
Oct 25, 2017
Play of the game in Paladin's is always such ass. It doesn't seem take anything into account other than the kill/damage frequency. So often ends up in really crappy situations like Tyra dealing a significant amount of damage with a grenade, while getting a kill, or Victor spraying down two people.

In my last game I got a quad with Strix, and it got beaten out of play of the game by a Victor triple Spray. Sure, whatever.
It really makes you appreciate how much Blizz put into POTG in overwatch. They tweaked that system and its criteria over and over in beta (and some on live) and it's at least GOOD most of the time, but that's got to be a very tough feature to get 'right' (and it's always going to be slightly subjective).


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Played 5 matches tonight, which might be my highest consecutive play time for a while now.

4 as Grohk, 1 as Khan.

Every time some asks me to be a healing Grohk:



Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Hit 50 on the Battle Pass, woot woot! Does anyone know if additional XP gained carries over to the next Battle Pass?

Got 3 diamond chests waiting, but I'm gonna hold off on opening them until I can fix my odds a bit. Hopefully the Feudal Chest goes back on sale before too long. I've only got two items left in there, and they're both epic skins that are also in the diamond chest.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
But he is a healer....who heals...
He's a terrible a healer, but he puts out great damage which is way more useful.

There used to be a time, a few months ago, where Grohk was a viable pick as a solo healer. But instead of Nerfing his damage, they nerfed his main healing talent, and his totem HP.

And this wasn't long after they reworked his visual design, and included some huge buffs to his ability to heal.


Oct 27, 2017
Auuuugh whyyyyyy can't I skip the damn cinematics. And the tower climbing. But mostly the cinematics. It brains my hurt.

Also, hot damn, turtle dood is boss. Barfing and spitting on people is great fun. Shame about the weird dash move though. Also, I have to admit that I haven't managed to trigger the ult correctly even once. I finally wanna snack on some poor helpless fucker. The description sounds hilarious.
Jan 10, 2018
Any news about gyro controls on Switch? I tried the game on PC and it's really fun, but I cannot imagine myself playing on anything else than an hybrid device. However, I cannot imagine myself stick-aiming either unfortunately.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Trying out ranked right now.
I'm in love with Pip. Such a fun character to play!

Pip's one of my favorites. Great fun except for when his potions get bugged. Unfortunately, that one's been around for ages and doesn't seem like it'll be getting fixed any time soon.

Has a lot of similarities to Buck, interestingly. Both weapons deal similar amounts of damage per shot (P: 600, B: 700) at one second intervals, with somewhat forgiving targeting that sometimes allows you to hit multiple enemies with a single shot (Pip's blast radius and Buck's spread). Both have a secondary fire that slows whoever it hits (P: Explosive Flask, B: Net Shot). Both have a recovery ability that can be used to self-heal a great deal (P: Healing Potion, B: Recovery). Both have a movement ability that allows them to jump great distances (P: Weightless, B: Heroic Leap). Both even have a talent that grants them bonus damage on enemies they've slowed with their alt fires (P: Catalyst, B: Ensnare).

I guess what I'm saying is, if you like the one, you might also try the other.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Pip's one of my favorites. Great fun except for when his potions get bugged. Unfortunately, that one's been around for ages and doesn't seem like it'll be getting fixed any time soon.

Has a lot of similarities to Buck, interestingly. Both weapons deal similar amounts of damage per shot (P: 600, B: 700) at one second intervals, with somewhat forgiving targeting that sometimes allows you to hit multiple enemies with a single shot (Pip's blast radius and Buck's spread). Both have a secondary fire that slows whoever it hits (P: Explosive Flask, B: Net Shot). Both have a recovery ability that can be used to self-heal a great deal (P: Healing Potion, B: Recovery). Both have a movement ability that allows them to jump great distances (P: Weightless, B: Heroic Leap). Both even have a talent that grants them bonus damage on enemies they've slowed with their alt fires (P: Catalyst, B: Ensnare).

I guess what I'm saying is, if you like the one, you might also try the other.

Except Buck is great, Pip is pretty mediocre. I wouldn't say Pips bad but I think generally teams do better with a more focused healer, and I think as an off-healer Furia can deal more damage while also healing more consistently.

Pip and Buck both have pretty weird kits because they were designed for the original Paladins. Where the game featured huge maps necessitating movement abilities that allowed heroes to travel great distances. They did rework Pips kit, and transformed him from a damage roll into a healing roll but in trying to retain the aggressive character that he was before, they made him a bit of a weird hybrid between support and flank.

Playing him as a flank is inefficient, because he doesn't get bonus credits for flank kills, he gets bonus credits for healing. So if you're picking him as a flank, you're better off playing any other flank, and playing him as support, well, you're better off playing other supports. That's why people rarely pick Pip.

He has some advantages though, small hitbox is good for avoiding snipers compared to other healers, and the AOE on his primary is good for spreading cauterise across the opposing team.


Feb 7, 2018
I wonder when will they reveal Battle Pass 2 skins and items.
PLEASE be better than the first Battle Pass.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty impressed at how bad the Rise of Furia mode is lmfao, Droggos makes that shit trivial

Got the Tyra skin and gonna grind it out for Seris


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Pretty impressed at how bad the Rise of Furia mode is lmfao, Droggos makes that shit trivial

Got the Tyra skin and gonna grind it out for Seris

I didn't think it was that bad. Just a bit of fun. I like the platform challenge.

I didn't play it more than 5 times though as I bought the skin bundle which gives you enough of the currency to buy everything else too. Kind of a shame that buying the bundle makes the event pointless, to be honest.


Feb 7, 2018
So i started playing Maeve more and i am trying her Street Justice talent because everyone is talking about it but... i feel like i am doing better with Artful Dodger which was my previous playstyle.

Is Street Justice even good after the recent nerf? Is it only really good against tanks? Which cards would you recommend with it?


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Damn Vivian is really OP as fuck. No wonder they always ban her. I just went off in competitive

Honestly, people kind of make fun of Vivian bans as a low level ranked thing to do. She should only be trouble if your flank isn't doing their job. What she has in damage, she lacks completely in mobility or crowd control. Very reliant on her teammates.

The thing with Vivian is her very low skill ceiling. She doesn't take much thought or finesse to get a lot out of.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Strix is too much fun.


Hitboxes and controls in general are very lenient in this game. So it's super easy to be ultra-precise even on a controller.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I like it when there's a new support, because you can almost guarantee someone on your team will play support.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Why can't Hirez just fucking fix Maeve already? Pounce has been going through shields for months now, but hey, lets knock 5% damage off a talent *that should not exist*, instead of doing something useful.

I swear they don't play their own game.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Managed to rank up from Bronze V to Gold 1 over the last handful of days.

Even at gold one though, people don't seem to understand that team comp matters. It blows my mind that I'm finding myself in matches where we don't have frontlines or supports.

The last game I played, I had first pick so I picked my regular character, Strix. None of my team picked any supports, or front line champions. We lost the game. 4-0.

Sure, I picked Strix and I could have played Support or Frontline, but it's easy to assume that your team will make the appropriate picks. If I'm down to the last two and we don't have a Support or Tank, I'll pick support. Why would you ever get down to the last pick and not pick the champ we need? Do these people not get it? We will not win if we don't have an at least workable team composition.

Fuck, pick a support then trade with me if you have to.


Also, what determines who gets to chose to pick/ban? I tend to get it 90% of the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Managed to rank up from Bronze V to Gold 1 over the last handful of days.

Even at gold one though, people don't seem to understand that team comp matters. It blows my mind that I'm finding myself in matches where we don't have frontlines or supports.

The last game I played, I had first pick so I picked my regular character, Strix. None of my team picked any supports, or front line champions. We lost the game. 4-0.

Sure, I picked Strix and I could have played Support or Frontline, but it's easy to assume that your team will make the appropriate picks. If I'm down to the last two and we don't have a Support or Tank, I'll pick support. Why would you ever get down to the last pick and not pick the champ we need? Do these people not get it? We will not win if we don't have an at least workable team composition.

Fuck, pick a support then trade with me if you have to.


Also, what determines who gets to chose to pick/ban? I tend to get it 90% of the time.
That's because most ppl only play one character and that's it, I at least play 3. I can see now why overwatch can get so toxic with ppl and their sometimes ignorant choices


Oct 25, 2017
That's because most ppl only play one character and that's it, I at least play 3. I can see now why overwatch can get so toxic with ppl and their sometimes ignorant choices
At least in Overwatch they, or you, can swap later, and everyone picks at once so they can kind of point the finger all over. In this or a moba it's just fucked us before the game even began, and I can't fix it.


Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone tested this on the internal storage for the Switch vs SD? Curious if it helps with the load times at all.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
At least in Overwatch they, or you, can swap later, and everyone picks at once so they can kind of point the finger all over. In this or a moba it's just fucked us before the game even began, and I can't fix it.

Yeah. It can be a long waste of time too. Like in one of the recent games I had we were able to stop them pushing the payload all the way, but not strong enough as a team to capture the payload to begin with. Therefore, it was pretty obvious that we couldn't win. We just got slaughtered whenever we got near them.

On the 3rd round, as they got close to pushing the payload to our base, our tank just gave up and stopped playing. I guess she wanted it to end? We'd been in a game that we clearly couldn't win for 15+ minutes, it's frustrating.

I joined her. I wanted it over and done with, and there was no point in continuing with the bad comp and one player down.


Problematically, in these situations players don't even buy the right items or adopt the right strategies to compensate. If you've fucked up and started a match with no supports then you need to buy cauterise and focus on taking down the supports. But they don't, they just play the same crappy strategy they normally do.

I like that Paladin's doesn't allow hero switching but this really necessitates careful champion selection, particularly in ranked play. If you don't want to think about the team composition and compromise on your role so that you can be a part of a stronger team, then you shouldn't play ranked.

Has anyone tested this on the internal storage for the Switch vs SD? Curious if it helps with the load times at all.

What do the load times matter in a multiplayer game? You have to wait for everyone else to load before the game can begin anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
What do the load times matter in a multiplayer game? You have to wait for everyone else to load before the game can begin anyway.

I'm not waiting on anyone else when the game first loads, nor when going to the results screen after a match. Nor when navigating menus and waiting for skins to load, etc, etc. There's more to the loading than just getting into a game.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I've been abroad for work over the last four or five days and having Paladins with me on a portable console has been a lifesaver. I always enjoyed what I played before on other platforms but I'm adoring having it available on Switch.

Would love for them to introduce a Fortnite style cross progression system so I could play at home on Xbox One X with all of my Switch stuff.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I'm not waiting on anyone else when the game first loads, nor when going to the results screen after a match. Nor when navigating menus and waiting for skins to load, etc, etc. There's more to the loading than just getting into a game.

In my experience, those are slow on any platform largely because the game is making calls to the server every time you do something in the menu. Even if you run everything super low it doesn't function at light speed on PC.

For example, even when Frostfangs plays on the absolute lowest setting, it takes a few seconds to load up a view of a champion.

In Frostfangs video It even takes LONGER to exit out of a game when set to the lowest settings

Than it does when played on maximum settings

I would think you'd be looking at marginal, if any benefit / difference on the Switches internal vs external storage. It certainly makes no noticeable difference on my PS4 Pro with SSD vs my regular PS4 without SSD.
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Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Seem to be on a losing streak tonight in ranked. Very frustrating. I feel like I'm playing my role very well relative to the level of play I'm at, and yet it just isn't cutting it. Whose fault are these losses? I'm aware that technically, we're a team and therefore it's our teams fault, but I think identifying weakness is at least an interesting takeaway.

In this first one, I think it's Cassie. Cassie should be topping the team DPS total and that's quite a lot of deaths on her part, at least relative to her contribution.


Here I think it's all of them. It doesn't make sense as to why any of them were dying that frequently, unless they were funnelling into battle one at a time. If you die more than 15 times in a match then you probably just didn't have a strong presence in the game. Knowing when to pull out, where to position yourself, etc. is key to not dying, and these guys didn't seem to have a good handle on the overall flow of the match.


I didn't want to play Drogos but my team mate picked Strix and then didn't want to swap. I think Mal'Damba was at fault here. Also none of our team bought Wrecker therefore the shields from Barikk and Ash were quite hard to deal with. I picked caut off the bat, most of them bought caut or deft hands.

I asked the Fernando to pick Wrecker and he said no, that wrecker was useless and bought bulldozer to deal with Barikk's turrets. I told him it was a bad decision, but I'm not 100% on that. I think Wrecker would have been a better bet to take down Ash and Barrik's walls.



Oct 25, 2017
Man, I have to agree. Some people are just straight dumb in ranked (in terms of gold/platinum) people won't pick support, or worst they'll pick a side support that isn't meant to sub as a main one. Or they won't get us a frontline. I have no idea what goes through people's heads. Most of the time we can survive without a flank, focus on the meta for gods sake.

I was reading up that deft hands is a troll pick and seen as being new to the game. I thought it was great when I played casual, then I read up and realized it's a dumb choice.


Oct 26, 2017
Had a great session tonight on switch portable mode. The game is really competent and pleasing, it's great to see a very good port such as this one.
I've spent some money to level up Furia since she's one of the characters I main, to get the healing pyre. Since I've bought the founder's pack, is money useful for something else than leveling up ?

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
So me and my mate bought this on switch.
It is excellent imo.
He has a gf who lives in another city in the southern parts of Sweden so this being portable is great.
Been playing Rukus and Vivian.
Vivian feels like a damn turret with the cards that refills her ammo.
Played Jenos for healing and I'm enjoying him too.
Been watching frostfang but I'm wondering if anyone has another good channel regarding paladins?

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
A post on Paladins Community on Facebook implies a new champ!

Its time for The Thousand Hands to shine!


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Man, Drogos is so good. His Salvo is incredibly powerful. Combine it with a combustible shot and you're dealing over 2K damage in an AOE. That's better than many characters ultimate abilities, and you have it on a 20 second cooldown (much lower with the right perks).

I think he's the only character I can easily carry a game with. I buy cauterise, and wipe out the enemy supports without breaking a sweat. I often play other damage characters but it's hard to put the pressure on and confirm a kill with a lot of them if your team aren't supporting. For instance it's easy for Seris to go invulnerable after you deal some damage, or Ying to teleport away, but Drogos doesn't have to deal with that, he wipes them off the map.

Had a great session tonight on switch portable mode. The game is really competent and pleasing, it's great to see a very good port such as this one.
I've spent some money to level up Furia since she's one of the characters I main, to get the healing pyre. Since I've bought the founder's pack, is money useful for something else than leveling up ?

You can use coins to buy some of the palette swap skins. I'd say it's worth spending on those before you consider using them to level up your character.
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The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Omg first ever ranked match and it's Siege and no-one picks a Frontline. Instead we have three flanks. What is going on.