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Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty much ready to call this season essential television. Then again, I was already quite on board with the last season. It's a shame it doesn't get as much coverage as it should, but EW (of all places) has a bunch of good content:
Read the hilariously bad script for One Night in Nashville, the fake movie from "Day 436"
The Good Fight costume designer on dressing Christine Baranski's powerful Diane Lockhart

Suits is absolutely full of backstabbing fuckery, and lawyery in-fighting
Suits is pretty damn similar in tone and pacing, and it has Gina Torres. Unfortunately it doesn't work as well for me as Good Fight/Wife.

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Oct 25, 2017
Suits is pretty damn similar in tone and pacing, and it has Gina Torres. Unfortunately it doesn't work as well for me as Good Fight/Wife.

I agree, but thats because Suits skimps on the actual courtroom parts, and the mary-sueing of Donna is a bit OTT.
Lewis Lit could easily be a Louis Canning / Nancy Crozier / Patti Nyholm type though.

Going a bit older, Boston Legal is also in a similar vein, but a bit less focussed on the 'intrigue' aspect but more focussed on the actual courtroom parts (and more played for laughs)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Lol Boseman hamming it up for the jury was great. Also I like the possibility of seeing Maia do some lawyerin' in a court room.

The preview for next week's episode featured Russian alphabet letters. Lmao they're having a lot of fun with the show.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
That episode was so good. Boseman was a champ. Consistently funny and surprising episode, and S2 proves that the writers here can consistently do what shows like Suits cannot: say what needs to be said and move on. Honestly just begging for the triumphant cameo return of Eli Gold at this point...


Oct 27, 2017
Did they change the intro for the second season? I really love it all of the sudden.

Also, really excellent episode today. Felt chillingly relevant.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Boseman was great, character has improved a lot since last season. Cold Open was fun, too, although the premise of his video going viral felt a bit like a stretch.

The one thing that continues to bother me with the cases of the week this year are the "lazy" resolutions. Every week, they find a smoking gun in the end and it wasn't even necessarry here. They were pretty much winning from the beginning, even the judge pointed it out; the nazi kid had no arguments, no charisma, nothing. Yet, they need to have the police find and bring in the arsenist, which made everything that had happened before pretty much obsolete? The Good Wife did that too at times but I don't remember it ever been that obvious (after season 1 at least, which felt the most like your average CBS procedural).

Did they change the intro for the second season? I really love it all of the sudden.
Trump stuff wasn't in there before, otherwise it's the same, I think.


Oct 27, 2017
Boseman's expression when he learns of "the video" is priceless. I lost it.
Trump stuff wasn't in there before, otherwise it's the same, I think.
I guess I just didn't appreciate it, then! It's a really good jam, and the way it's tied into the visuals is just excellent.

And re: the smoking guns, I think it's just a matter of resolving the case in that episode, rather than leaving any question as to how it ends via continuances or contrived "you win" concessions from their opponent. The thing I've always appreciated about TGW/TGF is how the lawyers vigorously represent their clients without capitulation, unless entirely defeated. It feels more realistic to me (having no knowledge of how courts work at all!).


Oct 28, 2017
I thought this was the best episode of the season, mainly due to the focus on Boseman. I've always liked Delroy Lindo but he's fantastic on this show. The season has been pretty great overall besides the first two episodes which I felt were way too Maia scandal heavy.


Oct 25, 2017
really really liking the good fight. if it continues to excel like this, i could easily see this surpassing The Good Wife(even if this is an unfair comparison)


Oct 27, 2017
Can someone explain to me what the case of the week was actually about? I think I somehow missed that?

Also, I think I would have liked the opposing prosecutor, but her "wanna spar?" introduction felt like something out of Ace Attorney, and that colored my view of her throughout the episode. (All she needed was a whip...)

Did they change the intro for the second season? I really love it all of the sudden.

Also, really excellent episode today. Felt chillingly relevant.

A majority of the objects that break are reused, but they retooled how all of them are paced and modified the music to get much more built up at the end. It makes a big difference!


Edit: I recognize I'm doing the exact same crappy thing as the characters in the show, but... three days off of work when you have a child? Really? Is that child going to... get the attention it needs? In my eyes, this has less to do with Luca being a woman (sexism) and more to do with her being a single parent—there's no father to step in and help here.

Luca just seems to have this super nonchalant attitude about parenthood. Unless she's planning to put the kid up for adoption, this is going to change her life in a super dramatic way.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Can someone explain to me what the case of the week was actually about? I think I somehow missed that?
basically the guy they're representing gave out the address of the neonazi historical enthusiast kid on the internet and his house got burned

they're basically trying to prove the arsonist could have gotten the address somewhere else


Oct 27, 2017
basically the guy they're representing gave out the address of the neonazi historical enthusiast kid on the internet and his house got burned


So, uh, I hate Neo Natzis as much as the next guy, but the judge really should have shut down that line of questioning as irrelevant to the case. Pretty blatant attempt to bias the jury.


Oct 25, 2017

So, uh, I hate Neo Natzis as much as the next guy, but the judge really should have shut down that line of questioning as irrelevant to the case. Pretty blatant attempt to bias the jury.
I should add it was publicly available information

I should watch the episode again but It's probably to show why his house would get burned


Oct 25, 2017
It was all for naught because the arsonist was arrested and revealed she'd never heard of the publication anyway. The case was more of a showcase for Boseman's newfound fame than anything else. Well, that and Matt Walsh's adorable turn as a hyper-competent judge.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'm enjoying the hell out of this. Some of it probably just comes from it being very cathartic (that animation in the end was just massively enjoyable to me), but most of it probably just is that they didn't lose their sense for plotting and pacing when they left the traditional broadcast network.

Just what the show needed; someone running for office!
They've done a pretty good job with subverting the expectations for what the Kill All Lawyers angle would be, so don't despair yet!
(also I kind of liked that stuff even in The Good Wife, bar the last season)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
But she's taking a completely different approach compared to Alicia, which I'm glad we'll get to witness how things will unravel.
Yeah I noticed that too. It's also interesting how the consultant dude was like "you can say anything now!" "We fucked in the courthouse bathroom" "okay maybe we need to massage this a bit" Lol


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Well it's also TGW because that's the consultant who feuded with Eli Gold. :lol

But that's part of what's great about this universe - the coherency. Characters matter, whether it's a recurring judge or crazy lawyer.

(Treats it as a sign of Eli's glorious return)


Oct 25, 2017
But she's taking a completely different approach compared to Alicia, which I'm glad we'll get to witness how things will unravel.
Yeah. I guess it bothers me a bit (not caring for these storylines on TGW aside) because the characters feel already pretty detached from each other. Except for Diane, Boseman, and Liz, they are pretty much all doing their own thing. Lucca is apparently being entirely defined by her pregnancy for the moment (a fair statement, I guess, but not exactly subtle), Colin is running for office now for some reason, Maia is entirely out of the loop...

I liked the campaign manager vs Lucca scene though, maybe they can find a fresh angle on this thing considering Colin's mother seems to be the driving force behind it.

I continue not to be a fan of all the Trump stuff but I thought the argument, the lawyers having to play up stereotypes even for the DNC, and Diane's and Liz' anger / frustration worked pretty well. Could have done without the goofy camera, one of those gimmicks per episode is usually enough, but oh well.

Not sure what to make of Marissa's boyfriend. Reminds me a little of Kalinda and her husband but I doubt they'd go there again.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. I guess it bothers me a bit (not caring for these storylines on TGW aside) because the characters feel already pretty detached from each other. Except for Diane, Boseman, and Liz, they are pretty much all doing their own thing. Lucca is apparently being entirely defined by her pregnancy for the moment (a fair statement, I guess, but not exactly subtle), Colin is running for office now for some reason, Maia is entirely out of the loop...

This show has been like that since the beginning IMO. I guess Luca and Dianne were somewhat more connected at the very beginning of season 1, but they diverged quickly.

This bothered me in The Good Wife, but not here, because it doesn't feel like anyone's plot is being rushed. Each is given the breathing room it needs.


Oct 25, 2017
At least there's no behind the scenes drama that forces characters to be in different plot


Oct 27, 2017
So what is the endgame with Diane's hallucinations? I lost track of whether they were caused by that microdosing thing, or are trying to show that Diane is losing it (either via stress, or in general). I just can't see it going anywhere good for Diane, which bums me out.

I kiiiinda think they're foreshadowing Diane's demise, between that and the lawyer killing subplot. But it feels too on the nose to actually happen... so I dunno.
I See What You Did There.gif

As much as I enjoyed this, it seemed kind of random? They just dropped it in at the end.
It was totally random, indeed.

It seems like they wanted to start the episode off with that, or work it in somehow, but couldn't. And then thanks to the longer runtime they just plopped it in at the end. I was really expecting something to follow it up myself, but nope!

It's still awesome, though. Really glad I got to see it that way. My thought process was: maaan, this is so Jonathan Coulton. Too bad it couldn't possibly be him. I'll have to look up what he's doing n--OHMYGODITSHIM


Oct 28, 2017
I'm wondering if we'll ever get a Kalinda return. You know, it would settle the mystery of who the on set troublemaker was once and for all. Cause if only Julianna had a problem with her, I could see them bringing her back.


Oct 25, 2017
So what is the endgame with Diane's hallucinations? I lost track of whether they were caused by that microdosing thing, or are trying to show that Diane is losing it (either via stress, or in general). I just can't see it going anywhere good for Diane, which bums me out.

I kiiiinda think they're foreshadowing Diane's demise, between that and the lawyer killing subplot. But it feels too on the nose to actually happen... so I dunno
I think Diane is just stressed and losing it and not helped by the constant Trump news


Oct 26, 2017
Oh, I completely missed the thread.

What's up with Maia? S1 made it look like we were going to get into some huge-legal battle with plenty of mind games, but instead they literally dropped that sub-plot after two episodes. What?

I'm not feeling Diane either. Marissa is great on other hand and I'm loving Lucca's stuff, for once.


Oct 27, 2017
What's up with Maia? S1 made it look like we were going to get into some huge-legal battle with plenty of mind games, but instead they literally dropped that sub-plot after two episodes. What?

I think they just decided they wanted to go in a different direction with the show.

But I also think there are a substantial number of hints that we're not done with the Maia Rindell case. Please excuse my quoting myself, but:
Did anyone else notice how openly Diane and Liz were talking in the bar? Dianne literally says "why are you slipping us information?" Liz responds that she is "gunning" for the attorney's office. It's an open bar—anyone could have heard and recorded them, or testified to what they were saying. Couple this with how noticeably well-prepared Maia and Lucca were for Dianne Lockheart's "surprise" testimony—the judge remarks on how well they did—and the prosecution's assertion at the beginning that Maia's firm shouldn't be allowed to represent her at all due to Liz's partnership... I bet someone at the ASA's office is going to do some digging.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I completely missed the thread.

What's up with Maia? S1 made it look like we were going to get into some huge-legal battle with plenty of mind games, but instead they literally dropped that sub-plot after two episodes. What?

I'm not feeling Diane either. Marissa is great on other hand and I'm loving Lucca's stuff, for once.
really? i felt it was over when she helped to get her father back, so they dropped most charges.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, same here. Her entire transformation from being the main character in season one to... whatever she is at the moment did feel a bit abrupt though admittedly.
that i agree. while i like her character and think Rose Leslie is doing a great job, it does feel like they shifted gears and made Diane and Lucca the main characters. hopefully we'll see more development on her, given the marriage plot on that last ep.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm kinda glad they sideburnered the Rindell case. It was just such a bore with how long they were dragging out the "when will Maia realise her parents lie" angle. I imagine the way it conluded will return to haunt Maia somehow, but so long as it doesn't take over the show like in S1 I'll be fine with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Great ep. Finally a case of the week that didn't end exactly as expected, some interesting conflict, no Colin, no CDC guy, and 45 only namedropped once. Also, Hoynes and Bingo Bob crossing paths was fun, even if only for a moment.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Yooo that preview for next week's ep though. Looks juicy.
I'm kinda glad they sideburnered the Rindell case. It was just such a bore with how long they were dragging out the "when will Maia realise her parents lie" angle. I imagine the way it conluded will return to haunt Maia somehow, but so long as it doesn't take over the show like in S1 I'll be fine with it.
Oh absolutely. Glad they did what they did with Rindell. The show is way better for it.


Oct 26, 2017
Good episode, I'm glad they are giving Jay a bit more depth. Hopefully they don't make Marissa too perfect, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Ohmygod that Trump judiciary appointee. It's too perfect.

Also glad this ep touched on the microdosing stuff. Was really wondering about that. And that explains Diane's hallucinations.

Season 2 just keeps getting better. Feels like the show is really hitting it's stride in terms of characters and storylines, balancing compelling courtroom stuff with the continuous plotlines going on. I also really love the show's scathing wit. Just wish it had the same 20+ episode seasons as The Good Wife, 'cause it totally deserves it.


Oct 25, 2017
Time just accelerating quickly, at least based on the pregnancy. It's weird because it's like I guess the random lawyer deaths just stopped happening and no one cares anymore?
Either way, I guess I'm glad they haven't bothered going back to the Rindell family drama.


Oct 25, 2017
Colin's storyline actually wasn't bad this ep, nice way to resolve that case — although I hope it doesn't mean the issue with his record is resolved just like that.

Also, I tend to avoid the preview but didn't this week. Really looking forward to
seeing the other Colin again.


Oct 25, 2017
A pretty funny note from a Master Class the Kings did at Tribeca:

(there is more in the twitter thread including what could be classified as a spoiler for an upcoming episode)
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