
Oct 27, 2017
I won't lie: I unfollowed Chris Pratt a year or so ago when he went all-in on his faith and was telling people that the power of prayer saved his son's life. I always find that talk irksome, but in applications like that the whole "thoughts and prayers" thing is innocuous. I would never send a shitty tweet out or hate on the guy for it, even if it I did roll my eyes at him and think "no, Chris, the doctor saved your son".

It's not the same as disingenuous politicians and right-wing voters sending that garbage out there when they're directly responsible for the lack of legislation for gun laws. It's not the thoughts and prayers that are offensive, it's the idea that they are the best you can do. Chris Pratt isn't going to be able to do much for Kevin Smith but let him know he cares.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
how dare you make a generic statement anything remotely to do with a religious connotation! new age atheists are the worst
I don't think this has anything to do with atheism. It's dumbasses equating "thoughts and prayers" from politicians instead of doing anything about gun violence which they have the power to do so with. Some one offering prayers yo Some one who's sick. One is not like the other.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
What an idiot. Didnt he know the proper response was to go to medical school and then come back and heal Kevin Smith directly? Social media continues to be an endless parade of idiots.


Oct 31, 2017
I won't lie: I unfollowed Chris Pratt a year or so ago when he went all-in on his faith and was telling people that the power of prayer saved his son's life. I always find that talk irksome, but in applications like that the whole "thoughts and prayers" thing is innocuous. I would never send a shitty tweet out or hate on the guy for it, even if it I did roll my eyes at him and think "no, Chris, the doctor saved your son".

It's not the same as disingenuous politicians and right-wing voters sending that garbage out there when they're directly responsible for the lack of legislation for gun laws. Marrying the two is stupid.
It's interesting how prayers seem to have this supposed healing power only when modern medicine is involved.


Oct 25, 2017
So even though he's just being nice people dog pile him because he has a different belief then theirs.


Oct 25, 2017
So silly. Anger would be understandable if Chris were a doctor who could actually heal Kevin but decided to pray instead. But this? It's basically just well wishing.
Oct 27, 2017
But does he believe in the healing power of laughter?


Anyway, all the pray for you/me nonsense is annoying. But this is hardly the sort of venue and situation to criticize it.


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Oct 26, 2017
As Kevin Smith is a slightly lapsed but last time I check still in heart Catholic, I feel like he would actually appreciate the tweet.

But who cares if the guy the tweet is aimed at appreciates's the masses that are important.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe offer prayers without the "I believe in the healing power of prayer" bit. That , imo, takes it from well meaning to endorsing a a destructive view point that is responsible for death and suffering and has even been used to deny children medical care.
Praying is a nice thought, it has no power and being in the position of influence Chris is in he may inadvertently embolden those who actually believe in prayer over medicine.
In a time when the old guard of religious fundamentalism is kicking, clawing and seemingly trying to do as much damage as possible on the way out, when again and again public health and education is being compromised by those who "believe in the power of prayer" in that context, regardless of intent, Chris' comment is ignorant at best.
We wouldn't be cool if he were endorsing anti-vax sentiments but telling people with a straight face that praying can heal all good.


Oct 27, 2017
Obviously Kevin Smith is not going to forgo medical treatment because people are praying for him, so why the hell is Twitter in an uproar?

As for politicians/school shooting stuff and thoughts/prayers, the politicians could have done something previously about gun control by passing laws... Chris Pratt by doing his job, which is acting, would have had 0 effect on Kevin Smith's condition....
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Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Anyway, all the pray for you/me nonsense is annoying. But this is hardly the sort of venue and situation to criticize it.
How is it annoying? It's not like saying it necessarily implies one shouldn't seek treatment in addition to praying.
I don't believe in prayer in any way, but when a believer offers prayers, I look at the sentiment and see it as a very nice gesture.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe offer prayers without the "I believe in the healing power of prayer" bit. That , imo, takes it from well meaning to endorsing a a destructive view point that is responsible for death and suffering and has even been used to deny children medical care.
Praying is a nice thought, it has no power and being in the position of influence Chris is in he may inadvertently embolden those who actually believe in prayer over medicine.
In a time when the old guard of religious fundamentalism is kicking, clawing and seemingly trying to do as much damage as possible on the way out, when again and again public health and education is being compromised by those who "believe in the power of prayer" in that context, regardless of intent, Chris' comment is ignorant at best.
We wouldn't be cool if he were endorsing anti-vax sentiments but telling people with a straight face that praying can heal all good.
Well said.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure Kevin Smith is Catholic so he's fine if someone says they are praying for his health.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
As a wise man once said

"Fucking internet" ~ Tony Soporano

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
There's a difference when you can't make a difference but can only wish them the best and pray for their well being vs being a lawmaker that can make things better.

Shitting on someone like this is childish.


Oct 25, 2017
He laid in on a little thick there, and anyone irreligious is never going to appreciate being asked to join in on prayer.
This makes it sound like he specifically went up to people who are atheists and did this. He has 5 million followers, he was talking to the people who pray. I'll take a million Chris Pratts over any fellow atheists that gets their panties in a bunch about something as mundane as this, which sadly, happens a lot with atheists.


Oct 25, 2017
I have problems with seeing prayer as a form of help, mostly because of people taking it to the extremes (looking at you, shitbag Christian Scientists). But that's not the case here. No one is forgoing medical treatment, thoughts and prayers aren't being sent in lieu of Chris helping him out, this is as harmless as a get well soon card.

Social media has the innate ability to seem to suck all sort of context and connotation out of everything. It's far too easy to get outraged and far too hard to empathize. It seems as if it is always a battle of who's hot take is the hottest instead of listening to well thought out arguments and basing how you react off of that. It's something I've struggled with and I think we all could do better in that area.

I can't say I'm the biggest fan of Gunn, but his chain was on the money.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'm an atheist but when my dad died last week people sending their thoughts and prayers was very comforting. I'm not even that fond of him but fuck those people attacking Chris for being nice.


Oct 28, 2017
It seems like an odd thing to get upset about but talking about "the healing power of prayer" in 2018 is utterly bizarre to me. It seems like only something a crazy person or someone being sarcastic would say.


Oct 27, 2017
I am not religious and have used the phrase 'praying for you' because it seemed more appropriate than saying im agnostic and what is happening is probably cosmic RNG to someone who is going through a traumatic experience.

These assholes on Twitter obviously were waiting for Chris Pratt to say something to get mad about because he happens to be religious. They give atheists and agnostics a bad name and they are the ones who should be ashamed.


Oct 27, 2017
People are fucked. I posted something along the lines of Get well soon! on the reddit story regarding this and am sitting at a -4 because of downvotes. Not that those votes matter, but...the fuck?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The healing power of prayer has killed a lot of people. The anger is justified.

Jesus christ /rolleyes

He's showing respect and love, thats all, how do you people leap from good wishes to denial of medical care? How does it apply here? How can it? Post like this continue to demonstrate the reactionary and toxic sentiments of certain people, this incessant need to be outraged is insufferable.

Those words to a fellow believer who is receiving care means alot, and at the same time does help with the anguish they may be feeling.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe offer prayers without the "I believe in the healing power of prayer" bit. That , imo, takes it from well meaning to endorsing a a destructive view point that is responsible for death and suffering and has even been used to deny children medical care.
Praying is a nice thought, it has no power and being in the position of influence Chris is in he may inadvertently embolden those who actually believe in prayer over medicine.
In a time when the old guard of religious fundamentalism is kicking, clawing and seemingly trying to do as much damage as possible on the way out, when again and again public health and education is being compromised by those who "believe in the power of prayer" in that context, regardless of intent, Chris' comment is ignorant at best.
We wouldn't be cool if he were endorsing anti-vax sentiments but telling people with a straight face that praying can heal all good.

No. Not taking your child to a doctor is stupid. This from a Christian. There's a lot of reasoning behind it you'd call stupid, but ultimately it comes down to there's no Christian with any sense in their head that would forego a doctor visit. Just like no atheist with sense in their head is trashing this man.


Oct 27, 2017
See if someone believes in the healing power of prayer, as an atheist, then I know they're wishing me well and I know they're heart is in the right place. Imagine getting backlash for wishing someone well.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Twitter continues to be a mistake, they jump the gun so damn much as far as attacking people. It's not ever just one group either, all parts of Twitter just seems like trouble.


Oct 25, 2017
People realize 'thoughts & prayers' is mostly to make fun of politicians who actually have the power to change things, but talk about how we should just pray right?