
Oct 25, 2017
An interesting video made by one of the most well known MH players(Gaijin Hunter).

To start of he never says it's a bad game. In fact he loves it but certain factors make him wish there was a new game in the style of the older ones. it's not really nostalgia either cause he still plays older games over MHW.

Here are some of his talking points but I suggest watching the video as he goes in depth in very well thought and detailed explanations.

-Maps taking away from the arena style boss fights.
-Armor Meant more.
-Item usage mattered.
-More focused Multiplayer
-It was more colorful and goofy.

I personally can't agree or disagree since I haven't played much of the older games but I know I have stopped playing MHW at about 200 hours. Great game and worth my money but I found armor and weapons extremely easy to craft and jewel farming awful and off putting.

What are your thoughts on this topic?
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Deleted member 12009

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't miss it, but I agree with him on armor and item usage. Some things got left behind when the QOL changes in World really started taking priority.

That being said, I like the monster combat in MHW far more than in MH. The robotic combat in classic games just can't compete with the faster, more cinematic combat in World.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
I know GH is knowledgable to know what he is talking about, but there are literally dozens of old MH games. It was time for something different.

I agree on the goofy part however.


Oct 25, 2017
I was one of the folks who got into MH pretty much because of all the QOL changes World made, so I can't really relate. I'm always down for a game getting more colorful and goofy though


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, the only things I missed are the huge amount of monsters (and types like insects) and the crazy looking armors and weapons.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
The World branch of MH games definitely has room for improvement and tweaks but I ain't going back to classic. World just makes too many improvements for me.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 30, 2017
Zaragoza, Spain.
I can relate 100%, tbh. I miss a lot the old map design, more than anything. They could get a map without loading screens working in the old fashion. The old Monster Hunter was a lot more straight to the point.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Playing MHGenU after MHW I can understand, as much as I miss the qol changes I am enjoying MHGenU a lot still because of the things World lacked

EDIT: Wait GH wants Rajang back, no man you are wrong here, Rajang desevers to die and be forgotten forever


One Winged Slayer
Jan 12, 2018
I honestly want a mix of both: goofy, colorful, lots of monsters and better weapon designs like in MHGU combined with the QoL and the fluid combat in MH:W. I hope the next MH title whether it be on Switch or multi-platform does this.


Oct 25, 2017
I certainly miss the more colourful armour and weapons, as well as the bigger vareity in the design of them. Mostt of the MHW stuff looks pretty bland in comparison to gear from the previous games. That and the lack of moster variety were my major complaints with World.


Nov 26, 2017
I only agree with the armour and items points. World is pretty much a straight up upgrade for me. (Been playing since Tri)


Oct 28, 2017
The only thing I really care about in old MH is monsters and combat. Dont care about the goofy aspect. I think the old games are better and there. All the stuff they added to make the game easier simply isnt for me.

That's fine though


Oct 25, 2017
Feels a bit soon to say this when we don't quite know what's happening with next with the series, still a chance that they continue a more traditional route if they continue with Switch titles.
Personally a middle ground between World and Gens would be rad for me, which isn't actually saying much since I don't find World ultimately that different and figure its flaws like map issues are growing pains as they finally switch up the world/map structure.

Edit: all this said I'm also jumping the gun here, getting in my take before properly diving into the video.
Meditative state in an interesting take on just zoning out and conking monsters, though I don't feel like World's environments really change this much at all.
The armor point is definitely a mileage varying thing, I don't miss the bigger grind in world, I do miss the amount of options to work towards though but that's really a content thing.
Item usage is a good point, I'd actually add on top of that the mantles in world can feel like overkill, I play a lot dumber in that one simply because I can up until the more artificial super endgame stuff which does little for me.

I guess I stand by my original point of taking a wait and see approach here.
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Oct 25, 2017
One point I wholeheartedly agree is color and goofyness. I want more badass armor that makes no sense and just looks like "my anime OC" and less semi-grounded realistic sets. And more crazy weapons too.


Oct 27, 2017
I wholly agree. World was the most disappointing game in the series for me.
It has some nice Qol changes, and I think most of its flaws can be addressed in the expansion, but at launch World was mediocre.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not fair to compare MH: World with MH4U or MHGU, since these two last ones are the last versions of Gen 4 and MH:World is the first game on Gen 5, you can compare it with Tri or MH4, even still, there's a lot of re-use in Gen 4 and most of the assets made for World were made from scratch, World is great and is a good evolution of the series, I can't wait to see how they evolve it further.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree with somethings like Items and more focused MP but I can totally get what he's talking about with the other things.
Oct 26, 2017
I totally see the Switch game (whenever it happens) being a classic one with some elements of World, like some assets.

From what I've seen of World, I'm not crazy about its direction either. I also liked the segmented maps with each being an arena, and I'm 100% satisfied with how the loot and crafting system works in the classic games.

Really I just want a prettier version of the classic formula. Let the other systems have the cinematic World. Let Nintendo keep the old formula, adding any QOL stuff that can be useful but not take away from anything that made Monster Hunter... Monster Hunter.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not fair to compare MH: World with MH4U or MHGU, since these two last ones are the last versions of Gen 4 and MH:World is the first game on Gen 5, you can compare it with Tri or MH4, even still, there's a lot of re-use in Gen 4 and most of the assets made for World were made from scratch, World is great and is a good evolution of the series, I can't wait to see how they evolve it further.

Its not like the World comparison changes if you use MH4 or MHG either.

I dont want to go back to segmented maps but the map design in World is just bad to me. I want them to keep a semi open world but focus on improving the playability of the maps.


Oct 28, 2017
I think World has potensial, but the open world feels so half baked. I wish there was more to see and do.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
It's a double edged sword. Masses can't stomach the demands of time and effort for old MH and those that made MH a cultural point of interest are going to be disappointed by the meat on the bone being leaner.

I stopped worldyat like 20 hrs due to poor performance on my pc, but also due to worse matchmaking than how it worked before. Also the maps were too big and monsters roamed wayyyyy too much.

I put hundreds into each game starting at MH2


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
If RE is any indication, MH fans might be in got a long wait on certain aspects/styles returning. This is the curse of capcom and how they like to change things up.


Nov 30, 2018
All World needs is more monster and weapon design variety and it will be the best game in the series.



Oct 25, 2017
I bought the WiiU port of MH and couldn't stand it. I have over 400 hours on MHW combined between ps4 and pc. I hope the next MH is an even bigger World and cannot wait to try the MHW expansion.


Oct 27, 2017
EDIT: Wait GH wants Rajang back, no man you are wrong here, Rajang desevers to die and be forgotten forever
Why? Rajang is great and really fun to fight. And he is quite fair compared to other end-game monsters.
Once you learn his moveset you can pretty much punish all his attacks. He used to be one of the easiest Apex to solo.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
They tried to innovate and it brought them to 12 million copies sold, if it's a curse then it's the best for them.

I'm not talking sales here. Fans are fans and in the case of RE you have people who still wish for fixed camera to return. Money is all the company needs to move forward, but parts of the fanbase are still worth considering.


Oct 25, 2017
The most minority of opinions lol.

Fuck going back to handheld's technical and physical limitations.


Oct 25, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I agree with most points, especially on maps and multiplayer.

Armor "mattering" less isn't really true imo. I think the armor system was fine in world until they released Drachen and basically made everything else obsolete for most weapons. It had all the same things I liked about the previous games.
The thing about items mattering hasn't really affected me because I don't find the need to restock in hunts anyway I guess?

But its GH and he will probably change his mind on most of this stuff later. Hype is a powerful drug.


Oct 26, 2017
Read the entire comment, I addressed that with the asset talk.
MH3 and MH4 each used ground up new model/texture assets too. Animation cycles were reused in some cases but they are for World too, there wasn't notably more asset recycling in any of these games than the other and each gen since 3/Tri had been something of a "reset". Only Gen 2/DOS really recycled much in terms of assets.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
My biggest issue is multiplayer. From not being able to play together until after everyone has seen the monster to there being little to no communication in lobbies because there is no reason whatsoever to talk. Force the hub when you do multiplayer and things could be so much better. Weapon visuals are a huge disappointment as well. Multiple steps until the weapon actually changes, if it ever does. Really miss it. A sword that gets a few feathers fucking sucks after grinding out parts. I liked most other things about it. Hopefully Iceborne fixes these things.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not talking sales here. Fans are fans and in the case of RE you have people who still wish for fixed camera to return. Money is all the company needs to move forward, but parts of the fanbase are still worth considering.
Franchises move forward, you can either try the new games or stick with the old ones, they'll always be there. It doesn't mean Capcom won't give it a try again, but you have to understand this is a minority opinion.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Why? Rajang is great and really fun to fight. And he is quite fair compared to other end-game monsters.
Once you learn his moveset you can pretty much punish all his attacks. He used to be one of the easiest Apex to solo.
I simply can't fight him I don't know why
As a matter of fact I also dislike Blangonga