
Nov 3, 2017

This challenge came from Fiftyfifty. The challenge is simple: You have one year to read 50 new books and watch 50 new movies.


  • 1- Read 50 NEW books and watch 50 NEW movies before Jan 1st 2023.
  • 2- You can join the challenge at any time.
  • 3- Be honest! Nobody is going to be making sure you actually read that book or watched that movie.


All you have to do is make a post in this very thread. Your initial post will be where you update your list. You MUST follow this format in order for your entry to be counted. In an effort to make it easier to navigate through the thread, I would like everyone to put their movie and book lists in quotes. Format:

TestMonkey - 04/50 books | 03/50 movies

  1. The Strange Case of Dr. Couney: How a Mysterious European Showman Saved Thousands of American Babies by Dawn Raffel
  2. The Poisoner's Handbook Book by Deborah Blum
  3. The Analects of Confucius by Confucius, translated by James Legge
  4. Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore
  1. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
  2. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
  3. Weekend at Bernie's

This is important - I will be updating the Master Tracker (which will be in the second post of the OP) every month. If you want the Master Tracker to reflect your book/movie count, please do a separate update post at the end of each month. The update post should follow this format:

Toyotathon month update

TestMonkey - 05/50 books | 10/50 movies

  • On Cussing: Bad Words and Creative Cursing by Katherine Dunn
  • If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell

  • Knuckleball
  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • The Story of G.I. Joe


  • What do you mean by 'new'? It doesn't matter what year the book/movie was released in, as long as you have NEVER seen or read it before, it counts.
  • What is the prize for finishing the challenge? You win some brownie points.
  • What is stopping me from lying? Absolutely nothing, but, why would you?
  • Ok, I'm in. Who keeps track of what I read/watch? You do! Update your initial post as you rack up the books and movies.
  • What counts as a book? Anything over 100 pages.
  • What if it is really long? If it is more than 500 pages, you may count it as two books. But only two.
  • Do Audiobooks/Textbooks count? Yes.
  • What about comics/graphic novels? Use your best judgement. Rule of thumb, a "run" would be considered one book.
  • What counts as a movie? 90+ minutes of pure enjoyment.
  • Can I count my favorite TV show? Most will say no. If you do want to count them, one season = one movie. Use your best judgement. People do keep track of the shows they watch, but I won't keep stats on it.
  • Do Documentaries count? Yes.
Remember 100 page count/90 minute length are guidelines. Meaning, if you read a book that is 85 pages and you count it, nobody is going to yell at you. But if you start counting a bunch of 50 page books/short movies, people may call you out on it. This is meant to be a (fun) challenge. Keyword there is challenge.

Hints and Tips:
  • Don't sleep on audiobooks! That's one of the ways I'm always able to meet the 50 book criteria every year. I listen to audiobooks when going for walks, doing chores, cooking, etc. I try to listen to 1-2 audiobooks a month and it really helps!
  • Check out your local library! A lot of libraries these days offer both audiobooks and ebooks. Many use Overdrive or Libby, and you can download the ebooks to your Kindle or other e-reading devices.
  • If you need recommendations, check out Goodreads or Letterboxd. Or ask in this thread!


If you need stars for reviews:


Credit: This OP was mostly created by GK86, who ran the challenge for several years. Thank you! Additional credit goes to the past OP's, who have helped pave the way for the challenge to be more efficient for everyone around. Graphics were (shamelessly) taken from Fiftyfifty's website.


Nov 3, 2017
Master Tracker:

  • TestMonkey 108
  • Stronginthearm 74
  • Alraun 67
  • The FuzzPig 65
  • Aja 64
  • Spectromixer 64
  • hiredhand 54
  • Not Asleep 52
  • Easy_G 50
  • Themis 29

Movie Buffs:
  • Spectromixer 86
  • reelbigeddy 79
  • Alraun 74
  • Not Asleep 73
  • Atrophis 72
  • Aja 67
  • Biske 64
  • TestMonkey 64
  • hiredhand 55
  • Easy_G 52
  • v1n1c1uS 49

Completed 2021:

  • Gray
  • Spectromixer
  • Not Asleep
  • TestMonkey
  • AdamT
  • Piston

Completed 2022:
  • Aja
  • TestMonkey
  • Spectromixer
  • hiredhand
  • Piston
  • Easy_G
  • Not Asleep
  • Alraun
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Nov 3, 2017
TestMonkey - 108/50 books | 64/50 movies

  1. Opera 101: A Complete Guide to Learning and Loving Opera by Fred Plotkin
  2. Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear
  3. Stone Mad by Elizabeth Bear
  4. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  5. Carrie and Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story by Carol Burnett
  6. Death's End by Cixin Liu
  7. Hooked: Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions by Michael Moss
  8. Feral Creatures by Kira Jane Buxton
  9. 100 Things We've Lost to the Internet by Pamela Paul
  10. How to Survive America by D. L. Hughley and Doug Moe
  11. The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson
  12. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
  13. Canticle by R.A. Salvatore
  14. Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles — and All of Us by Rana Foroohar
  15. I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales from a Happy Life Without Kids by Jen Kirkman
  16. Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry
  17. The Dragon Factory by Jonathan Maberry
  18. The King of Plagues by Jonathan Maberry
  19. Assassin's Code by Jonathan Maberry
  20. Joe Ledger: Special Ops by Jonathan Maberry
  21. Why Time Flies: A Mostly Scientific Investigation by Alan Burdick
  22. Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America by John McWhorter
  23. What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: 170 Tips for Living Well with Diabetes by The American Diabetes Association
  24. The Big Fella: Babe Ruth and the World He Created by Jane Leavy
  25. The Friend by Sigrid Nunez
  26. Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide by John Cleese
  27. In Sylvan Shadows by R. A. Salvatore
  28. The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington by Jennet Conant
  29. The Grey Bastards by Jonathan French
  30. Emperor Mollusk Versus The Sinister Brain by A. Lee Martinez
  31. Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything by Lydia Kang and Nate Pedersen
  32. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
  33. Patient Zero: A Curious History of the World's Worst Diseases by Lydia Kang and Nate Pedersen
  34. The Power of Chowa: Finding Your Inner Strength Through the Japanese Concept of Balance and Harmony by Akemi Tanaka
  35. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
  36. Amongst Our Weapons by Ben Aaronovitch
  37. The Art Of Apex Legends
  38. Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power by Rachel Maddow
  39. Seriously... I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres
  40. Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott
  41. Earth (The Audiobook): A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race presented by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
  42. Oh, the Things I Know! A Guide to Success, or Failing That, Happiness by Al Franken
  43. Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu
  44. Mark Twain: A Life by Ron Powers
  45. Sleepyhead: The Neuroscience of a Good Night's Rest by Henry Nicholls
  46. One Two Three by Laurie Frankel
  47. A Call for Revolution: A Vision for the Future by Dalai Lama and Sofia Stril-Rever
  48. How to Drag a Body and Other Safety Tips You Hope to Never Need: Survival Tricks for Hacking, Hurricanes, and Hazards Life Might Throw at You by Judith Matloff
  49. Ball Lightning by Liu Cixin
  50. My Mess Is a Bit of a Life: Adventures in Anxiety by Georgia Pritchett
  51. In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume
  52. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog by Chad Orzel
  53. We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe by Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson
  54. Joyland by Stephen King
  55. Severance by Ling Ma
  56. Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
  57. Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan
  58. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
  59. The Crimson Campaign by Brian McClellan
  60. Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age by Sherry Turkle
  61. How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog by Chad Orzel
  62. The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan
  63. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
  64. The Second Life of Nick Mason by Steve Hamilton
  65. The Library of the Unwritten by A. J. Hackwith
  66. I'd Like to Play Alone, Please by Tom Segura
  67. There There by Tommy Orange
  68. The Girls: An All-American Town, a Predatory Doctor, and the Untold Story of the Gymnasts Who Brought Him Down by Abigail Pesta
  69. Razzmatazz by Christopher Moore
  70. The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C. M. Waggoner
  71. The Old Woman with the Knife by Gu Byeong-mo
  72. Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers by Chip Heath and Karla Starr
  73. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  74. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  75. Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
  76. The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman
  77. Sisters of the Vast Black by Lina Rather
  78. Constance Verity Destroys the Universe by A. Lee Martinez
  79. Sisters of the Forsaken Stars by Lina Rather
  80. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab
  81. The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
  82. The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz
  83. Suburban Dicks by Fabian Nicieza
  84. Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser by Roy Peter Clark
  85. The Self-Made Widow by Fabian Nicieza
  86. Outcasts United: A Refugee Team, an American Town by Warren St. John
  87. If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe by Jason Pargin
  88. Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer
  89. Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold
  90. Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis
  91. Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
  92. How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question by Michael Schur
  93. Speed Reading Secrets of the World's Fastest Reader: How you could Double (or even triple) Your Reading Speed by Howard Stephen Berg
  94. The Raven: Soaring Through History, Legend, & Lore by Lynn Hassler
  95. The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold
  96. Penric's Demon by Lois McMaster Bujold
  97. Terminal Peace by Jim C. Hines
  98. The Joy of Sweat: The Strange Science of Perspiration by Sarah Everts
  99. Penric and the Shaman by Lois McMaster Bujold
  100. Penric's Fox by Lois McMaster Bujold
  101. Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky
  102. Penric's Mission by Lois McMaster Bujold
  103. Mira's Last Dance by Lois McMaster Bujold
  104. Prisoner of Limnos by Lois McMaster Bujold
  105. Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku
  106. What Are the Chances?: Why We Believe in Luck by Barbara Blatchley
  107. Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark
  108. City of Bones by Martha Wells
  1. Moneyball
  2. Rigoletto (1982)
  3. Jonah Hex
  4. The Alpinist
  5. Mission: Impossible III
  6. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
  7. Ali Wong: Don Wong
  8. The Battered Bastards of Baseball
  9. Key Lewis: Half Black, Half White, Looks Mexican
  10. Ms. Pat: Y'all Wanna Hear Something Crazy?
  11. Taylor Tomlinson: Look At You
  12. The Adam Project
  13. Sample This
  14. Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution
  15. Downfall: The Case Against Boeing
  16. Can We Take a Joke?
  17. Iliza Shlesinger: Over & Over
  18. Argo
  19. The Mark
  20. A Kick in the Attitude
  21. Tom Clancy's Without Remorse
  22. Ronny Chieng: Speakeasy
  23. Everything Everywhere All at Once
  24. Jeff Foxworthy: The Good Old Days
  25. Shayne Smith: Prison for Wizards
  26. Shayne Smith: Alligator Boys
  27. Mike Goodwin: WhatchaNotGoneDo Is Not Laugh At These Jokes!
  28. Enemy of the State
  29. The Accountant
  30. Christina P: Mom Genes
  31. Tammy Pescatelli: "Way After School Special"
  32. Tooth Fairy
  33. Operation Mincemeat
  34. Old Henry
  35. Hitman
  36. Date Night
  37. Fat Albert
  38. The Hall: Honoring George Carlin, Joan Rivers, Robin Williams and Richard Pryor
  39. Norm Macdonald: Nothing Special
  40. Dirty Daddy: The Bob Saget Tribute
  41. Amy Schumer Presents: Parental Advisory
  42. Bedazzled (2000)
  43. The Mortuary Collection
  44. Videodrome
  45. Shrek Forever After
  46. Cristela Alonzo: Middle Classy
  47. Bill Burr Presents: Friends Who Kill
  48. The Spy Next Door
  49. Corey Rodrigues: People Whisperer
  50. A Futile and Stupid Gesture
  51. Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks
  52. Whitney Cummings: Jokes
  53. Liz Miele: The Ghost of Academic Future
  54. Sam Morril: Same Time Tomorrow
  55. Uncharted
  56. Iliza Shlesinger: Hot Forever
  57. This is 40
  58. Facing Nolan
  59. Neal Brennan: Blocks
  60. Deon Cole: Charleen's Boy
  61. Patton Oswalt: We All Scream
  62. Tom Papa: What A Day!
  63. Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would
  64. Bullet Train

2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
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Oct 25, 2017
Spectromixer - 64/50 Books | 86/50 Movies

| Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec |

  1. The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
  2. The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan*
  3. Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Twilight Zone by Mark Dawidziak
  4. Mythos by Stephen Fry
  5. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
  6. Lock In by John Scalzi
  7. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
  8. Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
  9. The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
  10. The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson*
  11. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
  12. Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Shaw
  13. Heroes by Stephen Fry
  14. Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan
  15. Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan*
  16. Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden's Syndrome by John Scalzi
  17. This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone
  18. The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
  19. The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson*
  20. New Spring By Robert Jordan
  21. The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson
  22. The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
  23. Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
  24. The Kaiiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
  25. Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow
  26. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
  27. Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan
  28. Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan*
  29. Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reed
  30. Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson
  31. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  32. Troy by Stephen Fry
  33. A Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan
  34. A Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan*
  35. The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson
  36. The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
  37. Mistborn: Secret History by Brandon Sanderson
  38. Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman
  39. The Toll by Neal Shusterman
  40. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
  41. Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski
  42. A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
  43. Disrupting the Game by Reggie Fils-Aimé
  44. Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert
  45. Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert*
  46. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
  47. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
  48. The First Binding by R.R. Virdi
  49. The World of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson
  50. The Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan
  51. The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay
  52. Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones
  53. Elantris by Brandon Sander
  54. My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
  55. Winter's Heart by Robert Jordan
  56. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
  57. The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson
  58. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
  59. The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson
  60. Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan
  61. The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
  62. Babel: An Arcane History by RF Kuang
  63. The Lives of Saints by Leigh Bardugo
  64. The Institute by Stephen King

*over 500 pages, counted twice

  1. Mirror (1975) dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
  2. Faust (1926) dir. F.W. Murnau
  3. Encanto (2021) dir. Byron Howard, Jared Bush
  4. The Poison Rose (2019) dir. George Gallo, Francesco Cinquemani
  5. The Spirit of the Beehive (1973) dir. Víctor Erice
  6. Uncharted (2022) dir. Ruben Fleischer
  7. Titane (2021) dir. Julia Ducournau
  8. Jules and Jim (1962) dir. François Truffaut
  9. No Exit (2022) dir. Damien Power
  10. The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reeves
  11. The Weekend Away (2022) dir. Kim Farrant
  12. Fresh (2022) dir. Mimi Cave
  13. West Side Story (2021) dir. Steven Spielberg
  14. CODA (2021) dir. Siân Heder
  15. Morbius (2022) dir. Daniel Espinosa
  16. Death on the Nile (2022) dir. Kenneth Branagh
  17. Kimi (2022) dir. Steven Soderbergh
  18. Turning Red (2022) dir. Domee Shi
  19. Scream 4 (2011) dir. Wes Craven
  20. Scream (2022) dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
  21. The Adam Project (2022) dir. Shawn Levy
  22. The Night House (2020) dir. David Bruckner
  23. The Killers (1946) dir. Robert Siodmak
  24. Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) dir. Daniel Scheinert, Daniel Kwan
  25. X (2022) dir. Ti West
  26. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022) dir. David Yates
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) dir. Jeff Fowler
  28. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) dir. Sam Raimi
  29. The 355 (2022) dir. Simon Kinberg
  30. Amanda Knox (2016) dir. Rod Blackhurst, Brian McGinn
  31. The Northman (2022) dir. Robert Eggers
  32. Top Gun: Maverick (2022) dir. Joseph Kosinski
  33. Jurassic World Dominion (2022) dir. Colin Trevorrow
  34. Mulholland Drive (2001) dir. David Lynch
  35. Wild at Heart (1990) dir. David Lynch
  36. Blue Velvet (1986) dir. David Lynch
  37. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) dir. Taika Waititi
  38. The Gray Man (2022) dir. Anthony and Joe Russo
  39. The Bad Guys (2022) dir. Pierre Perifel
  40. Nope (2022) dir. Jordan Peele
  41. Minions: Rise of Gru (2022) dir. Kyle Balda
  42. Prey (2022) dir. Dan Trachtenberg
  43. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (2022) dir. Tetsuro Kodama
  44. Bullet Train (2022) dir. David Leitch
  45. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Movie: Mugen Train (2020) dir. Haruo Sotozaki
  46. Lightyear (2022) dir. Angus MacLane
  47. Elvis (2022) dir. Baz Luhrmann
  48. Nobody (2021) dir. Ilya Naishuller
  49. Pinocchio (2022) dir. Robert Zemeckis
  50. It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012) dir. Don Hertzfeldt
  51. Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (2021) dir. Sunghoo Park
  52. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) dir. F. W. Murnau
  53. Halloween Ends (2022) dir. David Gordan Greene
  54. Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) dir. Anne Fletcher
  55. The Black Phone (2021) dir. Scott Derrickson
  56. Pearl (2022) dir. Ti West
  57. Old (2021) dir. M. Night Shaymalan
  58. Black Adam (2022) dir. Jaume Collet-Serra
  59. All Hallows' Eve (2013) dir. Damien Leone
  60. Terrifier (2016) dir. Damien Leone
  61. Barbarian (2022) dir. Zach Cregger
  62. Don't Worry Darling (2022) dir. by Olivia Wilde
  63. Smile (2022) dir. Parker Finn
  64. Terrifier 2 (2022) dir. Damien Leone
  65. Son of the White Mare (1981) dir. Marcell Jankovics
  66. Pather Panchali (1955) dir. Satyajit Ray
  67. Aparajito (1955) dir. Satyajit Ray
  68. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
  69. Apur Sansar (1959) dir. Satyajit Ray
  70. Whisper of the Heart (1995) dir. Yoshifumi Kondō
  71. Millennium Actress (2001) dir. Satoshi Kon
  72. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) dir. Ryan Coogler
  73. Enola Holmes 2 (2022) dir. Harry Bradbeer
  74. House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi
  75. Embrace of the Serpent (2015) dir. Ciro Guerra
  76. The Wind Rises (2013) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
  77. Devotion (2022) dir. J.D. Dillard
  78. A Christmas Story Christmas (2022) dir. Clay Kaytis
  79. Amsterdam (2022) dir. David O. Russell
  80. The Noel Diary (2022) dir. Charles Shyer
  81. Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) dir. James Cameron
  82. Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) dir. Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson
  83. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) dir. Rian Johnson
  84. Strange World (2022) dir. Don Hall
  85. Inland Empire (2006) dir. David Lynch
  86. Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) dir. Chantal Akerman

52 TV Seasons 2022 Edition

Old challenges

🎉 2021 - 62/50 Books | 96/50 Movies 🎉
🎉 2020 - 56/50 Books | 115/50 Movies 🎉
2019 - 28/50 Books | 86/50 Movies
🎉 2018 - 50/50 Books | 147/50 Movies 🎉
2017 - 43/50 Books | 69/50 Movies
2016 - 19/50 Books | 57/50 Movies
2015 - 05/50 Books | 18/50 Movies
2014 - 08/50 Books | 14/50 Movies
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Nov 11, 2017
oooo I'm in again.

This year I only will hit the movie goal, not the book goal because... and this is a shock I know... I actually played a lot more games. I feel so ashamed.

Here we go

Biske - 09/50 books | 64/50 movies

  1. Revival - Stephen King
  2. The Push - Ashley Audrain
  3. The Stench of Honolulu - Jack Handey
  4. Moon Witch, Spider King - Marlon James - amazing series
  5. Happy People are Annoying - Josh Peck
  6. Immune - Phillip Dettmer
  7. The Kite Runner
  8. Dragons of Deceit
  9. I'm Glad My Mom Died: Janette McCurdy

  1. Train To Busan
  2. The Matrix: Resurrections
  3. Eternals
  4. The Will Be Blood
  5. The Master
  6. Good Time
  7. The Grand Budapest Hotel
  8. The Founder
  9. The Courier
  10. The Monuments Men
  11. Proxima
  12. spencer
  13. Clouds of Sils Maria
  14. The Lost City of Z
  15. The Mitchell's VS the Machines
  16. The Adam Project
  17. Turning Red
  18. The Batman
  19. The Lost Daughter
  20. The Guilty
  21. Kate
  22. Security
  23. Reign of Fire
  24. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
  25. Ghost of Frankenstein
  26. Metal Lords
  27. Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
  28. Death on the Nile
  29. Sonic
  30. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
  31. Doctor Strange
  32. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
  33. Black Widow
  34. Guns Akimbo
  35. Firestarter
  36. The Lost City
  37. Harlock
  38. Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers
  39. The Northman
  40. Sonic 2
  41. Experimenter
  42. The Damned United
  43. No Time to Die
  44. The Electrical Life of Louis Wain
  45. Call me by Your Name
  46. The Road
  47. Elvis
  48. Enola Holmes
  49. RRR
  50. The Gray Man
  51. Rise of the TMNT: The Movie
  52. Licorice PIzza
  53. Bullet Train
  54. Prey
  55. Dragonball Super: Super Hero
  56. Dont Worry Darling
  57. Amsterdam
  58. Draculat Untold
  59. One Piece: Red
  60. Slumberland
  61. Wakanda Forever
  62. Terminator Genisys
  63. Glass Onion
  64. Avatar 2 The Way of Water
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Oct 28, 2017
Imma try and do this. Going to watch this thread and update as I go.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Reserving my spot for movies again. Did the 50 movie challenge in 2021. And in 2020.


1: Encanto (2021). Dir. Jared Bush, Byron Howard, Charise Castro Smith. Watched: January 5th.
2: Eternals (2021). Dir. Chloé Zhao. Watched: January 13th.
3: Nobody (2021). Dir. Ilya Naishuller. Watched: January 29th.
4: Free Guy (2021). Dir. Shawn Levy. Watched: February 25th.
5: Injustice (2021). Dir. Matt Peters. Watched: February 26th.
6: The King's Man (2021). Dir. Matthew Vaughn. Watched: March 6th.
7: Justice Society: World War II (2021). Dir. Jeff Wamester. Watched: March 7th.
8: Turning Red (2022). Dir. Domee Shi. Watched: March 11th.
9: Batman: Soul of the Dragon (2021). Dir. Sam Liu. Watched: March 14th.
10: Batman: The Long Halloween Part One (2021). Dir. Chris Palmer. Watched: March 15th.
11: Batman: The Long Halloween Part Two (2021). Dir. Chris Palmer. Watched: March 18th.
12: The Adam Project (2022). Dir. Shawn Levy. Watched: March 19th.
13: London Has Fallen (2016). Dir. Babak Najafi. Watched: April 2nd.
14: tick, tick... BOOM! (2021). Dir. Lin-Manuel Miranda. Watched: April 8th.
15: Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021). Dir. Jason Reitman. Watched: April 12th.
16: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021). Dir. Jon Watts. Watched: April 14th.
17: The Batman (2022). Dir. Matt Reeves. Watched: April 18th.
18: Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021). Dir. Andy Serkis. Watched: April 19th.
19: Zombieland: Double Tap (2019). Dir. Ruben Fleischer. Watched: April 21st.
20: Death on the Nile (2022). Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Watched: April 22nd.
21: Drag Me To Hell (2009). Dir. Sam Raimi. Watched: May 7th.
22: Old (2021). Dir. M. Night Shyamalan. Watched: May 13th.
23: Uncharted (2022). Dir. Ruben Fleischer. Watched: May 14th.
24: My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2019). Dir. Kenji Nagasaki. Watched: May 19th.
25: Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022). Dir. Akiva Schaffer. Watched: May 20th.
26: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2022). Dir. Jeff Fowler. Watched: May 26th.
27: Lupin III: The First (2019). Dir. Takashi Yamazaki. Watched: June 4th.
28: Coming 2 America (2021). Dir. Craig Brewer. Watched: June 13th.
29: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022). Dir. Sam Raimi. Watched: June 23rd.
30: Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe (2022). Dir. John Rice and Albert Calleros. Watched: June 23rd.
31: Psych 3: This Is Gus (2021). Dir. Steve Franks. Watched: July 11th.
32: Catwoman: Hunted (2022). Dir. Shinsuke Terasawa. Watched: July 12th.
33: Spiderhead (2022). Dir. Joseph Kosinski. Watched: July 15th.
34: The Gray Man (2022). Dir. Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. Watched: July 28th.
35: Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022). Dir. Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. Watched: August 1st.
36: Lightyear (2022). Dir. Angus MacLane. Watched: August 4th.
37: Prey (2022). Dir. Dan Trachtenberg. Watched: August 9th.
38: Last Night in Soho (2021). Dir. Edgar Wright. Watched: August 13th.
39: Day Shift (2022). Dir. JJ Perry. Watched: August 15th.
40: Spider-Man (2002). Dir. Sam Raimi. Watched: September 6th.
41: Thor: Love And Thunder (2022). Dir. Taika Waititi. Watched: September 8th.
42: Spider-Man 2 (2004). Dir. Sam Raimi. Watched: September 11th.
43: Spider-Man 3 (2007). Dir. Sam Raimi. Watched: September 18th.
44: Do Revenge (2022). Dir. Jennifer Kaytin Robinson. Watched: September 19th.
45: DC League of Super-Pets (2022). Dir. Jared Stern. Watched: September 27th.
46: Galaxy Quest (1999). Dir. Dean Parisot. Watched: October 3rd.
47: Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016). Dir. Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone. Watched: October 12th.
48: Enola Holmes 2 (2022). Dir. Harry Bradbeer. Watched: November 6th.
49: Nope (2022). Dir. Jordan Peele. Watched: November 18th.
50: Mary and The Witch's Flower (2017). Dir. Hiromasa Yonebayashi. Watched: November 20th.

50 Movies Watched.

51: Green Lantern: Beware My Power (2022). Dir. Jeff Wamester. Watched: November 24th.
52: Willow (1988). Dir. Ron Howard. Watched: December 11th.
53: Black Adam (2022). Dir. Jaume Collet-Serra. Watched: December 16th.
54: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022). Dir. Rian Johnson. Watched: December 24th.
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Jan 6, 2019
Sarvijoki - 0/50 books | 0/50 movies

  1. Bismarck by Jonathan Steinberg

  1. The Lighthouse
  2. Don't Look Up - Drags a bit but pretty entertaining.

I've had problems pulling myself together to start books on my list. Both fiction and non-fiction. I'm going to try the "read first pages" for fiction and "read the introduction and conclusion" for non-fiction. So there's less of a comitment.
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Oct 25, 2017
Tragicomedy - 21/50 books | 30/50 movies

  1. The Night the Lights Went Out - Drew Magary (2021)
  2. Piranesi - Susanna Clarke (2020)
  3. The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green (2021)
  4. Kook: What Surfing Taught Me About Love, Life, and Catching the Perfect Wave - Peter Heller (2010)
  5. Leviathan Falls - James S.A. Corey (2021)
  6. Leviathan Falls - James S.A. Corey (2021) *
  7. The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen (2010)
  8. The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen (2010) *
  9. One Punch Man, Vol 22 - ONE (2020)
  10. One Punch Man, Vol 23 - ONE (2021)
  11. A Psalm for the Wild-Built - Becky Chambers (2021)
  12. Spy x Family, Vol 1 - Tatsuya Endo (2020)
  13. Spy x Family, Vol 2 - Tatsuya Endo (2020)
  14. Spy x Family, Vol 3 - Tatsuya Endo (2020)
  15. Freedom - Jonathan Franzen (2010)
  16. Freedom - Jonathan Franzen (2010) *
  17. Book Lovers - Emily Henry (2022)
  18. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick (1974)
  19. One Piece, Vol 1 - Eiichiro Oda (1997)
  20. One Piece, Vol 2 - Eiichiro Oda (1998)
  21. One Piece, Vol 3 - Eiichiro Oda (1998)

  1. Language Lessons (2021)
  2. The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
  3. Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)
  4. Encanto (2021)
  5. Home Team (2022)
  6. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
  7. The Batman (2022)
  8. The Bad Guys (2022)
  9. Turning Red (2022)
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
  12. Cheaper by the Dozen (2022)
  13. Bo Burnham: Inside (2021)
  14. Bo Burnham: Make Happy (2016)
  15. We Feed People (2022)
  16. The Biggest Little Farm (2018)
  17. The Lost City (2022)
  18. Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
  19. Jurassic World Dominion (2022)
  20. Father of the Bride (2022)
  21. Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
  22. Death on the Nile (2022)
  23. Lightyear (2022)
  24. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
  25. Norm Macdonald: Hitler's Dog, Gossip & Trickery (2017)
  26. Rise (2022)
  27. Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022)
  28. Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau (2013)
  29. Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022)
  30. The Deepest Cave (2022)

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Oct 25, 2017
TEP - 9/50 books | 9/50 movies


  1. The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien (1954)
  2. You Sexy Thing - Cat Rambo (2021)
  3. The Two Towers - J.R.R. Tolkien (1954)
  4. The Thursday Murder Club - Richard Osman (2020)
  5. The Return of the King - J.R.R. Tolkien (1955)
  6. The A.B.C. Murders - Agatha Christie (1936)
  7. The Man Who Died Twice - Richard Osman (2021)
  8. Leviathan Wakes - James S.A. Corey (2011)
  9. The Maid - Nita Prose (2022)
  1. The Great Muppet Caper (1981)
  2. Muppet Treasure Island (1996)
  3. Midnight Run (1988)
  4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
  5. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
  6. The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
  7. Dredd (2012)
  8. Drunken Master (1978)
  9. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
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Oct 25, 2017
ThisOneHasNoName - 04/50 Books | 04/50 Movies

01. Squad (2021) - Maggie Tokuda Hall and Lisa Sterle - ★★★
02. Air Awakens (2015) - Elise Kova - ★★★½
03. Frankenstein (1821) - Mary Shelly - ★★★★½
04. The Great Gatsby (1925) - F. Scott Fitzgerald - ★★★★

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
100 Things Every Wrestling Fan Should Do Before They Die
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Book One): The Lightning Thief

01. The Matrix Resurrections (2021) - ★★★★
02. The Importance of Being Earnest (1952) - ★★★
03. The Batman (2022) - ★★★★½
04. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) - ★★★★

No Time To Die
The Green Knight
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Nov 2, 2017
LaughingGear - 4/50 books | 9/50 movies


1. Stay Another Day (Juno Dawson, 2021)
2. And Away... (Bob Mortimer, 2021)
3. Small Things Like These (Claire Keegan, 2021)
4. Tokyo Ueno Station (Yu Miri, 2014)


1. Goodbye Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-Liang, 2003)
2. Drive My Car (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021)
3. Mysterious Skin (Gregg Araki, 2004)
4. Lake Mungo (Joel Anderson, 2008)
5. Sonatine (Takeshi Kitano, 1993)
6. The Sound of Music (Robert Wise, 1965)
7. Simone Barbès or Virtue (Marie-Claude Treilhou, 1980)
8. Belle (Mamoru Hosoda, 2021)
9. Velvet Goldmine (Todd Haynes, 1998)
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The FuzzPig

Oct 31, 2017
Thefuzzpig - 50/50 books

1. Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Vol.8 ★★★?
2. Hell mode Vol.1 (standard reincarnation light
3. Hell mode Vol.2 novel)
4.H.P Lovecraft Tales of horror ( collection, over
5.H.P Lovecraft Tales of horror 500 pages)
6.private tutor to a dukes daughter
7.trapped in a dating sim, the world of otome games is tough for a mob
8. The island of Dr. Moreau h.g Wells
9. The adventures of Tom Sawyer
10. The apothecary diary's 4
11. The invisible man
12. Treasure Island
13. The Prince and the Pauper
14. The adventures of sherlock holmes
15. The war of the worlds
16. Rhythm of war ( over 500 pages)
17. Rhythm of war
18. Prince Otto
19. Kidnapped
20. Private tutor to the a dukes daughter 2
21.kuma kuma kuma bear 9
22. Adventures of huckleberry finn
23. The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
24. The first men in the moon
25. Prison life is easy for a villainess
26. The black Arrow
27. Bibliophile Princess 2
28. A connecticut yankee in king Arthur's court
29. The return of Sherlock Holmes
30. The food of the Gods
31. Kuma kuma kuma bear 10
32. Sailor moon manga
33. The master of Ballantrae
34. Prison life is easy for a villainess 2
35. Private tutor to a dukes daughter 3
36. The tragedy of pudd'nhead Wilson
37. The hound of the Baskervilles
38. The secret garden
39. David Balfour
40. The Mabinogion
41. The valley of fear
42. Kuma kuma kuma bear 11
43. The once and future king
44. The once and future king
45. The railway children
46. His last bow
47. Jurassic park
48. Robinson crusoe
49. Kiki's delivery service
50. The case-book of sherlock holmes
51. The lost world
52. Moby-dick
53. Moby-dick
54. The story of Roland
55. Kuma kuma kuma bear 11.5
56. Paradise lost
57. Penguin highway
58. Dracula
59. Dracula
60. Kuma kuma kuma bear 12
61. Frankenstein
62. Murder on the orient express
63. The murder of Roger Ackroyd
64. Curtain poirot's last case
65. The weakest tamer began a journey to pick up trash vol 1

I might as well try this, I've been reading though some classic books recently, and I got a whole bunch of leather bound collections for Christmas.
Not sure how far I'll get as I only read for half an hour each night, but we'll see.
First got to finish my current book, got about 100 pages of the barnes and noble leatherbound grimms fairy tales left to read, should finish soon, and then start on one of my Christmas books.
(Thinking sherlock holmes, h.p lovecraft or H.g Wells, we'll see what I feel like)

Edit. Completely forgot I sometimes read light novels during my breaks at work, mostly rubbish about nothing with next to no plot, but they are still books. Still probably won't reach 50 books though.
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Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
RatskyWatsky - 3/50 Books | 18/50 Movies


1. Boy's State | 2020 | ★★★ 1/2
2. Irma Vep | 1996 | ★★★
3. Jurassic World: Dominion | 2022 | ★★ 1/2
4. Wolfwalkers | 2020 | ★★★ 1/2
5. The Favourite | 2018 | ★★★★
6. Phantom Thread | 2017 | ★★★ 1/2
7. The Farewell | 2019 | ★★★★
8. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift | 2006 | ★★★
9. The Bob's Burgers Movie | 2022 | ★★ 1/2
10. Avatar: The Way of Water | 2022 | ★★★
11. Highlander | 1986 | ★★★
12. The First Wives Club | 1996 | ★★★
13. The Banshees of Inisherin | 2022 | ★★★★ 1/2
14. The Rocky Horror Picture Show | 1975 | ★★★ 1/2
15. Suicide Squad | 2021 | ★★★
16. Blazing Saddles | 1974 | ★★★★
17. 8 Mile | 2002 | ★★★ 1/2
18. Call Me By Your Name | 2017 | ★★★★


1. Tropic of the Sea | Satoshi Kon | 1999 | ★★★★
2. Dream Fossil: The Complete Stories of Satoshi Kon | Satoshi Kon | 2011 | ★★★ 1/2
3. The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones | George R. R. Martin, Elio M. García Jr., and Linda Antonsson | 2014 | ★★★★

Hoping to read more books this year! Even if they are just manga >__>
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Not Asleep

Oct 25, 2017
Not Asleep - 52/50 Books | 73/50 Movies + TV Shows


  1. The Sleeping Beauties - Suzanne O'Sullivan ★★★★1/2
  2. The Secret Lives of Color - Kassia St Clair ★★★★
  3. Drive - Daniel Pink ★★★★
  4. The Secret Life of Food - Matt Siegel ★★★★
  5. Annoying - Joe Palca & Flora Lichtman ★★★1/2
  6. Sex Cult Nun - Faith Jones ★★★
  7. I'll Take Your Questions Now - Stephanie Grisham ★★
  8. How the Other Half Eats - Priya Fielding-Singh ★★★★1/2
  9. The Betrayal of Anne Frank - Rosemary Sullivan ★★★★1/2
  10. The Food of a Younger Land - Mark Kurlansky ★★★1/2
  11. Flying Blind - Peter Robinson ★★★★1/2
  12. To Marry an English Lord ★★★★
  13. The Debt Trap - Josh Mitchell ★★★★1/2
  14. Both/And - Huma Abedin ★★★1/2
  15. Deaf Utopia - Nyle DiMarco ★★★★
  16. All-of-a-Kind Family - Sydney Taylor ★★★★
  17. A Doll's House - Henrik Ibsen ★★★★
  18. The State Must Provide - Adam Harris ★★★★1/2
  19. Brothers and Wives - Christopher Anderson ★★★1/2
  20. Indebted - Caitlin Zaloom ★★★1/2
  21. Kill All Normies - Angela Nagle ★★★
  22. Pandora's Jar - Natalie Haynes ★★★★1/2
  23. Calypso - David Sedaris ★★★★
  24. Very Important People - Ashley Mears ★★★★
  25. Mothercoin - Elizabeth Muñoz ★★★★1/2
  26. Happy-Go-Lucky - David Sedaris ★★★1/2
  27. Heiresses - Laura Thompson ★★★1/2
  28. Under the Banner of Heaven - Jon Krakauer ★★★★
  29. Burn Rate - Andy Dunn ★★★1/2
  30. The Man Without a Face - Masha Gessen ★★★★
  31. Putin's World - Angela Stent ★★★★
  32. Pedigree - Lauren Rivera ★★★★1/2
  33. Left on Tenth - Delia Ephron ★★★1/2
  34. Work Pray Code - Carolyn Chen ★★★★1/2
  35. The Doomsday Mother - John Glatt ★★1/2
  36. The Great Stewardess Rebellion - Nell McShane Wulfhart ★★★★1/2
  37. Hijacking History - Kathleen Wellman ★★★
  38. Rabid - Bill Wasik & Monica Murphy ★★★★
  39. Worn - Sofi Thanhauser ★★★★1/2
  40. In Order to Live - Yeonmi Park ★★★1/2
  41. Essential Labor - Angela Garbes ★★1/2
  42. $2.00 a Day - Katheryn Edin & H. Luke Shaefer ★★★★
  43. Ordinary Insanity - Sarah Menkedick ★★★★
  44. The Great Beanie Bubble - Zac Bissonnette ★★★★
  45. Index, A History of - Dennis Duncan ★★★★
  46. The Ukrainian Night - Marci Shore ★★★★
  47. Becoming FDR - Jonathan Darman ★★★★
  48. Quit - Annie Duke ★★★1/2
  49. Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies - Seth M. Holmes ★★★★
  50. Normal Family - Christa Bilton ★★★
  51. The White House Plumbers - Egil and Matthew Krogh ★★★
  52. Influenced - Brian Boxer Wachler ★★1/2

  1. Being the Ricardos (2021) ★★★
  2. Batman (1989) ★★★
  3. Encanto (2021) ★★★★1/2
  4. Introducing, Selma Blair ★★★★1/2
  5. Downfall (2022) ★★★1/2
  6. Undercurrent (2022) ★★★★
  7. No Time to Die (2021) ★★★★1/2
  8. Ukraine on Fire (2015) ★★★★★
  9. Newsies: Live on Broadway (2017) ★★★1/2
  10. The VVitch (2015) ★★★★
  11. Turning Red (2021) ★★★★1/2
  12. Pelosi's Power (2022) ★★★★
  13. Lucy and Desi (2022) ★★★★
  14. Jimmy Savile (2022) ★★★1/2
  15. Mischa and the Wolves (2021) ★★★★
  16. Carrie (1976) ★★★★
  17. Our Father (2022) ★★★1/2
  18. Fresh (2022) ★★★★1/2
  19. Censor (2021) ★★★1/2
  20. The Free Fall (2022) ★★★
  21. Run (2020) ★★★★1/2
  22. Stay (2005) ★★★★
  23. Fire Island (2022) ★★★★1/2
  24. Level 16 (2018) ★★★★
  25. Sightless (2020) ★★★1/2
  26. Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018) ★★★1/2
  27. About Face (2012) ★★★
  28. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) ★★★1/2
  29. Down (2019) ★★★★
  30. The Maid's Room (2013) ★★★1/2
  31. West Side Story (2021) ★★★★
  32. Spencer (2021) ★★★★
  33. House of Gucci (2021) ★★★
  34. Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) ★★★
  35. Insomnia (2002) ★★★1/2
  36. Bird Box (2020) ★★★★
  37. The Good Nurse (2022) ★★★★
  38. Fractured (2019) ★★★★
  39. Synchronic (2019) ★★★
  40. Enchanted (2007) ★★★1/2
  41. Free Guy (2021) ★★★★
  42. Disenchanted (2022) ★★★
  43. Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) ★★★1/2

TV Shows (Seasons)
  1. American Crime Story: Impeachment (2021) ★★★1/2
  2. Cheer (S2, 2021) ★★★1/2
  3. How to with John Wilson (S1, 2020) ★★★★1/2
  4. My Mom, Your Dad (2022) ★★★1/2
  5. Love is Blind (S2, 2022) ★★★1/2
  6. The Dropout (2022) ★★★★
  7. The Afterparty (2022) ★★★★
  8. Benjamin Franklin (2022) ★★★★1/2
  9. Russian Doll (S2, 2022) ★★★★
  10. WeCrashed (2022) ★★★1/2
  11. Severance (S1, 2022) ★★★★★
  12. The Big Conn (2022) ★★★1/2
  13. Captive Audience (2022) ★★★1/2
  14. Candy (2022) ★★★1/2
  15. Under the Banner of Heaven (2022) ★★★1/2
  16. The Circle (S4, 2022) ★★★1/2
  17. Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey (2022) ★★★1/2
  18. Obi-Wan (2022) ★★★
  19. Ms Marvel (2022) ★★★★
  20. Surface (2022) ★★★★
  21. Inventing Anna (2022) ★★★
  22. She-Hulk (2022) ★★★★
  23. The Patient (2022) ★★★★★
  24. The US and the Holocaust (2022) ★★★★1/2
  25. High School (2022) ★★★★
  26. The Crown (S5, 2022) ★★★1/2
  27. Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist (2022) ★★★
  28. Limitless (2022) ★★★★1/2
  29. Wednesday (2019) ★★★★
  30. Harry and Meghan (2022) ★★★1/2

Stars for Reviews

Color changes indicate new months.

Past Challenges
2021 - 67/50 books | 78/50 movies
2020 - 61/50 books | 72/50 movies
2019 - 60/50 books | 68/50 movies
2018 - 58/50 books | 52/50 movies
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Sep 15, 2021
Murray97 - 04/50 books | 03/50 movies


1. The Empty Box and Zeroth Maria, Vol. 2 ★★★½
2. Spice & Wolf, Vol. 1 ★★★★
3. Spice & Wolf, Vol. 2 ★★★★
4. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ★★

1. Ant-Man ★★
2. Violet Evergarden: the Movie ★★★★★
3. Demon Slayer: Mugen Train ★★★★★

Not sure how this will go, never really been into reading much but taken an interest in some light novels over Christmas so maybe this is motivation to start out.
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Jan 3, 2018
Zaeia - 23/50 Books | 24/50 Movies

  1. Dune by Frank Herbert (1965) - ★★★★ 1/2
  2. False Economy by Alan Beattie (2009) - ★★★ 1/2
  3. ADHDと自閉症スペクトラムの自分が見つけた未来一親子でふり返った誕生から就職まで by 堀内拓人+堀内祐子 (2019) - ★★★★★
  4. Don't Cry for Me by Daniel Black (2022) - ★★★★
  5. The Alchemy of Us by Ainissa Ramirez (2020) - ★★★★1/2
  6. Chasing the Sun: How the Science of Sunlight Shapes Our Bodies and Minds by Linda Geddes (2019) - ★★★1/2
  7. Strange Medicine: A Shocking History of Real Medicine Practices Through the Ages by Nathan Belofsky (2021) - ★★★★
  8. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (2020) - ★★★1/2
  9. The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons (2021) - ★★★★
  10. Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier (2018) - ★★★1/2
  11. Kamala's Way by Dan Morain (2021) - ★★★★
  12. Who Owns the Future by Jaron Lanier (2013) - ★★★★
  13. The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons (2021) - ★★★★
  14. The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs (2012) - ★★★★
  15. The Temps by Andrew Deyoung (2022) - ★★★
  16. The Old World and The New 1492-1650 by J. H. Elliot (1992) - ★★★★
  17. The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson (2021) - ★★★1/2
  18. I Hope We Choose Love by Kai Cheng Thom (2019) - ★★★★1/2
  19. No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy (2011) - ★★★
  20. High-risers: Cabrini-Green and the Fate of American Public Housing by Ben Austen (2018) - ★★★★★
  21. Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell (2021) - ★★★1/2
  22. Confessions of and Economic Hitman by John Perkins (2005) - ★★★★
  23. Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic by Ben Westhoff (2019) - ★★★★1/2
  24. The House of Wisdom by Jim Al-Khalili
  25. Finding Me by Viola Davis

  1. Matrix Resurrections (2021) - ★★★1/2
  2. Don't Look Up (2022) - ★★★★
  3. The Colony (2021) - ★★★
  4. Paradise Hills (2019) - ★★★
  5. The God Committee (2021) - ★★★★
  6. Tongues United (1989) - ★★★★★
  7. The House (2022) - ★★★1/2
  8. Moonfall (2022) - ★★★
  9. Monster (2004) - ★★★★★
  10. The Power of the Dog (2021) - ★★★★★
  11. The Searchers (1956) - ★★★★
  12. Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (2022) - ★★★
  13. Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) - ★★★★★★★★★★★★ (Loved this so much!)
  14. The Bubble (2022) - ★★★
  15. Hakaider: The Extended Director's Cut (2021) - ★★★★
  16. Master (2022) - ★★★★
  17. The Bubble (2022) - ★★1/2
  18. Legend of the Millennium Dragon (2011) - ★★★1/2
  19. The Beyond (2018) - ★★★
  20. Metal Skin Panic Madox-1 (1987) - ★★★
  21. Vivarium (2021) - ★★1/2
  22. Men (2022) - ★★★★
  23. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - ★★★
  24. Spiderhead (2022) - ★★★
  25. Shirley
  26. Nope
  27. Black Adam
  28. Girls Trip
  29. Laura Craft: Tomb Raider
  30. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
  31. The Family Stone
  32. Exposed: Some Secrets Are Better Left Burried
  33. Barbarian
  34. Tusk
  35. The Bob's Burgers Movie
  36. Wendel & Wild
  37. Causeway
  38. Run Sweetheart Run!
  39. Black As Night
  40. Black Box
  41. Infinity Chamber

  1. Bioshock (NSW) - ★★★★1/2
  2. Toki Tori (NSW) - ★★★
  3. Bastion (NSW) - ★★★★★
  4. Pokemon Legens Arceus (NSW) - ★★★★1/2
  5. Kirby and the Forgotten Land (NSW) - ★★★★
  6. Horizon: Forbidden West (PS5) - ★★★★★
  7. Shadow Warriors 3 (PS5) - ★★★
  8. Stray
  9. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
  10. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna

  1. Life by Igor Levit (2018) - ★★★★
  2. Heaux Tales by Jazmine Sullivan (2021) - ★★★★
  3. 橄榄树 by Chyi Yi (2006) - ★★★★★
  4. mamaru by RuPaul (2022) - ★★★★
  5. BAD モード by Utada Hikaru (2022) - ★★★1/2
  6. 蓦兰 by 阿兰 (2014) - ★★★★
  7. 3金韻奬 by Various (1979) - ★★★★1/2
  8. Poulenc & Milhaud: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Pianos, Scaramouche (1991) - ★★★★
  9. Flamagra (Deluxe Edition) by Flying Lotus (2020) - ★★★★1/2
  10. Montero by Lil Was X (2021) - ★★★★★
  11. Big Mess by Danny Elfman (2021) - ★★★
  12. Clube de Esquina by Milton Nascimiento & Lo Borges (1972) - ★★★★★
  13. Don't by Frank Leone (2020) - ★★★1/2
  14. Ivy to Roses (Mixtape) by Mabel (2019) - ★★★
  15. Ultrasound by WeWereBorn (2018) - ★★1/2
  16. Always Inside Your Head (Expanded) by Lone (2022) - ★★★★
  17. Mood Variant (The Remixes) by Hiatus Kaiyote (2022) - ★★★★★
  18. Echolocations by Lone (2007) - ★★★★★
  19. Heterosexuality by Shamir (2022) - ★★★★
  20. Chi. 1 Vs. 1 by Cynthia Erivo (2021) - ★★★1/2
  21. Doshin The Giant OST by Asano Tatsuhiko (2000) - ★★★★
  22. New Levels New Devils by Polyphia (2018) - ★★★★
  23. Two Eyes by Brenda Russell (1983) - ★★★1/2
  24. Electricity by Ibibio Sound Machine (2022) - ★★★
  25. Renaissance by Beyonce (2022) - ★★★★★
  26. Ego by Trinity the Tuck (2022) - ★★★
  27. Ibb & Obb OST by Kettel (2013) - ★★★1/2
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Oct 28, 2017
Pez - 02/50 Books | 01/50 Movies


  1. Amazing Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 22 - ★★★ 1/2
A fun read, but it definitely felt like they used Spider-Man as a promotional platform to promote other pieces of Marvel media. Also doesn't feel like Roger Stern really did anything with Peter, just a bunch of spidey adventures.​


  1. Harry Pottrr 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts - ★★★
A fine enough trip down memory lane, makes you look forward to sharing these movies with your own kids. Interesting there's no current day interviews from Rowling here, only exerts from 2019 interviews. Also, the live-action dancing bits they did film for this were weird and out of place. This is a talking heads documentary, not a place to try and make a directorial impression, haha.​


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I'll probably never get there with the books, but I've been devouring movies lately, so I'll give this a shot. I've also got every Roald Dahl book loaded up on my Kindle and I can burn through those (and have been) super quickly.

Goldenroad - 04/50 Books | 35/50 Movies


1. James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl ★
3. The Kids in the Hall: One Dumb Guy by Paul Myers ★
4. Blood Sweat and Pixels by Jason Schreier ★


1. Following (1998)
2. The Super Bob Einstein Movie (2021)
3. Memento (2000) ★
4. Insomnia (2002) ★ 1/2
5. The Campaign (2012) ★
6. Taxi Driver (1976) ★★ 1/2
7. Hotel Transylvania (2012) ★
8. Blue Steel (1990) ★
9. Shang-chi and the Legend of theTen Rings (2021) ★
10. The Hurt Locker (2008) ★★ 1/2
11. The Sparks Brothers (2021) ★
12. Detroit (2017) ★
13. Flesh + Blood (1985) ★
14. Starship Troopers (1997) ★
15. Wreck-It Ralph (2012) ★
16. Bad Trip (2021) ★★ 1/2
17. Isle of Dogs (2018) ★★ 1/2
18. Running Scared (1986) ★
19. Midnight Run (1988) ★★ 1/2
20. Terms of Endearment (1983) ★
21. Treasure Planet (2002) ★★ 1/2
22. How Do You Know (2010) ★
23. Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar (2021) ★
24. The Incredibles (2004) ★★★
25. The Post (2017) ★★★
26. Tomorrowland (2015) ★★ 1/2
27. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) ★
28. Anchorman 2 (2013) ★★ 1/2
29. The Batman (2022) ★ 1/2
30. The Incredibles 2 (2018) ★★★
31. Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011)
32. King Kong (1933) ★ 1/2
33. David Crosby: Remember My Name (2019)
34. Good Time (2017) ★ 1/2
35. Sense & Sensibility (1995) ★★ 1/2
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Oct 25, 2017
Piston - 54/50 books (4 re-reads) | 59/50 movies (17 re-watches)


1. Harry Potter's 20th Anniversary Reunion (2022) - ★★★★
2. Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone (2001) - ★★★
3. Lord of the Rings and the Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - ★★★★

Piston's History with 50 Books and 50 Movies:
2021: Books [53/50] , Movies [52/50] - COMPLETED
2020: Books [39/50], Movies [59/50]

I actually managed to do it in 2021 by using the 500+ page clause from the generous rules in the OP. I only really read 45 books... but 8 of them were over 500 pages. Last year I killed it in January and then I more or less coasted until I kicked back in gear to finish in November/December. I think I need to be more consistent this year if I want to be able to do it again.
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Gaucho Power

alt account
Feb 10, 2021
Last year I logged 55 books. This year I probably won't get there. Too many difficult books and too many big books to read.

Well anyway, I'm done with my first book.

1. Bartleby & Co. by Enrique Vila-Matas
It was interesting mix of fact and fib. Not a conventional novel, it is written as a series of footnotes about authors who have stopped writing or who never wrote. Author of the footnotes inserts himself into the notes every now and then asking all kinds of philosophical questions. Lot of name dropping and talk about authors that I have never heard of. Maybe after few more years when I'm bit more erudite I'll return to this book.


Sep 16, 2021
I think there's no way I'll complete 50 books and movies this year but I'll give it a shot. First time for me.

I just finished billy summers by Stephen king but I started it mid month last year. Can I count it?


Oct 25, 2017
I think there's no way I'll complete 50 books and movies this year but I'll give it a shot. First time for me.

I just finished billy summers by Stephen king but I started it mid month last year. Can I count it?

Yes! Anything you finished this year counts. It's not like you counted it for last year.

We used to keep a slightly informal rule about being less than 50% done but that was years ago and nobody is very particular about such things.


Sep 16, 2021
Recreate - 01/50 books | 02/50 movies


1. Billy Summers by Stephen King

1. Black Death
2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I'll add some more formatting later with star ratings etc. I'm currently planning on working through Stephen King's works chronologically so I've gone back to Carrie and I'll skip through whatever I've already completed, wish me luck!


Oct 28, 2017
Hello! This seems like a good place to ask. What is a good android app for book reading tracking?

I have try a couple but I am not in love with any of them.

My goal for the year is 18 books, quite far away of the 50 you guys are aiming for 🥲


Sep 16, 2021
Hello! This seems like a good place to ask. What is a good android app for book reading tracking?

I have try a couple but I am not in love with any of them.

My goal for the year is 18 books, quite far away of the 50 you guys are aiming for 🥲
Goodreads might work for you?


Dec 11, 2017
Alright, I'm in. I buy way too many books relative to what I'm reading and I need to get through the ones I have.

kortvarsel - 11/50 books | 09/50 movies


Why Fish Don't Exist by Lulu Miller ★★★★★
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr ★★★
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho ★★★
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson ★★★★
Exhalation by Ted Chiang ★★★★
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro ★★
Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood ★★★★
Unto a Good Land by Vilhelm Moberg ★★★★★
The Settlers by Vilhelm Moberg ★★★★
The Last Letter Home by Vilhelm Moberg ★★★★★
Telephone by Percival Everett ★★★


The Imitation Game ★★★★
Sully ★★
No Time To Die ★★★
The Lighthouse ★★★★
The Dig
The Eternals
West End Story ★★★
Turning Red ★★★★
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Feb 6, 2019
I'm in.

Since 50 movies is very low compared to my normal viewing habits, I'll try to do 50 films from 50 different countries. To make it a bit easier for myself, I'm counting former countries and their modern equivalents as separate countries (think Russia vs. Soviet Union). For films with no clear one country of origin (like the Danish-French-Belgian-Italian-Dutch-American-British Domino), I use my own discretion on which I consider to be the main country of origin.

hiredhand - 54/50 books | 55/50 movies


1. 2020-luvun yhteiskuntapolitiikka by Osmo Soininvaara ★★★★ - A non-fiction book about social policy in the 2020's. A bit dry in places but never abstruse.

2. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead ★★★★ - An alternative history novel about American slavery. The alternative history (or maybe magical realism would be a more fitting word) elements felt a bit unnecessary.

3. Valkokankaan valtakunta by Kalle Kinnunen ★★★★ - A biography about Finnish film mogul Jukka Mäkelä with lot of interesting behind-the-scenes anecdotes about Finnish film and cinema industry. Main takeaway for me was that in the 80's everyone drank a lot of alcohol.

4. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript In Modern English Prose Translation by Malcolm Andrew and Ronald Waldron ★★★ - Includes three religious narrative poems and arthurian romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Sir Gawain was interesting but the religious texts did nothing for me.

5. And Anyway... by Bob Mortimer ★★★★ - An autobiography by one of the funniest comics around, Bob Mortimer. Funny, honest and surprisingly touching.

6. House of Earth by Woody Guthrie ★★ - Woody Guthrie's only novel, discovered and released in 2013. Feels like a rough draft in need of an editor.

7. Uskon ritarit - Ristiretkien historiaa by Aleksi Peura ★★★ - A non-fiction book about the crusades. Interesting history but I didn't really care for the structure or the informal style of the book.

8. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens ★★★★★ - A classic for a reason. I had the best of times with this one.

9. Selected Short Stories by H.G. Wells ★★★★★ - An anthology of 16 short stories by Wells. The stories are mostly scifi and horror but there are also a few more grounded tales. Surprisingly great with only a few slightly weaker tales.

10. Kim by Rudyard Kipling ★★★ - Adventures of an orphan Irish boy in the late 1890's India. Interesting but frankly I was a bit lost at times as a reader due to the dense prose and my unfamiliarity with the setting.

11. The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli ★★★★ - A classic of political philosophy from 16th century Florence. The book is basically a guidebook for a ruler with rules for governance, diplomacy and warfare.

12. Reeds in the Wind by Grazia Deledda ★★★★ - A realist depiction of early 20th century rural Sardinia by the second woman to have won the Nobel prize for literature. Good stuff.

13. All the Kremlin's Men: Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin by Mikhail Zygar ★★★★ - A well-researched history of Putin's Russia.

14. Loppuunpalamaton by Anni Lötjonen ★★★★ - The debut novel of the Finnish punk singer Anni Lötjönen about a teaching assistant battling with burn-out and depression. A very funny novel despite the seemingly depressing subject matter.

15. Neuromancer by William Gibson ★★★★ - A slight disappointment. I generally like hard scifi but this has just so much technobabble and high concept world building that it is hard to keep up at times. It's still good but I wouldn't put it in the highest tier of scifi with stuff like Solaris, Dune and Foundation.

16. Vihreän kullan kirous: G. A. Serlachiuksen elämä ja afäärit by Teemu Keskisarja ★★★ - A biography about the 19th century Finnish industrialist and patron of arts G.A. Serlachius. I was inspired to read this after seeing a really impressive museum exhibition about his life.

17. The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ★★★★ - The fact that Goethe wrote this in 5.5 weeks when he was 24 makes me feel like such a loser.

18. Folly and Glory by Larry McMurtry ★★★★ - The fourth and final novel of McMurtry's Berrybender Narratives about a British aristocratic family exploring the Old West. An entertaining if not the most profound read.

19. The Nine Cloud Dream by Kim Man-jung ★★★ - A classic of 17th-century Korean literature. I feel like I lacked some cultural context to truly appreciate this (despite the lengthy introduction).

20. Pohjolan leijona: Kustaa II Adolf ja Suomi 1611 - 1632 by Mirkka Lappalainen ★★★★ - A non-fiction work about the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf and his relationship to Finland in particular. Interesting stuff.

21. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel ★★★ - One of the rare cases where I actually prefer the tv adaptation to the original novel.

22. About a Boy by Nick Hornby ★★★★ - An entertaining and light read. I much prefer the ending of the novel to the ending of the Hugh Grant film (though overall it's not a bad adaptation).

23. A Foe by Iain Reid ★★★★★ - A superb confined space psychological scifi thriller by Iain Reid. Reminded me of the very best episodes of Twilight Zone.

24. The Original Bambi: The Story of a Life in the Forest by Felix Salten ★★★★★ - A new translation (with an extensive introduction) of the classic behind the Disney film. The Disney film feels very watered down after reading the original text.

25. I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid ★★★★ - Another great Iain Reid novel though I might actually slightly prefer Kaufman's film adaptation.

26. An Empire of Ice: Scott, Shackleton, and the Heroic Age of Antarctic Science by Edward J. Larson ★★★ - A look on the heroic age of antarctic exploration with an emphasis on the scientific work done during the voyages. Informative but the structure that divides the book into chapter each depicting a different branch of science leads to some repetition.

27. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke ★★★★ - An inventive fantasy novel about a man living in a seemingly infinite house composed of halls filled with statues. Jorge Luis Borges seems to be a clear inspiration.

28. Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert ★★★★ - The first sequel to Dune. Good but not a masterpiece like the original.

29. Great Australian Short Stories by Henry Lawson, Guy Boothby, Banjo Paterson and John Barry + The Man From Snowy River and Other Poems by Banjo Paterson ★★★/★★★★ - Counting these as one entry as they are rather short. The short story collection is a bit of a mixed bag but I really liked Banjo Paterson's poetry.

30. Tenth of December by George Sanders ★★★★ - A short story collection by George Sanders. Loved some stories (The Semplica Girl Diaries and Escape From Spiderhead) but wasn't so hot on others. Kosinski was a really weird choice to adapt Spiderhead to a film

31. Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer ★★★★ - As powerful piece work as a novel as it is as a film.

32. Entiset elävät meissä: Saamelaisten historiat ja Suomi by Veli-Pekka Lehtola ★★★★ - A non-fiction book about the Sami people and their relationship with Finland and ethnic Finns. Interesting and needed book but can be a bit too academic at times.

33. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ★★★★ - These guys had some good points.

34. Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger by Stephen King ★★★★ - First part of Stephen King's epic. Interesting start but doesn't quite work as a stand-alone work (though I'm not sure if it's even meant to).

35. Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan ★★★★ - A rambling first volume of Dylan's autobiography (who knows if we'll ever see vol. 2). As a life-long Dylan fan, this is all super interesting stuff.

36. Conan the Barbarian: Red Nails by Robert E. Howard ★★★★ - The last Conan story written by Howard and in my opinion one of the strongest.

37. The Old Testament ★★★ - Would have liked it more but the God character was pretty unlikable. On a more serious note, it has been a long project to get through the Old Testament and I'm glad I finally finished it. I'm tempted to start The Quran next.

38. Islam: A Short History by Karen Armstrong ★★★★ - A solid overview on the subject but the author was a bit too understanding of the modern fundamentalist movements for my liking.

39. Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka ★★★★ - I loved Metamorphosis and but was mixed on the short stories. In the Penal Colony, A Country Doctor and A Report to an Academy were my favorites from the short stories.

40. Chasing the Light: Writing, Directing, And Surviving Platoon, Midnight Express, Scarface, Salvador, and the Movie Game by Oliver Stone ★★★★★ - A really interesting and honest depiction of Hollywood in the 70's and 80's. Covers Stone's career from the beginning to the huge success of Platoon.

41. Professor Unrat by Heinrich Mann ★★★★ - A grotesque satire of the education system of early 20th century Germany. Surprisingly different compared to the adaptation that has overshadowed it, Der blaue Engel.

42. Candide by Voltaire ★★★★ - A classic French satire-adventure story. A fast-moving and surprisingly light novel that has aged wonderfully.

43. The Scarlet Gospels by Clive Barker ★★★★ - A sequel to both Harry D'Amour stories and The Hellbound Heart. More epic, fantastical and gruesome than I expected.

44. Ronia, the Robber's Daughter by Astrid Lindgren ★★★★★ - A classic of children's literature. I never realized how faithful the Ghibli series was.

45. The Summer Book by Tove Jansson ★★★★★ - A young girl and her grandma spent lazy summer days on a small island off the coast of Finland. A more adult oriented work from the Moomin author. Basically, the literature equivalent of comfort food.

46. The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire ★★★ - From time to time I get the urge to get into poetry and grab one of the classics. Then I soon realize that yeah this is still not for me.

47. Kuningatar Kristiina: Tyttökuningas by Peter Englund ★★★★ - A biography of 17th century Swedish Queen Kristina. Englund might be my favorite non-fiction author. He has the knack of making complicated historical events read like a novel.

48. Valas lasimaljassa: Miten vangitsemme itsemme ympäristötuhon ansaan by Maria Katajavuori ★★★ - A non-fiction book about environmental crisis we are facing. An okay read but nothing really new was said. A nominee for 2022 Tieto-Finlandia Prize (a yearly prize for Finnish non-fiction literature).

49. Harjunpää: Väkivallan virkamies by Matti Yrjänä Joensuu ★★★★ - The first entry in a classic Finnish crime fiction series about police inspector Timo Harjunpää. A very good realistic depiction of day-to-day life of a policeman in the 70's Helsinki.

50. Mio, My Son by Astrid Lindgren ★★★★ - Another Astrid Lindgren children's classic. Not quite as strong as Ronya.

51. Tunteiden palo: Turku liekeissä 1827 by Hannu Salmi ★★★★ - A non-fiction work about the Great Fire of Turku. Interesting and well-written historical work. A nominee for 2022 Tieto-Finlandia Prize (a yearly prize for Finnish non-fiction literature).

52: Vaivan arvoista: Esseitä poikkeuskirjallisuudesta by Ville-Juhani Sutinen ★★★★ -A collection of essay about what literary works considered long and difficult. Interesting stuff. I was happy to see Alan Moore's Jerusalem included. The winner of 2022 Tieto-Finlandia Prize (a yearly prize for Finnish non-fiction literature).

53. Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore ★★★★★ - Fascinating and ambitious though also quite difficult debut novel from Alan Moore.

54. Dracula by Bram Stoker ★★★★★ - A horror classic that features way less of the titular vampire than most of the adaptations.


1. Denmark: Domino (dir. Brian De Palma, 2019) ★ - Probably the worst film of De Palma's wildly uneven career.

2. Soviet Union: Turksib (dir. Victor A. Turin, 1929) ★★★★ - A really great Soviet propaganda film about building the Turkestan-Siberian railway.

3. UK: Spencer (dir. Pablo Larraín, 2021) ★★★★ - A wonderful character study about a very distressed Princess of Wales. Has a great Jonny Greenwood score.

4. USA: Harriet (dir. Kasi Lemmons, 2019) ★★ - A disappointingly by-the-numbers and downright dishonest biopic about a fascinating individual.

5. Estonia: The Last Ones (dir. Veiko Õunpuu, 2020) ★★ - A darkly comedic film about a mining community in Finnish Lapland. Well-acted and -shot but very muddled and unsatisfying when it comes to storytelling and themes.

6. Finland: Aurora (dir.Miia Tervo, 2019) ★★★★ - A feel-good Lapland-set green card romantic comedy. Not the most original film in the world but the script is tight and the actors (especially the two leads) do a very good job.

7. Iran: Gabbeh (dir. Mohsen Makhmalbaf, 1996) ★★★ - Visually beautiful but quite obtuse fantasy romance set in Iranian countryside.

8. Morocco: About Some Meaningless Events (dir. Mostafa Derkaoui, 1974) ★★★ - A freeform Moroccan metafiction about filmmaking. Probably would open up better to a viewer more familiar with Morroccan society and culture.

9. Italy: The Hand of God (dir. Paolo Sorrentino, 2021) ★★★★ - Autobiographical coming-of-age film set in Naples during the reign of Maradona at S.S.C. Napoli. The most personal and also perhaps the most accessible film of Sorrentino's career. Not quite on par with his best works like Il Divo and The Great Beauty but still very good.

10. Japan: Mothra (dir. Ishirô Honda, 1961) ★★★ - The original film about everyone's favorite giant moth and her fairy friends. Covers a lot of same ground as King Kong thematically.

11. Libya: Freedom Fields (dir. Naziha Arebi, 2018) ★★★ - A documentary about a female football team in post-revolution Libya. Genuinely inspirational and feel-good but could have benefited from a clearer structure.

12. Brazil: Your Turn (dir. Eliza Capai, 2019) ★★★★ - A documentary on the recent student activist movement in Brazil. I like how the perspective is strongly that of the kids involved instead that of an outside observer.

13. France: Boudu Saved From Drowning (dir. Jean Renoir, 1932) ★★★ - I have never really understood why Renoir is held in such a high esteem as a filmmaker and this film doesn't really change that. A fine little class satire with good central performance but hardly a classic.

14. Israel: Foxtrot (dir. Samuel Maoz, 2017) ★★★★ - An Israeli family drama and a military satire. Hard to describe the film without going into spoiler territory but I really liked it.

15. New Zealand: Cousins (dir. Ainsley Gardiner and Briar Grace Smith, 2021) ★★★★ - A story of three Maori girls whose lifes take very different paths. A touching portrayal of hardships of Maori life in New Zealand through recent history but I would preferred a less erratic structure for the story (=less jumping around in time and place).

16. Germany: Transit (dir. Christian Petzold, 2018) ★★★★ - Petzold has really found his niche in these pulpy arthouse euro-thrillers. Transit is not quite as good as his previous film, Phoenix, but it is still clearly the work of a man who knows what he is doing.

17. Chile: Post Mortem (dir. Pablo Larraín, 2010) ★★★ - Like Larraín's preceding film Tony Manero, this is also a critique of Pinochet's Chile with an intensely unlikable protagonist but while that film was a dark comedy, this is just dark.

18. South Korea: Moonlit Winter (dir. Dae Hyung Lim, 2019) ★★★★ - A queer Korean drama about lost love and mother-daughter relationships. Reminds me of Kore-eda's films. Very good.

19. Hungary: Adoption (dir. Márta Mészáros, 1975) ★★★ - A social-realist drama about a middle-aged woman who wants to have a baby and a troubled teenager she befriends. Very minimalist and bleak, very 70's Eastern European.

20. Spain: Parallel Mothers (dir. Pedro Almodovar, 2021) ★★★★ - An excellent film about mothers and daughters and (absense of) fathers. Both Cruz and composer Iglesias definitely earned their Oscar noms. Almodovar remains one of the greatest active directors.

21. Kazakhstan: Yellow Cat (dir. Adilkhan Yerzhanov, 2020) ★★ - A darkly humorous take on True Romance set on the Kazakh steppe. Pointless and unoriginal (outside the setting).

22. Latvia: Oleg (dir. Juris Kursietis, 2019) ★★★★ - A surprisingly effective story about a Latvian migrant worker that ends up in the wrong circles after being fired from his job. The cinematography reminded me of the work of László Nemes.

23. Georgia: Taming the Garden (dir. Salomé Jashi, 2021) ★★★★ - A slow cinema documentary about uprooting and transporting old trees for a private garden. Some stunning images. One of the best documentaries of the year.

24. Taiwan: Legend of the Mountain (dir. King Hu, 1979) ★★★ - My least favorite of the King Hu epics. The visuals are really nice as expected but the plot is meandering and the film is just way too long.

25. Hong Kong: The Blade (dir. Tsui Hark, 1995) ★★★★ - Tsui Hark's brutal and nihilistic remake of Shaw Brothers classic One-Arme:d Swordsman. The unrelenting tone came to me as a bit of a surprise but I really liked the film overall. The film needs a blu-ray release badly: the UK dvd I watched was really bad.

26. Ireland: Ondine (dir. Neil Jordan, 2009) ★★★ - An Irish arthouse Splash with Colin Farrell. Doesn't quite come together but not bad.

27. West Germany: The Bridge (dir. Bernhard Wicki, 1959) ★★★★★ - A still unfortunately topical anti-war masterpiece about group of young boys left defending a bridge in the final days of WW2. The best film of the challenge so far.

28. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Downstream to Kinshasa (dir. Dieudo Hamadi, 2020) ★★★ - A documentary about a group of invalids injured during the Six-Day War travelling to Congolese capital to seek justice. Affecting but bit rough structurally.

29. Cameroon: The Child of Another (dir. Jean-Pierre Dikongue-Pipa, 1975) ★★★ - A recently rediscovered and restored Cameroonian melodrama. I loved the cinematography and the soundtrack but the storytelling was a bit shoddy.

30. Sweden: Together (dir. Lukas Moodysson, 2000) ★★★★ - A warm and funny depiction of life in Swedish commune in the 70's. A great cast and some inspired music choices. Moodysson is such an underrated filmmaker.

31. Lebanon: Where To? (dir. Georges Nasser, 1957) ★★★ - A neorealism-influenced melodrama set on the Lebanese countryside. A bit rough in places but interesting. Nice cinematography.

32. Norway: The Worst Person in the World (dir. Joachim Trier, 2021) ★★★★ - Fleabag + omniscient narrator from Extraordinary Stories + Oslo + Norway's most talented director = Modern masterpiece.

33. Senegal: Mandabi (dir. Ousmane Sembene, 1968) ★★★★ - Head of a Senegalese family battles bureaucracy trying to cash a money order from a relative in Paris. The first feature film ever in an African-language. An effective satire in the vein of The Death of Mr. Lazarescu.

34. Belgium: Rosetta (dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne, 1999) ★★★★ - A typically bleak depiction of a woman living with her alcoholic mother in a caravan and desperately trying to maintain a job by everyone's second favorite director brothers. One of the stronger Dardenne films.

35. Russia: The Trial (dir. Sergei Loznitsa, 2018) ★★ - A documentary on a Soviet era show trial based entirely on archive footage. A film that is much easier to appreciate than to enjoy.

36. Romania: The Whistlers (dir. Corneliu Porumboiu, 2019) ★★★ - A surprisingly straightforward and conventional crime film by Porumboiu. Entertaining enough but I much prefer the director's more idiosyncratic works like 12:08 East of Bucharest and Police, Adjective.

37. Canada: Possessor (dir. Brandon Cronenberg, 2020) ★★★★ - A huge improvement over the director's first film Antiviral. Exactly the sort of high concept serious scifi cinema I love. It's fascinating how similar Brandon's works are to his father's (early) work.

38. India: Two Daughters (dir. Satyajit Ray, 1961) ★★★★ - An anthology film based on short stories by Indian Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Ray rarely disappoints and this isn't an exception. The original Indian version includes an additional story compared to the international version I saw.

39. Cuba: Memories of Under Development (dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1968) ★★★★ - A man presents his memories and opinions of Cuba on the eve of the Cuban missile crisis. The influence of French new wave and especially Resnais is strong. A fascinating time capsule and a great piece of cinema.

40: Thailand: Memoria (dir.Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2021) ★★★★ - Another obtuse, slow, fascinating and beautiful possible masterpiece by Weerasethakul. Might change to ★★★★★ later. Could also count as a Columbian entry but decided on Thailand because I have another film in mind for Columbia.

41: Netherlands: Turkish Delight (dir. Paul Verhoeven, 1973) ★★★ - Paul Verhoeven's breakthrough film. An over-the-top love story featuring plenty of sex, bad behaviour and bodily fluids. The fact that this is still the most successful film in the history of Dutch cinema with 26% of the country seeing this in theaters just blows my mind.

42. China: Red Sorghum (dir. Zhang Yimou, 1988) ★★★★ - A young widow runs a distillery in the countryside during the Second Sino-Japanese War. A simple yet effective film with a stellar Gong Li performance and some stunning cinematography.

43. Ukraine: Babi Yar. Context (dir. Sergey Loznitsa, 2021) ★★★★★ - A documentary collage built from archive footage, photography and a rare title card depicting Ukraine in WW2 and more specifically events leading up to the Baba Yar massacre in which over 33 000 Jews lost their lifes. Definitely not an easy watch but absolutely worth it for those that can stomach it.

44. Austria: Rimini (dir. Ulrich Seidl, 2022) ★★★★ - An aging singer/gigolo tries to patch up his relationship with her daughter. A typically bleak yet darkly funny film from Seidl. The lead is excellent.

45. Argentina: Wild Tales (dir. Damián Szifron, 2014) ★★★★ - A black comedy-thriller anthology film about people in various distressing situations. Problem with anthology films often is the uneven quality of the episodes but this film stays compelling from the first episode to the last. My favorite episode is the third one about an extreme case of road rage.

46. Australia: The Man from Snowy River (dir. George Miller, 1982) ★★★ - An epic Aussie western based on a classic poem by Banjo Paterson. Kirk Douglas is good in a double role and the cinematography is nice but the film is maybe a bit too sentimental and old-fashioned (in a bad way) for my taste. Note: the director is not the Mad Max director George Miller. He is The Neverending Story II director George Miller. Who knew there were two Australian directors active in the 80's with the same exact name.

47. Egypt: The Land (dir. Youssef Chahine, 1969) ★★★★ - Peasants in rural 1930's Egypt fight for their right to water and land. A universal story about political oppression that could be easily transferred to a number of different settings. Beautiful cinematography.

48. Croatia: Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus (dir. Dalibor Baric, 2020) ★★★ - Guy Maddin-esque fragmental avant-garde animation combining rotoscoping, use of repurposed materials, photographic effects and voice-over. Too fragmental for my taste: there is a plot but keeping track of it is too much work. The visuals are nice and the film does have an intriguing atmosphere.

49. Mexico: El Topo (dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1970) ★★★★ - Jodorowsky's famous surrealist western. Not quite as visually stunning as Holy Mountain but still a great piece of cinema.,

50. Chad: A Screaming Man (dir. Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, 2010) ★★★ - A low-key father and son drama set in Chad during a civil war. The story is well-told but quite predictable.

51. Lithuania: Vesper (dir. Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper, 2022) ★★★★ - A surprisingly fresh take on the post-apocalyptic thriller genre from Lithuania. A masterclass of scifi worldbuilding on a budget.

52. Dominican Republic: Holy Beasts (dir. Israel Cárdenas and Laura Amelia Guzmán, 2019) ★★★ - I'm not sure what this metafiction about filmmaking was trying to say but I really enjoyed watching Geraldine Chaplin and Udo Kier acting in substantial dramatic roles.

53. Greece: The Devil's Men (dir. Kostas Karagiannis, 1976) ★★ - A disjointed, repetitive and quite badly written occult thriller that does make good use of the Greek locations. Experimental Brian Eno score is also a highlight.

54. Poland: Mother Joan of the Angels (dir. Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1961) ★★★★ - A minor masterpiece about an actual case of mass hysteria at a 17th century Polish convent. Strong acting, direction and cinematography.

55. Columbia: Embrace of the Serpent (dir. Ciro Guerra, 2015) ★★★★ - A film about an Amazonian shaman and his relationship with two western explorers. A great film about a subject matter rarely seen on the big screen. Stunning black-and-white cinematography.
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May 26, 2019
Charlio64 - 26/50 books | 38/50 movies


1. Piranesi - Susanna Clarke (2021) ★★★★
2. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens (1843) ★★★
3. El hombre en busca de sentido (Man's Search for Meaning) - Viktor E. Frankl (1946) ★★★★
4. De Nador a Vic - Laila Karrouch (2009) ★★★
5. Hellboy Omnibus Volume 2: Strange Places - Mike Mignola, Richard Corben, Gary Gianni (2018) ★★★★
6. Sistemas críticos (All Systems Red) - Martha Wells (2017) ★★★
7. Monstress, Vol. 5: Warchild - Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda (2020) ★★★★
8. El océano al final del camino (The Ocean at the End of the Lane) - Neil Gaiman (2013) ★★★★
9. Monstress, Vol. 6: The Vow - Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda (2021) ★★★★
10. A Study in Scarlet - Arthur Conan Doyle (1887) ★★★★
11. Bone Vol. 1: Out From Boneville - Jeff Smith (1991) ★★★
12. PLUTO: Naoki Urasawa x Ozamu Tezuka, Band 001 (2007) ★★★★
13. La experiencia de leer (An Experiment in Criticism) - C.S. Lewis (1961) ★★★★
14. Persepolis, Volumes 1-4 - Marjane Satrapi (2000-2003) ★★★★
15. El extraño caso del doctor Jekyll y Mr. Hyde; y otros relatos de terror - R.L. Stevenson (1886) ★★★★
16. Bordados - Marjane Satrapi (2003) ★★★
17. Cruzando el Bosque - Emily Carroll (2014) ★★★★
18. Sin trama y sin final: 99 consejos para escritores - Anton Chéjov, Piero Brunello (2002) ★★★
19. On Stranger Tides - Tim Powers (1987) ★★★★
20. La Policía de la Memoria - Yoko Ogawa (1994) ★★★★
21. The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes - Neil Gaiman (1988) ★★★
22. The Sandman Vol. 2: The Doll's House - Neil Gaiman (1990) ★★★★
23. Invisible - Eloy Moreno (2018) ★★
24. Hellboy Omnibus Vol. 3: The Wild Hunt - Mike Mignola (2018) ★★★★
25. The Sandman Vol. 3: Dream Country - Neil Gaiman (1990) ★★★
26. Por qué dormimos: La nueva ciencia del sueño - Matthew Walker (2017) ★★★★

1. The Green Knight - David Lowery (2021) ★★★★
2. Spectre - Sam Mendes (2015) ★★★
3. No Time to Die - Cary Joji Fukunaga (2021) ★★★★
4. The Suicide Squad - James Gunn (2021) ★★★★
5. The Many Saints of Newark - Alan Taylor (2021) ★★★
6. Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts (2022) ★★★
7. Jungle Cruise - Jaume Collet-Serra (2021) ★★★
8. The Matrix Resurrections - Lana Wachowski (2021) ★★
9. Belfast - Kenneth Branagh (2022) ★★★★
10. Fast & Furious 9 - Justin Lin (2021) ★★★
11. Murder on the Orient Express - Kenneth Branagh (2017) ★★★★
12. Hellboy - Neil Marshall (2019) ★★★
13. The Batman - Matt Reeves (2022) ★★★★★
14. Turning Red - Domee Shi (2022) ★★★★
15. Maixabel - Icíar Bollaín (2021) ★★★
16. Gone with the Wind - Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Sam Wood (1939) ★★★
17. Sicario - Denis Villeneuve (2015) ★★★★
18. Sicario: Day of the Soldado - Stefano Sollima (2018) ★★★★
19. Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore - David Yates (2022) ★★★
20. The Equalizer - Antoine Fuqua (2014) ★★★
21. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Sam Raimi (2022) ★★★★
22. The Northman - Robert Eggers (2022) ★★★★
23. The Equalizer 2 - Antoine Fuqua (2018) ★★★
24. Thor: Love and Thunder - Taika Waititi (2022) ★★★★
25. John Wick - Chad Stahelski, David Leitch (2014) ★★★
26. Il mio nome è Nessuno - Tonino Valerii (1973) ★★★★
27. King of Beggars - Gordon Chan (1992) ★★★
28. The Black Pirate - Albert Parker (1926) ★★★
29. Jodorowski's Dune - Frank Pavich (2013) ★★★★
30. Captain Blood - Michael Curtiz (1935) ★★★
31. I, Claudius: A Television Epic - Paul Vanezis (2002) ★★★
32. Public Speaking - Martin Scorsese (2010) ★★★★
33. The Black Cat - Edgar G. Ulmer (1934) ★★★
34. The Man They Could Not Hang - Nick Grinde (1939) ★★★★
35. The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years - Ron Howard (2016) ★★★
36. The Beatles and India - Ajoy Bose, Peter Compton (2021) ★★★★
37. King Richard - Reinaldo Marcus Green (2022) ★★★
38. Emancipation - Antoine Fuqua (2022) ★★★★

Hi everyone, long time lurker here. I figured I'd join in the fun. I don't think that I'm gonna get close to the book goal (25-30 would be my realistic goal) but I'll try anyway. The movie goal should be easy. I say should because for the last few years it hasn't been the case. But I think I'll be able to manage a movie a week.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads if you want, that way I'll have more than one friend on there. 😢
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Oct 27, 2017
In. Last year I made movies but not books. I don't really think I will improve on that but here's hoping!

Nacimento - 20/50 books | 19/50 movies


1.-2. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari (over 500 pages)
3.-4. The Crusades: The War for the Holy Land by Thomas Asbridge (over 500 pages)
5.-6. Dune by Frank Herbert (over 500 pages)
7. Empires by Herfried Münkler
8. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
9. The Collini Case by Ferdinand von Schirach
10. Murder is Easy by Agatha Christie
11. 1808 by Laurentino Gomes
12. Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
13. The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie
14.-15. Alexander's Legacy: To the Strongest by Robert Fabbri (over 500 pages)
16.-17. Alexander's Legacy: The three Paradises by Robert Fabbri (over 500 pages)
18. Der Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
19.-20. Devil's Crown by Rebecca Gablé (over 500 pages)

1. Murk - ★★★
2. Nomadland - ★★★★ ½
3. Avengers: Age of Ultron - ★★★ ½
4. Die Wannseekonferenz (The Wannsee Conference) - ★★★★
5. Don't Look Up - ★★★ ½
6. The Devil all the Time - ★★★ ½
7. The Crimson Rivers - ★★★★
8. In the Sign of the Murderer - ★★ ½
9. The Power of the Dog - ★★★ ½
10. Velvet Buzzsaw - ★★★ ½
11. The Lost Daughter - ★★ ½
12. The Last Duel - ★★★★ ½
13. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings - ★★★
14. Munich: The Edge of War - ★★★ ½
15. Cry Macho - ★★ ½
16. King Richard - ★★★★
17. Black Mass - ★★★★
18. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - ★★★
19. Belfast - ★★★★ ½
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Gaucho Power

alt account
Feb 10, 2021
1. Bartleby & Co.
2. Star Trek: Coda: Book 1: Moments Asunder
3. Submission

Star Trek Coda - terrible read and only thing going on for it seemed to be offing some characters but all deaths felt like any red shirt dead in random Trek episode. Submission (re-read) interesting critique of modern western liberal democracy and materialism.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in. I've failed for seven straight years. That's being consistent!

Guamu - 01/50 books | 00/50 movies


  1. Disney's War by James B. Stewart



Oct 25, 2017
The whole point of the challenge is to watch or read something new 😁
If I haven't watched something in 20 years, how is that not almost something new. I don't think re-visiting content at different stages of life and having new thoughts or experiences while watching should be discounted. Makes no sense to me.

The challenge is difficult enough as is without using re-reads/re-watches and if it purposefully pushes me to not do so I think that is an unnecessary and bad part of it.