Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
I take my dog to the park every day as part of our exercise routine, and today there were 2 jackasses hitting golf balls in the park with their pitbulls unleashed sitting beside them. My dog is trained to ignore other dogs so we continued out walk, and when we came around the curve on this path, the two pitbulls made a dash for my dog and started attacking him, gang style. They cut my dog's face up pretty good, he's bleeding down the side of his face. I kicked one of the pitbulls hard in the head to get him off my dog. As soon as it happened, the guys grabbed their dogs, ran to their car, and took off. My dog, scared because this was the first time he'd ever fought another dog in his life, took off running towards our house and I had to sprint to catch him. By the time I caught him, the guys were gone.

I dunno if I should call the police or not. I didn't get their license plate number, or see where they went, but they obviously lived in the neighborhood (it's a tiny park in the middle of the neighborhood). I think if I call the cops, they might destroy the dogs, which I don't want. But those are precisely the type of awful dog owners I hate. Who the fuck brings two pitbulls to the park without a leash? I'm so happy my dog wasn't more seriously injured.

Should I call the cops or just take care of my dog?


Nov 8, 2017
You'd be doing humanity and dogkind a favor if those dogs were to be killed.
I'd say do both.


Nov 10, 2017
Call the cops AND take care of your dog. Those dog owners may allow their animals to do that behavior again and another animal may not be as lucky.

In tandem, note down any veterinary costs, and details about time of day, what the owners and animals looked like, etc. No reason for you to not be prepared to take back any cost they've incurred on you.


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
You really don't have much for them to go on, it's kind of a waste of time to call the police. You have every right, though.

Call your local non-emergency line and see what they think.


Nov 6, 2017
I would definitely report it. What if those dogs fuck up some little kid.

Also in before "are you sure they were pit bulls "


Oct 25, 2017
Those dogs need to be put down and those owners need to be stripped of being able to buy the dogs. They owe you medical fees too. They ran away. They own dogs that are aggressive. They are scum.

Contact the police, do not let it go because those dogs will absolutely attack again


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
just take care of your dog. The cops won't and will not be able to do shit without the vital info.

I'm really sorry that happened to your dog. I've owned dogs all my life and I know the feeling of them getting caught up in a life threatening scuffle like that. :(


Oct 25, 2017
you don't want the police to destroy their dogs? what's going to happen when they attack a child next?

just take care of your dog. The cops won't and will not be able to do shit without the vital info.

I'm really sorry that happened to your dog. I've owned dogs all my life and I know the feeling of them getting caught up in a life threatening scuffle like that. :(

if there are other reports, the cops can actually do something about it. it NEEDS to be documented legally regardless, the police need to be notified so a report can be filed

how likely do you think that a.) this is the first time those dogs have ever attacked another dog or person and b.) it won't happen again? i'd say both are very unlikely


Oct 26, 2017
report it.
pit bull owners are the worst.
pit bull owners who don't keep leashed should go to jail

i'm sorry to hear that your dog get severely injured. you should contact the cops.

I hope your dog recovers quickly


Oct 27, 2017
I would call the cops, and take care of the dog. They don't have to destroy the dogs. They could charge them and get the owners to pay for whatever care costs for your dog.


Apr 17, 2018
If you don't call the cops they may hurt another dog... or maybe worse.

The scariest moment I have had was when my daughter was less than a year old and a big ass pitbull charged across the street towards my dog. The only thing (edit: I should have said "smartest") I could do is sit still and hope it didn't attack my daughter in her stroller or my dog, sudden movement would have escalated the situation. I got lucky, my dog and him had a tense moment before its owner hauled ass across the street and took him away.

Leash your fucking dogs.

Edit: since I got called out on this,

It wasn't like that. He came out of nowhere and I had less than 2 seconds to react. Remaining calm lead to the dogs just sniffing each other. If he lunged for my daughter I would have beat him to death. My experience with aggressive dogs has been that displaying serene confidence leads them to not attack. I used to get followed home by aggressive dogs sometimes and it never failed me.

I have zero regard to my own safety when it comes to my daughter, this was just the best move at the time given prior experience.
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Oct 27, 2017
You need to call the cops, you cannot trust the owners to not allow another incident like this and the next time it could be a kid.

Fuck owners who do not leash their dogs in public parks, I go through that shit daily on my walks when there are literal signs saying to leash your fucking dog


Nov 22, 2017
Call the cops and take care of your dog. If those dogs attacked yours it means it could probably happen again to another person's dog, it's better to report, always.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It also kind of pisses me off that these guys were hitting golf balls in the park. It's not a range. It's a children's playground with a track. It's not really a field. They were hitting golf balls at the empty playground.

I'm gonna call the police. Replaying the scene in my head, as their dogs ran towards my dogs, the dipshit owners shouted "don't worry they just want to play"


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Call the police. Maybe nothing comes of it, but you don't want to feel the guilt of having not done anything if they attack another dog or worse, a child.

Such a shame. I love pibbles when they're raised right. Such loveable babies.


Oct 25, 2017
Call the police, report those dogs. Pitbulls attacking other dogs? Awful and they shouldn't be around.

Fuck em.
Oct 26, 2017
Report it if you can recall any details. I love pits and have known many well-behaved ones throughout my life so I'm not just reacting based on the breed in the OP title. Those owners will either let it happen again or raise more dogs to behave similarly.


Oct 27, 2017
This is part of the reason I'm afraid to take my dog to the park. While my dog is a mixed mutt basically, she's kind of large (like 50lb), but is as gentle as can be. In fact, she's afraid of big dogs and only wants to play with small ones. I wouldn't even know what to do if this happened to me at my local park. I guess I'd lift her up in the air as I know she wouldn't fight back. Hell, she's afraid of my roommate's cats lol (to be fair, she is a rescue dog, so I don't really know what she has been through).

Definitely call the cops.

Lord Hypnos

Oct 31, 2017
Aye, calling the cops is the right thing to do. Pitbulls can be vicious little shits especially when they have such irresponsible owners, next time it could be a little kid or another dog who isn't quite as lucky.


Oct 25, 2017
You should definitely call the cops. Those guys clearly don't have their dogs properly trained and shouldn't be allowing them off-leash.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Police are coming to my place to take a report in person.

Report it if you can recall any details. I love pits and have known many well-behaved ones throughout my life so I'm not just reacting based on the breed in the OP title. Those owners will either let it happen again or raise more dogs to behave similarly.

I've known lots of well behaved pitts too, thats why I was sort of hesitant at first. I truly believe there aren't bad dogs, just bad dog owners. I'll feel bad if these dogs get put down because their owners are pieces of shit, but yeah, what if this had been a kid or something?


Oct 28, 2017
They tasted blood, call the cops before another dog or person become a victim like yours.


Oct 27, 2017
You need to document the injuries, call the police to report the incident, and call your vet to schedule an appointment.

Those dogs are a threat. If this isn't the first incident, they'll likely be put down, but the safety of other animals and even people is at risk.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
How's your dog doing? Still scared? Hope it heals up okay.


Nov 27, 2017
File the report. The next dog or kid they come across might not be so lucky, and unfortunately without a paper trail, that will be the first time they did anything rather than the second. For all you know, you may be the second or third.
Oct 30, 2017
Wonder if they go to a nearby vet. May be interesting to see if the vet could help you locate the owners if the dogs are registered.


Oct 26, 2017
In a perfect world owners should the be the ones paying the price for not training the dogs

You did good op. Call the cops and take care of your dog.
Oct 27, 2017
I take my dog to the park every day as part of our exercise routine, and today there were 2 jackasses hitting golf balls in the park with their pitbulls unleashed sitting beside them. My dog is trained to ignore other dogs so we continued out walk, and when we came around the curve on this path, the two pitbulls made a dash for my dog and started attacking him, gang style. They cut my dog's face up pretty good, he's bleeding down the side of his face. I kicked one of the pitbulls hard in the head to get him off my dog. As soon as it happened, the guys grabbed their dogs, ran to their car, and took off. My dog, scared because this was the first time he'd ever fought another dog in his life, took off running towards our house and I had to sprint to catch him. By the time I caught him, the guys were gone.

I dunno if I should call the police or not. I didn't get their license plate number, or see where they went, but they obviously lived in the neighborhood (it's a tiny park in the middle of the neighborhood). I think if I call the cops, they might destroy the dogs, which I don't want. But those are precisely the type of awful dog owners I hate. Who the fuck brings two pitbulls to the park without a leash? I'm so happy my dog wasn't more seriously injured.

Should I call the cops or just take care of my dog?

Absolutely call the cops cause if that's happened to your dog they will do it again and worse they could kill another dog since they actually are dum enough to take 2 PITBULLS to a part without a leash they could attack a little kid if that happens again call the cops immediately and try to find them your lucky your dogs still alive


Oct 25, 2017
you don't want the police to destroy their dogs? what's going to happen when they attack a child next?
I would definitely report it. What if those dogs fuck up some little kid.

Also in before "are you sure they were pit bulls "

You need to call the cops, you cannot trust the owners to not allow another incident like this and the next time it could be a kid.

Fuck owners who do not leash their dogs in public parks, I go through that shit daily on my walks when there are literal signs saying to leash your fucking dog

Would report it. What if they attack a person next?

That's a fallacy that because they are dog aggressive means they will be people aggressive. I had a golden retriever growing up that was very dog aggressive (even got out of our yard and got into some one else's yard and bit a chunk off the dog's ear in that yard) and he never even growled or did anything but be happy to see a human.

That being said I'd say call animal control. It's sad the pits may be put to sleep over having idiot owners but most likely if they can't figure out to leash their dog aggressive dogs his will happen again to another dog. Hell, my mom kept insisting i unleash that dog aggressive dog when I was a kid (I hated it but if she caught me not doing it she'd make me walk him again and I was not good at lieing. She kept saying he wouldn't poop unless he was off leash). She now admits that probably was not a good idea (ya think?! I as a kid knew better).
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Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Call the cops. Those dogs attacked YOUR dog, but I always think, what if it was a child in that place? The owners need to take responsibility for their pets.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How's your dog doing? Still scared? Hope it heals up okay.

I put peroxide on his face and cleaned the wounds. Luckily there's no deep cuts or hanging flesh or anything, just a few minor cuts. My god mother's son is a vet, so she and her son are coming over to check him out for me for free. If they tell me he needs more actual medical help, then I'll start documenting costs.

He's just hanging around me right now real close. He's laying at my feet at the moment.


Oct 31, 2017
You should file a report.

I've worked with a lot of dogs. Idiots who have no idea what they're doing get Pitbulls because they think they're cool and tough. They have no concept of the responsibility that comes with a dog that powerful and allow them to be untrained. An untrained dog is a dangerous one with any breed, but an untrained pitbull is a step ahead. These morons give the breed an awful reputation.

It doesn't help that shelters are filled to the brim with pitbulls and often have the smallest adoption fee.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
File a police report with everything you know. Take your dog to the vet.

Damn I'm with the people who say it's the owner not the dog, and I wont advocate exterminating them, but we're at a point where they can't be bred anymore.


Oct 25, 2017

More idiots owning pitbulls that aren't willing to do the work that should accompany that decision.


Oct 27, 2017
I've known lots of well behaved pitts too, thats why I was sort of hesitant at first. I truly believe there aren't bad dogs, just bad dog owners. I'll feel bad if these dogs get put down because their owners are pieces of shit, but yeah, what if this had been a kid or something?
Dogs can be extremely aggressive.

Breeding, training, and treatment can all lead to a "bad" dog.

You wouldn't want people walking around with mountain lions, and you can't have people walking around with hyper-aggressive dogs. A domesticated animal can only be treated as such when it behaves as such. It's not the dogs' fault, but they have no place in your neighborhood.