Oct 25, 2017
I'm just letting FreedomFighter know that I'm going to report every single one of his posts until he gets banned so we can add "Making OT's while black" to the list.

I love how they complained the women weren't keeping up with the pace of play at the second hole. The sight of black women playing on their golf course pissed them off so much they couldn't wait a couple more holes to add some veneer of "maybe they were a bit slow?" for those folks who like to sympathise with racists.

This makes no fucking sense at all. Can't do shit while being a black person. Makes me want to stay my ass in the house because I don't have time for dumb bullshit and these idiots will be quick to put the blame on you. Hell you probably can't even sleep in your house being a black male. Fuck it.

In the remake of Back of the Future when Marty sneaks into his bedroom in the Biff Sports Almanac future, he'll just gun down that black family, claim the house for himself and join forces with Strickland to clean the neighbourhood of all those 'undesirable' types.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
*sigh* yet Rachel Dolezal, Woah Vicky, Bhad Bhabie, and all these other culture vultures can ride the wave and pick and choose when and where they show their "race". Foh. OP will continue to get longer by the day. It's crazy.


Nov 4, 2017
I feel really bad for anybody who feels this. Am stunned at the levels of intolerance in the states. The UK has its issues but it's nothing like this. Nothing.

I'm black( not American though). I go to great mental lengths to avoid feeling like that, but it weighs heavily on the heart seeing this shit happening to others.
I never understood America's obsession with trying to frame POC's as lesser people. Coming from a place where black people are treated as people and not default scum of the earth, reading all of OP is so depressing. One of the reasons i ever want to visit the US is to attend a black gospel church, just for the utter and sheer fun that seems to have.

It is, just so strange, this obsession with blaming black people, for simply existing in the same realm as everyone else does :/


Nov 4, 2017
A couple of things I've been a witness to but luckily haven't ended in a police shooting someone.

1. Being in the passenger seat of a white friend's car "you selling the driver drugs boy?"
2. Driving with a white friend in the passenger seat "they forcing you to go with them?"
3. Being a prospective local politician going door to door trying to get signatures (some asshole got scared of a 60 yr old black man in a borderline neon suit and called the cops).
4. Playing pokemon go in our local park like 10 minutes before it's "officially" open.

I never understood America's obsession with trying to frame POC's as lesser people. Coming from a place where black people are treated as people and not default scum of the earth, reading all of OP is so depressing. One of the reasons i ever want to visit the US is to attend a black gospel church, just for the utter and sheer fun that seems to have.

It is, just so strange, this obsession with blaming black people, for simply existing in the same realm as everyone else does :/

As someone who has incredibly negative feelings towards religion/Christianity in general, the one positive time I've ever spent with a church was my childhood friend's mom bringing me to their church after our football games (had to go to their church after the game to get the amazing food). Was basically the positive/fun/over the top positive stereotype you see in representations of a black gospel church.
Oct 28, 2017
Being a State Attorney while Black

This video always gets me. He starts out with a bit of bass in his voice, until he hears "State Attorney", and then the punk in him comes out. You can legit hear the "I'm so FUCKED!" in his tone.

Also, is this just being killed, or arrested and harassed as well? Because I remember the kid that was mowing lawns, knocking on doors to give neighbors his business cards. Cop wound up stalking him to his house.
Or, the time a group of friends were hanging out in the front lawn of their property, cops came over with that lame ass "neighborhood cars being broken into" BS to try and harass them. (This has happened to me before, but my friend was arrested instead of me. He is white, though.)
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Oct 25, 2017
It is dangerous being Black while Black in america.

It may sound like a joke but it is scary to think you are walking around with a target on your back. I will never forget the first time I was in a car that was pulled over and had shotguns pulled on my friends and I. We supposedly "fit a description". Thankfully no one was shot or arrested for nothing but every single friend, relative and acquaintance I have met, that is a person of color, has had a story about being pulled over while doing nothing wrong.
As someone who has incredibly negative feelings towards religion/Christianity in general, the one positive time I've ever spent with a church was my childhood friend's mom bringing me to their church after our football games (had to go to their church after the game to get the amazing food). Was basically the positive/fun/over the top positive stereotype you see in representations of a black gospel church.
I feel a lot of it is on what kind of Christianity you grew up with or saw featured the most. America's take on it is vastly different from what it does here, for instance.
I can't really comment on the black gospel church simply because i never been to one, lol. We also don't have specialist churches either (well not common): Everyone goes to the same Church.

I have been a few times to churches, mostly for communion of my cousins and marriages, but i was raised without faith, or well, my parents left the option open for me: If i wanted to attend the church or whatever church, no problems there. I simply didn't go because it did not interest me.

That isn't to say i have anything against religion though. Like i said, i have family members who either work in a church, or work as a servant of God and they are great fun to talk with, especially my aunt, whenever she can visit her home soil. Ive always entertained the idea of just getting into a talk with a priest on various topics. I actually met with a Pagan priest last year when i visited Engeland for a singer-songwriter gathering - Guy was absolutely wonderful and really down to earth. Due to his Pagan beliefs, he also wore as such - Very interesting clothing, almost goth like in nature. I also read Jefferson's interpretation of the Bible and found it very moving.

Anyway, this is rather offtopic, but still.

Oh FreedomFighter your 63 entry is not linked correctly compared to the others.


Oct 27, 2017
aww here
Black police doing the job? Suspicious indeed /s

To be fair though given the climate, any officer doing their job to a t would be suspicious :/


Nov 23, 2017
I once ran through a churchyard to get to my car and got stopped (half black and in my hometown, West London).

Was the oddest stop and questioning I've had.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to sound ignorant, and I understand that every case here is tragic, but can somebody explain a "holding fake gun while black" to me - is that unusual that person with potentially lethal weapon (in a country where weapons are legal) was shot? I mean cop can potentially be killed in next moment, what do people expect in this case?
I don't want to sound ignorant, and I understand that every case here is tragic, but can somebody explain a "holding fake gun while black" to me - is that unusual that person with potentially lethal weapon (in a country where weapons are legal) was shot? I mean cop can potentially be killed in next moment, what do people expect in this case?
There are two recent cases where this happened. One was Tamir Rice, a 12 year old playing in a park, and the other was John Crawford, who was shopping for a gun in Walmart. Both involved people calling the cops for the usual 'suspicious Black kid/man' with a gun. One was just a little boy playing. The other was a shopper looking over a gun for a potential purchase. Please look into both cases to get the context. Neither of them should have been shot and killed by police. The cops shot first and never asked questions in either case. Neither were doing anything wrong and should not have gotten a death sentence.
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks, I imagined something completely different like cop breaks in the room, and there is a person with fake gun pointing at then.

Waddle Dee

Nov 2, 2017
I can't even begin to picture how it must feel to be black in this country. The level of ignorance and outright evil in this country is our biggest problem and people of color are quite possibly the worst off.

I'm friends and family with a lot of people on the autism spectrum so I see and hear about all sorts of mistreatment that comes from ignorance, but rarely do I see or hear events where the guilty party seems to do it for no other reason then to be evil.

That story made my blood boil holy shit...

People of color are far less common to be actually labeled as people on the spectrum for a variety of reasons and that story makes me wonder if it's not for the better. Combine the hatred racist people have with the ignorance people have towards those with mental and physical disabilities and you get absolute monsters.


Oct 27, 2017
aww here
There was a case not to long ago where a black policeman was shot by cops while investigating a crime
Was this some Ohio bullshit? Just logged back in, peeping quoted posts and I'd like to read the story you talking about. I don't doubt it happened, more in for the pretzel moves dirty as that sounds.

Just... How does that happen? What the hell are these body cams/recording devices for ffs "white" cop contingency?


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not black, but my sister's soon-to-be-ex-husband (who I still try to be friends with) is and he's had multiple times where he's gotten bullshit from the cops (we live in Wisconsin, so it's like 90% white people).

1) Multiple times being pulled over because "reports of a matching description driving a stolen car matching this description."

2) This one is my favorite: one time he was just going home, into his apartment where he lived with my sister and their two kids, and some nosy-ass neighbor lady called the cops because apparently and conveniently, some other white lady with kids in the same apartment complex happened to have an abusive black boyfriend that looked convincingly enough like my bro-in-law. So naturally there was some shit. He wasn't arrested, but the cops questioned him for a minute.