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Deleted member 6137

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This apparently gives them cart blanche to not have a narrative arc for this game? Mass Effect was always announced as 3 games, yet each game had an internal story arc that resolved itself in turn while feeding into the overarching plot line. Kingdom Come resolves sweet fuck all.
They don't get cart anything. I haven't even played the game. There are good and bad ways to implement cliffhanger endings. This seems to you like it is a bad way. I can't judge anything until I play.


Oct 27, 2017
Delighted that the hate squad and snarky reviews weren't able to knock it. The most addictive fun that I have had in a long time.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Awesome. The game is extremely well written, directed and designed. They deserve every sale. Also I think the audience for this game realizes that the "bugs" that reviewers blasted the game for are even less prevalent than Skyrim's/Fallout's.
True. I've yet to notice any notable bugs so far after playing for 10 hours or so.

Reviewers are exaggerating them or just not fond of the idea of AA game with little to no marketing.


Oct 27, 2017
That's great for the team, I'm loving it so far. Hope this means there'll be lots of support (aside from bug fixes, I just know this could run and look better on my XOX than it does).


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
That's unfortunate , hopefully the good devs within the company move on to other situations so I can support there work.


As a trans woman, I am literally crying IRL over this news. So many people willing to look the other way when it comes to bigoted behaviour because they make nice games.

As a negro, I'm not fond of this game doing well either .

it's shitty, isn't it? gg really was a symptom of a larger problem within the gaming community

Delighted that the hate squad and snarky reviews weren't able to knock it.

yes, that hate squad really does sound terrible

The fact that you need your purchase validated speaks volumes

it well & truly does


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
It really is a good game...with a little more time and polish, it will be great.

The thirst for a deep open world RPG that isn't completely dumbed down was real.


Oct 27, 2017
It has a ton of problems but It's good to finally see someone else attempting a Bethesda type game. There is obviously a huge demand for them.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 weeks): Derailing thread with false accusations. Baseless complaints of group think / echo chambers. Continued history of trolling other members. Ban extended after review.
I see we're back to calling everyone who bought the game a racist/nazi/whatever's the hot new name to abuse.

The game got virtually no attention anywhere until it blew up on twitch around release day. It'd be wrong to assume most of the 1 million knew about Vavra at all let alone that they'd agree with him or whatever. You guys really need to learn just how much of a bubble gaf/Era is.


User banned for use of alt account
Nov 13, 2017
How accurate are they with console sales? Could they be undersetimating that number?

NPD cant come soon enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Thrilled to hear this. Congratulations to Warhorse for the stunning success. By all accounts it is the most ambitious open world rpg in a long time. I haven't played it yet because I was waiting for a couple of patches but it sounds like the issues aren't substantial or game breaking. Might just start it off...


Oct 27, 2017
as somebody who backed it and followed it all these years... it's great to see it all come together. there were times i thought maybe the scope was a little beyond what Warhorse set out to do but ultimately i knew they'd pull it off and it'd be a hit

unfortunately work has gotten in the way and i've hardly got to play it -- Steam says i'm at 12 hrs but it has to be way less than that -- i can't definitively say 'this is the greatest thing ever', but the time i did spend feels like a genuine crpg from yesteryear and its pretty refreshing


Oct 25, 2017
can you point to someone here that did that? i saw people displeased with the sales

Your post for one

it's shitty, isn't it? gg really was a symptom of a larger problem within the gaming community

I don't know if you think you're being slick by saying that instead of just outright saying we're all nazi sympathizers or what have you, but it's pretty clear you're attributing the game's success to that crowd and suggesting that people who bought it are no better than them and that we're part of this "larger problem within the gaming community".


Oct 30, 2017
Honestly, i dont get how they sold this much. Do people really want to play authentic rpgs where you have to clean your outfit so you can speak with noble characters? Shit, thats surprise.

I am happy for them, its shame that here in Slovak republic we will never make something like this :/

Its not (only) things like that

I would say it gathered so much interest because you simply don't have games with such a big world and graphics fidelity in such a setting at all.
Especially not currently and as far as i know there isn't something coming up either right?

If you have Open World RPGs you usually get some unrealistic Magic&Fantasy Stuff with it.
Dragons here,monsters there blabla everytime the same shit and even those are in terms of high quality pretty rare - One or two maybe in a timespan of 5 years?
What did we have in recent years?Mainly just Witcher 3+Addons - Its 1 150 hour RPG in years and this is another pretty (casual) fantasy RPG.

The project itself is simply unique cause it did (try in a lot of cases) to immerse you really well into the world,the lore and the daily life and the tasks that come with it.
Adding to that the Sidequests,the way you play and how many ways you can play every aspect in this game simply is something really refreshing and in that size pretty unique i guess.

I would bet if this game would have been released in the same(or worse) state by the Bethesda/Elder Scrolls Team it would be a GOTY Contender with 10/10s everywhere cause their games are usually compared to KCD a lot worse and are pretty superficial + outdated.

The moment i've seen Kingdom Come played on a stream on twitch+the reports in the early threads on this forum i felt like this is the game i wanted in such a long time without knowing i wanted it.


Oct 25, 2017
Member warned: Calling everyone who buys the game a nazi sympathizer.
I don't know if you think you're being slick by saying that instead of just outright saying we're all nazi sympathizers or what have you, but it's pretty clear you're attributing the game's success to that crowd and suggesting that people who bought it are no better than them and that we're part of this "larger problem within the gaming community".

You're not Nazis, but you're putting money in their pockets. Like, you wouldn't eat at a restaurant owned by a Nazi, so why should this be any different?


Oct 27, 2017
Genuinely unsure what you mean by this?

I am just pleased that a lot of people are getting a chance to experience the game.
They are probably judging you already that you are a terrible person, but what I got from your statement is it is a good thing that the game sold based on its own merits instead of its sales being affected by the developer's politics.


Oct 31, 2017
Great for everyone that isn't a bigoted racist on the dev team. Unfortunate for those that are.
Oct 25, 2017
As a trans woman, I am literally crying IRL over this news. So many people willing to look the other way when it comes to bigoted behaviour because they make nice games.

If it makes you feel any better I am on this site and I have no idea what this guy said to piss so many people off(and I don't want to know so nobody respond to me with quotes) so I doubt most consumers are knowledgeable about it.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
Genuinely unsure what you mean by this?

I am just pleased that a lot of people are getting a chance to experience the game.
my wording was terrible but what I meant was that you needed your purchase validated so badly that you made a post on a thread about the game selling well where you try to no so subtlety undermine criticism of the game as if there was some agenda against the dev or something.


Jan 8, 2018
They are probably judging you already that you are a terrible person

This. His avatar should be a clue as to what his agenda is. Christ, I never thought i'd see the day where "gamers" spend their day arguing about the political leanings of game makers as a determining factor to buy the game or not. I'm starting to think half the posters here are Russian trolls just trying to divide us and rile people up. People need to get a hold of themselves.
Oct 28, 2017
Thrilled to hear this. Congratulations to Warhorse for the stunning success. By all accounts it is the most ambitious open world rpg in a long time. I haven't played it yet because I was waiting for a couple of patches but it sounds like the issues aren't substantial or game breaking. Might just start it off...
I really can't believe how overstated the bugginess of the game is. I know it's all subjective and everyone will have a different experience from mine (on PC). I've had the game since release and while I have encountered a couple bugs, they're nothing game breaking and most of them are just funny and the kind of things the community (including the press) eats up when it's Fallout/Elder Scrolls/Dragon Age/Grand Theft Auto/Red Dead Redemption/Assassin's Creed/Far Cry.

Not to say I'd be comfortable playing the game without saving once. Shit happens but it'd be stupid to not save even if the game was 100% bug-free. Just sleep every hour or so, as you should be doing due to the fatigue mechanics anyways. If you wait, of course it'll get better but I wouldn't recommend waiting for anyone that really wants to play it.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I'm not one of those sales, but, how it got to a million interests me. MC score is 75 on PC to 67 on PS4 and XB1. User MC score ranges from 7.4 to 8.1.

So, just based on that, it sounds like an OK to decent game. How is it blowing up like this? Is it possibly mostly the controversy sparking interest?

Reviewers and their scores are losing relevance and YouTube and Twitch are gaining and this game has been big on Twitch.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
Your post for one

I don't know if you think you're being slick by saying that instead of just outright saying we're all nazi sympathizers or what have you, but it's pretty clear you're attributing the game's success to that crowd and suggesting that people who bought it are no better than them and that we're part of this "larger problem within the gaming community".

quite the take you've built for yourself there
another is that gg grew & festered because gaming communities at large stayed silent, and when a few minorities here express disdain for a game's sales, it's met with scorn numerous times here in this thread - including your own attempt to minimize said discussion because it's just a bubble, etc.

i'd appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth.


Oct 25, 2017
quite the take you've built for yourself there
another is that gg grew & festered because gaming communities at large stayed silent, and when a few minorities here express disdain for a game's sales, it's met with scorn numerous times here in this thread - including your own attempt to minimize said discussion because it's just a bubble, etc.

i'd appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth.


User banned for use of alt account
Nov 13, 2017
This. His avatar should be a clue as to what his agenda is. Christ, I never thought i'd see the day where "gamers" spend their day arguing about the political leanings of game makers as a determining factor to buy the game or not. I'm starting to think half the posters here are Russian trolls just trying to divide us and rile people up. People need to get a hold of themselves.
Russia did sponser black lives matter AND blue lives matter ads during the election. Play both sides to create chaos.


Oct 25, 2017
You're not Nazis, but you're putting money in their pockets. Like, you wouldn't eat at a restaurant owned by a Nazi, so why should this be any different?

Well before I was diagnosed with celiac's I ate chick-fil-a knowing that their heads are anti lgbt but that doesn't mean I don't support lgbt people and vote for candidates who support their rights. I just don't go through my life picking and choosing what to boycott because once you go down that road you have to commit to it everywhere. Doing anything less would make me a hypocrite who only boycotts when it's easy, and there's soooo many problematic people out there that it's a nearly impossible thing to keep track of. I feel it's best to keep my role in all this more realistic and continue voting for the proper candidates who can actually change or keep in effect policies that benefit these groups that are being discriminated against.

I mean all that being said I can't eat there anymore anyway due to that whole disease thing. So I guess I'm sort of in an involuntary boycott.


Oct 31, 2017
They were profitable at 250-300k copies, right? DAMN!

Well done, Warhorse! I've only been tinkering with the graphics settings so far (mainly because that's all I have the time for) - can't wait to really dig into this game.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
Does every KCD thread have to turn into this? Can we just talk about the sales figures like what this thread is supposed to be about...


Jan 8, 2018
Member warned: Using SJW as an insult. Off topic broad complaints about forum members.
god this place has gone right back to the old sjw neogaf hasn't it? And I thought a fresh start was going to make things better....


Oct 25, 2017
I really can't believe how overstated the bugginess of the game is. I know it's all subjective and everyone will have a different experience from mine (on PC). I've had the game since release and while I have encountered a couple bugs, they're nothing game breaking and most of them are just funny and the kind of things the community (including the press) eats up when it's Fallout/Elder Scrolls/Dragon Age/Grand Theft Auto/Red Dead Redemption/Assassin's Creed/Far Cry.

Not to say I'd be comfortable playing the game without saving once. Shit happens but it'd be stupid to not save even if the game was 100% bug-free. Just sleep every hour or so, as you should be doing due to the fatigue mechanics anyways. If you wait, of course it'll get better but I wouldn't recommend waiting for anyone that really wants to play it.

If you want to see the bugginess of the game, watch Sips' VODs on Twitch... it was hilarious as hell, but eventually he gave up on it.

Tarot Deck

Oct 27, 2017
Reviewers and their scores are losing relevance and YouTube and Twitch are gaining and this game has been big on Twitch.

This is true! I see less and less importance to numbers and more word of mouth.

It's a technical mess, but it's so fun, so no wonder the scores are all over the place.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
I mean, if you actually stop and think, i'm pretty sure you would find the difference.

Not that you would want to do that.

this was needlessly caustic

This. His avatar should be a clue as to what his agenda is. Christ, I never thought i'd see the day where "gamers" spend their day arguing about the political leanings of game makers as a determining factor to buy the game or not. I'm starting to think half the posters here are Russian trolls just trying to divide us and rile people up. People need to get a hold of themselves.

visiting someone's intentions based on their avatar, and then accusing others of being bots, nice

god this place has gone right back to the old sjw neogaf hasn't it? And I thought a fresh start was going to make things better....

this was likewise unnecessary

Does every KCD thread have to turn into this? Can we just talk about the sales figures like what this thread is supposed to be about...

i thought that's exactly what was happening? some aren't as pleased with the sales, is all - how is that not directly relevant in a thread about a game's sales?
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