
Nov 3, 2018
It was the late 90's. The internet was in its infancy and was not in every single home just yet - it was mostly just used for businesses. There were no major gaming journalist websites, there was no Youtube, Twitch or Twitter. We all got our gaming news and screenshots from gaming magazines such as these ( Nostalgia Warning )


The lead up for the US launch of this game was absolutely insane, and speaking at least personally; It is the most excited about a game I think I had ever been in my life and nothing has come close since then. I was only 15 at the time and this game totally overtook all my thoughts and imagination. I had never even played a FF game before, and I didn't even like RPGs, yet I would spend hours reading, and re-reading all the articles from all the gaming magazines I had, inspecting all the screenshots and being absolutely blown away at the visual fidelity I was witnessing, I spent multiple days/hours with my Sony Discman listening to music and drawing the same artwork that was in all the mags - It was literally a genre and generation defining game.

But that's not even getting to the biggest part of FF7's pre-release hype; which was this little guy right here.

That's right, the Final Fantasy 7 demo disk that came with "Tobal No.1", and a few months later inside a copy of the "Playstation Underground" gaming magazine that always came with demo disks of upcoming games.

I played this short demo of the introductory half hour (If you really dilly dallyed) over, and over, and over, and over. To this day I have never played a demo nearly as much as I played this one - it really isn't even close. I wanted to just soak in and absorb every single facet of this game that I could. When the full game finally launched in September of 97 and I could progress past the initial Reactor bombing, it was like setting off into the great unknown, and when all was said and done even all these years later, it remains one of THE pillars of my gaming experiences.

Other members of OldEra; feel free chime in with your experiences of the late 90's gaming journalism and how much hype you had waiting for this game to finally release and take over the world.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I used to have a subscription to GameFan at the time and I remember they got ALL of the character names wrong during a preview. They called Sephiroth "Sefiros" and Cloud "Claude".

But yes, FFVII was like the hype game in 97. My dad made my best friend and I Cloud Strife t-shirts for launch day and we wore them to the store like giant dorks to pick the game up.


Oct 28, 2017
A simpler time of including omega spoilers in TV commercials.


Also uncontroversial opinion - Brave Fencer Musashi x FF8 is the goat game+demo combo.


Nov 3, 2018
I used to have a subscription to GameFan at the time and I remember they got ALL of the character names wrong during a preview. They called Sephiroth "Sefiros" and Cloud "Claude".

But yes, FFVII was like the hype game in 97. My dad made my best friend and I Cloud Strife t-shirts for launch day and we wore them to the store like giant dorks to pick the game up.
This is super awesome.

Goddo Hando

Oct 25, 2017
i actually owned a copy of this before i had a psx. I think i ended up getting the system like a month later, i couldn't wait lol
Oct 27, 2017
Yes. The marketing campaign for it was about as close to a major film release as any videogame had received at that point.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
My local family owned game store broke street dates all the fucking time and I got this a week prior to its official release day. Same thing happened with FF3 and Chrono Trigger too. They went out of business decades ago, but I have great memories of that store!


Oct 27, 2017
Oh god it was HUGE! The commercials, gaming mags and cross promotional stuff was insane at the time. Kids at school that didn't even know what the hell an rpg was were excited for this game. Granted a good chunk were disappointed when the gameplay didn't match the cutscenes they used in the commercials but most gave it a fair shot and seemed to enjoy it anyway.

I'll never forget obsessing over gaming mags until my folks brought it home for me as an early bday present at release. My tall gangly ass soared up the stairs to my bedroom lmao.

That demo disc menu bgm was fucking god tier btw.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The hype was crazy. I remember seeing ads at elevated train/subway stops. I hadn't seen a video game ad on public transit since SMB3 so that wasn't a common thing back then.

While I think FFVII overshadows many RPGs before and after it due to many people having it as their first game in the genre, I'm still a big fan of it. It's an epic that holds up today.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I really liked it back in the day even if baby me couldn't get the hang of it. Vibe, graphics and music were so cool to me as a kid. Wish I could go back and play those games as they released as an adult now


Oct 25, 2017
It's funny that I kind of missed all that hype. I was far more into Nintendo at the time and pretty much only read Nintendo Power (which was gearing up for full Ocarina of Time hype at that point), but FF7 ended up becoming my favorite singleplayer game ever made.


Oct 25, 2017
The day that released was definitely the biggest gathering at the local game shop I can remember. And the instruction manual smelled so good.

Deleted member 41651

User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
I played the demo that came with Tobal so, so many times. Also had the pre-order shirt from Babbage's. That was a crazy exciting time.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The hype was crazy. I remember seeing ads at elevated train/subway stops. I hadn't seen a video game ad on public transit since SMB3 so that wasn't a common thing back then.

While I think FFVII overshadows many RPGs before and after it due to many people having it as their first game in the genre, I'm still a big fan of it. It's an epic that holds up today.

I was one of the dweebs who was already a big Squaresoft fanboy from the SNES era (Secret of Mana was my first RPG, then FF Mystic Quest after that) so I was probably one of the kids who was yelling about FFVII before everyone else.

but then again I'm also the kid who found Ted Woolsey's e-mail in middle school and tried to interview him about FF6's script, so...
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
Oh god it was HUGE! The commercials, gaming mags and cross promotional stuff was insane at the time. Kids at school that didn't even know what the hell an rpg was were excited for this game. Granted a good chunk were disappointed when the gameplay didn't match the cutscenes they used in the commercials but most gave it a fair shot and seemed to enjoy it anyway.

I'll never forget obsessing over gaming mags until my folks brought it home for me as an early bday present at release. My tall gangly ass soared up the stairs to my bedroom lmao.

That demo disc menu bgm was fucking god tier btw.

Thrill_house asking their parents for FF7 instead of Bonestorm



Oct 25, 2017
I was increible hyped for this game, also the main reason why i bought a PSX before its release. The other day looking for 90s stuff at my garage, found some FF VII and VIII posters.

Also, the reasons why i started to work at 15 since my dad didnt want to buy me another console (he bought me a N64 months in late 1996)


Nov 4, 2017
The quarterly 6-8 page spreads in Gamefan leading up to the release of the game were some of my favourite game mag content of the 90s. So much hype and speculation and giant diagrams and beautiful art. Was a fun time to be a fan.


Oct 25, 2017
FF7 single-handedly switched me from Nintendo to Sony back then. It was truly a monster.


Oct 27, 2017
Yup they had more of them, doesn't get much more 90s lol.



It's strange that I don't remember that specific one since I subscribed to most of the major gaming mags back then (and between me and my friends, we covered 'em all). It was probably because companies really pushed the console wars angle, so this would have just been standard fare at the time. Funny to look back on though!

Justin Bailey

Oct 28, 2017
I'm playing through this right now on my Steam Deck using The Reunion mod, and I'm even using the old strategy guide because why not. It's still a fantastic game.


Oct 27, 2017
I wanna go back. Magazine hype was the best.

Didn't really care about FF, because where I lived it wasn't a big deal in fact 7 was the first I heard of it, but I loved reading about it.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the most hyped games ever, I was about the same age as the OT and was not an RPG fan at all. I was one of the people who crossed over when FF7 hit. When people say FF7 introduced a whole group of players to the JRPG they were not lying. Plus the cinematic nature of the game was mindblowing.

RE1 was the game that changed my belief in all video games because it was the first game to be like a movie, to give emotions usually not felt. FF7 was the next step up and a year after that MGS would take it to the next level. It was such an innovative magical time for gaming.

And I too had the GF magazines, I read them so much.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I really wanted Final Fantasy VII & my dad said he rented it from Blockbuster, tried it for an hour & took it back. He never gave me a chance. I still haven't played it. All in on the Remake trilogy right now.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I was there Gandalf…

I loved FF3 (6) and was super hyped for this game. I already loved the characters and settings from the previews. I had that PS Underground disc and played the intro!

When I got it though I had just bought a PSX FOR it and forgot to buy a memory card and was broke after buying the game and system so I had to wait a few days. I replayed the intro a few times.

The game itself was prestige. Everyone felt classy, from the art all over the game manual to the menus and music. Going from FF6 to this was like having a delicious plate of Grandma's Thanksgiving dinner to suddenly eating at a Michelin star restaurant.

Bought the strategy guide from Versus but accidentally read ahead and spoiled Aerith.

Years later I went to replay it and my first disc had a crack. Decided to fix with super glue. Now there's a big bulge on the disc and obviously it still won't work.

Also, team Tifa. Aerith felt like such a little sister to Cloud that it wasn't for years that I realized people considered her a love interest.


Sep 5, 2018
I missed out on a lot of the hype back then. I was aware of the game but didn't really think too much about it. Then I got a PS1 in 1998, and the Official Playstation Magazine had the FF7 demo in one of the first issues I bought of it. Was instantly blown away, love at first sight really. Became obsessed with FF from that point on. Hard to think of any other game that has had as big an impact on me.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh a side point about demo discs, I don't know how to explain just how powerful those were. Some of my most vivid memories from the past were from demo discs. MGS1 demo was the first time I played MGS, it was just the first two areas, the sub and front of the base with the search lights. I spent about 15 hours just playing those two locations, I tried everything, marveled at how the enemies would react. It was mindblowing.

RE2 demo was super hype. MGS2 and MGS3 demos again providing countless hours of entertainment. RE4 demo… it was the entire village opening, from that moment I knew it would be an all time masterpiece, again it let me get to learn the game in a way just playing through it the first time doesn't. There was something special about mastering a small section, I loved it, and I miss it.


Oct 25, 2017
My father bought a PlayStation for the family because FF7 was coming out. He would watch my brother play (and sometimes play along) Square RPGs and Zelda on the SNES.