Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I can sympathize with having to deal with bad guests or a misunderstanding in accommodations, but being racist to them is uncalled for. Do better. Also if those guys were being sexist and calling her a cunt, they should be removed from the service as well but I don't think that was on video, so it may have been made up.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
another crazy thing: if you lose your AirBNB account and you "depended" on that rental income to pay your mortgage, YOU ARE FUCKED. There is no other game in town. Everyone uses airbnb now, there is no real competition for private nightly room/house rental. kinda crazy.
If you're dumb enough to completely rely on a app to pay your mortgage it's probably for the best that you don't own the home anymore.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Her calling them monkeys was just "unfortunate", he says. The boyfriend is just as bad if that wasn't already apparent.

Clearly they both are pretty open with their racist views around each other without how casually she said it and how easily he glosses over it in his defense.
lol that stuck out to me too

THEY WERE SO RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL TO HER and also she called them monkeys


Oct 30, 2017
how dumb do you have to be to say that when a camera is pointed at you, and when your Airbnb account is that important to your finances


Oct 27, 2017
Her calling them monkeys was just "unfortunate", he says. The boyfriend is just as bad if that wasn't already apparent.

Clearly they both are pretty open with their racist views around each other without how casually she said it and how easily he glosses over it in his defense.

Yep, and it is clearly written as "It's unfortunate that she said it on camera" rather than she actually did it. Guaranteed they're the type of Asians who feel superior to everyone.

Make the rest of us look so bad.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Disappointing to see a person of color saying shit like this but I'm not surprised something like this happened with an airbnb. I always worry about it myself but I've been fortunate so far.

Her calling them monkeys was just "unfortunate", he says. The boyfriend is just as bad if that wasn't already apparent.

Clearly they both are pretty open with their racist views around each other without how casually she said it and how easily he glosses over it in his defense.
That is an enabling spouse that just lets shit slides.


Oct 28, 2017
Time to fuck this woman life over. You can't get away with racist remarks like that. The problem with society today is that there is no consequence when someone says something stupid like this. I m fortunate that no one has ever said anything racist to me(most likely because I m feared like Al Capone), but if they do, they are sure to get a roundhouse or capoeira kick to face to knock the stupid right out.

::spits drink::


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Ha i love the twitter responses saying we need a new greenbook


Dec 4, 2017
Once had two senior White women try to keep me out of a building I was going into. I was going to play D&D at my friends place in UES. It pissed me off to no end. I just stood at that damn door, let them go and complained to my group. They couldn't understand why it made me mad. "I
That's what they're supposed to do", and all I could say was "no, that's the doorman's job, they just a Latino guy coming into an expensive location and assumed I'm up to no good".

I hate the UES.


Oct 27, 2017
Time to fuck this woman life over. You can't get away with racist remarks like that. The problem with society today is that there is no consequence when someone says something stupid like this. I m fortunate that no one has ever said anything racist to me(most likely because I m feared like Al Capone), but if they do, they are sure to get a roundhouse or capoeira kick to face to knock the stupid right out.

I am getting flashbacks to the movie The Great White Hype with this post... And you are peter berg's character.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, story is silly if they really cared they would have forewarned these guys that they live in the house as well. And noise after a certain time would suck.

Yep. Guests may have been assholes but there's zero reason to deal so fucking disrespectfully with anyone, even in anger.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
And she just says it even though she knows she's being recorded. Racist and stupid, then. Or even more stupid than your typical racist, especially since she's Asian herself.


Oct 30, 2017
"No, no, it's my gf who is a crazy racist, not I."

Oct 27, 2017
she deserves to have her airbnb account deleted for not accurately listed her space, being a racist shit? banned for life.
Dec 24, 2017
Any sort of rationale she may have had immediately lost validity the minute she started being a racist fuck. I don't have any feelings resembling sympathy towards her.


Oct 30, 2017
It's not even like these dudes had a hidden Go Pro. She's out here spewing racist shit with phones in her face... not only is she a racist piece of shit, but she's stupid as fuck.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Lol at the casual racism. Like how you gon expect me to believe the rest of the shit you are saying if you are that casually racist.


Oct 25, 2017
another crazy thing: if you lose your AirBNB account and you "depended" on that rental income to pay your mortgage, YOU ARE FUCKED. There is no other game in town. Everyone uses airbnb now, there is no real competition for private nightly room/house rental. kinda crazy.

This is not true.

AirBNB does the most booking and gets the most traffic, but HomeAway and their brand VRBO are still huge. Last time I looked they were still leading AirBNB in rental income, but probably because they're mostly popular with full homes in popular vacation spots. There are a couple of other small ones as well, but they're not up at the level as the other two.

These people are still fucked though.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
The crazy part is, it was an unforced error. They were already leaving. No one had to know that she was a racist PoS.

Oh well. I hope she doesn't have/want a prestigious job because...
Oct 27, 2017
90% of the noise complaints in my city are from AirBnB renters. The fact that people are engaged in making mini-hotels without having the same level of oversight is a travesty. That's not even getting into the quality of life issues when people, their pets, their friends and family and their cars and boats all show up for a week, with a new set of renters next week

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm sure these guys were calling her a "Bitch, cunt, etc" just moments before. That excuse definitely checks out.


They're all being super respectful standing/sitting around, getting ready to leave. Even when she calls them monkeys, they're like "... wait.. what...?"
Oct 31, 2017
Ah, she's one of those types of Asians who secretly hate themselves and and worship whiteness. Now that she's with a white man, she feels as though she's achieved whiteness and perceivably shed her minority status so she decides to lord it over other minorities with mildly subdued racism.

This kind of racism coming from other minorities is even more detestable than racism from white people.


Oct 25, 2017
Even if I give boyfriend the benefit of the doubt that it all happened as described, how does being inconvenienced by bad airbnb guests lead to profound racist terminology?

Bro, your GF is a huge racist. Even if the guests were The Warriors and The Baldies and they shat on every couch in the house. She's still racist. Like, Mel Gibson style.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Ah, she's one of those types of Asians who secretly hate themselves and and worship whiteness. Now that she's married a white man, she feels as though she's achieved whiteness and perceivably shed her minority status so she decides to lord it over other minorities with mildly subdued racism.

This kind of racism coming from other minorities is even more detestable than racism from white people.

Just because you are married to a white man doesn't make you white by osmosis, ma'am. Ahhhh, "people of color," amirite?!
Nov 17, 2017
What kind of boyfriend sends his girlfriend upstairs if she feels unsafe? Calling bs on her
He looks like the one who was scared, poking his head out from downstairs at the end of the video.

Yep, and it is clearly written as "It's unfortunate that she said it on camera" rather than she actually did it. Guaranteed they're the type of Asians who feel superior to everyone.

Make the rest of us look so bad.
Yeah to me the "unfortunate" is like "unfortunately she said a thing that people will get upset about and makes us look bad on camera." Definitely not condemning what she said because he obviously would've said it himself if he was not cowering downstairs.

The crazy part is, it was an unforced error. They were already leaving. No one had to know that she was a racist PoS.

Oh well. I hope she doesn't have/want a prestigious job because...
That's just it. She couldn't keep it in. She wanted them to know she thought they were criminals and monkeys. Racist people can't just keep their racist thoughts to themselves, they have to weaponize it against minorities or else they can't feel superior. Even in the face of a camera, she couldn't resist it.

Honestly, I think the very act of bringing out a camera offends these people and makes them even more likely to say something racist. Because bringing out a camera holds the person being filmed accountable for their shit and that puts you - the person with the camera - in a position of power. I think if anything that makes these racists upset and feel like they have to say something to put you in your place. At least that's the only reason I can think of for why people will say racist shit when they're obviously being filmed besides the fact that they are idiots.
Oct 26, 2017
Cameras are a godsend, folks can now fight back and not have to eat shit or die
It's my belief that we've gone well past needing police officers to wear body cams and we need a product for civilian minorities that they can wear, activate at a moments notice and that automatically upload any footage.


Nov 2, 2017
Not surprised it's the Upper East Side. The residents there are rich and elitist as fuck. Don't know why they need to rent out their home for extra income tho.

Deleted member 54469

User requested account closure
Mar 4, 2019
surprisingly i've never had any issues with airbnb as a poc, i will say though that in the us i've definitely had some suspect .. "landlords" i guess? only in the u.s. though, one even trying to charge me for some shit i never did. i used airbnbs in europe without issue, and actually in germany and france they ended up being super cool with me and helping me navigate around.

all that being said shit like this makes me want to stop using the platform, good experiences or not. i know nothing can be done until idiots like her out themselves but they need to work on getting these kinds of people away from being anywhere near the airbnb.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Ah, she's one of those types of Asians who secretly hate themselves and and worship whiteness. Now that she's with a white man, she feels as though she's achieved whiteness and perceivably shed her minority status so she decides to lord it over other minorities with mildly subdued racism.

This kind of racism coming from other minorities is even more detestable than racism from white people.
Asians don't need to worship whiteness to be racist 🤷‍♂️
Racism isn't exclusively a white thing.


Alt account
Jan 30, 2019
Lmao, you KNOW she was itching to say that too. She was charging that bitch up like a super move!