
Oct 27, 2017
I knew they dated for a long time. That was an incredibly tough read to get through. The part about the life threatening surgery involving the pregnancy and the only thing to come out his mouth when it was over was asking when he could have intercourse with her was disgusting. Oh, and in front of her Mom as well. Ugh.

Dude has control and insecurity issues and took them out on her. If speaking out gives Chloe some sense of closure and to work towards being a healthy adult, it was worth it.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Back when I still listened to his podcast years ago, I remember how he and the others joked how immature he was dating her in context to the adult relationship he had with his current wife, who is a bazillionaire and has her own shit. I assumed it was just the age difference thing, coming off of a long term girlfriend. Good Lord, looking back now it puts it all into perspective.

I can't imagine Janet Varney taking any of that shit, so that break up must have twisted him. I don't see him Harmontowning his way to an explanation/admittance. He doesn't have the personality to do so and what he did is a million times worse.

Chuck Noblet

Oct 27, 2017
Fuck. That was a rough read. I used to listen to his podcast a bit but Jesus. He put her through hell. Like what an insane asshole. I'm so disappointed he could be so awful to Chloe.

Chris is fucking done.
Oct 28, 2017
Disappointing to hear this. I guess I shouldn't be shocked anymore to find out that any random celebrity is a subhuman piece of shit.

Hardwick's done now. The best he'll be able to do at a comic con is park cars and scrub toilets.


Oct 27, 2017
Will is free to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't do something stupid like defend Hardwick which I doubt he would.

This is a personal issue for him and if he wants to settle it personally, not over the internet, thats fine with me.


Oct 27, 2017
Disappointing to hear this. I guess I shouldn't be shocked anymore to find out that any random celebrity is a subhuman piece of shit.

Hardwick's done now. The best he'll be able to do at a comic con is park cars and scrub toilets.

Pretty sure he has a fuckload of money and is just going to retire young.


Jan 12, 2018
St. Cloud, FL
I'm somehow not surprised. Hardwick has always had this douchebag frat boy vibe about him, even going back to his MTV days. But reading in detail all the sick shit he put another human being through, is unreal.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Has AMC really not said anything yet? Not even that they're investigating?

AMC hasn't said anything and neither has SDCC. SDCC revealed the 2018 badge box and pins and that's it.

But to be fair, SDCC may not be responsible for who moderates Hall H panels. It may be up to whatever studio is presenting. So BBC America would need to drop him from Doctor Who, for example.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
AMC hasn't said anything and neither has SDCC. SDCC revealed the 2018 badge box and pins and that's it.

But to be fair, SDCC may not be responsible for who moderates Hall H panels. It may be up to whatever studio is presenting. So BBC America would need to drop him from Doctor Who, for example.

I understand that's the case. And while I'm not sure what will happen with his AMC show, I doubt that he will be moderating anything at SDCC in his lifetime any longer.


Oct 28, 2017
I always thought that he got his early MTV jobs because they were looking for an asshole.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure he has a fuckload of money and is just going to retire young.

Yeah, the little shit's bought houses for $11MM and $5.5MM in the last few years, plus he's married to an heiress, so he can make a bullshit apology, lay low for awhile, and then come back. The entertainment industry loves its redemption and comeback stories.

At the least, he remains popular with the shitstain crowd and floats along with their support.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, the little shit's bought houses for $11MM and $5.5MM in the last few years, plus he's married to an heiress, so he can make a bullshit apology, lay low for awhile, and then come back. The entertainment industry loves its redemption and comeback stories.

At the least, he remains popular with the shitstain crowd and floats along with their support.

The news just broke today. It's way to early to say anything like this. This isn't 1995.

Not that he will die rich, but that there will be a comeback.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the little shit's bought houses for $11MM and $5.5MM in the last few years, plus he's married to an heiress, so he can make a bullshit apology, lay low for awhile, and then come back. The entertainment industry loves its redemption and comeback stories.

At the least, he remains popular with the shitstain crowd and floats along with their support.

I don't think he's going to have a comeback. He didn't really have that much of a career beyond being that guy who talks at famous people on shows. It's not like he's a beloved actor or famous director, he's a pop culture remora.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
At the least, he remains popular with the shitstain crowd and floats along with their support.
I mean I don't know about that, he might've called himself king of the nerds but the hardcore ones hated him for being a 'pretender' or whatever, and the alt right ones definitely hate him for being outspoken on social issues. He was a friendly face for public hosting. That's gone.

As for a comeback, he'll probably host small gigs that'll have him, but he's pushing 50 and is extremely rich. He'll take his eventual divorce money, relapse into alcoholism and die unpopular and unloved, the one thing he feared the most.


Oct 29, 2017
She stayed with him after he told her his "conditions"? I would tell someone to fuck off if they said all that crap to me.
There would be no such thing as domestic abuse if it were always that simple/easy. The only reason this article exists is because there are more factors than just leaving when you hear something you don't like.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the little shit's bought houses for $11MM and $5.5MM in the last few years, plus he's married to an heiress, so he can make a bullshit apology, lay low for awhile, and then come back. The entertainment industry loves its redemption and comeback stories.

At the least, he remains popular with the shitstain crowd and floats along with their support.
His stock with the gamergate crowd just rose considerably. He'll have an audience.


Oct 25, 2017
I once bought Chobot a coffee, she didn't offer to pay for it and right when I handed it to her promptly spilled it all over the floor.

She dropped the coffee spilling it all over the floor. Then she walked off… Didn't even bother cleaning it up or offering to pay. I was not impressed.

This is a bit beyond calling him out in front of others. This will ruin his career. Now, you could argue he made his own bed, but it's not as small as "calling him out in front of others."
Probably not the best thread for your usual trolling, Stouffers, and then caring more about an abuser's career.

Sure, Jan. Retire, bitch.

Believe the survivors.

She says she's got evidence and he's denying it. Could this go to court?


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
I'm going to hold out here. She specifically stated she had proof and he not only denied it but talked about their relationship.

So I'm going to wait and see where this goes before telling him to "retire, bitch."

His letter is carefully construed to put her on the position of the crazy-obsessive-ex-girlfriend that didn't accept the end of the relationship. He has released a "statement" and just the trades had access to it, which likely means that whatever "statement" he wrote was done with the help of a legal team, which what's written here obviously hints. You are demanding what kind of "proof" from Chloe here, man? Real talk. She doesn't deny the emotional abuse, what he denies here is the sexual abuse, which she clearly expressed that it happened when she was too tired / not willing to have sex with him. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you didn't know what starfishing means, because otherwise, what kind of proof she needs to come up to you so you believe her, Zeo? A sex tape? Good grief dude. He hasn't denied ANYTHING but that he hasn't "sexually assaulted" her.

He had the opportunity here to apologize to her. You have an opportunity to believe a survivor of sexual and emotional abuse. I urge you to do that.

She says she's got evidence and he's denying it. Could this go to court?

Here's what she said:

PS: To the man who tried to ruin my future: A sincere and heartfelt apology could have made my last four years a hell of a lot easier. The person I used to date would try to sue me due to pride- I would not recommend it. I have audio/video that will support and prove many of the things I've stated in this post. I've chosen not to include it for your sake, in the hopes that the person you've become will do the right thing.

Are we really hoping for a victim of sexual assault to have video/audio evidence of sexual abuse? Because I don't see that being a thing, neither I think is something that she'd need to proof. I'll repeat what her current boyfriend said earlier:



Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
His letter is carefully construed to put her on the position of the crazy-obsessive-ex-girlfriend that didn't accept the end of the relationship. He has released a "statement" and just the trades had access to it, which likely means that whatever "statement" he wrote was done with the help of a legal team, which what's written here obviously hints. You are demanding what kind of "proof" from Chloe here, man? Real talk. She doesn't deny the emotional abuse, what he denies here is the sexual abuse, which she clearly expressed that it happened when she was too tired / not willing to have sex with him. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you didn't know what starfishing means, because otherwise, what kind of proof she needs to come up to you so you believe her, Zeo? A sex tape? Good grief dude. He hasn't denied ANYTHING but that he hasn't "sexually assaulted" her.

He had the opportunity here to apologize to her. You have an opportunity to believe a survivor of sexual and emotional abuse. I urge you to do that.

You need to calm down. You have been on a crusade in this thread literally searching to find people to try and make accusations toward. I will not go back and forth with you in one of those crusades. Get over yourself.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean I don't know about that, he might've called himself king of the nerds but the hardcore ones hated him for being a 'pretender' or whatever, and the alt right ones definitely hate him for being outspoken on social issues. He was a friendly face for public hosting. That's gone.

As for a comeback, he'll probably host small gigs that'll have him, but he's pushing 50 and is extremely rich. He'll take his eventual divorce money, relapse into alcoholism and die unpopular and unloved, the one thing he feared the most.
Well that was fucking dark.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
You need to calm down. You have been on a crusade in this thread literally searching to find people to try and make accusations toward. I will not go back and forth with you in one of those crusades. Get over yourself.

I am calm. I've said what I think. I don't think you are in a position to infer that I am in a crusade or to judge what I think. Stop making this about me or knock it off.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

I'm legitimately surprised he denied this and went into detail of (his side of) the relationship. Very curious to see where this goes and what AMC's response is.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
So it's war then. Good job, Chris. Any chance you had of resolving this situation with even a hint of decency is gone now.

Deleted member 31333

User requested account closure
Nov 6, 2017
I'm going to hold out here. She specifically stated she had proof and he not only denied it but talked about their relationship.

So I'm going to wait and see where this goes before telling him to "retire, bitch."
I have to agree with this. If she has proof, now is the time to bring it out. At the moment, it is a "he said, she said" thing.

Has any of his past girlfriends made any comments similar to Chloe?


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
So he's going with the "I did nothing illegal" defense.

If other women come out against him, he's dead in the water. Dangerous game to play.


Nov 1, 2017
Interesting response; didn't deny the emotional abuse, just the sexual. Plays "Bro, she's crazy" card.

Prediction: This is going to get really ugly and no one will be better for it.


Apr 12, 2018
I'm not sure we necessarily want proof. Based on the essay it seems like the proof would be horrible to see. For me, there's enough people that aren't her/dating her that are saying "Yeah, Chris Hardwick is that kind of an asshole." for me to believe that yes, indeed, Chris Hardwick is that kind of asshole.


Oct 25, 2017
So it's war then. Good job, Chris. Any chance you had of resolving this situation with even a hint of decency is gone now.
Looking forward to seeing a picture of his face in a few months lamenting not taking the L, disappear into the shadows, and figure out how to keep his marriage intact so he'd just mooch off his very wealthy wife.


Apr 12, 2018
Here's another thing, if she was really just trying to get back at him for breaking up with her, why didn't she name him in the essay? Why was it unlisted? Why did she not tweet about it at all? She literally made no effort to make it go viral. What would she gain from it?