
Oct 25, 2017
So I just finished season 6 and since I heard season 7 was bad I watched some recaps of it... and yeah, seriously considering skipping straight to season 8.

What season 7 episodes (if any) are worthwhile?


Banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Plus the story telling devices with the jumps in time. I think they are under the erroneous impression people are super stoked with their writing style.

The show plays like a shit video game now.

Sweet line delivery from The King. It's natural dialogue? That just so happens to explain his character motivations incase you forgot from last season?


Oct 25, 2017
Before I say anything else, I just want everyone to know that I have loved every past season of The Walking Dead before this.

This season is pretty bad so far. I'm just baffled by the drop in quality.


Oct 28, 2017
Was the throwback for Morales necessary? Like did anyone remember or give a shit? I had to google him to find out who he was.

Overall, episode was solid.

Like some others here, I had absolutely no idea and I don't really care. At this point, I'm just watching the show to see where it ultimately goes or fails to go. I've been with it this long, not gonna stop now.


Oct 25, 2017
Before I say anything else, I just want everyone to know that I have loved every past season of The Walking Dead before this.

This season is pretty bad so far. I'm just baffled by the drop in quality.

At least it's a tad better than last season, what a drag that was

Effnine , I know what you mean. I'm basically in the same boat as you, I'm just here for the end


Oct 25, 2017
Something I've thought about multiple times as well. Did this show just forget entirely about Heath? Is he just going to come back after this whole war randomly and ask "what I miss"? Or is he just missing forever? I don't think we've even heard Tara mention him.

I mean, I don't think anyone cares about his character anyway, but still. It's a story arc left up in the air.
Real life answer: starring in the (now cancelled) 24 reboot surely messed with his schedule.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. This is where I was expecting the show to return to. I've decided to do a good/not so good/bad (if necessary) for the episodes I watch.

Good (sigh.. fucking tough with this episode)
  • I had a feeling they were building up to a callback, as Rick/Daryl were walking around and searching shit. I thought seeing Morales was actually really fucking awesome. Too bad the reveal, beyond that, meant nothing (at least until next time). So.. he just shows up and he's a savior goon? I really hope they don't do him like this. I loved him in S1.
  • Eh.. I'm really grasping here, there wasn't much good about EP2. I kinda liked the scene where Rick ends up in a room that looks like it was there before shit went down. Seeing the baby was sad and I really wish they did something more with that moment. Use Andrew Lincoln. He's a great actor. Make him do something new. Rick's been spinning his wheels for a while now.
  • I totally thought Morgan was going to just unload on all those guys. That was the only decent tension in the entire episode, and it led to nothing. Sigh..
  • The soundtrack was haunting/menacing and really gripping throughout the episode.
Now, I'm gunna skip "not so good" and land firmly in "bad":
  • The random ass zoom ins in the beginning and end of the episode. What.. was the point of this overly dramatic BS? It's like yo you don't have to zoom in on random faces to build tension or suspense. Overly done and occasionally laughable.
  • Tensionless, badly choreographed and directed action sequences. Like.. let's just zoom in on random people firing guns.. that works! If this is all out war, I want it to end. I was thoroughly bored anytime guns were going off (spoiler: there were a LOT OF GUNS going off). There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason whatsoever to the battle. Just randomly placed people firing at other random people, coupled with shaky zooms. Yikes.
  • Bad dialogue. The conversation between the young woman and the guy (saviors) was awful. "Shut up. SHUT UP. I'M A BADASS!" Luckily, there weren't a whole lot of side character moments like there have been in past episodes. But my god are they immersion breaking moments. Get some decent actors and dialogue. Please have a purpose when showing new or side characters.
  • Lack of character moments/development; action only. Action is meaningless if it doesn't feel like it's serving a purpose/tied to something we really care about. There were a LOT of opportunities to have decent interactions while Rick and Daryl were snooping around.. and a HUGE missed opportunity with Morales. He just shows up and points a gun at Rick? Really?
This is why I feel like the show should drop to 10 episodes per season, and have a CLEAR, FOCUSED GOAL FOR EACH EPISODE. I know this will never happen but it would greatly benefit TWD. Though, even in an episode where shit is supposed to be happening, nothing really seems to happen at all. I dunno. I guess the show just has pretty huge problems all around. Like.. why should this episode feel like filler when half of it is people firing guns at each other?

I think we're genuinely moving toward even the 3 or 4 "main" episodes not having a huge purpose as well.

This is the first season I haven't been watching the episodes as they air/come online. It just feels.. dead. I'm losing hope that it will even be decent again.
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Oct 26, 2017
New York
Before I say anything else, I just want everyone to know that I have loved every past season of The Walking Dead before this.

This season is pretty bad so far. I'm just baffled by the drop in quality.

The problem is it's a bunch of long, dragged out gunfights and TWD has some of the worst choreographed gunfights I've ever seen. It's just mindless.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
So yeah. I watched.

Jesus goes soft, Morgan is the only one with Infinity Ammo turned off.


Also, I have no idea who that dude is, and I binged everything a couple of years back so its not like it was 7 years ago that he vanished or something.


Oct 25, 2017
Morales makes sense since they are pretty obviously building towards some kind of mercy/redemption for the Saviors.

"He was a good man once.....he can be a good man again."
"It's more important to spare life than it is to take revenge".

This is something they've been working towards since pacifist Morgan arrived in Alexandria.


Banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
It's so under directed and poorly shot.

They need to get rid of the crop of directors they have. Make shit at more stylish.

Considering its comic book roots. The directoral focus seems to be on realism. Except it's all so fucking whacky now that it's just a muddled up product.

If you had some kind of modest art style some decent writing and direction. Maybe shit like the king and sheeva wouldn't be so jarring.

Or the multiple fake out deaths. Or at least direct better fucking action scenes.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not going to rehash the points that have been made about the shoddy choreography and underwhelming direction, but yeah, if you're going to do an episode like this, you have got to find a way to make those scenes more impactful. All the various gun fights in this episode bled into one another, felt too similar and were disjointed in terms of execution. The show has really lacked in the atmosphere department for a while now and the bland way in which the directors frame these scenes remove any measure of tension from them.

Walking Dead feels like a show that is sacrificing any sort of meaningful development and banking on a glut of action to drive its narrative. It's pacing is a constant issue and putting a damper on this show.

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
What was this episode of drawn out Call Of Duty porn? It was soooooo boring.

I really, really, really, really, really want them to kill of the guy with the CGI tiger. Everything about his character is awful. Jesus is also terrible and should have his face eaten.


Oct 27, 2017
The zoom-ins reminded me of the Heavy Rain loading screens.

I feel like there was a good episode buried within this one, Morgan going CLEAR, Rick and the baby, Morales, the dilemma of killing every-and-anyone vs letting those that surrender live. But it was surrounded by mindless shooting and either didn't execute the ideas well or some of the same bad habits/patterns make it tiring/annoying and doesn't provide much faith in a satisfying pay-off.

It's crazy that there is a war going on and it feels less tense than pre-Alexandria or even when Rick's group was trying to settle in.


Oct 25, 2017
The zoom-ins reminded me of the Heavy Rain loading screens.

I feel like there was a good episode buried within this one, Morgan going CLEAR, Rick and the baby, Morales, the dilemma of killing every-and-anyone vs letting those that surrender live. But it was surrounded by mindless shooting and either didn't execute the ideas well or some of the same bad habits/patterns make it tiring/annoying and doesn't provide much faith in a satisfying pay-off.

It's crazy that there is a war going on and it feels less tense than pre-Alexandria or even when Rick's group was trying to settle in.
Good post. You explained what I was trying to in fewer words.

There IS a good episode buried here. But man they just don't know how to balance action with plot/character development.

Not to mention the action scenes themselves are just lifeless and disjointed shots strung together.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I thought the premiere was done fine, but this episode was just very extended. I figured they would stretch out the All Out War for eight episodes, but I didn't think it would be this boring. I think one of the problems is that Rick is going to survive, the "new" cast of characters (Tara, Aaron) aren't as likeable as the old ones (Sasha, Glenn, Abe.), Michonne and Rosita are stuck in Alexandria, and they skipped over Negan/Gabe this week. The direction for this war is just the same direction as the firefights in Season 2, and compared to Game of Thrones which simply looks amazing, this show's action should be better. Someone mentioned the show should only have ten episodes per season. I am inclined to agree.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the premiere was done fine, but this episode was just very extended. I figured they would stretch out the All Out War for eight episodes, but I didn't think it would be this boring. I think one of the problems is that Rick is going to survive, the "new" cast of characters (Tara, Aaron) aren't as likeable as the old ones (Sasha, Glenn, Abe.), Michonne and Rosita are stuck in Alexandria, and they skipped over Negan/Gabe this week. The direction for this war is just the same direction as the firefights in Season 2, and compared to Game of Thrones which simply looks amazing, this show's action should be better. Someone mentioned the show should only have ten episodes per season. I am inclined to agree.

That was me. And yeah.. I know the two shows are accomplishing different objectives with their episodes, but GoT is a prime example of how to blend great action with interesting/rewarding character development.. all while advancing the plot in a meaningful way.

I feel like 10 episodes would be a good starting point if they ever decide to completely rework the way the show is made (spoiler: THEY SHOULD, like yesterday).

You need a clear purpose for each episode. Otherwise you end up with a meandering mess that's waiting around for something to happen instead of taking the initiative to push the story along.


Oct 26, 2017
How do they suddenly have so much ammo to waste? This went from survival-horror to action shooter.

Why did the Savior lady not at all resist the battlefield zombie who went to bite her... what a weird scene. What was the point of her character?

I'm perpetually worried for that poor tiger. It shouldn't be taken out into the battlefield. The gunshots must be scary for it and it's an endangered species and could get hurt.

Why the hell is Michonne staying home to bake cookies?! Especially when pregnant Maggie went for the fight?

I think I hate-watch this show lol.


Oct 27, 2017
How do they suddenly have so much ammo to waste? This went from survival-horror to action shooter.

Why did the Savior lady not at all resist the battlefield zombie who went to bite her... what a weird scene. What was the point of her character?

I'm perpetually worried for that poor tiger. It shouldn't be taken out into the battlefield. The gunshots must be scary for it and it's an endangered species and could get hurt.

Why the hell is Michonne staying home to bake cookies?! Especially when pregnant Maggie went for the fight?

I think I hate-watch this show lol.

lol the humans are the endangered species now! I didn't see Maggie in the fight, btw. I believe that was just someone that looked like her a bit.

Savior lady was pinned to that car because all the guns surrounding her. But yeah, she stayed extra still. I'll chock it up to bad directing and/or acting.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Thought I missed an episode, it was shockingly bad. Incomprehensible. infinite ammo, couldn't hit a barn door and there it is, stealth zombie is back that had the rest of time in the universe to get a bite. No idea who the new guy is even after reading about him.
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Oct 27, 2017
The problem is it's a bunch of long, dragged out gunfights and TWD has some of the worst choreographed gunfights I've ever seen. It's just mindless.

And Rick's team all have Aimbot - they were one-shotting everything.

I've stopped watching it on Sunday nights, moved to it later in the week when I get time..


Oct 25, 2017
Why the hell is Michonne staying home to bake cookies?! Especially when pregnant Maggie went for the fight?
Michonne is still recovering from getting her ass kicked by the Scavenger girl in last season's finale. Maggie was only there for the first part when they all confronted Negan. She isn't fighting at the outposts with everyone else.
Oct 27, 2017
Someone mentioned the show should only have ten episodes per season. I am inclined to agree.

AMC is far too greedy to ever entertain that. It's all about the $$$ for them. Haven't they repeatedly stated they plan on airing the show for 12+ seasons? *shiver*

There's a reason why they've purposefully split up the group in past seasons and focused individual episodes during concurrent time frames. They wouldn't be able to hit their quota of 16 episodes without the redundant filler and having characters do stupid things that make you suspend any and all belief in order to force artificial character conflict and interpersonal dynamics between characters we don't care about or haven't been previously developed.

The show really suffers from a defined beginning, middle and end. It's never felt like The Walking Dead is actually working towards anything or has a destination in mind. My biggest issue.


Oct 25, 2017
AMC is far too greedy to ever entertain that. It's all about the $$$ for them. Haven't they repeatedly stated they plan on airing the show for 12+ seasons? *shiver*

There's a reason why they've purposefully split up the group in past seasons and focused individual episodes during concurrent time frames. They wouldn't be able to hit their quota of 16 episodes without the redundant filler and having characters do stupid things that make you suspend any and all belief in order to force artificial character conflict and interpersonal dynamics between characters we don't care about or haven't been previously developed.

The show really suffers from a defined beginning, middle and end. It's never felt like The Walking Dead is actually working towards anything or has a destination in mind. My biggest issue.
100% of this. All of it


Oct 27, 2017
So I just finished season 6 and since I heard season 7 was bad I watched some recaps of it... and yeah, seriously considering skipping straight to season 8.

What season 7 episodes (if any) are worthwhile?

I liked the whole season. It wasn't great by any means but it was enough that I kept having to watch the next episode and kept me up late some nights. The main villain is one of the best bad guys I've ever seen. He's oddly likable and unlikable at the same time.


Oct 27, 2017
Me watching the latest episode:

"These people have remarkably good teeth considering the end of the world.....holy shit, that's Mouth!"


Oct 27, 2017
The quality for the shoot-outs is really lacking. They're missing such simple elements such as bullet casings being ejected from the rifles.

Compare how weighty the shoot-out from the first episode felt:

The shoot-out from the latest episode:
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Oct 29, 2017
I kinda liked Season 7 but I had a really bad feeling at the end of Season 7 as to what's going to happen in Season 8. And well, there it is. Action-themed episodes without any substance to them. The bad zoom-ins don't do anything to me and they add absolutely nothing to the story (is there one besides "let's destroy everything and everyone"?). Idk, but I feel like TWD has lost the original premise of survival against the dead and instead turned into a war between the remaining humans. Now, you can say it has been like this for the last couple of Seasons but I had hope they'd change it. The whole shtick kinda gets lame:

1. Find new home
2. New home gets attacked by a new group which is suddenly more dangerous than the one before
3. New group's leader kills someone of little/major importance, fans shocked mildly
4. New group perishes, new home gets destroyed in the process

Start over from Point 1. I wish they'd go back to the early days with Rick and a small group just "aimlessly" walking around and try to get by the day.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I started the episode and thought I was watching episode 2 of the new season LOL


Oct 25, 2017
Those shooting sequences made my head spin. I'm a huge WD fan but i feel like the showrunners don't have a clear vision, it's been progressively getting worse and worse for a while now. Get it together, please.
Yeah honestly it doesn't really feel like they're trying very hard. More like "This episode will have a battle!" Instead of "this episode will progress Rick's character, along with Daryl's. The battle will be composed of x y and z parts, which will accomplish this specific goal for the story, moving forward"
Yeah honestly it doesn't really feel like they're trying very hard. More like "This episode will have a battle!" Instead of "this episode will progress Rick's character, along with Daryl's. The battle will be composed of x y and z parts, which will accomplish this specific goal for the story, moving forward"

Exactly, recently the show has been all over the place, unfortunately. Can't wait for them to bring "Trash people" so we could laugh out loud, loud, loud.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The issue isn't the amount of episodes - they're essentially doing two 8 episode "seasons" per season - it's that the writers aren't coming up with compelling enough material to fill those episodes with. They're closely following the comics but unfortunately the comic hasn't come up with good material in some time - All Out War in the comics is honestly pretty unexciting for an arc that's titled All Out War and spans two volumes - the first 2 volume arc in the series, to boot!

Scott Gimple was a breath of fresh air when he came on as showrunner, but I feel like his version of the show is a little tired at this point. I think it would be in the show's best interest if they hired a new showrunner next season.


Oct 29, 2017
I haven't read the comics, so allow me a question: Is the story going to continue like this? You can answer me via PM if you don't want to have Comic spoilers in this thread. I'm curious because if the answer is yes, I might as well skip the season until they the show gets to a point where it's fun to watch (again) and somewhat compelling.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Well, TWD has never had much story development, but you should probably expect more of the same until the current arc ends.


Oct 27, 2017
I felt like half the episode was a shot of someone firing a gun at something off screen.

My wife commented that th actors look like that were given absolutely no weapons training or direction


Oct 25, 2017
The issue isn't the amount of episodes - they're essentially doing two 8 episode "seasons" per season - it's that the writers aren't coming up with compelling enough material to fill those episodes with. They're closely following the comics but unfortunately the comic hasn't come up with good material in some time - All Out War in the comics is honestly pretty unexciting for an arc that's titled All Out War and spans two volumes - the first 2 volume arc in the series, to boot!

Scott Gimple was a breath of fresh air when he came on as showrunner, but I feel like his version of the show is a little tired at this point. I think it would be in the show's best interest if they hired a new showrunner next season.
The quality of the comic has been, at the very worst, decent. The show's quality has been bad to worse, for some time now. If you look at all the useless filler, you can see that a HUGE chunk of the show is actually not following the comic much at all. These shitty side characters who suck up too much screentime.. that problem just doesn't exist in the comic.

I mean shit at this point they should just copy the damn comic page for page if it's gunna be THIS bad.

I'd prefer they follow the GoT model.. no breaks, bust through 10 episodes. 8+8 does NOT work for this show, and hasn't for some time now. The problem is that a season often means "we're doing all of this same shit for 16 episodes". The model of splitting the show in halves in this way has become really problematic, I think. It's been a big problem, even as far back as S2 when they were stuck on the farm. That season was great, but the plot itself was at a standstill.

Though I don't know if doing something like that is even feasible. I just think it would work best, if possible (10 straight).

I felt like half the episode was a shot of someone firing a gun at something off screen.

My wife commented that the actors look like that were given absolutely no weapons training or direction
Yeah, I dunno how many times you can film an isolated shot of someone firing wildly over their shoulder
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Oct 25, 2017
I think i've reached a point where i'm just hatewatching now.

Fuck them for not going after Negan in Ep 1.
Fuck Jesus for "it's not what we do" in Ep 2. We're way fucking beyond the "if we kill unarmed people, are we any less awful than they are?" dilemma.

We get endless shootouts that barely have any consequence. (edit: Oh, Eric just got shot...) Like, i'm certain there's gonna be a point where Negan will still have the bigger army, even though they decimated them by the dozens now.

to hell with this "all out war" crap :(


Oct 27, 2017
I think i've reached a point where i'm just hatewatching now.

Fuck them for not going after Negan in Ep 1.
Fuck Jesus for "it's not what we do" in Ep 2. We're way fucking beyond the "if we kill unarmed people, are we any less awful than they are?" dilemma.

We get endless shootouts that barely have any consequence. (edit: Oh, Eric just got shot...) Like, i'm certain there's gonna be a point where Negan will still have the bigger army, even though they decimated them by the dozens now.

to hell with this "all out war" crap :(

Same as. Nothing happens, they bumble around with nothing happening to anyone of any value or interest. Then they start making the dumb decisions, the Priest (I don't even know peoples names) going back for the leader of Hilltop (just why?!), not killing Neagan at the start, Jesus living up to his namesake for some reason. It's all dumb and filler because you know they a season of episodes to get through.


Oct 26, 2017
Ultimately, the problem is they killed off the best characters (Shane, Andrea, Dale's eyebrows, Glenn) and messed up the other good ones with a character arc directly into the toilet (Carol, Michonne, Morgan). Also, and this may be controversial but, the source material really isn't that great.

lol the humans are the endangered species now!

You wouldn't know it from the amount of redshirts popping up for each episode. Still think the tiger's life is more precious!

I really don't know how they think that the tiger is their ace in the hole. All Negan would need to do is turn on a vacuum and kitty'd go running for the hills.

Michonne is still recovering from getting her ass kicked by the Scavenger girl in last season's finale. Maggie was only there for the first part when they all confronted Negan. She isn't fighting at the outposts with everyone else.
But you just know that it's gonna be Maggie who kills Negan, so she's definitely coming back to the fight. "This is for Glay-enn... and our baybay!" *THWACK*. Vengeance is hers and hers alone.


Oct 25, 2017
I just got caught up. Goddamn this show has shit the bed. This episode was just shooting scenes that seemed to exist just to waste time. The characters seem to be going absolutely nowhere, I doubt Lennie James knows who the fuck Morgan even is as a character anymore. Fuckin hell at that random goon who pissed himself. That was his plan? Seriously? I couldn't remember who the hell Morales is and don't really care.It doesn't matter if Rick gets captured hes not going to die. What a truly awful episode.