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Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Does he/she work as part of the team or was it contract work?

I am asking since, is he/she is a part of the regular team it paints a very disgusting picture on the whole developer team/their studio ideas. But is he/she is just a outside contract worker it's a bit different.
full time employee


i want to stress i am NOT doxxing him, and i vehemently oppose any kind of doxxing.
this is simply from the developer's website.


Oct 27, 2017

I will say that his linkedin says he's a full time employee of Unknown Worlds Entertainment.

The game is great, I don't think it should suffer repercussions for the public opinions of a single employee. But the individual itself definitely needs to reconsider what kind of "memes" he puts out online, and how hurtful they can be when thrown out without care like that.

But those opinions were clearly known to the team judging by that poll response (it was @ them so i dont see how they could miss it) and they kept him on.

What does that say about them?


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't he from Poland? Vastly different ideas on race and gender in eastern Europe.

I don't think we should sentence people over the internet. It's a shame that's what he's throwing out there on the internet but there's no quick fix for this.
Some countries are just lagging behind with social issues. Mostly because well, there's like almost no migrants of any kind living in Poland and they seem to want to keep it that way.
The EU is trying to pressure them with fines and dumb speeches and it's only backfiring and enabling patriotism.

Poland is a developed country, it being where it is is no excuse


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Isn't he from Poland? Vastly different ideas on race and gender in eastern Europe.

I don't think we should sentence people over the internet. It's a shame that's what he's throwing out there on the internet but there's no quick fix for this.
Some countries are just lagging behind with social issues. Mostly because well, there's like almost no migrants of any kind living in Poland and they seem to want to keep it that way.
The EU is trying to pressure them with fines and dumb speeches and it's only backfiring and enabling patriotism.
I don't see how him living in Poland excuses this garbage. I don't owe this developer shit.


Dec 30, 2017
Isn't he from Poland? Vastly different ideas on race and gender in eastern Europe.

I don't think we should sentence people over the internet. It's a shame that's what he's throwing out there on the internet but there's no quick fix for this.
Some countries are just lagging behind with social issues. Mostly because well, there's like almost no migrants of any kind living in Poland and they seem to want to keep it that way.
The EU is trying to pressure them with fines and dumb speeches and it's only backfiring and enabling patriotism.
And since they're selling their games only in Poland this post makes sense. /s


Oct 25, 2017
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Isn't he from Poland? Vastly different ideas on race and gender in eastern Europe.

I don't think we should sentence people over the internet. It's a shame that's what he's throwing out there on the internet but there's no quick fix for this.
Some countries are just lagging behind with social issues. Mostly because well, there's like almost no migrants of any kind living in Poland and they seem to want to keep it that way.
The EU is trying to pressure them with fines and dumb speeches and it's only backfiring and enabling patriotism.

Except he technically called himself superior than 3rd world people, shouldn't we expect him to prove his own point by not saying vile crap like he did?


Oct 25, 2017
God dammit I was JUST listening to the OST.

Welp, deleting that garbage.
Oct 27, 2017
Isn't he from Poland? Vastly different ideas on race and gender in eastern Europe.

I don't think we should sentence people over the internet. It's a shame that's what he's throwing out there on the internet but there's no quick fix for this.
Some countries are just lagging behind with social issues. Mostly because well, there's like almost no migrants of any kind living in Poland and they seem to want to keep it that way.
The EU is trying to pressure them with fines and dumb speeches and it's only backfiring and enabling patriotism.
As someone from Poland yes I can confirm that we have different ideas on race and gender. Terrible, harmful childish and ignorant.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
How is the term helicopter transphobic?

I've never heard that before.
I always thought it wasn't making fun of trans-gendered folk but the people on tumblr who identify as minerals and dragons and stupid shit like that. Like by saying you identify as an attack helicopter your making fun of the extreme shit that makes no sense. Not simply wanting to be a man or woman and such, which makes sense.


Oct 28, 2017
Poland is a developed country, it being where it is is no excuse

I don't see how him living in Poland excuses this garbage. I don't owe this developer shit.

And since they're selling their games only in Poland this post makes sense. /s

What's with all the hostility?

I'm merely making an observation that because of his roots these ideas are not uncommon.
Poland had been locked away from the western world until 1989 or so and has only recently developed economically.
You can't really expect them to be on the same 'level' as other western societies. If I'm not mistaken gay marriage is still outlawed in Poland.

We had gay marriage in the 90's and legal weed in the 80's and it's not like we boycotted the US for being such a backwards society.
These things take time.

That doesn't make it any less bad.
It doesn't but you can't exactly enact US laws on this guy.

In Poland you wouldn't get prosecuted for this. I'm willing to bet $100 that at most developers in Eastern Europe there's at least one developer with similar views.

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Is it doxxing if he used his real profiles to put out those comments out to the public. It only took one google search to find his linkedin and unknownworlds profile.
i just don't want people to accuse me of doxxing him, or encourage people to do it. that's all. he doesn't deserved to be doxxed over trash views


Oct 26, 2017
Unfortunately or fortunately Twitter helps people expose their prejudice for all to see. They could just not have a Twitter account or keep their horrible beliefs to themselves but nope. Stuff like this definitely gives me pause about supporting devs with my money.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
This thread is temporarily locked to give everyone a chance to cool off. Please do not resort to personal attacks or insults. Thanks.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Beach City
I don't think a random worker at a company matters in the grand scheme of anything. You never know what any of your coworkers, or people at other companies, believe. I personally pay no attention to these kind of people.
Oct 27, 2017
I never understood this either. I took it as a joke toward __ / other-kin tumblr stuff.

I always thought it wasn't making fun of trans-gendered folk but the people on tumblr who identify as minerals and dragons and stupid shit like that. Like by saying you identify as an attack helicopter your making fun of the extreme shit that makes no sense. Not simply wanting to be a man or woman and such, which makes sense.

It's right there in the OP with the guy using it in reply to something simply listing trans and noncomforming as gender options

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I said this in this thread I made earlier on the game which made this thread, but will post it here too and make some additions from discussion and digging myself.

That is unfortunate. Though I do think as games are handed off between a lot of different people many probably have been worked on with people with bigoted views. I guess less bothered because they had no hand with the content of the actual game design, concept, and seem like they were one of the outside hires not even part of the main team looking a bit more into this.

Not fun of course and I can understand if people feel one way or another, it's good this stuff comes to light. I also think how many other games people play which had one member of staff with biggoted views they don't know about, and it'd be fun to have that exposed. At the same time I guess for me personally as it's literally not reflected in any way within the game itself (and why would it be, it's not like this person was behind the design of the game), it is what it is and hope they get their comings.

I guess for me I just figure the game is not an extension of this person, and this person should be punished rather than the game. This isn't even a case of separating art from the artist, as this person wasn't any sort of lead or designer on the project or made any decisions for it, so hold the person responsible, not the game. Its also noted this all came out around release, so the team very well may not have known especially since the person isn't part of the core team's office and sent work over online digging a bit more into it.

The staff is put all over the world and there's only one place where they meet in person, this all occurred really close to the game's release so they would've already been paid and finished their work long before this.

The developers have done other sensible things over time and gone above and beyond, so I'm inclined to think it's one sour apple and hope they do drop them in light. For the record these developers decided to do no guns for the game after the Sandy Hook Shooting as they thought more games without guns would be better, and a number of these developers also worked on the game Natural Selection & Natural Selection 2 (which is actually in the same universe as Subnautica and some small ties) who did some other things. This person wasn't on the staff for their previous projects and only came on board recently for Subnautica, and with them being done by online work and not direct interaction and this only coming to light recently I am lead to believe it's one person being like this than the team as a whole or the game being like this.

People will feel as they do, but I can say as I've been playing it recently the game definitely doesn't have bigoted viewpoints present within it, and actually has a lot of rather forward thinking things due to the characters you learn more about through the game's story, but I don't want to spoil too much here.

I see some people talking about female character stuff, but frankly I think they decided not to since it literally doesn't make a difference. Your character is always in a diving suit and they never speak to the point I am in the game and you only see their arm/flipper occasionally. The only real distinction I could make they were male was from some grunts in the opening, but I think they weren't really thinking anything of the gender in the game and just didn't want to put resources into something that would literally change nothing. That and a story spoiler I won't get much into, but I can see why they opted not to.


Oct 25, 2017
What's with all the hostility?

I'm merely making an observation that because of his roots these ideas are not uncommon.
Poland had been locked away from the western world until 1989 or so and has only recently developed economically.
You can't really expect them to be on the same 'level' as other western societies. If I'm not mistaken gay marriage is still outlawed in Poland.

We had gay marriage in the 90's and legal weed in the 80's and it's not like we boycotted the US for being such a backwards society.
These things take time.

It doesn't but you can't exactly enact US laws on this guy.

In Poland you wouldn't get prosecuted for this. I'm willing to bet $100 that at most developers in Eastern Europe there's at least one developer with similar views.

This is about good human morals, not United States laws.
Oct 31, 2017
Mod Edit: Transphobia and racism are not merely opinions. Defense of such behavior is not tolerated or permitted on this forum.

Mod Edit 2: Do not thread whine.

It's a fairly bad look, especially unfortunate since the game is supposedly quite good.

The purpose of this thread is not to tell people to boycott or avoid this game, it's just to inform and to allow discussion of this topic without it filling the threads discussing the mechanics and gameplay of Subnautica.

The person in question has since privated their Twitter and other accounts, but the game's wiki does refer to them as the sound designer. If there is any more information would be good to see, although so far it doesn't seem like there has been a response from the lead.

Ok I need someone to explain something to me, I genuinely don't understand what "discussion" is in this context, the mods said that defense of racism and transphobic behavior is not tolerated but I don't know what that means either, is me saying that I don't think that the transphobic tweet is actually that transphobic because it just looks like a stupid joke to me not allowed? is that considered defending transphobic behavior even if I don't think that particular tweet is transphobic? if that type of discussion is taboo then what else is there to discuss if not shitting on the guy and the devs? I'm not trying to be provocative and I'm honestly searching for an answer but when these threads come up I'm always scared to say anything because people get so aggressive and I don't know how to approach the exchange of opinions without the risk of triggering the whole site, so I ask again, what is the sort of discussion that is allowed?


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think a random worker at a company matters in the grand scheme of anything. You never know what any of your coworkers, or people at other companies, believe. I personally pay no attention to these kind of people.

This is a small team and he had been spouting his racist shit in replies to them. It's pretty telling of the company culture if it was allowed to slide regardless of what they pay lip service to.

It's not like he was one cog on an Assassins Creed team.

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think a random worker at a company matters in the grand scheme of anything. You never know what any of your coworkers, or people at other companies, believe. I personally pay no attention to these kind of people.
i would agree. it's a different situation if it's a one man project or a very small team, but they have 240 employees according to LinkedIn.

yes, the sound designer and game designer have said really shitty things. and there's nothing wrong with bringing those to light or discussing them. but 238 other people work there... i'm sure there's more good people there than bad by far.


Oct 25, 2017
I always thought it wasn't making fun of trans-gendered folk but the people on tumblr who identify as minerals and dragons and stupid shit like that. Like by saying you identify as an attack helicopter your making fun of the extreme shit that makes no sense. Not simply wanting to be a man or woman and such, which makes sense.

Originally it was used to mock otherkin, but it quickly turned into just mocking anyone who was trans as well. In fact, I've primarily seen it used that way for a few years now. Its just a way to mock our identities as being ridiculous and unbelievable.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Well I hope this is boycotted, end of story.
From all the information I can gather, I don't think the game should be boycotted. People individually can make their own decisions, but frankly I think this is a case of a bigoted person more than anything about the team. You can view it through one lens of seeing it all as spreading hate, but I don't think that's actually what's happening here. An individual is spreading hate, not the game or most of the development team as far as I can tell. And this all occurred really close to the game's release when they're crunching like hell and this person would've long been done with their duties.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Meh. it's a shame, but his attitude didn't leak into the game. I've been playing the game since early access and loved every second of it. Don't regret a single second of it either. Not going to do something like boycott the company for the words of a single employee.


Dec 30, 2017
What's with all the hostility?

I'm merely making an observation that because of his roots these ideas are not uncommon.
Poland had been locked away from the western world until 1989 or so and has only recently developed economically.
You can't really expect them to be on the same 'level' as other western societies. If I'm not mistaken gay marriage is still outlawed in Poland.

We had gay marriage in the 90's and legal weed in the 80's and it's not like we boycotted the US for being such a backwards society.
These things take time.
I'm Hungarian so I certainly can and will expect better from them. Disgusting ideologies are disgusting anywhere no matter how many people share them. It's like if it was 1938 and you just said: "Well the Germans just recovered from the war, give them a break!"

Honestly, I'm so fucking sick of this. This stuff festers because people hand-wave it away as "oh, it's just Eastern Europe being Eastern Europe!" or "oh, it's just the South being the South!". Fucking no, if you want to sell your game globally you need to not be a piece of shit, bare minimum.


Oct 27, 2017
i would agree. it's a different situation if it's a one man project or a very small team, but they have 240 employees according to LinkedIn.

yes, the sound designer and game designer have said really shitty things. and there's nothing wrong with bringing those to light or discussing them. but 238 other people work there... i'm sure there's more good people there than bad by far.

Oh my bad, I guess not so small but also he had been tweeting at the Subnautica account with his racism with no action taken


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully he'll have a tougher time finding employment in the future. He's really narrowing his contract scope. He's arrogant, high on his praise and it will bite him in the ass.


Oct 25, 2017
i would agree. it's a different situation if it's a one man project or a very small team, but they have 240 employees according to LinkedIn.

yes, the sound designer and game designer have said really shitty things. and there's nothing wrong with bringing those to light or discussing them. but 238 other people work there... i'm sure there's more good people there than bad by far.

Subnautica was made by Unknown Worlds Entertainment right? Wikipedia says they have 20 employees. Is the 240 on Linkedin correct?

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh my bad, I guess not so small but also he had been tweeting at the Subnautica account with his racism with no action taken
i agree it's shitty. they need better PR

Subnautica was made by Unknown Worlds Entertainment right? Wikipedia says they have 20 employees. Is the 240 on Linkedin correct?

this is the linked in. while the description of the company hasn't been updated in a while, 240 people on linkedin say they work there


Oct 25, 2017
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ok I need someone to explain something to me, I genuinely don't understand what "discussion" is in this context, the mods said that defense of racism and transphobic behavior is not tolerated but I don't know what that means either, is me saying that I don't think that the transphobic tweet is actually that transphobic because it just looks like a stupid joke to me not allowed? is that considered defending transphobic behavior even if I don't think that particular tweet is transphobic? if that type of discussion is taboo then what else is there to discuss if not shitting on the guy and the devs? I'm not trying to be provocative and I'm honestly searching for an answer but when these threads come up I'm always scared to say anything because people get so aggressive and I don't know how to approach the exchange of opinions without the risk of triggering the whole site, so I ask again, what is the sort of discussion that is allowed?

Honestly, if you aren't sure, just avoid that kind of discussion, thats what I do. Also the post of the fella who got banned in this thread is a good example of what to avoid ("he is racist but thats ok cause he is Polish")

Also, if someone is called out for being transphobic is because that person did or say something transphobic, there are no degrees of it, just like there isn't diet racism.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
What's with all the hostility?

I'm merely making an observation that because of his roots these ideas are not uncommon.
Poland had been locked away from the western world until 1989 or so and has only recently developed economically.
You can't really expect them to be on the same 'level' as other western societies. If I'm not mistaken gay marriage is still outlawed in Poland.

We had gay marriage in the 90's and legal weed in the 80's and it's not like we boycotted the US for being such a backwards society.
These things take time.

It doesn't but you can't exactly enact US laws on this guy.

In Poland you wouldn't get prosecuted for this. I'm willing to bet $100 that at most developers in Eastern Europe there's at least one developer with similar views.

Whataboutism about the US is pointless. Poland also just made it a jailable offense to talk about their role in the Holocaust. You going to stan for that as just catching up with the times, too?

Edit: Oops, just saw he was banned

From all the information I can gather, I don't think the game should be boycotted. People individually can make their own decisions, but frankly I think this is a case of a bigoted person more than anything about the team. You can view it through one lens of seeing it all as spreading hate, but I don't think that's actually what's happening here. An individual is spreading hate, not the game or most of the development team as far as I can tell. And this all occurred really close to the game's release when they're crunching like hell and this person would've long been done with their duties.

I think you missed what he was replying to


Oct 27, 2017
I'm Hungarian so I certainly can and will expect better from them. Disgusting ideologies are disgusting anywhere no matter how many people share them. It's like if it was 1938 and you just said: "Well the Germans just recovered from the war, give them a break!"

Honestly, I'm so fucking sick of this. This stuff festers because people hand-wave it away as "oh, it's just Eastern Europe being Eastern Europe!" or "oh, it's just the South being the South!". Fucking no, if you want to sell your game globally you need to not be a piece of shit, bare minimum.

And also not being a piece of shit just in general would be pretty welcome regardless of where you are hocking your wares :P


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Originally it was used to mock otherkin, but it quickly turned into just mocking anyone who was trans as well. In fact, I've primarily seen it used that way for a few years now. Its just a way to mock our identities as being ridiculous and unbelievable.
Thats a bummer. I guess people gotta use everything they got to put down others. Fuck 'em! And fuck this guy. I won't boycott the game because frankly there are a ton of people working at the studio who are probably incredible people but this guy can fuck off.


Nov 6, 2017
If it serves as a repository where people who want to comment about this issue can do so without derailing other threads dedicated solely to the game (see Kingdom Come: Deliverance threads), then this thread is needed.

That's actually a good point I suppose, and I'm glad that threads like these at least shine light on the bad people within the industry, so those things are great.

It's just unfortunate that no discussion is ever had outside of arguments about how terrible a person you are if you still enjoy/bought the game.
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