Oct 1, 2022
Bought it and played it for 4 hours straight and I'm on Chapter 2 I think. The story is so gripping.


Dec 28, 2017
Chapter 7 was amazing.

Live-action footage now????
That caught me off guard but I think it was beautiful Iris chose that memory from her mom to share with the Ancient Sisters. You can tell the developers have so much love for their home, and I genuinely feel honored we got to see it in a different light. Honestly that entire chapter was gut-wrenching.
Oct 25, 2017
That caught me off guard but I think it was beautiful Iris chose that memory to share with the Ancient Sisters. You can tell the developers have so much love for their home, and I genuinely feel honored we got to see it in a different light. Honestly that entire chapter was gut-wrenching.
Agreed. It threw me off at first because I was expecting an actual "story" to be told in that segment but it was so much better this way, presented like a beautiful memory.
Also, I wasn't expecting the Hong Kong protests/anti-authoritarianism to be so central to the themes of the game. It feels like there's gonna be even more criticism to the CCP later and I'm pleasantly surprised already.


Oct 27, 2017
Just dipping in and out of this thread to say oh my god the game is incredible oh my god oh my god

I'm thrilled I went in 99% spoiler free outside of the game's premise. It's like immediately being sucked into a compelling black hole of which there feels like no escape -- but it's all so riveting, I don't want to escape, either! It's so hard to put the game down. I'm absolutely haunted by this world and characters.

The story's mystery hook is so intriguing from the beginning, and even though there is technically a lot of exposition in dialogue, it is presented in a way that feels completely natural for the characters and the world. It's so well done! The dialogue is damn good in general, with some memorable vocal performances to match. I had been really worried this year that I wasn't clicking with story heavy games anymore -- nope, I just needed a good one!

The art direction is excellent, too, and I'm repeatedly blown away by the extremely striking cinematography and clever use of a fixed camera in exploration. Along with NieR: Automata, the game keeps reminding me of a combat-free Silent Hill 3 and Signalis in art direction and tone, which is thrilling. Mix in Life in Strange as well, and it's a potent combination that works extremely well. There are also some other beloved games and other media it also reminds me off, but that feels more spoilery to talk about. I can't wait to devour every interview with the developers when I've finished the game -- I love that Millennium Actress was one of the inspirations shared on Twitter.

I paused playing Stellar Blade to play1000xResist, and it's fascinating to see two drastically different approaches to the same inspiration point of NieR: Automata. That would be putting it mildly, lol.

As a warning, do frequently save in case. It seems like I glitched through the floor in Chapter 1, and ended up in a spot that I couldn't leave from. I tried restarting the game, but it must have autosaved at that point. If it wasn't for the one manual save I had, I would have had to restart the entire game, instead of just 30 minutes of progress. (I thankfully could mash through dialogue quickly to catch up.)

Spot where glitch occurred:
The three Jiao memories. I was jumping back and forth between the time periods on a Level 2 staircase -- think left side of building? -- and it seems like I fell through the floor to Level 1. Unfortunately, the area was blocked off in both time periods, so I was trapped.

The time shifting mechanic is so well implemented, though, arghhh.

Any Switch impressions?

If PC is an option, definitely go with that, but I don't regret getting it on the Switch. The load times are on the long side, but they thankfully don't happen frequently because the chapter/gameplay sequences are long.


Dec 28, 2017
Finished the game. Absolute masterpiece in every sense of the word and is my current GOTY. There's likely nothing that will top this for the rest of the year, I don't think even Metaphor could. I'm going to copy the (spoiler-free) review I wrote on Twitter if you're still on the fence about this game.

1000xRESIST is beautiful, dense, hopeful and downright horrifying. It's a shining example of how to weave interactivity and storytelling to deliver an experience like none other.

There hasn't been a game that explores control, historic recurrence and intergenerational trauma as effectively as this, and there likely won't be for a very long time, if ever. The game serves as a stark reminder that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Over and over again in an endless cycle.

The way this game toys with structure, genre and gameplay conventions with absolute confidence to bring these deeply flawed, broken, complex characters and their struggles to life is just fantastic.

I think the greatest thing any piece of art can do is make you feel. Make you feel enough to the point that you become inspired. Inspired to reach on out and make something of your own. To touch someone in a way that piece of art touched you. Whether it's to terrify, to move and/or amaze.

I've been in a creative slump but playing this game was absolutely the kick in the ass I needed. To be reminded of just how powerful video games can be and that we've barely scratched the surface of just how cool storytelling in this medium can get.

1000xRESIST is one of the greatest studio debuts ever. This is one of the greatest video game stories ever. It's not every day a developer releases their first game and it is GOAT-tier. It might be too early, but I hope sunset visitor 斜陽過客 plan to keep making games. I will be there day 0 if so. We need more voices and creators like you all in games. Phenomenal job from everyone involved.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Man, the storytelling, the characters and the atmosphere in this mesmerizing. I can't believe this is the developer's first game.
Oct 4, 2020
God this game is so good. Just finished Chapter 2 which I loved - found it very emotionally taxing though! I wish more people were playing this, it's really, really special.


Oct 26, 2017
I got it on a whim and after starting it I was basically hooked, it's really an impressive work and as other posters said hard to believe it's the devs first work! There is a certain amount of jank expected with someone's first indie work (no minimap, no backlog), but the presentation, environments, etc feel way above the average. You can feel the devs' passion, especially regarding the story and the themes, where it really doesn't hold back to please anyone. Makes games like Persona 5 that attempts similar political commentaries look embarrassing tbh lol.

Some story beats are not clear to me, partially because I basically marathoned it, parttially because the early chapters are intentionally confusing. I look forward more people finishing it and giving their impressions of the story. For what I got the general timeline is:

- Iris was born from two Hong Kong's freedom fighters. As a child she used to have anger issues, since she microwaved her hamster. Her mother seemed to be unstable?

- She moved away from Honk Kong and in the new school befriended a girl called Jiao. Jiao seemed to have a crush on Iris but she was more into the bathroom boyfriend and Iris ended up humiliating her at the dance?

- Aliens came, they were sent into deep space by their original planet but the only memory they had is the two suns

- They tried to befriend/contact humans but ultimately it went nowhere and the humans blastest music at them, which actually harmed them?

- The virus spreaded and started to kill everyone, except Iris who was immune and I think also her mum was too? Her dad wasn't and I think he died by jumping off the balcony later into the pandemic

- Iris got taken away and they performed inhuman experiments on her, trying to clone her. Eventually her "facility" was moved into orbit as humanity tried to make a last stand against the aliens on the planet

- In orbit, people continued to experiment on Iris, eventually they started to go crazy etc. Later, they tried to return to earth. The invaders contacted Iris who had enough of the torture and stuff and the aliens killed all human survivors for her

- She then made a pact with the aliens who granted her the 3 devices. She then herself made the first 5 clones

This part isn't very clear to me. It seems Iris started to commute with the aliens (And Youngest misunderstood it for sex?), and the whole thing started to take a tool on her mental health. Chapter 4 sequence with Medic made her look very cruel, but the subsequent chapters showed her instead more protective and kinder toward her sisters whom she didn't want to share the duties of commuting with the aliens?

And then the rest is the game's story which is more easy to follow I guess. Though it's not clear to me what happened to the sisters sent "to the other side".

As for the ending, I got the ending where I forgave everyone except the reds and the guards (iirc). I tried to "forgive" everyone at first and letting Watcher's memories do the work, but it seems like certain groups are irredeemable. In the epilogue the director is still alive and a much kinder version of her shows what I think it's a Jiao clone the ruins of the base with her sisters' graves. The ending CG is Blue standing over the Orchid's ruins and looking at Iris joining 5 other sisters.
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Dec 28, 2017
This part isn't very clear to me. It seems Iris started to commute with the aliens (And Youngest misunderstood it for sex?), and the whole thing started to take a tool on her mental health. Chapter 4 sequence with Medic made her look very cruel, but the subsequent chapters showed her instead more protective and kinder toward her sisters whom she didn't want to share the duties of commuting with the aliens?
So my interpretation here is similar to yours. Iris wanted to shoulder the burden of dealing with the Keepers alone for the sake of the originals as she knew what they were capable of. From what we learned during the communion with Knower, they take from her, she takes from them. It's a symbiotic relationship based around memories which is why she seemed dazed and almost like in a trance in Chapter 7. Also when Watcher kills her, she's completely lost track of time and where 'here' is from communing with the Keepers for so long. Though this could also just be delirium from bleeding out.

The relationship between Iris and Principal/Youngest also mirrors that of Iris and her own mom in the sense that the mother is trying to shield the daughter from threats that the daughter can't really understand in the moment. Growing up in Canada in an environment that's hostile to you and your people and communing with the Keepers.
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9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Does the game have fun gameplay or is it all story? (Not knocking, I just don't look to games for story any more)


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
Does the game have fun gameplay or is it all story? (Not knocking, I just don't look to games for story any more)
The appeal of this game is the story, the world building, and striking visuals to accompany the story. Gameplay is walking around some very cool locations and set pieces and talking to interesting people. It is a very theme-heavy and layered story. You don't play this one for the gameplay.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
The appeal of this game is the story, the world building, and striking visuals to accompany the story. Gameplay is walking around some very cool locations and set pieces and talking to interesting people. It is a very theme-heavy and layered story. You don't play this one for the gameplay.

Thanks! I'll look elsewhere! Appreciate the input.


Oct 26, 2017
😭 Why did I wait so long to start this? Just completed Chapter 1 and now I just want to stay up all night to play. The atmosphere from the visuals and music is so good, feels like a lost early 2000s anime like Ghost in the Shell/Serial Experiments Lain/Paprika/Paranoia Agent.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Finished chapter 2, and I'm at the point in the setup where I'm like "this is either gonna be a goat contender or extreeeeemely disappointing".

I really like the tone, setup, and world lore at the moment. They do an excellent job of drawing you in for sure. I just want to go talk to everyone to get tidbits on the colloquialisms they use.


Oct 25, 2017
Took a flier on this based on the positive impressions and interesting reviews. The thing that stood out to me on top of the reviews was that the developer Sunset Visitor is making their debut game, with a team of artists experienced in other disciplines but new to games. It made me think a bit about another game I really enjoyed from a few years back, Norco.

I'm just getting into the communion in Chapter 2, but I still feel good about the comparison even though the aesthetic choices in the two games could hardly be more different. What I've really liked so far is how specific it is in what it's getting across. As much as it draws on stuff like Nier Automata, a lot of what's here feels deeply rooted in a very particular Asian immigrant experience, which makes what I've seen so far richer and more nuanced than most game stories I run into. I'm very curious to see how it develops.


Oct 25, 2017
Cant buy it in China for whatever reason....

Hopefully keys will pop up in keystores soon.
I don't think the CCP would like this game. Important to the story are the experiences of Hong Kong diaspora who left in the early 2020s due to the heavy political repression that came about after the 2019-2020 protests. It's very easy to draw a comparison between the arrest of political activists in Hong Kong and the way ALLMOTHER abuses the Sisters. The very first major event in the story is the protagonist snitching on the person that she's closest to for thoughtcrime.

I wouldn't expect this to be legally available in mainland China.


Oct 27, 2017
Derby, UK
Style-wise this reminds me a lot of Anno:Mutationem, does it have much in common? Outside of there being no combat?
I bloody loved Anno.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
I still haven't finished the game but themes of generational trauma always get to me. Are we just doomed to make the mistakes our parents make? Is it so difficult for us to step back, outside of ourselves, outside of our own pain, and realize we're failing our kids? We don't want our sacrifices to go unknown, but surely there's a way to do that without insulting our progeny for being ungrateful? Even a society of clones of a clone can't get out of it after restructuring their government twice. I guess the other lesson here is that shit gets lost to history sometimes and we can't really do anything about it. Even family history doesn't carry over perfectly.


Oct 25, 2017
The game really wants you to get rid of Mauve huh? I originally only turned the lights off on the Red Guard and the Principal since the description of an agent of change sounded good on paper. Then Secretary gave me a bunch of negative appraisals for nearly all my choices leaving me confused and I got an ending where Mauve just kills Blue, Fixer, and Healer followed by the game just kicking you back to the choice. I turned the light off on Mauve this time and all my appraisals came back positively lol.


Oct 2, 2020
Just starting Chapter 7 now, could someone tell me roughly how much I have left in the game (in spoiler tags in case others don't want to know)? Just trying to figure out if I can finish this thing out tonight or wait until I have another solid chunk of time to play.


Oct 26, 2017
The game really wants you to get rid of Mauve huh? I originally only turned the lights off on the Red Guard and the Principal since the description of an agent of change sounded good on paper. Then Secretary gave me a bunch of negative appraisals for nearly all my choices leaving me confused and I got an ending where Mauve just kills Blue, Fixer, and Healer followed by the game just kicking you back to the choice. I turned the light off on Mauve this time and all my appraisals came back positively lol.
There are a couple of elements you basically can't keep and a couple of elements you basically can't remove. I initially approached it's a videogame and went like "I'm sure Watcher's memories will redeemed the worst elements!" but it seems some choices are basically dead ends. I'd be interested to read about all the possible choices you can make, it seems all the "good" ending end pretty much with you exploring the ruins of the base?


Dec 28, 2017
Just starting Chapter 7 now, could someone tell me roughly how much I have left in the game (in spoiler tags in case others don't want to know)? Just trying to figure out if I can finish this thing out tonight or wait until I have another solid chunk of time to play.
3 chapters left + an epilogue. I'd say you definitely still have a few hours ahead of you.

The game really wants you to get rid of Mauve huh? I originally only turned the lights off on the Red Guard and the Principal since the description of an agent of change sounded good on paper. Then Secretary gave me a bunch of negative appraisals for nearly all my choices leaving me confused and I got an ending where Mauve just kills Blue, Fixer, and Healer followed by the game just kicking you back to the choice. I turned the light off on Mauve this time and all my appraisals came back positively lol.
I got rid of Mauve only because I saw her as an extension of the Red Guards and the Provisional Government. For all the oppressed groups to be able to move into the future with a sort of shaky peace on the surface that could be mended with time (Jiaos, Miscellaneous etc) they had to go. Knower included despite playing both sides.

I don't think they had forgiveness in them and I don't blame them. When I have time I'm going to go back and see the other endings.
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Nov 21, 2021
Started it this afternoon and have just finished chapter 3 after 3 hours. Really liking it so far. The writing is great, very emotional and very heavy at times but it has its hooks in me and I'm so intrigued to see how everything is going to unfold.

Love the visuals as well. Really nice use of colour and some great framing at times during scenes.

My only gripe so far has been keeping track of where I've been and where I'm going around the Orchard. Feels a little complicated but I'm sure as I go through it more, I'll learn/remember routes to particular areas far more easily.

But yeah, great game so far. I'd been eagerly awaiting it since it was revealed so I'm so glad that it's come together well and seems to be doing well for the team. Really fantastic debut title this one. Think I'm actually enjoying it more than Animal Well so far, though I've only played that for an hour so far.


Jan 2, 2019
Something this game does exceptionally well, and what reminds me of the writing of Nier:Automata, is exploring pretty complex philosophical ideas in a way that doesn't feel like you're being lectured. They do it through very natural sounding dialog, that is engaging and entertaining, but hides deeper meanings if you think longer about it.

Most games, heck most writing in general, struggle with this.
Oct 25, 2017
Blasted through the game over the last few days. It's really something special and affecting. The writing is lyrical and poetic and makes callbacks at all the right times. The mystery is strong, and I'll just leave that as my only story comment outside of spoiler tags.

I think my only thing with the game, is the 'made in Unity' feel. The devs accomplished something really amazing with a tiny studio. I just wonder if this could reach an even broader audience with even more polish. But even then, the 'lo-fi' nature of the game is what allows it to be mysterious, varied, and make a lot of creative design choices. So in any case, I'm glad I've gotten the pleasure to experience the game as it is now. It deserves to blow up.

The game really wants you to get rid of Mauve huh? I originally only turned the lights off on the Red Guard and the Principal since the description of an agent of change sounded good on paper. Then Secretary gave me a bunch of negative appraisals for nearly all my choices leaving me confused and I got an ending where Mauve just kills Blue, Fixer, and Healer followed by the game just kicking you back to the choice. I turned the light off on Mauve this time and all my appraisals came back positively lol.

There are a couple of elements you basically can't keep and a couple of elements you basically can't remove. I initially approached it's a videogame and went like "I'm sure Watcher's memories will redeemed the worst elements!" but it seems some choices are basically dead ends. I'd be interested to read about all the possible choices you can make, it seems all the "good" ending end pretty much with you exploring the ruins of the base?

I tried quite a few choices. The main differences seem to be:
  1. Mauve always wants you dead. Honestly, I kind of like this, it shouldn't be you can magically bring folk on side
  2. If you forget Watcher's sisters, then the remains abandon their dreams of the surface, but eventually fade away in the submarine.
  3. If you don't forgive the youngest sister, it is Blue who leaves you to remember the fallen. Bartender has a headstone here, whereas...
  4. If you forgive her, Principal leads you on the tour. This seems further in the future, to my eye, which makes sense, with her immortality it could be the sisters last for generations.
Reading on the steam forums there seems to be a Jiao ending if you switch off Mauve but keep the red guard on, but I didn't try that. I wonder if the parents get their own themed ending in a similar way.

There might be more, but it's a bit time consuming to get through. It was nice seeing Iris go to her 'peace', though it seemed entirely allegorical. I wouldn't have minded seeing more of her slowly going mad after realising even what the soldiers did, they were a last piece of humanity. Though considering they authorised mass bombings of cities to distract the occupants, jesus christ maybe she had a point.

Started it this afternoon and have just finished chapter 3 after 3 hours. Really liking it so far. The writing is great, very emotional and very heavy at times but it has its hooks in me and I'm so intrigued to see how everything is going to unfold.

Love the visuals as well. Really nice use of colour and some great framing at times during scenes.

My only gripe so far has been keeping track of where I've been and where I'm going around the Orchard. Feels a little complicated but I'm sure as I go through it more, I'll learn/remember routes to particular areas far more easily.

But yeah, great game so far. I'd been eagerly awaiting it since it was revealed so I'm so glad that it's come together well and seems to be doing well for the team. Really fantastic debut title this one. Think I'm actually enjoying it more than Animal Well so far, though I've only played that for an hour so far.

One thing the game doesn't make super obvious is that you can use L1 to set up waypoints- that's pretty handy. But it is satisfying to get to know the Orchard, which I can only assume is so confusing as a design choice.
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Dec 28, 2017
Perfect, thank you! Really enjoying the game, what an amazing week its been for indies.
No problem!
The thing that stood out to me on top of the reviews was that the developer Sunset Visitor is making their debut game, with a team of artists experienced in other disciplines but new to games. It made me think a bit about another game I really enjoyed from a few years back, Norco.
This is something I think about a lot. Can't find the quote but I remember Miyamoto saying something along the lines of being more interested in the ideas of those that don't make games over those that do. After making games for a while, you sorta become insulated and stick to familiar conventions and concepts rather than trying to experiment with bold ideas. You can extend this idea beyond games and into any creative medium, really.

There's something to be said about having a lot of experience and understanding of different disciplines beyond just games and bringing those diverse perspectives to it rather than just purely being influenced by games. And I think it absolutely shows here.
  • Plot structure
  • Character development
  • Dialogue
  • Music
  • Visual storytelling
  • Vocal performances and direction
All are excellently handled. All feel distinct from how your typical story-heavy game would approach them, and that's no doubt thanks to their experience in the performing arts.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I saw this launch on Steam and thought it looked interesting. The praise here is nice to see too. Might just pick it up.


Oct 1, 2022
Completed Chapter 5
or did I? The game restarted and I'm not sure what chapter I'm on now. I knew the Youngest had to be still around but I have zero logic so I never connected the dots that it was Principal. She even said that she used to be Watcher and that's she's been around for a long time so it makes sense. She must have really grown resentful of ALLMOTHER over those thousand years. I also wonder why Knower has apparently had multiple chances to take the train but she never did. She probably knows more than she lets on and has figured out there's not much waiting on the Other Side, or has some other reason why she prefers to stay at the Orchard. Excited to see where this goes.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
I just finished chapter 7.

Oct 4, 2020
I'm a bit into Chapter 4 and it just feels like each chapter keeps one upping the previous one omg

Adored the presentation of the narrative in the third chapter, it's incredible to see what the devs have accomplished with the budget they have - despite the 'budget' feeling of the game you don't get a sense that their vision has at all been restricted.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a bit into Chapter 4 and it just feels like each chapter keeps one upping the previous one omg

Adored the presentation of the narrative in the third chapter, it's incredible to see what the devs have accomplished with the budget they have - despite the 'budget' feeling of the game you don't get a sense that their vision has at all been restricted.

I think that's it, they just went ahead and did it. They didn't let themselves get stopped by needing to create perfect environment assets, but they focussed on what was key; the voice acting, pacing, without caring the effects aren't as polished as a more expensive game. Their confidence in what they had helped the whole game land, and kept you on the edge of your seat because you couldn't quite be sure where the ceiling was.

Okay, so MASSIVE ENDGAME SPOILER QUESTION BELOW where I need help understanding:

Its never set out why Iris and her mother are immune, correct? Unless if she made a covenant with the Guardians earlier than I thought, before the school dance. Then that would make sense.

And I suppose most of the guardians weren't evil. Well, maybe. Am I right in saying the massive death and destruction wasn't about greed and hunger, but more the way a kid might stomp some ants? The emotional signals we give off in a massacre was just interesting to them.

And while most Guardians tired of earth and left, you had the one obsessive who was codependent on Iris and her angst and just couldn't get enough. You take and they take, however the phrase. I think someone earlier in the thread said Iris was a shell of herself by the end. I wonder if she simply killed all the sisters who were moved to the other side, for her master's pleasure.


Oct 25, 2017
I keep hearing good things about this but know next to nothing about it other than checking out this OT vestan

Maybe I should go in blind and just enjoy it.


Oct 25, 2017
I legitimately don't even know what the gameplay genre it is, I know it's sci-fi and I can see from the imagery from the OT that its stylized and there's some aliens that arrive in the past or something. That probably enough info for me to just want to play it - I'm a sucker for narrative driven games so it seems this would be very much up my alley.


Dec 28, 2017
I keep hearing good things about this but know next to nothing about it other than checking out this OT vestan

Maybe I should go in blind and just enjoy it.
Broooooooooooo this game really is something else. I'd say our tastes are aligned and this is an easy recommend from me. If you want something meaty that you'll be thinking about for a long time, this is the one. Jump in as blind as possible and let it take you for a journey.


Nov 13, 2017
Ok ok, another game to put on wishlist.

Edit: I just buy it when i see it was bundle with Cryptmaster on Steam.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
I legitimately don't even know what the gameplay genre it is, I know it's sci-fi and I can see from the imagery from the OT that its stylized and there's some aliens that arrive in the past or something. That probably enough info for me to just want to play it - I'm a sucker for narrative driven games so it seems this would be very much up my alley.

The genre is yes you should play it.

Don't worry about it, it changes genre freely to tell it's narrative.


Oct 26, 2017
Alright, I'll play it. My initial thoughts from afar are that this might have looked better as a 2D game. Not the most sold on the graphics/art style. But I suppose it's not as easy to do the genre bending stuff in 2D. We'll see.


Dec 28, 2017
And I suppose most of the guardians weren't evil. Well, maybe. Am I right in saying the massive death and destruction wasn't about greed and hunger, but more the way a kid might stomp some ants? The emotional signals we give off in a massacre was just interesting to them.

And while most Guardians tired of earth and left, you had the one obsessive who was codependent on Iris and her angst and just couldn't get enough. You take and they take, however the phrase. I think someone earlier in the thread said Iris was a shell of herself by the end.
I have to replay Chapter 4 and Chapter 10 as some things were going over my head but the part where Secretary merges with the Keeper attempts to answer these questions. From my understanding, the Keepers/Occupants feed off memories and experiences. They chose Iris because of the weight and pain of the things both her and her parents went through (the Hong Kong protests) which might explain why they were immune.

In the case of Iris, the Keeper that decided to stay only got more and more attached after she was taken by the military and had the cruel and inhumane experiments run on her. They've communed for so long and so extensively that every single piece of Iris, past and present became a part of them too.

I wonder if she simply killed all the sisters who were moved to the other side, for her master's pleasure.
The Keeper did say that she was protective of the sisters to the very end, so I don't think she killed them