
Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I'm the proud(?) owner of Pink Flamingos on VHS.

It's a fucking movie, alright.


Oct 25, 2017
i should return and watch it

i stopped somewhere between the butler raping kidnapped girls to sell the children to lesbians and a grown man trying to fuck chickens with his fully erect penis

im not watching this re:view, but i feel i should now that i know more about the what the movie actually is and not just blindly putting it in
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Vertigo Gaming Inc.
Oct 25, 2017
I will be forever grateful of Ebert's zero star review of Pink Flamingos.


John Waters' "Pink Flamingos" has been restored for its 25th anniversary revival, and with any luck at all that means I won't have to see it again for another 25 years. If I haven't retired by then, I will.

"Pink Flamingos" appeals to that part of our psyches in which we are horny teenagers at the county fair with fresh dollar bills in our pockets, and a desire to see the geek show with a bunch of buddies, so that we can brag about it at school on Monday. (And also because of an intriguing rumor that the Bearded Lady proves she is bearded all over.)

Note: I am not giving a star rating to "Pink Flamingos," because stars simply seem not to apply. It should be considered not as a film but as a fact, or perhaps as an object.


Oct 25, 2017
what the fuck is this sentence

i almost want to see the movie out of morbid curiosity now. almost
the worst was this scene where this guy goes around in one of those brown coats flashing people in a park and he has a large sausage tied around his penis

like okay whatever its not a big deal ive seen penises before but the problem was it was just tied with a piece of string from one to the other and that sausage had to be like 4 pounds or something and it made mine hurt even just glancing at it


Oct 26, 2017
For every re:View, I've either already owned the film they're reviewing or subsequently purchased it.

Not this time.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Whenever Jay and josh do a RE:view you know its gonna get weird they watch some shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried watching a bit of Pink Flamingos today and it's a hard one to watch. I get why it exists, but it's definitely a product of its time. The depraved sex positive (??) equivalent to Birth of a Nation. :p


Oct 27, 2017
This was a fascinating review for me because the only Waters movie I had ever seen before was Cry-Baby, which I loved. This is definitely not a movie I would otherwise watch, so it's interesting to see the much more extreme (compared to Cry-Baby) portion of Waters' mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Pink Flamingos >>>>> 120 days of Sodom.

Pink Flamingos has heart and a genuine love for these characters. Respect even.

You want something as gross with none of the love, charm and kindness, that is 120 days of Sodom.

I bring it up to show the accomplishment that is pink flamingos being the movie it is instead of something that is not more than depravity.


Oct 28, 2017
Do you think they will make a Black Panther HitB episode? I wonder because Mike got really bored of superhereos movies lately and this movie is not something I´d guess they´re super interested in. And if they do a HitB episode do you think they should invite a black person to the discussion? Would be the first time too right? I think it would be a little awkward (cuz you invite someone just for his color and viewpoint) but at the same time appropriate. Difficult to say.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you think they will make a Black Panther HitB episode? I wonder because Mike got really bored of superhereos movies lately and this movie is not something I´d guess they´re super interested in. And if they do a HitB episode do you think they should invite a black person to the discussion? Would be the first time too right? I think it would be a little awkward (cuz you invite someone just for his color and viewpoint) but at the same time appropriate. Difficult to say.
They don't have any black friends.
They know their audience
That's what i'm afraid of.

Deleted member 28523

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I think their review of Get Out was fine so I'm not sure what the worry is. I'm sure they'll complain about superhero fatigue again but they did that with Thor 3 and whatnot. Let's at last wait until the review is out to see what they say.
Oct 25, 2017
There's no reason to believe they would randomly skip what is likely to be the biggest solo-superhero movie of 2018.(the team version obviously being WE FINALLY GET TO THANOS in the hoooouuuuse, because that shit is finally ending. Dear god, will I not miss 'the road to Thanos' )
They did Spidey, Wonder Woman, Thor 3, and even Justice League too. And yes, that dig at DC movies is as intentional as Supes' CG'd away mustache.

Deleted member 15933

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What's everybody's guess how long the Nerd Crew will run? I don't see them having fun with this forever, I'd guess they'll stop earlier than the inevitable total MCU reboot. I just hope that they end it with a bang. Maybe some bizarre plot where they make a pact with the Devil Disney that goes tits-up and they have no other choice than perform some suicidal stunt on camera in hopes of salvaging their pathetic youtube career or something.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd expect something like the Wonder Woman review. Whether one is comfortable with that or thinks they are cynical, tone-deaf or whatever is up to each one of us I guess.
So they're going to ask "why should Black children look up to Black Panther?" or say how it is going be an "equality issue" ad nauseam after unironically reading a book about Star Trek? Yippie.

What's everybody's guess how long the Nerd Crew will run? I don't see them having fun with this forever, I'd guess they'll stop earlier than the inevitable total MCU reboot. I just hope that they end it with a bang. Maybe some bizarre plot where they make a pact with the Devil Disney that goes tits-up and they have no other choice than perform some suicidal stunt on camera in hopes of salvaging their pathetic youtube career or something.

One of the things I liked in the (second?) Nerd Crew episode was when they made fun of the loot box stuff. If they branch out of Disney/MCU/DCEU stuff, they could have plenty of stuff for a while. And, if they really want to get punchy, they can go after the type of people who actually watch this stuff and not just the people who make it (but that would probably mean going into their fanbase moreso).
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd expect something like the Wonder Woman review. Whether one is comfortable with that or thinks they are cynical, tone-deaf or whatever is up to each one of us I guess.
It pisses me off, and i just find i tiring.
So they're going to ask "why should Black children look up to Black Panther?" or say how it is going be an "equality issue" ad nauseam after unironically reading a book about Star Trek? Yippie.
I'm so tired their fucking diet racist bullshit.
Because as we all know if a movie puts in any minorities and women in them, it's just a cynical box ticking marketing exercise. Especially if they're Asian.

Kids don't want to see themselves on screen, it's just a ploy to sell them toys.

I've been morbidly anticipating their review of the film. Cause we all the fuckshit they're going to say.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
How about you guys wait until they upload the review before you act overly concerned about what they might say and get all worked up about it, only to watch it anyway.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be called out. They absolutely should be. Post it here, write them on Twitter and/or Patreon. Let them hear it loud and clear.

But I really don't see the point of acting all "oh geez, I wonder how ignorant and racist they'll be" before they've said a single thing about the thing you're so concerned about. The same shit happened before the Ghostbusters Plinkett review and it drives me nuts.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Remember when folks were worried about get out? I think they're more conscious of what they say when it comes to films dealing with the black community


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when folks were worried about get out? I think they're more conscious of what they say when it comes to films dealing with the black community
Except with the Get Out review, they did their absolute best to side step virtually all of the racial components in the film. And only spoke about what they couldn't avoid. So no, i don't give them any credit for that review.

EDIT: That comes across more adversarial then i had intended.
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Oct 25, 2017
Would you rather i typed out in length my reasons for coming to that conclusion.

Because if you're saying it's OTT in response to what i said. Then it's safe to assume, that you know what some of the examples i'm referring to. So then what point is there for me to give examples.

Is anything i can say to have you see my point of view at all ? From that response you gave, i very much doubt it.

Which is why i made that post.


Oct 26, 2017
I've never gotten the sense that they are against diversity in films, more that they don't trust Hollywood filmmakers to utilize diversity in any real meaningful way or out of any benevolent sense of social justice. I think their ongoing shots at the makeup of the people writing and directing the Star Wars films is proof of that.

Edit: That being said, Mike's argument that girls should only look up to real people as heroes is a patently stupid one. Fictional characters can inspire people to do amazing things in real life. That's one of the major purposes of fiction: to imagine things that aren't strictly possible in the real world and representation goes a long way in that. You can't realize something until you can imagine it, and imagining a female superhero means that your brain can now actually fathom women being heroes in real life too.
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Oct 25, 2017
I've never gotten the sense that they are against diversity in films, more that they don't trust Hollywood filmmakers to utilize diversity in any real meaningful way or out of any benevolent sense of social justice. I think their ongoing shots at the makeup of the people writing and directing the Star Wars films is proof of that.
I don't want to go through and dig it all up because we did that in the old place in detail at times and there's no real reason to relitigate it because those that care seem to know about it, but for the past several years, there's been instances where Mike and Rich have said some stuff that raises an eyebrow. Rich would go on the pre-rec streams to complain how he can't say "retard" and "tranny" anymore, Mike's questioning of "why would little girls look up to wonder woman" and the movie becoming an "equality issue", the "sensitive joss whedon" stuff, the Ghostbuster's Scientist Man conspiratorial defense, and so on. Then, couple that with the fact that their viewer group is vastly, incredibly male-centered, along with crap that sometimes got posted in their now defunct forum (as well as Reddit and sometimes in the old place), people get suspicious. Things that were once outliers started to become more repeated for some posters. Heck, one of the top posters in the old place simply just stopped posting because they were tired of Rich and the trans issues, both from him directly and the fanbase, if I recall correctly.


Oct 26, 2017
Those are all very good examples but I'm probably unjustifiably charitable towards people who struggle with their own privilege while hopefully trying to change how they perceive the world. I think that probably applies to some schmucks from Milwaukee who have more or less been thrust into a position of influence via cultural critique. Ultimately I think that probably makes them extremely uncomfortable at times which I think can lead both to moments of personal growth as well as moments of disappointing defensiveness.


Oct 25, 2017
I've never gotten the sense that they are against diversity in films, more that they don't trust Hollywood filmmakers to utilize diversity in any real meaningful way or out of any benevolent sense of social justice. I think their ongoing shots at the makeup of the people writing and directing the Star Wars films is proof of that.
They don't give a shit about diversity behind the camera. IMO.

They made they're position quite clear with Plinkett TFA review. When mike went all in on Finn (and Rey if i remember correctly) calling it a cynical box ticking marketing ploy, which is such a disingenuous and transparent argument.

And is also when he first brought up whole kids don't care about seeing themselves on screen. Have you ever heard of something so absurd.

I couldn't give other examples, but it's very tiring.
I don't want to go through and dig it all up because we did that in the old place in detail at times and there's no real reason to relitigate it because those that care seem to know about it, but for the past several years, there's been instances where Mike and Rich have said some stuff that raises an eyebrow. Rich would go on the pre-rec streams to complain how he can't say "retard" and "tranny" anymore, Mike's questioning of "why would little girls look up to wonder woman" and the movie becoming an "equality issue", the "sensitive joss whedon" stuff, the Ghostbuster's Scientist Man conspiratorial defense, and so on. Then, couple that with the fact that their viewer group is vastly, incredibly male-centered, along with crap that sometimes got posted in their now defunct forum (as well as Reddit and sometimes in the old place), people get suspicious. Things that were once outliers started to become more repeated for some posters. Heck, one of the top posters in the old place simply just stopped posting because they were tired of Rich and the trans issues, both from him directly and the fanbase, if I recall correctly.
Yeah, pretty much.

Watching the streams, you really see that Rich really suffers from the whole persecuted nerd complex, with all that entails.


Oct 25, 2017
He also complained greatly about the Woman's March, calling it useless or stupid or harmful or full of cry babies or something.
Christ i forgot about that. He says so much stupid shit it all blends together.

All that stuff comes from the persecuted nerd complex, like when someone once asked him about MRAs. He said something along the lines of he doesn't completely dismiss all philosophies, or some shit like that. He's was pulling his whole Reddit atheist man of logic shtick. But just came across as ignorant.

All that shit goes in to the whole persecuted nerd complex.

He and Jack have said so many scust shit over the last few years. It's quite depressing. :(

Bangai O

Oct 28, 2017
Christ i forgot about that. He says so much stupid shit it all blends together.

All that stuff comes from the persecuted nerd complex, like when someone once asked him about MRAs. He said something along the lines of he doesn't completely dismiss all philosophies, or some shit like that. He's was pulling his whole Reddit atheist man of logic shtick. But just came across as ignorant.

All that shit goes in to the whole persecuted nerd complex.

He and Jack have said so many scust shit over the last few years. It's quite depressing. :(
Oh man, not Jack too. :(


Oct 28, 2017
I'm glad others have also grown weary of some of their meh takes on issues like race and gender. I remember on the old site talking about how stupid their position was in WW and was told I was just stoking the fires of outrage culture. Glad we stopped pretending that was anything less than stupid diet misogyny.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
Christ i forgot about that. He says so much stupid shit it all blends together.

All that stuff comes from the persecuted nerd complex, like when someone once asked him about MRAs. He said something along the lines of he doesn't completely dismiss all philosophies, or some shit like that. He's was pulling his whole Reddit atheist man of logic shtick. But just came across as ignorant.

All that shit goes in to the whole persecuted nerd complex.

He and Jack have said so many scust shit over the last few years. It's quite depressing. :(
Then why the fuck did you keep promoting their Twitch streams over and over again, like you provided some kind of value?