
Oct 25, 2017
To start, I want to apologize for not having posted this sooner. The last time I thought I posted this, I apparently did not. Could have been an error, could have been me imaging that, whatever. I don't know, but it's done. I believe the list below is accurate, but Elfster makes it very challening to check and verify this (you have to individually click on both the Sender and Sendee, which takes quite some time).

I also want to make a point to say that I will not be hosting Secret Santa anymore. There are a number of reasons why I am making this decision (including some I've mentioned recently), but I don't think it adds to the discussion for me to get into it here. Instead, I will say that I have enjoyed working with most of you VERY much and have appreciated all the excitement you all bring one another. I have not actively participated in the Secret Santa for MANY years, and I will likely never choose to participate moving forward. I never did this for any other reason other than to help folks try and find some enjoyment in the difficult times many face in their day-to-day.

I look forward to seeing who steps in and handles this in the future and really do hope the best for all of those involved.

And finally, just to clear the air...There was never any bit of malice in NOT posting this. I have nothing to gain in "holding this data hostage". I simply get sidetracked with any number of unrelated items and forget. That's all it ever was and has been. It's up to those who doubt that stance to forgive and forget or hold their grudge, and truthfully, I don't mind either way. Instead, I just hope you all continue to enjoy this unique tradition and find joy in the experience!

This Person --------------- Sends to
krae_man --------------- Vaco6121
Wascallywabbit --------------- SeanShards
tuta --------------- The Bear
Dead Guy --------------- nny
nny --------------- Supau
Supau --------------- Noisepurge
Interface23 --------------- vainya
euricaeris --------------- Eye For an Eye
cupcakeunicorn --------------- euricaeris
PhilipNorth --------------- JonnyDBrit
Grunge_Hamster --------------- Iaoni
Fliesen --------------- PhilipNorth
Zeouter --------------- Interface23
Iaoni --------------- cupcakeunicorn
StarCreator --------------- sersteven
Qikz --------------- Fliesen
Jo-awn --------------- EverythingShiny
KillstealWolf --------------- Frester
JonnyDBrit --------------- malus
Vaco6121 --------------- tuta
EverythingShiny --------------- krae_man
kennah --------------- Zeouter
malus --------------- StarCreator
Frester --------------- podge293
Noisepurge --------------- Nyrad
podge293 --------------- Grunge_Hamster
Nyrad --------------- Qikz
The Bear --------------- FairyEmpire
Magnificent83 --------------- KillstealWolf
Remk NG --------------- Jo-awn
ry-dog --------------- Remk NG
Eye For an Eye --------------- Wascallywabbit
SeanShards --------------- Dead Guy
fallengorn --------------- kennah
sersteven --------------- Magnificent83
vainya --------------- fallengorn
FairyEmpire --------------- ry-dog
Almeister --------------- JonnyDBrit
PayOffWizard --------------- Almeister
UnluckyKate --------------- PayOffWizard
JonnyDBrit --------------- UnluckyKate
B4mv --------------- NESpowerhouse
Oatmeal --------------- Camjo-Z
TheWorthyEdge --------------- Tedesco!
Camjo-Z --------------- TheWorthyEdge
iRAWRasaurus --------------- Oatmeal
ChrisD --------------- Imthefunmachine
Interface23 --------------- CM_Ace
PersonPlusStuff --------------- SlasherMcGirk
Blitzkriege --------------- Z3R05UM
painey --------------- sgtnosboss
BlueSteel --------------- painey
Wren Wolfe --------------- infinitebento
Septimus Prime --------------- Interface23
Ghostofst4rm4n --------------- Septimus Prime
NESpowerhouse --------------- Blitzkriege
Auron Kale --------------- Scrooge
Tedesco! --------------- EverythingShiny
Transistor --------------- JigglesBunny
CM_Ace --------------- PersonPlusStuff
Imthefunmachine --------------- Vipershark
Scrooge --------------- AlmostMilk
Josh5890 --------------- B4mv
EverythingShiny --------------- Le-mo
Wolf --------------- Auron Kale
infinitebento --------------- TearablePuns
br0ken_shad0w --------------- SchuckyDucky
AlmostMilk --------------- Wolf
Lee Chaolan --------------- Violence Jack
Le-mo --------------- iRAWRasaurus
SlasherMcGirk --------------- Mike
turtle553 --------------- Josh5890
Mike --------------- BlueSteel
Mitch --------------- nat-ly
nat-ly --------------- Ghostofst4rm4n
Theef --------------- LegendofTrey
TerablePuns --------------- turtle553
Pbae --------------- Sheng Long
SchuckyDucky --------------- ChrisD
Z3R05UM --------------- br0ken_shad0w
sgtnosboss --------------- Mitch
Sheng Long --------------- Wren Wolfe
LegendofTrey --------------- Transistor
Violence Jack --------------- Pbae
Vipershark --------------- Lee Chaolan
JigglesBunny --------------- Theef
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Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah I'm in like every year ! Thanks for the amazing work as usual Nicoga !

I hope to be able to send and recieve, last year was a bit of a bummer for me haha


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't participated before but tempted this year, I always enjoy looking through the thread when everyone is posting their dank gifts they received!

You do a good job organising this man.


Oct 27, 2017
Signing up now, what is the Gift Exchange Date and RSVP Deadline?

Fuck it I did Dec 25th. Is there a sign up link?

Anyways OP I signed up on Elfster with my name here, FaceHugger. $400 limit I set that I'll gift. Not sure what else I need to do.
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Oct 25, 2017
Signing up now, what is the Gift Exchange Date and RSVP Deadline?

Fuck it I did Dec 25th. Is there a sign up link?

Anyways OP I signed up on Elfster with my name here, FaceHugger. $400 limit I set that I'll gift. Not sure what else I need to do.

No signup link yet. I need to learn how to hide text from non-members so that we can limit the participants to Era users only.


Oct 27, 2017
No signup link yet. I need to learn how to hide text from non-members so that we can limit the participants to Era users only.

Oh ok. Well I changed my nickname to FaceHugger and my real name is listed - I mean fuck it, the mods already have my genuine info anyway. Just lemme know when I can be paired up please. I feel like giving someone a really merry Christmas this year.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Make sure to add this thread to your Watch list if you are intending on joining in by the way.


Oct 26, 2017
I've never been prouder to use the Lakers light up sign that AlmostMilk got me last year. I've been turning it on all season so far lol


The Fallen - Teyvat Traveler
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No signup link yet. I need to learn how to hide text from non-members so that we can limit the participants to Era users only.
One way to hide links and other content put a hide tag around whatever it is. This does hide it from non members (you can test it for yourself to see). The other way is 'quote to reveal' which is done so by putting a regular spoiler tag without any text between the tags.
Edit: (spoiler=put your text here)(/close tag). Of course without the parenthesis.
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Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
I've made a few financial gambles that have yet to pay off but I can get creative and improvise so I'm in once again since this is one of the traditions I love. It's probably going to be a tighter budget this year unless I ship out items from online retailers (and subject to who I get as a TT). But I've taken great pleasure in making custom holiday cards with art and this is one of the few things I look forward to every year. This will mark 5 years doing it IIRC. Past year Christmas card themes include:

Year 1: Chibi Robo
Year 2: Family-friendly, Christmas themed Brave Heart and Scarface mashup
Year 3: Animal Crossing
Year 4: Yokai Watch
Year 5: ???

I'm sure I left and will leave a bunch of bread crumb trails through my post history for my future recipient to sleuth through. I'll post more detailed info once the link goes live and I've officially signed up including hints and notes. For now, I better check my Elfster account to ensure it's up to date.


Oct 25, 2017
I had to skip last year, but I might be in this year. Will have a think.

Thanks as always for your work in doing this nicoga3000. Truly our Saint Nic!


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
nicoga3000 Quick question for you. I'm considering signing up for another online community Secret Santa that also uses Elfster to assign and manage recipients. But I go by another handle on that community. Would it be best to keep my handle in my name info for that community and handle for this forum in my nickname for this SS? For example Name "Handle 1" Surname. Or should I make a separate Elfster account under another email address to prevent confusion between the two communities?


Oct 25, 2017
It is on like Donkey Kong!

I am so in, this is soooo much fun each year.

Thanks nicoga3000 for organizing this again.

Btw: There's several things people are often debating of how they should be handled, so here it goes:

* I will reveal myself to my Tiny Tim in their package - there's people who wanna keep the thing a secret throughout, but i love being able to thank my Secret Santa by name and not just thanking an anonymous benefactor.
* I'm gonna open my package upon arrival, and not wait for Dec 25th - unless there's a note explicitly asking me to wait
* I'd love my Tiny Tim to do the same, because i think Dec 24th / 25th is a buuuuusy ass time for most people and i think the posting of gifts should be spread out over a longer period of time, instead of the thread growing by 3 pages on a single day.


Oct 25, 2017
nicoga3000 Quick question for you. I'm considering signing up for another online community Secret Santa that also uses Elfster to assign and manage recipients. But I go by another handle on that community. Would it be best to keep my handle in my name info for that community and handle for this forum in my nickname for this SS? For example Name "Handle 1" Surname. Or should I make a separate Elfster account under another email address to prevent confusion between the two communities?

So my account is actually as shown in the OP. My name is my account here as I'd my nickname. You may be able to go that route if you wanted to utilize the same account.


Oct 25, 2017
Going to test the hide feature.

Hidden content
You need to reply to this thread in order to see this content.
Oct 26, 2017
I've always meant to join, but I've been too intimidated seeing the amazing gifts people come up with and that I'm going to let some poor sucker down.


Oct 25, 2017
OK - I have updated the OP with three exchanges. I went with US Only, EU Only, and Full International.

You're welcome to sign up for more than one if you'd like, but please recognize that if you're outside the US, you should NOT sign up for the US exchange (and same goes for outside the EU).

I'll start updating the OP with new info over the next few days.


Nov 5, 2017
Hello everyone! It's that time of year again...

The annual ResetEra Secret Santa!

There has been a lot of back and forth over how to organize this year's exchange. I toyed with the idea of using manual PM's versus Elfster, but I settled on Elfster for one VERY specific reason. From the 2018 thread discussion:

So in order to avoid that nightmare (and because I will be traveling for 2 weeks at the start of December), Elfster wins!

Make sure you have an Elfster account (or recover that password). Go in and edit your profile.

Here's the kicker.

I will be watching those who sign up and checking their profiles.

If you do NOT edit your Nickname in your profile with your ResetEra username, I will delete you from the participant list with zero warning. See the image below for what I'm looking for.


Also, you NEED to input tracking. I can't enforce that with bans or anything, but do know that I will have NO shame in posting the usernames of those individuals who choose not to post tracking.


Additional details!

  • Sign-up deadline will be 11/22/2019
    • Don't forget to make your wish list on Elfster!
  • Tracking must be made available by 12/20/2019
  • Post in this thread and be somewhat active
    • That includes posting pictures of what you get!


I'm going to hide the links here. How do I do that again? I don't remember how to do that on this forum.


[Hidden content]

[Hidden content]

[Hidden content]


Update 11/3: Sign up deadline is 11/23/2019 and matches will go out 11/24/2019
I'm definitely in again this year! I however can not see the link...


Oct 25, 2017
Glad it worked!

Feel free to post some info on wishlists, interests, etc. We actively encourage forum stalking...


Oct 25, 2017
Did it the first year of era but couldn't last year, hopefully I'll be able to participate again this year!


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So I haven't done this in a few years on era/gaf and have never used elfster. Do we put our wishlist on elfster or post here?


Oct 26, 2017
Hype! It was good fun last year, don't doubt it'll be great this year too!

Nabbed this from my post last year in case SS needs some help:

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Writer/Editor
Do you have an email address that you'd like to provide your Secret Santa with for digital goods? PM me if needed!
Do you have a Steam profile? Not that I've used in a long time
What is your favorite color? Green
What size shirt do you wear? I've got plenty so don't worry about these!
What gaming consoles do you have? PS4, Switch, 3DS
Do you have any hobbies or collect things? Hobbies are pretty video game/Japan centric.
Sports Team: Don't follow any teams super closely but I do like the Jacksonville Jags
Food allergies? Nope!
Are you OK with digital goods? Digital goods okay but physical preferred if given the option
Are you OK receiving items from Amazon, eBay, or other online retailers? Yes.
Are you OK with NSFW goods? ...sure?
Favorite Anime/Manga Series: Hunter x Hunter is an easy fave, Yu Yu Hakusho, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Pokemon anything. I have an up-to-date MyAnimeList page (same username as here) if you wanna dig deep.
Is there anything you absolutely do NOT want to receive? Pop figures are not my jam but I won't scream your name into a full moon if you sent me one, lol
Favorite Games/Genre/Series: Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Persona 4/5, Metal Gear Solid, many rhythm games. I have an up-to-date Backloggery (same username again!) if you want more details.
Favorite Music: Rock/metal of most languages, particularly J-rock.
Extra Info: I mentioned it in the spoiler above this one but Pokemon is an easy win if you get stuck. You should find some ideas if you feel like combing through my twitter feed, too. Thanks Santa!
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