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Oct 25, 2017
They'll still vote for him and other republicans sadly

Listening to the Stockholm /NE Patriots/Lance Armstrong syndromes coming from economic victims of Trump tariffs is exhausting.

"I think he's gonna pull through for us."

"It's gonna hurt at first but I trust him to get things better than before!"

"It's worth it just to be able to yell N***** ! Yeeehaaaw!"


Oct 25, 2017
Don't think so. I think he loses reelection in 2019 tbh. He has had some legendary fuck ups thinking he could pull off Trump shit, like when he blamed child abuse on teachers for striking.

Previous governor was a dem and I think they get back in

Yeah, people really underestimate teachers getting mad.

Bevin's not very popular anyway and is a dick.

Pretty much all the Louisville/Kentucky basketball fans I talk to online hate him.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who thinks the ~~~~~~~moderate darlings~~~~~~~ in the Senate won't vote to confirm Trump's SCOTUS pick are fooling themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Bevin being an unpopular fuckwad could also cause KY-06, currently a Tossup, to be moved to Lean D. I recall reading that when the DCCC's polling showed a 15-point lead for McGrath, they couldn't believe it, but the numbers held when the conducted more polls.

Though I admit I rooted for Jim Gray (I want to see more women and openly gay men in office), I really like McGrath. She's a badass!

And why does Ron Paul feel the need to hide his bigotry? He published a white-supremacist newsletter for years.


Oct 25, 2017
His pick will get 54ish votes anyway, so even if a Republican votes no, it won't matter
This actually may be 50-49 because of Roe. Manchin is not talking like a guy who's planning on voting yes.
Bevin being an unpopular fuckwad could also cause KY-06, currently a Tossup, to be moved to Lean D. I recall reading that when the DCCC's polling showed a 15-point lead for McGrath, they couldn't believe it, but the numbers held when the conducted more polls.

Though I admit I rooted for Jim Gray (I want to see more women and openly gay men in office), I really like McGrath. She's a badass!
Was that the district with the "goddamnit both the DCCC candidate and the other challenger look like ideal DCCC recruits why can't they be in two different districts" problem?


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Trump won't go back to NYC so that meeting will never happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember that 2016 was the first time in 90 years that kentucky got R/R/R government


Oct 25, 2017
This actually may be 50-49 because of Roe. Manchin is not talking like a guy who's planning on voting yes.

Was that the district with the "goddamnit both the DCCC candidate and the other challenger look like ideal DCCC recruits why can't they be in two different districts" problem?
Yes. Jim Gray, the guy I mentioned, actually won KY-06 when he ran against Rand Paul in 2016.

But this way, maybe he can challenge McConnell in 2020.


Oct 26, 2017
And why does Ron Paul feel the need to hide his bigotry? He published a white-supremacist newsletter for years.
In my anecdotal experience, a lot of Ron Paul fans are educated, "Libertarian" male engineer types whose political stance amounts to "I hate paying taxes". The point is that they don't think of themselves as racist. Policies that strongly favor whites but don't explicitly mention race is just survival of the fittest to them, but they'd never support an openly racist candidate.
Oct 26, 2017
They can investigate but I'm not sure if they can directly charge.

They can certainly impeach him.

But as I've explained many times, impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. The House can impeach the president for sneezing if it can muster 218 votes.

Bah. Fine, then impeach it is. I'll be so happy to have a house that can launch and direct legitimate investigations, rather than one that is trying hide any wrong doings.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
It really is quite something how so many Trump but not Trump republicans simply don't get the same sort of cover or popularity when they pull their bullshit that Trump does.

Really when you have guys who apparently can't pull off the "lol space force", "lol fart act", "was I talked about Rosie odennell? Lol" their agenda just doesn't go over well with people even in really red areas

Just a spoonful of memes help the facism go down


Oct 25, 2017
cross posting

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Law enforcement officials have arrested a person accused of trying to help a foreign terrorist organization's plan to attack downtown Cleveland, Ohio, on the Fourth of July, an FBI spokeswoman said on Monday.

She declined to give additional details ahead of a news conference at 9:15 EDT (1315 GMT).

Downtown Cleveland along with many other U.S. cities host fireworks displays every year to celebrate the U.S. Fourth of July holiday. Cities typically ramp up security around large holiday events.

what the fuck

This makes me worry, moreso, for the refugee and other immigrant communities in NE Ohio, primarily in Cleveland and Akron. We've already seen ICE raids.

I just wanted to chime in with the important observation that George Stephanopoulos fills out that polo shirt really well.

Remember the season 1 episode of Friends where George moves into an apartment across the street and Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe spy on him because they find him sexy?

For Texas ranchers living along border fence, talk of an illegal crossing crisis is exaggerated

A manufactured crisis? Truly shocking news.

This is obviously a serious article, but I can't hear about a sorghum farmer without immediately flashing to this -



Oct 25, 2017
I actually see KY as a prime pickup opportunity in 2020, honestly.

The GOP bench is actually pretty weak in Kentucky. Bevin and Rand Paul being able to make it through statewide primaries should say a lot.

I'd guess some rich unlikeable businessman would win the GOP primary if Turtle retires.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Wait a minute, Ben Garrison is a racist, but this does seem a bit much for him. Wonder if it's a shop.



Oct 25, 2017
Seems like 1.3 mil docs finally released to the government today. Explains Cohen's sudden PR appearences.

Also, seems like maybe investigators didnt actually have the evidence yet. Today might be the first day for that...


Oct 27, 2017
Is there still a Trump hotel in NY?

1. Although it would certainly butter up the President to stay in his hotel, Kim would be crazy to do so (or even to enter the US at all) for security reasons. It'd be like Trump staying in the Pyongyang Hotel, or using an unsecured cell phone (... maybe not a great example)
2. Kim Jong Un is not the only one who needs to worry about his reception in NYC.
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