understand that some people don't want to hear it, and I guess that's fine. But my feeling is that engaging with these viewpoints tells me what has, one year into this mess, stuck with the supporters, and what hasn't.

As for whether NYT was even-handed in their selection of letters for/against, I can't really know what they had to choose from in their mailbox to print. But a direct editorial smackdown seems inappropriate for the letters section.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Trump voters Fetish? Get out of here. The opinion section is for this kind of fluff piece. It sometimes produces good content, sometimes content you couldn't care less about and sometimes really terrible opinions are posted. It's kind of in the name and the point of that section, the content published there is in no way representative of the rest of the NYT. It's such a small part of the newspaper and all the good NYT does, I hate how much attention it gets


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how demanding confirmation bias and silencing of opponents is any better than fox news.
who's demanding silencing of opponents? Furthermore show me where trump voters haven't been covered, over and over and over again. As pointed out myself several times in this thread, why isnt the media talking to anyone but pretty much white male trump supporters? Where are the white male non trumps supporters? the white female non trump supporters, the minorities of any gender or race? How many times do we need to hear the plight of coal miners?


Oct 28, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
who's demanding silencing of opponents? Furthermore show me where trump voters haven't been covered, over and over and over again. As pointed out myself several times in this thread, why isnt the media talking to anyone but pretty much white male trump supporters? Where are the white male non trumps supporters? the white female non trump supporters, the minorities of any gender or race? How many times do we need to hear the plight of coal miners?
I just can't tell if you're actually being serious or not? The people you described are being covered. Constantly.
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
It's a pointless exercise. It's stupid and is of no value. We literally go through this all the fucking time. 2016-2017 alone we have been bombarded with thousands upon thousands of articles about the "working class (read: white rural voters)" their fears, hopes, dreams. Constantly trying endear Americans to these people and their self inflicted plights. But the thing is this "introspective analysis" goes back much fucking farther, we got so many of the same type of articles penned during the Civil Rights movement, and beyond. The perspective always to empathise and understand the plights of these poor working class white Americans who are seeing their country slip away from them. Back on the topic of these annoying articles, compare the number of articles in 2017 form the perspective of African American women, Muslim-Americans about this election and their feelings and you'll quickly notice the absolutely remedial argument of "trying to learn about the other side" completely falls apart. It's why I will continue to say this country is never going to progress in any meaningful way. I mean for fuck sakes, Republicans STILL run on the southern strategy and demonizing/weaponizing people of color.

It is at this junction that I want to say that the media basically erasing people of color from the identity of "working class" while in the same breathing helping to entrench the idea that "identity politics" is a minority/PoC thing has been one of thee most fucked up things to happen in America. Even worse are everyone who buys into it hook, line, and sinker. I've seen just as many "liberal" leaning folks complain about identity politics as I have conservative folks. I find it amazing that white voters aren't an identity while in the same breath apparently the reason Hillary lost is because she didn't focus on...white rural voters. So which is it?

Honestly as a black person, I've been past tired of being told by white voters that I need to empathise and understand the plight of rural white voters who are deathly afraid of my people because other just as idiotic white people told them to be and have successfully weaponized that fear. You guys have been saying this same "empathise with them" jig since the inception of this country, and we're not here for it. It's past exhausting to see article after article about these poor misunderstood victims. What's the point of them exactly? So moderates can pat themselves on the back like "I did a good thing!" and go back to the status quo? Please.

We literally are repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again expecting a different result to occur for some magical reason. Folks will point out the reason these people vote the way they do, these people will TELL YOU IN PLAIN ENGLISH why they vote the way they do, and America at large will still go back and say "We need to understand why they vote this way!" Honestly it's why I have no faith in this country because in lieu of you know some actual real introspection and coming to real terms that holy shit we're a pretty racist ass country and much of our politics is predicated on said racism, we ignore it wholesale and look for other reasons because confronting racism in a real meaningful way makes too many people in the country uncomfortable, and lord knows we can't have that. Better to offend and hurt a small group of people with actual racism, than to make the large group uncomfortable.

Round and round we go, can't wait for my kids to have these exact same conversations, reading these same articles, about these same poor "left behind" rural voters, as well as conversations about these same two political parties in 30 years.

Like Coates, I have absolutely no faith in this country at all.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
It's a pointless exercise. It's stupid and is of no value. We literally go through this all the fucking time. 2016-2017 alone we have been bombarded with thousands upon thousands of articles about the "working class (read: white rural voters)" their fears, hopes, dreams. Constantly trying endear Americans to these people and their self inflicted plights. But the thing is this "introspective analysis" goes back much fucking farther, we got so many of the same type of articles penned during the Civil Rights movement, and beyond. The perspective always to empathise and understand the plights of these poor working class white Americans who are seeing their country slip away from them. Back on the topic of these annoying articles, compare the number of articles in 2017 form the perspective of African American women, Muslim-Americans about this election and their feelings and you'll quickly notice the absolutely remedial argument of "trying to learn about the other side" completely falls apart. It's why I will continue to say this country is never going to progress in any meaningful way. I mean for fuck sakes, Republicans STILL run on the southern strategy and demonizing/weaponizing people of color.

It is at this junction that I want to say that the media basically erasing people of color from the identity of "working class" while in the same breathing helping to entrench the idea that "identity politics" is a minority/PoC thing has been one of thee most fucked up things to happen in America. Even worse are everyone who buys into it hook, line, and sinker. I've seen just as many "liberal" leaning folks complain about identity politics as I have conservative folks. I find it amazing that white voters aren't an identity while in the same breath apparently the reason Hillary lost is because she didn't focus on...white rural voters. So which is it?

Honestly as a black person, I've been past tired of being told by white voters that I need to empathise and understand the plight of rural white voters who are deathly afraid of my people because other just as idiotic white people told them to be and have successfully weaponized that fear. You guys have been saying this same "empathise with them" jig since the inception of this country, and we're not here for it. It's past exhausting to see article after article about these poor misunderstood victims. What's the point of them exactly? So moderates can pat themselves on the back like "I did a good thing!" and go back to the status quo? Please.

We literally are repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again expecting a different result to occur for some magical reason. Folks will point out the reason these people vote the way they do, these people will TELL YOU IN PLAIN ENGLISH why they vote the way they do, and America at large will still go back and say "We need to understand why they vote this way!" Honestly it's why I have no faith in this country because in lieu of you know some actual real introspection and coming to real terms that holy shit we're a pretty racist ass country and much of our politics is predicated on said racism, we ignore it wholesale and look for other reasons because confronting racism in a real meaningful way makes too many people in the country uncomfortable, and lord knows we can't have that. Better to offend and hurt a small group of people with actual racism, than to make the large group uncomfortable.

Round and round we go, can't wait for my kids to have these exact same conversations, reading these same articles, about these same poor "left behind" rural voters, as well as conversations about these same two political parties in 30 years.

Like Coates, I have absolutely no faith in this country at all.
I hear people say we need to stop trump before he drives the country off a cliff, truth is electing him was the country goin off a cliff. We're in freefall now, and when his policies start kicking our ass, will be us hitting the water


Oct 25, 2017
Believe it or not, trump supporters are people too and are entitled to their beliefs.

"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others."

entitlement to a belief born from ignorance and bigotry does not have equal merit to one not. aka being a human having the ability to think is nothing special in of itself, understanding that thinking and where it comes from is the key

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Not all trump supporters are racist hatemongers...

Oh, in that case, bullshit.

I can accept that, but this is about Trump. Everyone who votes for a candidate whose key selling points - multiple of them - are firmly rooted on racism is probably a racist. Even if they aren't frothing at the mouth at the sight of blacks or Mexicans or Muslims, they're still happy to excuse a campaign largely aimed at these people because maybe there's also some benefit for these voters tied to it or because of party loyalty, and that's the kind of racism that comes from selfishness and lack of empathy. I can conceive that maybe someone voted for Trump for another reason, like they never listened to anything he said as a candidate and were just a fan of his TV show, but I'm not going to give that benefit of the doubt here.


Oct 27, 2017
Are they entitled to have other people publish their beliefs against their will or what? The issue people are taking here are with the New York Times.

As a new York time reader and staunch opponent of trump, I want to read letters from trump supporters to get a glimpse inside the mind of a trump supporter


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i mean, they are either racist, or they are a-ok being represented by a racist

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
As a new York time reader and staunch opponent of trump, I want to read letters from trump supporters to get a glimpse inside the mind of a trump supporter

That isn't what you said. You said they were entitled to their opinion. Being entitled to their opinion is one thing, the New York Times publishing it is another. The New York Times is also entitled to their own freedom of speech, and people are criticizing what they feel is an irresponsible use of it


Oct 27, 2017
I couldn't read barely any of it. I knew it was going to be a bunch of misinformed people repeating untruths and slogans, but what little I read was no better than YouTube comments. NY Times lost my sub this year. They keep running awful fucking stories and editorials. Not sure what news source to subscribe to now. WashPo?

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think people are interested in finding out what Trump voters are thinking.

They're interested in finding something to make them seem more normal so they don't feel as bad about their Trump voting family members, friends, and associates.

The reasons people voted for Trump are already well known, there's just been a refusal to accept them.


Oct 25, 2017
I just can't tell if you're actually being serious or not? The people you described are being covered. Constantly.
and this is what you said, literally 4 posts above.

I don't understand how demanding confirmation bias and silencing of opponents is any better than fox news.
would you like to amend or clarify your post? Because i was responding to you who was responding to this thread saying we are demanding silence of the opposition.


Oct 25, 2017
As a new York time reader and staunch opponent of trump, I want to read letters from trump supporters to get a glimpse inside the mind of a trump supporter

this is a valid point, but the nyt outright publishing them gives them a platform. i'm not arguing censorship, but publishing their perspective only, without journalistic notes refuting or confirming sections, is outright giving them a platform. it garners sympathy from those who lack the ability to read between lines and objectively analyze a piece or check sources and facts. you yourself may read it and view it as a hole into the maw of the void of ignorance, but many many people read it and just feel sympathy, and the thought train stops there. they don't ask who or what or why or anything. it's free advertisement for trump supporters to catch the attention of any low brow readers caught in the tractor beam and potentially change opinion


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think people are interested in finding out what Trump voters are thinking.

They're interested in finding something to make them seem more normal so they don't feel as bad about their Trump voting family members, friends, and associates.

The reasons people voted for Trump are already well known, there's just been a refusal to accept them.

NYT readers are interested in Why

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
You didn't seem much interested in why with that first post.

The second post stands out more. If they were interested in why Trump supporters voted how they did, they probably wouldn't have jumped to insist that the people who voted for a candidate who campaigned on the Muslim ban and the wall to keep Mexicans out are somehow not as racist as they seem. Or as they have been proved to be time and time again since.

Why do Trump supporters support Trump? 'cause they're racist, doggo.
Oct 25, 2017
Believe it or not, trump supporters are people too and are entitled to their beliefs.

And we are entitled to our fact-based beliefs that Trump SUPPORTERS are hateful fucking creatures who metaphorically hold back society because they are too fucking dumb to get over their dumbass fears of black and brown people. Maybe they don't deserve to die but with their inability to accept basic facts they clearly suffer from a political equivalent to psychosis and frankly should be Section 12'd and hospitalized by the government until such time that they they can accept basic fucking facts like Obama having been born in the US and that grabbing someone by the pussy is in fact sexual assault.

Labor , you done lumping me in people like this Vautrin guy just because I make the distinction between 2018/2017 Trump SUPPORTERS and 2016 Trump VOTERS?

well at least it's not that much worse than the usual nyt editorial page

Oh hey that reminds me. Are you STILL sticking with your asinine decision to never vote for democrats ever again or do you actually plan to try to help Ted Cruz's Democratic challenger this year?


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's a bad thing to read these letters, to understand what you are rhetorically trying to combat in the minds of Trump's voters.

Seriously. I hate Trump and his dumbass voters as much as the next guy but good journalism is allowed to get its hands dirty and publish shit that isn't always palatable. This is a reality, these are people - just because it doesn't fit some circlejerk narrative of pretending that they don't exist doesn't mean it isn't fit for print. It's one fucking editorial section out of millions that have been rightly critical of Trump, anyone who thinks that this means the death of the paper has something wrong with them.


Dec 1, 2017
This is why I read the New Yorker. They hate Trump with the fury of 10,000 suns and aren't shy about it.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
And we are entitled to our fact-based beliefs that Trump SUPPORTERS are hateful fucking creatures who metaphorically hold back society because they are too fucking dumb to get over their dumbass fears of black and brown people. Maybe they don't deserve to die but with their inability to accept basic facts they clearly suffer from a political equivalent to psychosis and frankly should be Section 12'd and hospitalized by the government until such time that they they can accept basic fucking facts like Obama having been born in the US and that grabbing someone by the pussy is in fact sexual assault.

Labor , you done lumping me in people like this Vautrin guy just because I make the distinction between 2018/2017 Trump SUPPORTERS and 2016 Trump VOTERS?

Oh hey that reminds me. Are you STILL sticking with your asinine decision to never vote for democrats ever again or do you actually plan to try to help Ted Cruz's Democratic challenger this year?

Who are you


Oct 25, 2017
As a new York time reader and staunch opponent of trump, I want to read letters from trump supporters to get a glimpse inside the mind of a trump supporter

I can do that for you.

They are racist and/or completely okay with racism.

You can divert that NYT sub to me and I'll tell you that once a month


Oct 28, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
I know trump supporters that are purely looking for the kinds of economics and economy Republicans are into. I also know Republicans that aren't trump supporters, but are happy with the economic policy being put in place.

You have to ask yourselves if completely dismissing half the country is the right thing to do.

Republicans did it and look where we are now.


Oct 25, 2017
I know trump supporters that are purely looking for the kinds of economics and economy Republicans are into. I also know Republicans that aren't trump supporters, but are happy with the economic policy being put in place.

You have to ask yourselves if completely dismissing half the country is the right thing to do.

Republicans did it and look where we are now.

Dismissing half the country gets you almost a complete super majority, plus a stranglehold at most local and state levels?


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
I know trump supporters that are purely looking for the kinds of economics and economy Republicans are into. I also know Republicans that aren't trump supporters, but are happy with the economic policy being put in place.

You have to ask yourselves if completely dismissing half the country is the right thing to do.

Republicans did it and look where we are now.
Ah yes. The economic policies of fucking over everyone but the ultra rich. Great voting point.


Oct 28, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Ah yes. The economic policies of fucking over everyone but the ultra rich. Great voting point.
I've been a Christian for the majority of my life and I've bordered on fundamentalism in the past, and it is astonishing to see the puritanical fundamentalism developing amongst progressives.

I loathe Donald Trump, but I think it's shortsighted to loathe every single one of his supporters. I seriously struggle not to, but I know they're not all objectively terrible people. Completely dismissing an entire sector of the populace has NEVER worked out well.

Why is it news that the New York Times is publishing the opinions of citizens in their opinions section? It being presented as such a big deal may suggest that their voices are seldom heard in that section. And ultimately, that's fine, but the alarmist response here is a little much.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't do PMs.

I also don't recall ever saying I would never vote Democrat again, but if you find the post I'll hang it on me wall

That part about not voting for Dems again wasn't directed at you. Read the post. It was directed at aeolist who didn't respond because he knows people called him out on his ludicrous "both sides"ism in the past.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretending these people don't exist is how this fuck up got elected in the first place.

When will people fucking learn that "denying them a platform" will get you precisely nowhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretending these people don't exist is how this fuck up got elected in the first place.

When will people fucking learn that "denying them a platform" will get you precisely nowhere.

You're right, giving them a platform to talk about how great Donald Trump is, and how great a job he's doing, and how he's strong and cool and makes America great again will definitely... do something...?


Oct 25, 2017
You're right, giving them a platform to talk about how great Donald Trump is, and how great a job he's doing, and how he's strong and cool and makes America great again will definitely... do something...?
Mate if you don't like it, don't read it? I really don't even understand this thread. Why the fuck shouldn't their letters be published?