
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Bogotá D.C.
Actually, I like the design for Jodie's Doctor... that overcoat (+hoodie a la monk?) and the shirt with the rainbow linings sold me instantly... the rest of the costume i'll wait to see in motion to rate it.


Oct 25, 2017
Whittaker's been spotted filming wearing Capaldi's duds.

Cardiff Uni's standing in for
a Sheffield police station.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
That costume note is really just intended not as a malicious attack on Moffat but just an interesting wrinkle in the history of the show - once he cast a young man (after intending to cast an older man) he began to envision a younger Doctor that was more swashbuckling and trendy with a costume that looked like it fell out of a H&M catalog but with added quirk. I don't even think that's a bad direction - and honestly, bits of Jodie's outfit feel like that. But Matt steered it away from leaning into the youth and we ended up with tweed and suspenders. It's meant to be a fun note, the sort of thing fans can chew on and wonder what might've been.

Thanks for the clarification. Your phrase "this damaged version of the character" sounded rather overwrought. I feel that we have a responsibility to keep such extreme forms of expression out of our discussions. A creative decision is subject to criticism, but the steady drip of unnecessarily caustic declarations and calculated slights is harmful.


Oct 29, 2017
They tried on loads of stuff, but that specific look was based on what Moffat scripted, like how RTD scripted the leather jacket even before Eccleston was cast - but that one stuck as it was key to his vision of this damaged version of the character etc etc.

Not sure how what is clearly a reference to RTD's creative decisions re: the Ninth Doctor's post-Time War emotional state has managed to morph into an overwrought attack on Moffat. Pretty common for the Ninth Doctor to be referred to as damaged, you can see that by just doing an appropriate Google search.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Not sure how what is clearly a reference to RTD's creative decisions re: the Ninth Doctor's post-Time War emotional state has managed to morph into an overwrought attack on Moffat. Pretty common for the Ninth Doctor to be referred to as damaged, you can see that by just doing an appropriate Google search.

My fault, I think. I must have completely misread the comment, thinking it was a reference to the "pirate" Smith concept.


Oct 25, 2017
I hadn't seen any pictures pop up, where did you see them?

On the dwsr tag on twitter



Nov 7, 2017
I really wanted to get some Doctor Who Christmas jumpers for this year and after a search, I seen that the BBC released 2 jumpers in 2015 which are absolutely AMAZING!! There's a blue one and a red one. The red one I was able to get easily, but the blue one seems to be as rare as can be! I've scoured every site, and even every auction. I wouldn't care if I came along one second had, I'd wash it, it's that good a jumper. BBC really should re-release them. They would make a killing!


Oct 25, 2017
Ames, IA
I really wanted to get some Doctor Who Christmas jumpers for this year and after a search, I seen that the BBC released 2 jumpers in 2015 which are absolutely AMAZING!! There's a blue one and a red one. The red one I was able to get easily, but the blue one seems to be as rare as can be! I've scoured every site, and even every auction. I wouldn't care if I came along one second had, I'd wash it, it's that good a jumper. BBC really should re-release them. They would make a killing!
Are you referring to the Abbyshot coats? I believe there was a fabric shortage on the blue one, and they've done a lot of consolidating of their line. I hope it comes back though.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for the clarification. Your phrase "this damaged version of the character" sounded rather overwrought. I feel that we have a responsibility to keep such extreme forms of expression out of our discussions. A creative decision is subject to criticism, but the steady drip of unnecessarily caustic declarations and calculated slights is harmful.

Read what I said again - I said the leather jacket For Eccleston was also scripted, but unlike Moffat's pirate style clothes for Smith the leather jacket stuck, in part because it was vital to RTD's vision of a post time war, damaged version of the character. Haha.


Nov 7, 2017
Are you referring to the Abbyshot coats? I believe there was a fabric shortage on the blue one, and they've done a lot of consolidating of their line. I hope it comes back though.

I'm not too sure if that's the company that made them, but a shortage of material would explain the rarity of the blue one.

Here's the metro article with the images. I was able to get the red one brand new, but the blue one is now something I know I will be searching for, for years from now.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Read what I said again - I said the leather jacket For Eccleston was also scripted, but unlike Moffat's pirate style clothes for Smith the leather jacket stuck, in part because it was vital to RTD's vision of a post time war, damaged version of the character. Haha.

Just in case you missed it, somebody pointed out my error earlier and I accepted the blame for this derail. I apologize without reserve. I misread what you wrote.


Oct 25, 2017
Ames, IA
I'm not too sure if that's the company that made them, but a shortage of material would explain the rarity of the blue one.

Here's the metro article with the images. I was able to get the red one brand new, but the blue one is now something I know I will be searching for, for years from now.
Ahhh, no that's a different thing. Funny coincidence that Abbyshot has a blue and red 12th Doctor coat and the blue is also out of stock.


Oct 25, 2017
What's "Target-style"?
In the 70s and 80s, Target were a publishing house who put out novelisations of TV stories, often written by the original writers or by someone like Terrance Dicks. They often featured ideas and storylines that had been cut from the transmitted episode, or which would not have been technologically feasible to put on screen, as well as including more character insights and details.

These upcoming novelisations seem to be the same sort of thing, but the really exciting idea is that RTD and Moffat are writing them themselves (along with Jenny T Colgan adapting The Christmas Invasion). The Day of the Doctor, in particular, could really benefit with a novelisation that was willing to include some unrealised concepts and expand on some plot points.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
I'd love to see a Moffat-penned novelisation of Time of the Doctor - it seemed pretty clear he had grander ambitions for Eleven's finale that fell apart when he was forced to wrap everything up in a single hour (with enforced Christmas elements to boot).


Oct 29, 2017
So ultimately the launch price of the Series 10 Steelbook was up £8 on the Season 9 one despite it being down a Christmas special. Oh well.

Those novelisations sound interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
The Day of the Doctor- by Steven Moffat
Twice Upon a Time- by Steven Moffat.
Definitely getting those if they turn up. Day of the Doctor—I'm expecting an expanded look at the Time War, and hopefully it's brutal.

Curious to know what would be expanded on in Rose, though. It's not a story that immediately strikes me as benefiting from having more things added to it.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
I'd completely forgotten Chibs was exec producer on Law & Order UK - I wonder if this makes a run-in with Martha more likely during his run? Chibnall of course famously sort of sabotaged RTD's plans for Martha, where she was to appear in both Torchwood: Miracle Day and Sarah Jane Adventures by offering her the Law & Order role specifically because he was impressed with her Doctor Who turn. She backed out of the Who universe projects for the Law & Order shot (and RTD wrote about it a bit in The Writer's Tale, saying, y'know - he'd do the same thing!) - he clearly rated her highly, so... hmm...


Oct 29, 2017
Curious to know what would be expanded on in Rose, though. It's not a story that immediately strikes me as benefiting from having more things added to it.

Wasn't Rose tonally a bit messed about with by the director? Maybe he'll retell it with a slightly darker tone. Or now that we know more about the events preceeding Series 1 it could have new additional continuity references or something.

One thing I forgot about the Series 10 Blu-ray - it's got the binaural version of Knock Knock. Previously it was only available in reduced picture quality on iPlayer (iPlayer HD sucks compared to other video services) so hopefully it's just an alternative audio track for the full-fat version here.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd completely forgotten Chibs was exec producer on Law & Order UK - I wonder if this makes a run-in with Martha more likely during his run? Chibnall of course famously sort of sabotaged RTD's plans for Martha, where she was to appear in both Torchwood: Miracle Day and Sarah Jane Adventures by offering her the Law & Order role specifically because he was impressed with her Doctor Who turn. She backed out of the Who universe projects for the Law & Order shot (and RTD wrote about it a bit in The Writer's Tale, saying, y'know - he'd do the same thing!) - he clearly rated her highly, so... hmm...

That would be great, even a cameo or something.


Oct 25, 2017
Ames, IA
I would love to see RTD characters return for this era, but I think Chibnall is gonna about doing a clean-slate type thing again for his era, but I think it will be tonally similar to RTD. Maybe Jack though?


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
I would love to see RTD characters return for this era, but I think Chibnall is gonna about doing a clean-slate type thing again for his era, but I think it will be tonally similar to RTD. Maybe Jack though?

I think for year one he absolutely will clean slate, but I can see one or two people sneaking in ala Sarah Jane into the rebooted show, more and more lore relayered in. We're now twelve years removed from the RTD era's beginnings, and by the time Chibnall's first episode airs we'll be thirteen years out, and a full decade out even from Martha's first appearance - so I think we're starting to creep to the point where somebody could show up again, tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
I think for year one he absolutely will clean slate, but I can see one or two people sneaking in ala Sarah Jane into the rebooted show, more and more lore relayered in. We're now twelve years removed from the RTD era's beginnings, and by the time Chibnall's first episode airs we'll be thirteen years out, and a full decade out even from Martha's first appearance - so I think we're starting to creep to the point where somebody could show up again, tbh.
Watch it be Adam, confounding everyone.


Oct 29, 2017
It won't be Adam as Bruno Langley was charged with sexual assault a couple of weeks ago and it looks like his career has immediately collapsed.


Oct 27, 2017
Winding down my Hartnell mini-marathon. Not sure if anyone is even reading these, but oh well, I'm almost done!

The Time Meddler
The first post-Ian and Barbara adventure. I hadn't realized just how much I'd grown to like them until now. What a shame they never returned, they had a great rapport with each other and the Doctor. Anyway - The Time Meddler! Famous for not only being the beginning of life without Ian and Barbara, but also being the first historical story to feature aliens in it (which would soon become the basis of *every* Doctor Who story set in the past) AND the first story to feature another Time Lord, though he isn't called that. I doubt the Meddling Monk was on anyone's mind when the Master was created years later, but it is funny how much they share in common: ridiculously elaborate and over-plotted plans, spearheaded by overly cheery time-traveling rogues. The Monk's interests are more focused on using time travel to make himself rich, rather than to kill and destroy everyone/everything as the Master always wanted. Although he doesn't do a whole lot but take in stragglers at his monastery and become annoyed at their presence, the Monk and Hartnell play off each other quite nicely.

Without Ian and Barbara, this is the first time where the Doctor is not traveling with any of his three original companions. Here we have Vicki, who joined a few serials ago in The Rescue, and Steven, who has just popped up out of nowhere (I didn't watch The Chase, only its ending, but how Steven ends up there doesn't quite match with how he starts here). I had liked Vicki in The Romans and thought she was a nice replacement for Susan, though she didn't do a whole lot; here she spearheads a lot of the action, as Steven is following her lead the whole time and the Doctor is off with the Monk. The Vicki-Steven dynamic is surprisingly subversive for its time, with Steven often trying to look impressive and coming off as a doofus, while Vicki actually knows what's going on and is able to handle herself. She is a much stronger performer than Susan ever was, and has really grown into a more self-sufficient character here; a shame that this is the last time she appears in the stories I'm watching. Steven on the other hand...meh. He was never aggressively annoying the way Susan could be, but he didn't make much of a first impression either way with me.

Overall, another solid story. Worth watching if only for the scene where Vicki and Steven discover that the Monk has a TARDIS, which is one of those times where the show surprises you with how well-shot and directed it could occasionally be.

The War Machines

After watching this, I think I realized that I just generally enjoy the silly sci-fi/monster stories of Hartnell's run more than the historicals; the latter are maybe more interesting in some ways (largely because they don't happen anymore after Hartnell leaves the show) but kind of a little dull, while the former, even at their cheesiest, just feel more fun. That's definitely the case here, where the villain is an evil supercomputer named WOTAN who deploys an army of the most pathetic-looking killer robots I've ever seen to take over the world, or something. These things display their frightening strength by gently smashing a small wooden box (which takes them a few swings), and the show repeats this demonstration of power more than once to really get that point across. They look terrible, but that gives them something of a kitschy charm that the stuffy costumes of historicals like The Aztecs and The Romans just don't have.

At some point before this episode, the companion slate was wiped clean, with both Vicki and Steven gone and in their place the unfortunately-named Dodo, who looks so much like Susan that you wonder if the Doctor doesn't have some kind of complex going on. She's a perfectly nice character in the rare moments where she gets to be herself. I guess the writers really hated the actress, though, because she soon becomes hypnotized by WOTAN into serving as one if his drones -- and after the Doctor breaks the hypnosis on her after the first two episodes, she's sent to out the country (really) to recover, never to be seen again. What the fuck kind of companion exit is that?!

With Dodo gone, the writers bring in two new companions who they seemed actually interested in writing for, Ben and Polly. Ben is headstrong but not that bright, and Polly is cheery and engaged as someone who wants to help, but also not that bright...hmm. Hard to make any judgment calls about them at this point - they're fine, but not entirely deep characters (yet?). Also couldn't help but notice on the two occasions where the script calls for Ben to grab Polly, he *really* makes sure that his hands just happen to end up on her breasts.

I want to call special attention to the ending of episode three. This whole story seems to feature the Doctor as far more heroic than he normally has been up to this point (and as he is generally seen as in the new series), and the third episode concludes with this amazing shot of a war machine approaching a group of soldiers, ready to strike. The soldiers quickly run and hide from the machine, but Hartnell -- with hands clasped to his coat -- marches forward and stands defiant. It's a fantastically blocked shot and the most badass the First Doctor has ever looked.

Up next: The Tenth Planet, and the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Fun fact: The War Machines, The Faceless Ones and part of The Evil of the Daleks all take place on the same day. So while the first Doctor is standing up against WOTAN and his laughably unwieldy robots, the second Doctor is battling a completely different alien menace at an airport on the other side of town. This allows Ben to spend a year wandering time and space without getting into trouble with the navy.


Oct 29, 2017
Big Finish's War Master box set has been renamed The War Master: Only The Good, an inversion of the title of The War Doctor Volume 1 (Only The Monstrous) that implies maybe this set is the pilot for future ones.


Oct 25, 2017
Are Ben and Polly supposed to have much of a role, though? I thought they'd be in like one tiny scene just as the First Doctor goes missing, and then at the end as he regenerates

Any interesting details from DWM?


Oct 29, 2017
Big Finish have got another offer - first 50 main range and some other stuff for £1 each. Good chance to get the first Eighth Doctor arc for cheaps. It needs a code, details are on the website.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick heads-up: Children in Need tonight, so we should end up with the usual Christmas preview clip in there - on past incidents I'd expect it somewhere in the 7pm-8pm hour. I'd be very surprised if it's not some Twelve/One interaction to really sell what's coming.

Mario's Nipples

Banned for having an alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Quick heads-up: Children in Need tonight, so we should end up with the usual Christmas preview clip in there - on past incidents I'd expect it somewhere in the 7pm-8pm hour. I'd be very surprised if it's not some Twelve/One interaction to really sell what's coming.
I'm really hoping for at least a quick tease of Thirteen.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick heads-up: Children in Need tonight, so we should end up with the usual Christmas preview clip in there - on past incidents I'd expect it somewhere in the 7pm-8pm hour. I'd be very surprised if it's not some Twelve/One interaction to really sell what's coming.
It's technically The One Show from 7 to 7:30 (though for CiN) so I'd imagine 7:30-8:30. Just to save anyone from accidentally watching The One Show.

Edit: 7:30 to 8:00 according to the running order.


Oct 25, 2017
It's technically The One Show from 7 to 7:30 (though for CiN) so I'd imagine 7:30-8:30. Just to save anyone from accidentally watching The One Show.

Edit: 7:30 to 8:00 according to the running order.
To be fair there was a brief bit of Capaldi just on The One Show (a motivational message for one of the Rickshaw team), so you might get some unexpected bonus in the interim!

Edit: the running order can be a bit malleable for these things, but based on the rundown just given, it'll be after Annie and before the usual Eastenders song and dance number, all of which should be before eight.
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