Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Your daily reminder that she's a war profiteer:

War brings business to Feinstein spouse / Blum's firms win multimillion-dollar defense contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan

First up: a contract announced last week between the Army and URS Corp., the San Francisco...

Dianne Feinstein: War profiteer and war criminal

Somewhere in northwest Pakistan Tuesday a sound was heard. Hellfire missiles streaked towards a residential compound. Eighteen people, possibly including civilians, were incinerated and another sound

Animal Abuser, Insider Trader, War Profiteer Dianne Feinstein : Indybay

Dianne Feinstein with her husband Richard Blum helped the FBI pass the unconstitutional AETA which criminalized certain nonviolent animal rights protests.


Oct 30, 2017
Fuck this woman. Harrison needs all the help he can get right now and this woman is out there hugging Graham and giving him publicity and appear bipartisan.

god damn awful


Sep 21, 2020
It's fucking frustrating as a minority, I probably have more in common with all of you than you think but those in power have convinced a large majority to hate me purely for my ethnicity. I never chose to be born non white but people hate me all the same . I hope trump doesn't win again, I love this country so damn much but I fear for my life and my family if trump wins again. Im scared of what could happen.


Oct 27, 2017
She's a very strong argument for why "blue no matter who" is stupid.

Feinstein has always been useless, even back when she was mayor of SF. She's been California's senator since I was in high school, and it's just as fucking ridiculous as Mitch's absurdly long tenure. And that's leaving aside her massive enrichment through the use of her office and access. Term limits, term limits, term limits.


Jan 10, 2018


Oct 29, 2017
From a senior writer at HuffPo:

Just asked a Dem senator about Demand Justice's call for Dianne Feinstein to step down as ranking Dem on the Judiciary Committee after her handling of Barrett's hearing.
"It's very hard to watch a colleague in decline. That this is occurring publicly is even harder."

Oh, word?
Oct 25, 2017
She needs to retire. Like right fucking now. I don't have patience for Dems that aren't willing to fight tooth and nail against Republican's bullshit.


Nov 1, 2017
Not a huge deal, she's saying goodbye to a colleague she might not see ever again in a work capacity. If the Dems had huffed and puffed and gone insane during these hearings it wouldn't have changed a single thing. Amy was always getting confirmed, tough luck. Need to get out there and vote to change things like this. Disappointing to see people focusing on a total non-story like this in these times, so close to an election.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Not a huge deal, she's saying goodbye to a colleague she might not see ever again in a work capacity. If the Dems had huffed and puffed and gone insane during these hearings it wouldn't have changed a single thing. Amy was always getting confirmed, tough luck. Need to get out there and vote to change things like this. Disappointing to see people focusing on a total non-story like this in these times, so close to an election.

I dunno. On one hand I get this point, on the other hand its odd timing.

Yes, she's 87 and they had a long work history and like you said, this might be the last time they have together.

But she's also a long time politician and I can't overlook the hug and personally thanking Graham on the floor as non-political. Particularly since Graham himself has used the hearings to try to get campaign funds.

Its something we want to overlook because of her grandmother vibes, but we shouldn't. It was a bad political move. So much so it seems an intentional political move as a favor


Oct 27, 2017
From a senior writer at HuffPo:

Oh, word?

She didn't just undermine Harrison, by giving Graham ammo that could potentially swing a dead-heat race, but she also undermined her fellow Dems in these hearings with this. Even with how easy it is for Republicans to confirm Barrett they are still presenting 100% unity and conviction. You can't have Whitehouse give a 45-minute presentation on dark money, tearing specific Republicans new assholes for being involved, and then have Feinstein give Graham a good ol' buddy hug. There is no reason for them to project division. And with her seemingly being the only Dem here willing to play the same old spineless civility bullshit, it really comes down to her spoiling the pot.


Oct 27, 2017
If Lindsey Graham wins the Senator position again, I consider the entire South Carolina state basically a sundown town and will steer clear of it. An open racist as a senator tells us what kind of state is South Carolina is if they are voting this guy in. Even if he lost, just making the vote this close makes me not want to speak with SC folks.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
I voted against her in the primary, sucks that more people didn't. Awful politician.
I did too. Sometimes it feels that with incumbents that have held their seats for decades, some people keep voting them in out of tradition. the whole "Well, she's/he's been our _____ for so long, and I don't visually see anything they are doing wrong (because I'm living in my own little bubble), might as well keep them where they are!" Y'know, they feel they are a safe bet. Again, like other threads, I blame Moderates for this kind of thing.
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Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Hostility
Not a huge deal, she's saying goodbye to a colleague she might not see ever again in a work capacity. If the Dems had huffed and puffed and gone insane during these hearings it wouldn't have changed a single thing. Amy was always getting confirmed, tough luck. Need to get out there and vote to change things like this. Disappointing to see people focusing on a total non-story like this in these times, so close to an election.

Fuck off with this garbage. Our representatives shouldn't see the enemy as merely a 'colleague' and that they do is a perfect illustration of everything wrong with our politics.


Nov 1, 2017
Fuck off with this garbage. Our representatives shouldn't see the enemy as merely a 'colleague' and that they do is a perfect illustration of everything wrong with our politics.

I have some bad news about the Democratic candidate for President of the United States and his attitude to most of the people within the GOP.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017

Totally cool and normal response to kids begging for their lives

Listen here little shits do you know who I am?

Feinstein: Meh, I will be dead when shit happens, so fuck you, I got mine.

Geez, this is why I hate so much these fucking skeletons. Why they don't just disappear already.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
This clown just undermined Grahams opponent in a senate race...

Shes literally throwing our efforts back in our faces.

You don't see his fellow Republicans running up and doing the same for him. You have to live in one hell of a bubble to think that was a 'ok' move to make.


Oct 26, 2017
I know being a senator tends towards moderate views due to the ridiculous number of people she represents in CA...but women who are afraid of losing their health care and bodily autonomy don't feel warm and fuzzy about hugs for Mr. "White Hood in the Closet" Graham.

Better hope that Feinstein isn't going for that Strom Thurmond record.
Oct 29, 2017
Fuck off with this garbage. Our representatives shouldn't see the enemy as merely a 'colleague' and that they do is a perfect illustration of everything wrong with our politics.
Enemy? This isn't a football game. I agree the hug was jarring but realize Congress agrees on a lot that we don't talk about or politicize. They are co-workers who disagree on major issues but come together daily. Was she supposed to foam at the mouth, throw her chair and scream "Democrats forever!!"? Obviously this is a scary time, I don't want to lose my right to marriage but we have to hold tight here.