
Oct 29, 2017
User has been banned 3 days for: trolling/antagonizing users in emotionally charged topics about race
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.

EDIT: Before you tear me a new asshole for this post please read my final extended thoughts on BP. Thank you. https://www.resetera.com/posts/4702455/
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Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Twitter was a fucking mistake. Then again, humanity was the trashiest mistake.

Seriously though, this is straight up incitement of racial hate and hope there's legal ramification for this kind of behaviour which actively risks lives. Then again, (passive aggressiveness incoming) this is the country where NRA's politics are above and beyond consideration against the welfare of children on almost weekly basis, some police officers work actively with white nationalists to go after ANTIFA members and Fox News, an organization followed by millions racially berates black athletes for having political views not in line with gerrymandering Grand Old Party and its followers, without any consequence.

America needs movies like Black Panther and Wonder Woman but do not deserve them.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.

Time to start doing some critical thinking, son.


Oct 26, 2017
Remember this?

I remember seeing this but can't remember what it was about. What happened?


Oct 29, 2017
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.
It's not about what makes "sense" in the eyes of a racist. Any advancement of black people is white persecution in their eyes. From sharing the same water fountains and restrooms to gaining Civil Rights. From moving in next door to being the first black player on a sports team. From electing a black president to having a popular movie with a black cast. Racism doesn't care about the impact, it cares that black people are gaining/enjoying anything at all. Because black people gaining anything from the perspective of a racists, means that black people start gaining humanity. In their perspective, black people don't deserve a feast or crumbs. They deserve nothing so they try their hardest to make sure black people get nothing. That's all there is to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.
Educate yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.
Either you haven't seen the film, don't know about culture empowerment, or don't know how much representation matters.

If you are arguing in good faith, have a full read of this and it will answer your question.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on 'Black Panther': All This Fuss Over a Superhero Movie?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.

Explains it, damn you mess


Oct 27, 2017
New York
I remember seeing this but can't remember what it was about. What happened?
Woman claimed a black man held her at knife point after seeing her Mccain bumper sticker, carved a B into her face, and told her "You're going to be a Barack supporter." Got revealed it was all a lie and she got sentenced to a little bit of jail time and psychiatric examination...

Why do they put an emoji after the movie name of they want to be believed
Pretty sure Twitter does that on its own when you put in the Black Panther hashtag.


Oct 25, 2017
How unfortunate! I heard some really positive stories about people dressing up in African garb to go see the movie down here in L.A at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood at least!


I would love to be a fly on the wall for a screening in a predominantly black audience to be honest: when I saw Wonder Woman opening weekend with my daughter it was like 75% women and it was just so cool to see the reactions.
Dec 18, 2017
Woman claimed a black man held her at knife point after seeing her Mccain bumper sticker, carved a B into her face, and told her "You're going to be a Barack supporter." Got revealed it was all a lie and she got sentenced to a little bit of jail time and psychiatric examination...

The punchline being that the idiot carved it backwards because she was looking in a mirror.


Oct 25, 2017
Explain it then. Explain to me how a PG-13 movie some important moment in history.

It's not.
All you have to do is look at social media to see how important this film is.

But there have already been links to articles explaining it in detail

I went to a showing last night and it was unlike any moviegoing experience I've had before.


Oct 29, 2017
Explain it then. Explain to me how a PG-13 movie some important moment in history.

It's not.
It's not important to history. It's important to people. Your issue is that you believe that bigots only hate it when their marginalized targets do something history defining. The reality is that bigots hate it when their targets do anything at all.


Oct 29, 2017
It's not about what makes "sense" in the eyes of a racist. Any advancement of black people is white persecution in their eyes. From sharing the same water fountains and restrooms to gaining Civil Rights. From moving in next door to being the first black player on a sports team. From electing a black president to having a popular movie with a black cast. Racism doesn't care about the impact, it cares that black people are gaining/enjoying anything at all.
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?


Oct 25, 2017
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.

With the standing Marvel has in pop culture, this is a very big deal. This is a long-overdue reflection of a portion of society that has been ignored in this segment.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?

Why does it seem like you're only qualifier here is a black cast without any further context on the content of the movie?


Feb 7, 2018
Why is anyone treating Black Panther anything more than a Marvel Movie?

No really this isn't Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers, it's not Civil Rights, it's not the election of Obama, it's a popcorn flick. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm sorry but I kinda think you're a little nutty if you think this movie is bigger than what it actually is.

Because this is a country where the representation of black people in the media largely consists of buffoonery and criminality, or a mixture of the two. Positive depictions of black men and women in TV and film is rare, no matter the handful of exceptions we can cite. So when a film like this comes on the scene, a blockbuster movie about black heroism directed by a black man and starring a predominantly black cast, it's kind of a big deal and will obviously generate the massive amount of interest and acclaim you are witnessing.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?

I think you answered your own question. This is literally the first time we've had a black lead super hero. Straight Outta Compton is a great film but it's characters are more anti-heroes that reinforce a lot of stereotypes. This film is putting a HERO on superior footing to Tony fucking Stark and Batman...not only is he rich and brilliant he's a king and showcasing a culture that has been lost to time. If you don't understand or chose not to...well I don't know what to say. It's representation.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?
Because it's not another fucking movie about growing up in the hood and making good, co-starring white savior. Jesus. Instead of being a beligerent know it all how about you shut up and listen to people?!
Oct 25, 2017
Gordita Beach
I get why on the outside looking in BP doesn't mean whole lot, but I'm also not black or into superhero shit so frankly it wouldn't be a big deal to me. Some things mean more than to others, it isn't that big a deal and to try and poop on other people getting excited is shitty


Oct 25, 2017
Waiting for one of these pathetic trolls to tie in a MLK Jr. quote somehow.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?
Because Black Panther is now a pillar of nerd culture, a group notoriously full of angry, bigoted gatekeeping straight white men who view everything as an intrusion on their reality. Compton was a biopic like The Post or Theory of Everything. Black Panther is literally now one of the most popular movies of one of mainstream media's world-spanning, money-raking franchises. It's not a movie about the hood, or black death, or slavery, or Madea. It's an honest to goodness pop cultural touchstone about black people, an entire African culture, of world-changing heroes.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Explain it then. Explain to me how a PG-13 movie some important moment in history.

It's not.

For the African American community it is actually pretty important. Since you're currently on the internet, you can do some quick searches and read articles by black people who will explain to you why (have been a couple of good threads on here about it too). None of them will claim it's on the level of Civil Rights, so get that hyperbolic bullshit out of your head before you begin reading. Once you've ingested a few articles, I expect nothing less than for you to come back and say, "Hmm, now I see how it's more than just a popcorn flick for many people and it makes sense."


Oct 25, 2017
Note: Karnova decided to use a thread about white people making up fake attacks perpetrated by blacks to vocalize his confusion about why black people care about Black Panther.
Dec 18, 2017
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?

Because black filmic expression shouldn't be limited to biopics, Tyler Perry, and historical dramas.


Oct 29, 2017
Your shit is so transparent it's pathetic.
I'm sorry but I don't get why anyone would have extreme love or hate for Black Panther.

I'm going to probably see it in a week or two (I rarely go to a opening weekend) and I'll say "That was cool." and then life will go on.

I'm not being a hater, I'm just totally confused as to why anyone would be flipping out over a Blockbuster movie.


Oct 27, 2017
New York


Oct 29, 2017
Note: Karnova decided to use a thread about white people making up fake attacks perpetrated by blacks to vocalize his confusion about why black people care about Black Panther.
Because I don't understand why anyone would fucking try to sabotage Black Panther. That's all.

For crying out loud Black Panther debuted in Civil War and pretty much had the most character development.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I don't remember anyone going nuts over Straight Outta Compton being one of the biggest movies of 2016. That was a popular movie with a black cast.

Why is Black Panther more significant than Straight Outta Compton?

I'll copy a post from boxoffice theory forums that sums it up nicely.


Lemme just expand on this. What is great about this movie TO ME: this isn't some hood shit, this ain't no ghetto drama, this isn't about how a kid needs to rap/sing/dance/play ball well enough to escape poverty, this isn't gangsta, this isn't some goddamn fucking slave shit, this isn't about the the civil rights struggle, this isn't about being the sidekick, this isn't about the first black man to invent some shit or do some shit, this isn't coonery, this isn't about the loud comedian acting like a fool. This movie is about culture, it's about professionalism, it's about strength, its about family, its about tradition, it's about presenting us in positions of regality whilst preserving our identity (there's none of white-guy-just-played-by-a-black-guy shit going on here. These characters are black, these characters are African).

I came out of this fucking movie feeling PRIDE. Let me tell you something: THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ME!!!!! I've never watched a superhero movie and feel like I feel right now. I'm fucking shocked.

This movie said theres 2 billion black people on this planet. I'm still thinking about what we could do and where we could be if we were united. If we looked out for each other like we should, like we used to. Wakanda feels like the goal.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
Because Black Panther is now a pillar of nerd culture, a group notoriously full of angry, bigoted gatekeeping straight white men who view everything as an intrusion on their reality. Compton was a biopic like The Post or Theory of Everything. Black Panther is literally now one of the most popular movies of one of mainstream media's world-spanning, money-raking franchises. It's not a movie about the hood, or black death, or slavery, or Madea. It's an honest to goodness pop cultural touchstone about black people, an entire African culture, of world-changing heroes.

...those angry white nerds have always bought black panther tho. Those straight white gatekeepers made the character, lol

Those white nerds are taking the movie to 200 mil. I don't know why we're pushing the "everyone was against black panther" narrative when the audience and the writers have been behind the character for decades, which is why he's getting a massive moneymaking marvel movie in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
For the African American community it is actually pretty important. Since you're currently on the internet, you can do some quick searches and read articles by black people who will explain to you why (have been a couple of good threads on here about it too). None of them will claim it's on the level of Civil Rights, so get that hyperbolic bullshit out of your head before you begin reading. Once you've ingested a few articles, I expect nothing less than for you to come back and say, "Hmm, now I see how it's more than just a popcorn flick for many people and it makes sense."
LOL Bruh if I had a nickle for every time this shit happened. Hell all of Black Culture ERA would never have to work again


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry but I don't get why anyone would have extreme love or hate for Black Panther.

I'm going to probably see it in a week or two (I rarely go to a opening weekend) and I'll say "That was cool." and then life will go on.

I'm not being a hater, I'm just totally confused as to why anyone would be flipping out over a Blockbuster movie.

Imagine you're a black kid in elementary school. Your white classmates have Batman, Superman, The Avengers, X-men even the girls have Wonderwoman...who do you have? Black Fucking Panther now and Luke Cage and hopefully more.