
Oct 28, 2017
Search your feelings you know it to be true

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Always wait for Fall.

I have a fall 2013 13" MBP, but I'm going to wait until 2020 when the ARM Macs come out. For being old, this laptop still feels quite new.

I'm on a 2011 13" mbp and it's essentially a paperweight now. It beachballs for days just running safari or chrome. I'm long past due for an upgrade.

Deleted member 9330

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Possible Apple Music web player? Someone on reddit found a sign in page on and I can confirm once you sign in it lets you play full songs and playlists from Safari

Would that really help much? I figured it would be more of OS or RAM thing. I also want to be able to do more after effects stuff outside of work and idk how well the integrated graphics card can handle that.

It would definitely help, especially if you're using the original HDD. Not with graphics stuff, but the speed of anything loading off the disk (which is what most beach balls are)
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Deleted member 9330

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, web player is totally happening. Got signed in and playing full songs in Chrome on my Windows laptop.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
Dark Mode. I need it.
dark mode EVERYTHING
Yes please. Universal dark mode on both macOS and iOS please.

Really looking forward to WWDC

Oh definitely. If this year is gonna mostly be under the hood fixes again, I hope the rumors about next year being the big updates are true.

The MacBook Air is already dead they replaced it with the MacBook
The Air isn't dead until you can't buy it anymore. It still exists because it's cheap. The MacBook is too expensive. They need to fix that, get a MacBook that can fill the Air's price range without gimping it completely. (Also, make the MacBook have at least two USB ports to shut people up)

Make Siri Great Again
Siri needs so much work. It needs to be able to compete with the Google app. I want Siri to be so good that I don't need the Google app on my phone at all. Not gonna happen though.

I hope the Touch Bar is going the fuck away.
Not gonna happen. If anything, the non-TB models of the Pro will be dropped and the TB will make its way to the MacBook in time. People need to accept that the TB isn't gonna disappear like it was a mistake. It'll be around for a long time.

Does it come in black?
How about really really really dark space gray?
God, I want a MacBook Pro in the same black color my 7+ came in. It's beautiful. We know you can make the aluminum this color now, just give it to me! Space Grey isn't dark enough. I want an all black MBP. Man can you imagine how awesome that would look?


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
They should just kill off the MacBook Air in my opinion. Just MacBook and MacBook Pro's.
I'm not a fan of the butterfly keyboard on the MB and MBP. Just feels off to me compared to the scissor keyboard on the MBA.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Not gonna happen. If anything, the non-TB models of the Pro will be dropped and the TB will make its way to the MacBook in time. People need to accept that the TB isn't gonna disappear like it was a mistake. It'll be around for a long time.

If it remains a laptop-only feature then it will never go anywhere. It's a stupid gimmick that nobody likes and the quicker they kill it the better.
Oct 27, 2017
New iPad Pro please. I have a 9.7 inches iPad Pro with slightly broken screen and I am not ready to pay $300 or so for replacement. I want a new one Apple.


Oct 26, 2017
Dark mode MUST be coming to iOS as well right? And since it's an automatic thing on Apple TV based on time of day, it will most likely be the same on iOS right? I can't wait


Oct 25, 2017
The thing is that they already have smart invert on iOS. Dark mode is inevitable. I would be more disappointed if they still can't release it after adding smart invert for over a year. On the other hand, we still have that half-hearted attempt on dark mode on macOS.

It also seems that the redesign home screen is delayed for iOS 13.
It is kind of ironic that iOS 11 doesn't really add much new functions to iPhone but somehow it was one of the worst update to many user, especially considering the face that they dropped the support of 32-bit device. Many functions got delayed. Like Apple Pay Cash via message delayed to December. Message in the iCloud and AirPlay 2 delayed until just last week.
I personally didn't have much bad experience with iOS 11 but I do know people around me having weird issue. It was definitely one of the buggiest update ever.


Oct 29, 2017
I'd even be happy with a quad core right now. My 2013 rMBP is dual core, 8gb/256gb. Would love to go to quad (or hexacore?), 16gb/512gb. Maybe go for the 15" instead of 13".

What laptop do you have right now?

As long as Apple does something about that keyboard... I can live with the silly touchbar and lack of ports, I think.

Early 2015 13" 2.9 GHz i5 with 16 GB, Iris Pro integrated GPU. Not a bad machine at all, but it's starting to hold me back in my work. I really need a dedicated GPU, and the six cores will speed up my compiling time considerably. Also wanna get in the eGPU game sometime in the future – for my general game dev/AR/VR work, and to dabble in machine learning. Finally, I need more ssd space.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm on a 2011 13" mbp and it's essentially a paperweight now. It beachballs for days just running safari or chrome. I'm long past due for an upgrade.
I have a 2010 13" MBP which I've upgraded some (SDD, more RAM), and it's working fine. Certainly no issues just running a browser, unless I have like 20 tabs and an incognito window open.

I want to get a new MBP for the sake of a discreet graphics card, but the lack of user-serviceability in the current model is stopping me.


Oct 26, 2017
Something new for iOS would be cool, but honestly if they just make it less buggy I'd be happy. iOS apps on macOS would actually be really cool, especially if its crossplay. There are a few things like podcasts and RSS that have really good iOS apps but not so much on mac. Sometimes you just want a simple app that does one thing well.

I'm not sure why people are so crazy for a dark mode, is it an edgelord thing?


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully a good update for the Ipad Pro, really want to get into the Lumafusion goodness. Gonna be real handy while traveling this summer.


Oct 26, 2017
ill take a new ipad pro x and a macbook air with a screen that doesnt remind me of a nintendo 3ds


Oct 25, 2017
It's a shame that according to rumours/leaks, everyone whining about bugs all fucking year made apple delay a lot of bigger features to next year. Shrug. These bugs making everyone's phone unusable that I've yet to experience.

Will take what I can get I guess. But I do hope Apple is playing everyone with that...


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
Give me a quad core 13 inch with no touch bar or give me death


Oct 25, 2017
It's a shame that according to rumours/leaks, everyone whining about bugs all fucking year made apple delay a lot of bigger features to next year. Shrug.

Will take what I can get I guess.

I'd rather them address the bugs first tbh. It would be nice to get new features, but not when the OS needs some fixes.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather them address the bugs first tbh. It would be nice to get new features, but not when the OS needs some fixes.
what fixes though? people keep mentioning these bugs that are apparently so bad and so rampant that we need to take a year off to fix them.

Like I have an iPad, iPhone, iMac, and I experience almost no bugs....but considering how unusable this is apparently making everyones phone you'd think people would have more concrete examples. To me bugs are something you should fix all year long...which they do with their point releases. But I'd love to hear a description of all the game breaking bugs out there that they need to conquer before giving new features. I hope people are reporting these bugs through proper channels.

There's always going to be bugs. I guess they need to give everyone a placebo year.


Oct 29, 2017
Is there any chance that they will announce a new mouse? Magic mouse 2 is so uncomfortable, flat and they made the stupidest decision to add the charging socket on the bottom of the freakin's the only apple product that I think its bellow their standards.


Oct 25, 2017
what fixes though? people keep mentioning these bugs that are apparently so bad and so rampant that we need to take a year off to fix them.

Like I have an iPad, iPhone, iMac, and I experience almost no bugs....but considering how unusable this is apparently making everyones phone you'd think people would have more concrete examples. To me bugs are something you should fix all year long...which they do with their point releases. But I'd love to hear a description of all the game breaking bugs out there that they need to conquer before giving new features. I hope people are reporting these bugs through proper channels.

There's always going to be bugs. I guess they need to give everyone a placebo year.

Google can help with that, but there's been several reports of iOS 11 bugs and issues that, while mostly not crippling, is causing headaches for people.

When a certain text message or a black dot emoji could make your phone temporarily unusable, there's an issue. They're fixing these issues with each update, no question, but if they've decided to take the latest big update as a fix-it update, then they're aware that there's enough problems within the OS that needs addressing.

I'm not saying the bugs are the worst ever, from experience, they're annoying but my phone and iPad are still usable after restarting or closing the app that's causing issues. But there's clearly enough people out there reporting these bugs and issues that Apple's decided to deal with it head-on with iOS 12.

It's great that you don't experience much issues, but that doesn't mean there's nothing wrong.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
"I don't experience those bugs so they're a waste of time to fix" is a pretty selfish attitude.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Welp, this is do or die for me and my MBP future. My 2011 MBP is officially ready to be replaced. Whether it will be replaced with a fresh new MBP or whether I head back to PC laptops is a function of what Apple is going to offer this year, and how much GPU power it will come with.

I'm about 75% assuming I'm headed back to PC laptops and doing something like a Hackintosh on it...but I'm going to wait and see.


Oct 25, 2017
"I don't experience those bugs so they're a waste of time to fix" is a pretty selfish attitude.
I'm just tired of hearing of all these bugs making everyone's phone unusable and yet no one providing a list of concrete examples. Instead I see just what you're describing where people are describing individual little things they experienced and projecting it as a whole "this OS is a mess" type thing. How is that any more valid than my experience.

I would just love to see a list of all these bugs. Anyway, if Apple really is dedicating a year to them, I don't want a generic we focused on stability this time around. I hope they do an actual run down of all the biggest bugs they fixed. That would at least be interesting. Just like when they say we have 10 new features to focus on, I would love if they detailed specifically what they did for these issues. That way I can at least know what people were facing.

And then next year when they launch all these new features like the rumoured home screen redesign and all this other stuff, we can repeat the cycle of bug exaggeration. Or again, all these leaks are BS. I kind of hope the actual meaning of these leaks is not that they will deliberately hold back features to fix bugs, but that they aren't going to announce things that may not be ready, like messages in the cloud or payments in iMessage. Instead they'll just keep those under wraps until they're confident they can ship.
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Oct 25, 2017
All I want is improved notifications please Apple.
Same here. I really don't care about much else. Give me notifications and the rest can all be fixes. I worry though that notifications are tied to the home screen redesign they allegedly pushed to iOS 13.

Hope to be wrong though. Seems like a no brainer 2 years ago let alone now.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
To this day I am still rocking my Late 2008 MacBook Pro, the last MBP that actually deserved the "Pro" in its name imo. It's all been downhill from there.

And thanks to dosdude's HS Patcher I'm not even out of date on the OS front.

Wish there was a way I could upgrade the CPU. Maxing out the RAM and using a SSD can only do so much.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
I'm just tired of hearing of all these bugs making everyone's phone unusable and yet no one providing a list of concrete examples. Instead I see just what you're describing where people are describing individual little things they experienced and projecting it as a whole "this OS is a mess" type thing. How is that any more valid than my experience.

I would just love to see a list of all these bugs. Anyway, if Apple really is dedicating a year to them, I don't want a generic we focused on stability this time around. I hope they do an actual run down of all the biggest bugs they fixed. That would at least be interesting. Just like when they say we have 10 new features to focus on, I would love if they detailed specifically what they did for these issues. That way I can at least know what people were facing.

And then next year when they launch all these new features like the rumoured home screen redesign and all this other stuff, we can repeat the cycle of bug exaggeration. Or again, all these leaks are BS. I kind of hope the actual meaning of these leaks is not that they will deliberately hold back features to fix bugs, but that they aren't going to announce things that may not be ready, like messages in the cloud or payments in iMessage. Instead they'll just keep those under wraps until they're confident they can ship.

I don't really notice much either. Not that I haven't seen some of the ones mentioned; I saw the 'messages out of order' thing once, and I have an issue with the camera not always registering rotation correctly. But they aren't regular and certainly nothing of the 'unusable' variety. But hyperbole kind of comes with the territory I guess. I've always felt like my preference to 'restore as new' when getting a new phone in past years might have been one of the reasons I don't see quite the catastrophe others seem to talk about, but I don't know.

I'm wishing more they address the keyboard/auto correct than anything else. It's not a bug, just not very good IMO. Now THAT is something I deal with on a daily basis. One missed (or not registered) space bar press sends everything into a spiraling pit of nonsensical chaos for me.

That, and better notification organization, would be a win as far as I'm concerned.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I will say mine (late 2013 13") still feels quite snappy for general usage, but I'm starting to get into some more computational-type stuff and the increased specs (cpu/ram/ssd) would be great to have.

Also that new hardware itch of course. :p
My mid-2012 runs so damn hot now. I am desperate to upgrade but so wary of the modern keyboards.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what I want a fix for in the next Mac OS? Or maybe there already is some trick I don't know about, but this is the most fucking annoying thing I deal with constantly and I have no idea why it's an issue:

When I open up a file in a buried folder and then next want to open up another file in a folder near that file, but not actually in that. I open navigate to the first file and open it. Then when I open it's inside that same folder. That's fine, but I cannot back out of that folder to the previous one in the hierarchy nor can I see the path to that folder to back out. Essentially if I have a file in one folder and one in a folder adjacent I have to go through the entire fucking path to those folders twice to get them open. It's annoying and I deal with it dozens and dozens of times a day.

I can't for the life of my figure out why the fuck they don't let you back up. If you select another folder you've been to recently you can back up, so this leads to me having to decide if it's quicker to find another folder I've opened recently and back into the new folder or going through the entire path.