Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
So... why is this motherfucker not in jail?


Oct 25, 2017
...Eh, I think this is letting him off the hook a bit.

It is always pointed out whenever someone tries to pivot to the "economic anxiety" argument that, well, minorities exist. Black and Brown Americans exist, are a part of the working class, and on almost every conceivable metric have been hit harder by the pandemic and resulting economic crash. And yet as a group, we don't vote Republican. That ain't an accident.

We cannot talk about the economic motives of the white working class, and the outsized influence grifters like Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson have, without acknowledging that the emulsifying force, the glue that holds it all together, is white supremacy and white grievance. This is not about suffering in and of itself (as we've seen, a lot of the Trumpers who have been arrested so far are not suffering economically. They're staunchly middle/upper-middle class). This is about white people on the right having the message reinforced for them that You could have more. Your life is not what it was meant to be, and the reason for that is Them. This country and all its riches belong to you, patriot, and they're taking it from you.

No economic prescription that doesn't address, specifically, white supremacy and how it has been allowed to fester in our civic discourse will solve the problem. Know how I know that? Because it is the lived experience of Black people in this country since we were imported as a commodity. Black people already know what the root of the problem is; we've been screaming it from our diaphragms.


Oct 30, 2017
I have no regrets about this story. If you read the story it's hard not to come away thinking this dude's an idiot who will be arrested in the coming days.
Yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with this type of reporting. I think it's natural to ask why people would do something like this, and I think showing that they are just completely out of touch with reality is important


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Perfect example of someone who became disenfranchised with the system and began looking for answers in all the wrong places. Economic disparity between rich and poor is a small part why this keeps happening in America. It won't solve this problem by any stretch of the imagination, but fixing inequality will go a long way.

He quit his job and became a fascist

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I think this is it. It says he's mad and frustrated about not receiving unemployment benefits and having to deal with the pandemic on his own and ending up poor. He's just been fed simple information on who is supposedly responsible for his hardship. His anger is being misdirected by telling him things he wants to hear.

It's really easy to just dismiss these people as assholes and sure, they are, but how did they end up being such major assholes in the first place? If you don't get to the root of the problem there's just gonna be more assholes in the future.

I agree with this if you look at the Trumpist movement as a disinformation cult. Everybody has some agency, we're all responsible for our decisions, but this path towards fascism has been manufactured like a cult, and like all cults the members are both victimizers and victims themselves. For 20+ years, the conservative movement has sewed collective doubt into its adherent's brains about how no facts can be trusted. Can't trust the New York Times, the WaPo, NPR, Associated Press, any international press, because they're all "the elites trying to control you" and not reporting the truth. Can't trust big tech they're liberals, can't trust the universities they're all socialists, can't trust the medical or economic experts because they all went to the universities, can't trust your neighbor because he could be a Democrat and we all know about the democrats... And over time, years of this destructive delusion, they hold no shared reality and anybody can step into it and become their reality. In this case, it was a television celebrity. It's going to be hard, maybe impossible, to break that portion of the cult.

But, another aspect of this is establishing trust in a federal economic incentive. Since Reagan, Americans have come to believe one of his central lies: "The most terrifying words in the English language: 'I'm from the government and I'm hear to help.'" This is a lie, but it's incumbent on us -- me, liberals -- to combat the lie with programs that disprove it. The conservative author, Amity Shales, wrote a book called "The Forgotten Man" which was about how FDR's New Deal actually exaccerbated the Great Depression, which is probably wrong, but more importantly she was blind to a point that her book was making but sshe didn't understand it. She concluded -- correctly -- that World War II is what pulled the United States out of the great depression. This is factually, historically correct. However, I'd argue that the reason that the United States was fighting against the Nazis instead of with the Nazis was because the cooperation between Hoover and FDR created a liberal system of government that the average American working man could believe in. That without the New Deal, America would have been just as likely to slip into fascism as Hitler's Germany, Franco's Spain, and Mussolini's Italy did. And we had prominent American fascists -- Father Coughlin, populists like Huwie Long, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford -- who could appeal to Americans on that economic populist agenda, mixed with hypernationalism, isolationism, and it was only because of the New Deal that most Americans trusted FDR more so than Father Coughlin or Huwie Long.. While the New Deal might not have been the economic engine that ended the Great Depression, World War II was, I argue that it was because of the New Deal that we weren't aligned with the fascists and suffering their same fate in 1945.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
"I feel like I've seen a lot of the election fraud evidence, and I don't understand why nothing is being done."

This captures late stage trumpist movement pretty well, and Trump's complicity in manufacturing an insurrection. Lie, lie, and lie some more, and eventually when nothing comes of the lies, cultists are left to question their own sanity ... "Did my hero Donald Trump lie to me? No." and then it motivates further delusional, desperate action. This is why we're still rocketting to violence.

Also ITT can we please stop pretending like Bloomberg is good reporting or representative of reputable reporting, or that Bloomberg represents "the media" in some demonstrative way? Outside of finance, 90% of Bloomberg News is reproducing reporting from other outlets and rewriting it in more salacious ways (similar to The Hill, Business Insider, Forbes, etc), and the remaining 10% is this... shitty pieces written by inexperienced journalists who can't get jobs somewhere else.

The Baltimore Sun printed a glorified obituary for the air force Insurrectionist who was shot dead

Bloomberg is in line here with the mainstream press not an outlier


Nov 16, 2017
Ugh in that lie-peddling YouTube account, the followed him up with suggesting ANTIFA was there.


The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The Baltimore Sun printed a glorified obituary for the air force Insurrectionist who was shot dead

Bloomberg is in line here with the mainstream press not an outlier

Hard disagree. The coverage from the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, NPR, and then other prominent opinion makers like The Atlantic and the New Yorker has been -- IMO -- very good with this crisis. Just a small anecdote but one of the primary reasons why Google, Apple, and Amazon all cracked down on Parler was because of the interview that the CEO gave to the NYT's Kara Swisher while the riots were taking place. That interview was explicitly cited. Most of what we know about this insurrection was from primary, on-premise reporting and photos taken by members of the media who's lives are also at risk to get that coverage. Like members of the media had to turn the corner and see this scratched into the Capitol, while they were being assaulted in and outside:


I didn't read the obit in the Baltimore Sun, and I don't think I've ever read the Baltimore Sun to know much about it (aside from passing article or something). Most of the other coverage I saw of this terrorist was helpful at showing how these insurrectionists can get easily radicalized, that they live next door to you, are on your state and local town select boards, and so on.

I personally don't like the blanket criticism of the media that comes basically anytime someone within the media has a bad take or when there's a bad article from a pretty shitty reporting outlet like Bloomberg. If someone says "ugh, bloomberg, wtf are you doing glorifying this person," then I agree, but I hate the blanket criticism of the media that comes from everything. I also see the rise of right wing fascism in America primarily having to do with blanket distrust of all "elitist" media, and I'm worried about it outside of the right.


Oct 27, 2017
"I feel like I've seen a lot of the election fraud evidence"

That's the level of delusion and brainwashing we're dealing with.


Oct 25, 2017
Guy who lives in a bus, cleans chimneys, and is incapable of figuring out how to get unemployment insurance that was being handed out like candy in my is convinced he's smarter than everyone else because she read something online. Just about sums up these people.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
"I did trespass, I guess"

Yea fucko you did trespass US Capitol building


Oct 25, 2017
Has this been called out yet?

Fellows, who lives in a converted school bus, said he stopped working last spring because of fears of Covid-19. But he said he became disillusioned when New York state denied him unemployment benefits. "For awhile, in early March and April, I was super poor," he said.

Fellows said he came to D.C. in part because he believes that the election was rigged. But his primary motivation was his anger at government measures to prevent Covid-19, such as lockdowns of restaurants and gyms.


Oct 27, 2017
So he'll be arrested right ? Giving a confession and where he lives in an interview.

At least bumble is blowing up for him in the meantime.