
Oct 25, 2017
for me the most important things are frame rate and image quality, frame rate is really good and i don't care about 60 fps for this, but image quality is not really acceptable
panic button should have prioritize resolution over graphical setting


Oct 25, 2017
This post is hilarious. The opinions of the port from DF is just that, opinions.

People are allowed to both be impressed with how many sacrifices were made to get the game running on Switch and to also not want to deal with those sacrifices.

I think his point is that people who have no idea what they're saying or really understand the technical specifics are making statements based on the DF analysis. What's weird is those who actually DID the analysis are coming to entirely opposite conclusions than the people who are citing them to begin with.


Oct 28, 2017
The point of these ports is really to play them in portable mode. There's no reason to play DOOM or Wolfenstein 2 in docked mode if you have access to any other platform capable of running it. In portable mode, however, it's an entirely different story.
Exactly, i don't understand the comparisons here with XB1X and Pro versions, it's all about the portability. There is no reason to play AAA ports docked on switch if you have any other platform and reactions like that must deter third party publishers which is unfortunate.


Oct 26, 2017
What they achieved is impressive but I get a headache looking at super low res blurry 3D like that. Like my brain constantly expects it to turn sharp at every moment.


Oct 25, 2017
This post is hilarious. The opinions of the port from DF is just that, opinions.

People are allowed to both be impressed with how many sacrifices were made to get the game running on Switch and to also not want to deal with those sacrifices.
Are you living in some alternate universe of rational decency where the overall tone here is "This is a super impressive port, congrats to the team that made it happen, but it's not for me"?

Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I think this looks incredibly impressive given the hardware. Panic Button did a great job, and moving forward I think I'd be comfortable picking up one of their ports on day one. I hesitated on Doom (for a few hours at least) and was really skeptical about Wolf 2. The early videos with choppy framerates had me worried about this. Very happy to see that they this off, although I hope they fix the issues with the original Wolf 3D. People should be able to enjoy that. This might be the first experience a lot of people have with it.

That said, I pre-ordered this game on PS4 and have already beaten it. While I owned Doom already and still got the Switch version, I didn't like Wolf 2 nearly as much as that. For me, it's not worth playing again at a lower resolution and framerate. Really cool for big fans of the game or those that only play on Switch, though. I'm sure the gyro controls will add a lot. It's a good game with a nice story and you get to brutally murder nazis. Everything should have a chance to play it.

Thanks for the comprehensive video, Dark1x. Always appreciate your Switch content.


Oct 30, 2017
I think his point is that people who have no idea what they're saying or really understand the technical specifics are making statements based on the DF analysis. What's weird is those who actually DID the analysis are coming to entirely opposite conclusions than the people who are citing them to begin with.

My thoughts exactly. People are doing their utmost best to 'downplay' the job done by Panic Button even though DF, who are much credible than most on here, while not dismissing the sacrifices made to get the game running, have also acknowledge that it is maybe the best looking and playing handheld FPS. Given what the Switch is, that's very impressive indeed.


Jan 16, 2018
but it's also the blurriest game of the generation thus far - but the how and why is worth exploring.
Huh. Yikes.
In general, it's comparable to the Switch version of Doom but seems to scale towards the low-end more often. There's no getting around it - this really is a very blurry game
Well, yeah. 360p is far from impressive. It's a miracle it runs on the Switch but doesn't look like it was worth the hassle

Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
yeah we have nothing better do to that bear the dead horse for not apparent reason, you are right there, that how forums work. anyone expecting any meaningful discussion out of this is a fool.

"resolution makes a game mediocre" the stupid hot take of the day
What is your contribution to a meaningful discussion in this thread?


Nov 3, 2017
I don't know about others on this forum, but I've been waiting for this on the Switch. I have small children and rarely have the time to sit in front of the TV and play games, especially adult oriented games like this. I don't expect the Switch version to be the best version of anything, but it's nice to have this option.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this. I play my Switch almost entirely handheld. I'm purposely waiting on games like this because I know I'll actually be able to play the game and finish it. I've got a PS4, so I'm perfectly fine making concessions like IQ, especially if it's more apparent in a mode ill hardly ever use.

Yeah this is it for me.

I own a PS4 and a high end PC capable of running pretty high end stuff and VR etc. What some people can't seem to wrap their head around with the whole "crap port, lol play it on XB/PS4/PC" is that I have the option to do so but availability and time are my biggest limiting factors now... not access or cost. The only game I've finished on PS4 recently was God of War and there were times I had to set aside to play that. I bought Doom on PS4 but only got through 2 chapters. I really wanted to keep playing it, but life and time got in the way even to the point where I couldn't guarantee a good 1/2 hour play session. On the other hand it's much easier with the Switch to be able to play in sporadic bursts, even between docked and portable. I got Doom on Switch and was able to play it on commutes, away from my TV, etc. and beat it within a couple weeks. Right now I'm playing South Park FBW on Switch and I know it would've been the same way; I would pick it up, play a few hours then not have the dedicated time to sit down in front of my TV to play but now, I'm probably nearing the end of it after about 20 hours total with just here and there gaming.

I'll likely play Wolfenstein on my Switch knowing that yes, I could play it on my PC running at 60 with all the graphical bells and whistles. I'll play it in portable but also docked sitting right next to my PS4 Pro but by playing it on my Switch, I'm much more likely to sink a lot more time into it and actually beat the game.

Pablo Mesa

Nov 23, 2017
What is your contribution to a meaningful discussion in this thread?
there are some other things that could be discussed but, as I said, this thread already got its way (360p too blurry, me not like) so nothing worth to contribute will change its course. so not really bothering with doing so.

Deleted member 11276

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
For the last time, it doesn't run at 360p. 360p is just the worst case scenario, its very rare that it hits 360p in docked mode.


Oct 25, 2017
John sounded very positive in the video, more than with the Doom port. We must not forget that Doom improved with updates, let's wait and see if Wolf II gets the same treatment.


Jan 7, 2018
and they also said that you only should focus on dock mode if you have no other way to play the game.

that that screen shot and resize it to the Switch screen
I don't think that this screen shot would look too hot on a 6" 720p either. Also game would look even worse in portable mode with even lower resolution, woudn't it?


Oct 28, 2017
Crazy port. I think I would check it out when a Switch Pro comes out since it should push the res up much higher. I think tye average res is too low for me. They did a good job though.

I prefer resolution to effects so disappointed there is no resolution mode. Maybe if it sells well they will get the chance to make more improvements. Solid 30fps is a huge achievement too.

Also why do peoppe consistently say Wolf 2 is not an impressive looking game on Xbox One and PS4? The shit looks super impressive.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I still mantain that original games running on iDTech6 would be much interesting.

Panic Button should do a Doom64 remake for Switch in this engine. Make it 60fps and would look impressive.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
Exactly, i don't understand the comparisons here with XB1X and Pro versions, it's all about the portability.
Yeah, that's like saying a sleeping bag isn't as comfortable as a queen-sized pillow top mattress when you're camping in the middle of Yellowstone.
There is no reason to play AAA ports docked on switch if you have any other platform
Now that's silly, what if you want to go camping in the middle of Yellowstone? Having a nicer experience available doesn't mean you can't enjoy a different experience for whatever reasons (portability, gyro aim, etc.).


Nov 8, 2017
Between this and the Doom port, it's safe to say that AAA shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield will never come to this platform.

Bethesda should be more realistic moving forward - especially with the PS5 and next Xbox coming in a few years. I don't know how much Doom has sold on the Switch, but Wolfenstein wasn't very good commercially on other platforms.

Pablo Mesa

Nov 23, 2017

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
did you miss the whole argument on teh thread that teh game looks better on portable? rather than on the big screen?

Yeah, a very low res game in a 720p/6'' screen will look better than on a a 4k/55'' TV. That dosn't mean 360p or lowest will look decent on portable.

Xeno 2 showed this. It looks like ass on portable mode.

New Fang

Oct 27, 2017
Exactly, i don't understand the comparisons here with XB1X and Pro versions, it's all about the portability. There is no reason to play AAA ports docked on switch if you have any other platform and reactions like that must deter third party publishers which is unfortunate.
Reactions are meaningless. What deters third party publishers is a lack of sales. Money, as always, is the key to this discussion.

If other publishers see Doom and Wolfenstein selling well on Switch they will jump on the port train as well. Personally I don't see that happening as I think the vast majority of people who want to play games like these already own the more powerful consoles.
Oct 25, 2017
I personally didn't get the Switch for blurry games so I'm passing on this one.

Doom was good looking enough but that screen deserves better.

Maybe next iteration...


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
for me the most important things are frame rate and image quality, frame rate is really good and i don't care about 60 fps for this, but image quality is not really acceptable
panic button should have prioritize resolution over graphical setting

I would not call slashing the framerate in half to 30fps and that framerate not being perfectly stable and in some cases dropping to almost 20fps "really good".


Jan 7, 2018
did you miss the whole argument on teh thread that teh game looks better on portable? rather than on the big screen?
It doesn't look better. It's harder to see how bad it looks. Just like pouring soap in my eyes wouldn't make Laurence Fishburne look prettier, but it would make a moon surface, that is his face to attract less of my attention.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
For the last time, it doesn't run at 360p. 360p is just the worst case scenario, its very rare that it hits 360p in docked mode.
Exactly. It's the absolute worst case. It doesn't normally just run at 360p! It's usually closer to the middle, I'd say. Gets worse in the later stages but still in the 540p territory on average.


Oct 26, 2017
Playing it undocked, the game is indeed blurrier than Doom but the framerate is much more stable.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't look better. It's harder to see how bad it looks. Just like pouring soap in my eyes wouldn't make Laurence Fishburne look prettier, but it would make a moon surface, that is his face to attract less of my attention.

The fuck am I reading here?

If you can't understand how a smaller screen can change how a game looks at varying resolutions then I'm not sure why you're in a DF thread.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
The biggest problem with Doom on Switch is the audio.

The df video doesn't mention anything about the sound quality for Wolf 2 so I'm guessing it doesn't suffer from the same compressed and flat issues as Doom' s port.

Wolf 2 isn't a game I'm looking yo play through again anytime soon but the port seems as good as anyone could realistically hope for.
Good point. I found the audio to be not quite as good as the other version but it didn't bother me as it did in Doom. So I think it's improved.


Nov 8, 2017
They've already said they have more plans for the Switch. I imagine they must be pleased with Switch sales so far to make such a claim.
We have to wait and see. Are they going to be original games or more compromised ports?
It doesn't look better. It's harder to see how bad it looks. Just like pouring soap in my eyes wouldn't make Laurence Fishburne look prettier, but it would make a moon surface, that is his face to attract less of my attention.
"B-b-but the Switch still runs the game!"

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
for me the most important things are frame rate and image quality, frame rate is really good and i don't care about 60 fps for this, but image quality is not really acceptable
panic button should have prioritize resolution over graphical setting
But, then the game would have been filled with low quality assets and people would complain more it wouldn't look like the console version at all.

Some things have to give up on the Switch, the system is at its best with original games optimized or last gen remasters at full hd


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. Author kept repeating how impressed he was with this port, so I was kinda began agreeing with him, but then he showed this scene...

Yes. There are sections like this which look horrible but it's not true of the bulk of the game. This courthouse was always demanding and still is on Switch.


Jan 7, 2018
The fuck am I reading here?

If you can't understand how a smaller screen can change how a game looks at varying resolutions then I'm not sure why you're in a DF thread.
You're reading the fuck you want. And obviously you didn't want to read too much.
and they also said that you only should focus on dock mode if you have no other way to play the game.

that that screen shot and resize it to the Switch screen
I don't think that this screen shot would look too hot on a 6" 720p either. Also game would look even worse in portable mode with even lower resolution, woudn't it?

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What about the DLCs though ? They're not available to purchase, are they ? And they don't seem to be included with the game.


Oct 29, 2017
Where's that Switch/ps4/xbox one size comparision photo so some people can understand already?
Oct 25, 2017
This is really impressive as a showcase of tech but I just don't get why anyone who flat out can't afford a different console or a mid-range PC would want to play third party games like this.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
What API NS use? Some images are really blurry, but its a fair port. Just the audio not fit. Actually I never so impressive with DOOM audio on my PS4.
Oct 27, 2017
Nice video.

I'd like a video of someone going through Panic Button's history. How did they learn how to scale games like this? Is it just experience? Do they have alot of history of porting to weaker hardware before? I've never heard of the studio before Switch came into the scene... so it's strange that all of a sudden they come out out of nowhere and seem to be masters of switch hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
We have to wait and see. Are they going to be original games or more compromised ports?

"B-b-but the Switch still runs the game!"

I'm sure it will be more compromised ports. There will always need to be compromises to port current gen games to Switch. It's just not possible that it will run the games the same as X1/PS4.

Also I don't understand you last comment. The Switch running the game with compromises is what some people want. If that's not what you want then you can gladly skip it in favor of the X1/PS4/PC version that may be more acceptable to you.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Author kept repeating how impressed he was with this port, so I was kinda began agreeing with him, but then he showed this scene...


DF always use the same rhetoric and vocabulary for their Switch articles. I'm not sure if it somekind of shilling or DF wants to cover against possible backslash from Nintendofans.

Maybe the authors are truely impressed by the ports but then the articles aren't in line with articles for other hardware, where way smaller differences received way more criticism.

New Fang

Oct 27, 2017
Nice video.

I'd like a video of someone going through Panic Button's history. How did they learn how to scale games like this? Is it just experience? Do they have alot of history of porting to weaker hardware before? I've never heard of the studio before Switch came into the scene... so it's strange that all of a sudden they come out out of nowhere and seem to be masters of switch hardware.
I think this narrative that they're matters of the Switch hardware is a bit misplaced.

They've done a decent job of porting some games, but their Rocket League port was messy enough that Psyonix stepped in to announce improvements would come at a later date, which did eventually happen.

Their port of Doom shipped with sound bugs and framerate / frame pacing issues that they somewhat addressed many months later with an update.