
Oct 25, 2017
Sad but from the sounds of this thread not missing much.
Was going to watch this after Invasion S2, Apple TV+ SciFi on a Saturday morning with breakfast has become a ritual for me and basically they have been making enough to supply the whole year, at least with how far I am behind.
Guess ill move on to Dark Matter.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Yea can't say I'm sad about this. I'll give Dark Matter a try going by impressions in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a shame since it did end on a cliffhanger, but it really wasn't great. 8 episodes that take forever to get anywhere interesting, meanwhile in just two episodes Dark Matter has me way more intrigued on a very similar premise.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly I thought I would like this show. However my final feeling was this would have made and average 2 hour film. 8 episodes was way to much and it really dragged out by the end.


Feb 13, 2018
That sucks so much. I really disliked that ending for Season 1 and I hoped ti would be saved by season 2. God damnit.


Oct 25, 2017
Sad but from the sounds of this thread not missing much.
Was going to watch this after Invasion S2, Apple TV+ SciFi on a Saturday morning with breakfast has become a ritual for me and basically they have been making enough to supply the whole year, at least with how far I am behind.
Guess ill move on to Dark Matter.

Invasion is terrible but at least so much happens and its funny in how terrible it gets that you can just enjoy it from a shlocky "haha the guys on MST3K would have so much to say" kinda way. Its a 90s SyFy show with 10x the budget.

Constellation is just boring. There are literally 20 minute scenes where two people just walk between points calling out names. You just so frustrated and angry at how the point of the show seems to be to waste viewers times.

for another Apple TV+ recent recommendation everyone should check out Sugar, watch all 7 episodes before you read anything about it. It stars Colin Ferrell (!!) and he is in every scene, its a detective noir show with a twist and takes place in Hollywood and builds up slowly to some big shocks. The finale airs next week so good time to jump in. Its one of those "you will hate it or love it" shows, not much middle ground.

Recently some articles have been going around about how Apple is finally going to start belt tightening around Apple TV+ so the days of getting weird vibe shows or star-power-only shows are probably over. They were the last tech company left that was willing to big bankroll projects without much concern for views so expect a return to uniformity in TV.


Fraud & Player Security
Oct 25, 2017
Liked the show, didn't feel like it needed a second season. Good with how it ended. That said I like things that don't need to explain every little thing and leave it to the viewer to make their own conclusions.


Oct 27, 2017
I had to double check Reddit because I was sure I had just seen a post there that this was in production for S2 lol. I didn't bother watching this, trying to be more discerning with what I watch, and while Apple has plenty of good stuff, there are stinkers on there too. Need to finish the last couple eps of S4 FAM soon.


Chicken Chaser
Feb 17, 2019
That's a shame, not too surprised/mad about it unfortunately because i found the plot hard to follow at times, and kept getting annoyed at the constant timeline switching. I will literally watch anything with Noomi in it though, and as usual per Apple the show had high production values and amazing acting all around.


Oct 27, 2017
SolidSnakeUS well now I'm even happier that I skipped this one lol. I don't always need a show to grab my attention right away, but if the pace isn't brisk, it needs to have other things going for it. This show sounds like it has nothing. Even that POS show Invasion apparently has enough going on to get a ton of people to hate watch it.


Oct 28, 2017
I still cannot get over how bad the ending was to this one. Almost nothing was answered about why anything happened, and the last scene made no sense at all.


Oct 29, 2017
It was alright but they waffled on way too much, basically repeating the same story beats over and over.
Especially the part where we see Pauls viewpoint of what happened, but it didn't need to be shown and anyone who paid any attention knows exactly what's going to happen.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Terrible show, the only Apple show I've ever bailed on.

Napkin concept, spread over far too many episodes.


Oct 27, 2017
I wanted to like it. I thought the characters and overall story was pretty good, but when you've got like 3 episodes with nothing but the little girl running through a blizzard yelling "mama!" , I started to check out.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, after watching the first two episodes of Dark Matter (good) I was about to start this as it seems to have a similar concept. Glad I will not waste may time then.


Oct 25, 2017
don't like seeing early cancellations, but AppleTV has so many samey sci-fi shows. just realised this isn't Foundation


Oct 27, 2017
watched the whole season, was underwhelmed, there have been better takes on the ideas

like that gerry anderson film where there's another earth in the same orbit on the other side of the sun, but everythings mirrored and all the polarities are inverted, and no, actually that was pretty bad, but this isn't better
Oct 29, 2017

It was filled with absolutely unlikable characters who were I swear the stupidest people on television.

This was one of the very few shows that I actively disliked, and I liked Obi-Wan and The Rings of Power.


Oct 25, 2017
The first two episodes were great especially with the ISS bits. But yeah it seems like they didn't know where to go with the mystery/hook from there.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, it's a shame that it's so easy to predict modern shows now. So fucking glacially paced, stupid flashbacks or backstory to cover crap no one cares about or how X character ended up in Y situation. Silo was the same, despite a cool premise.

I only found out about Surf Dracula Syndrome recently, and this pretty much covers it.
Wow it's insane how well that Surf Dracula concept so succinctly describes Apple's show Physical.