
Oct 25, 2017
I'm talking about people on the street, though. Tekken 3 sold 8 million copies, which is fucking amazing (AFAIK, the second best or absolute best-selling fighting game of all time depending on if you regard Smash as a fighting game or not), but all I'm really saying is thanks to a combination of things - game, movie, cartoon, references in other media - a fair few of the SF cast have a sort of broader 'cultural zeitgeist' thing about them where even people who don't know games can identify them, that's all. That's also why Chun, Gief and Bison crop up in stuff like Wreck it Ralph alongside icons like Sonic, Bowser and a Pac-Man Ghost. I just think some of these characters transcend their games in a way Tekken characters don't, basically. A few of the MK characters do too.

I've heard a sitcom character on TV describe somebody being "an evil scientist like Doctor Robotnik", others make jokes about shoryukens, and one make a bad joke about an asian girl being dressed like Chun Li. I've seen characters throwing hadoukens while dressed as Ryu in shows like American Dad and Family Guy. MK references pop up in a similar sort of context. I don't feel like I see that sort of thing around Tekken at all, and so that's my point - I just think more average people who might not even know the game would be able to name an SF character or at least if shown a picture of one name what they're from, because when you get to that point it's about a lot more than games. I could be wrong though.
This is how I feel as well. For as successful as it is, Tekken really doesn't have any iconic qualities outside of "the guy with the weird hair" or "the cheap capoeira guy." This is obviously anecdotal, but none of the casual gamers in my circle of millennial American friends remember much about Tekken despite playing it when they were younger. These same people know Ryu and Chun-Li by name, though.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Wut. lmao

Some of ya'll. lmao

I edited my post, i should not have said "get over it" as if i was dismissing other people's views.

With that being said though...

Well what do you want really? I mean i dont really understand how you expect them to change the game to be "considerate" to other countries. In a lot of ways barely anyone really resembles people from actual countries of origin even in stereotypical fashion now, look at all the japanese people with impossible hair and eye colors for Japan. for example. I can only find one or two problematic characters in general really in regards to representation, Elena, Rufus and perhaps Ken? I mean he was based off the ken doll, so that's kind of an american stereotype i guess

Every Japanese fighting game has done this stereotype to some degree, VF, DOA especially with tina, Tekken although its better about it, KOF...hell even westerm fighting game devs in reverse always take the "generic oriental mishmash" without any real context for the cultures or actual styles of the regions
Oct 25, 2017
Competitive game with the most diverse group of players (fgc) is racist? Lol what a joke this article is. Shouldn't even be given the time of day.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I wonder what's Laura's excuse. I guess Brazil is just hot.
Laura's design isn't bad, they just went overboard with her boobs ( her size isn't the issue but rather the exposure, they just needed to give her a sporting bra and keep her big boobs) i think that could've solved the issue.. but all the ladies got thicker in V >.> #capcomthings


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles


Oct 26, 2017
oh boy, we E-thuggin now

this thread is hilarious

I think there is some value to pointing out that the vast majority of female SF characters have low health, but only because they're typically designed with play styles that require it for balance reasons. It would be even more miserable to play against Cammy if she had 100 more health.

The best way to address this imo is to make more characters like Makoto.

Pointing out that female characters have low health because they're all of the same archetype is an observation that's actually worth something, you're right.

That's not the observation the guy I quoted made though lol
Why are y'all talking about how hard you are o.o


Oct 29, 2017
Hey white dudes, most countries love their stereotypes. Stop trying to be our saviors and save your damn selves


Oct 30, 2017
For me, the lamest street fighter character design of all time has to be... El Fuerte.

The design process mus t have been, 'ok we need a character from Mexico, what do we know about Mexico? Luchadore wrestling aaaand.... um.... BURRITOS! He's a Mexican wrestler that makes burritos. Ok nailed it, next'


Oct 26, 2017
In a way, you kinda get that the designers went for an 'international tournament' feel, but was it necessary to exploit those stereotypes? SFV had some pretty problematic controversies around clothing and soundtrack samples, but is it time for Capcom to perhaps for a clean slate for SF6?
Or they could just redesign the characters to not be so obviously awful. Even Sakura's new design isn't amazing, but it's a hell of a lot better than what it has been for over a decade. Maybe end the reign of impossibly skintight clothing?


Oct 25, 2017
Not even in the same stratosphere as Street Fighter II, however. Especially the culture part.

Sure that game that sold more and propelled tekken in to the highest selling fighting game series of all time isn't in the same stratosphere sure. Yep uhuh

No one knows where scorpion is either


Oct 30, 2017
SF IV was the only time I felt ever-so-slightly offended by portrayal of a German character tho. It's not the typical German = Nazi trololol and Hitler jokes you hear whenever you mention that you are German online, no, it's Hugo. Not his appearance, mind you, but one of his taunts is "Für die Kartoffel" ("For the Potato"). For some reason, that kinda irked me a bit, because that is straight up a derogatory term people use for "Germans".

Still, saying SF is racist is reaching beyond the moon.
User was banned (2 weeks): Implying possible violence against another member
I mean, you're trying to prove how tough you are on a video game message board.

The odds are in favor of you, in fact, being soft.
By soft I meant sensitive and it's likely what be was talmbout and I used to be on hoodup all the time, have seen drive bys pop off because of forums, be careful, you never know.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
I still want a Native character that isn't the boring fuck that is T. Hawk.

Chief Thunder and Eagle in Killer Instinct?

Its funny a bunch of Brazilian characters cause folks to go into panic attacks

Steve is fun to play but not fun to fight if your arent familiar

Because those characters in particular are fucking obnoxious to fight lol.

If you don't know how to fight Blanka or a cappo in Tekken you're going to be in for a bad time.


Features Editor at VG247.com
Oct 28, 2017
I have quite literally gone into barber shops where folks were talking about tekken

So yeah, folks are aware. Its almost as if Tekken 3 was a cultural phenomenon or somethin

I fully believe you, but I'm curious - why would you say Tekken appears to have less of a cultural footprint in other entertainment in terms of references etc than MK or SF? (Alternatively, if you think I've just missed them, I'd love to see some instances, 'cos I've legit I think only seen a handful of Tekken references in other media ever)


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
When I was young, I always wondered why T.Hawk was a Mexican character if he's based of an Apache and after a little research I understood he was only by geographical circumstances, but I never saw any character as racist or even offensive, quite the opposite actually, as these characters and their unique characteristics became a gateway for a young Mexican kid to investigate about different people and cultures around the world. Even characters with "problematic" traits such as Blanka being a monster, Dhalsim with the skulls and yogi powers or Balrog being violent were nothing but individual traits that do not represent all of the people of the country they are from, and less-than-10-years-old me understood that perfectly.

I think the most "problematic" thing nowadays is how a lot of people expect everything to be "sanitized" to prevent hurting someone's sensibilities and trying to make everything either homogeneous so no one is offended or so heterogeneous that some people might not be classified as human anymore.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
The game distilled all fighters and stages into simple stereotypes, easily understood and recoqnized by people around the world. I don't see how it was racist when the whole game world is like this including all content.

Games have indeed progressed from those days, but to say SF2 is the most racist game ever is just a goddamn click bait.