
Oct 31, 2017

The author of the original guide seems to now be a born again Christian, and as such has updated the guide to lambast the series for its sins.

The entire thing is well worth a read (with this transcript taken from Kotaku):

Years after originally writing and posting this guide, I now take moral offense at this game and would prefer that neither this guide nor the game exist. The only reason I have not removed this guide is I had submitted it under contract that it be allowed to stay on the GameFAQs site. Their staff has been very helpful to me and I hope that my petitions and comments might eventually reach someone who can remove it.

My complaints against this game are against its glorification of demons and evil spirits, and also against its promotion of witchcraft through tarot and other means (tarot card divination/fortunetelling is expressly witchcraft). Both of these blaspheme against the Almighty God, Jesus.

Promotion of demon worship and witchcraft is common across Japanese-produced media, including anime and video games, and therefore I would caution anyone who is aware of these dangers to beware of these two mediums as a whole. However, I will only comment on a few more lies found in this game.

1) Who's the most powerful demon/persona in the Shin Megami Tensei / Persona games?

The devil Satan (not Lucifer, that's not really a name for the devil) only has what authority Jesus gives him. In other words, the devil is a wimp!

At the end of time, the devil and all fallen angels and all wicked humans will be permanently destroyed. Gone. No sin will be in the kingdom.

Contrary to popular belief, dying is NOT cool.

2) Since all the Persona games have their own little end of the world stories, which are false, I think you should know the way it will really end.

First, the end time son of perdition will be revealed in a strong delusion in God's temple in heaven.

30 days later will be the huge invasion of the Gog/Magog war, which is Russia, China, Syria, and Iran successfully invading the rest of the world.

That lasts for 1260 days, then the next 45 days consist of the death of the two witnesses, the 1st resurrection (7th trumpet), and the wrath of God at the same time as the marriage supper in heaven.

On the 1335th day Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom on earth, destroys the son of perdition and the false prophet, and imprisons Satan and his fallen angels until the 2nd resurrection, which is another opportunity for all unsaved to repent towards God and achieve eternal life.

I wish I had known about the curse on this game and the many others like it. Where were all the hundreds of millions of Christians while I was playing these games? They must be a bunch of fakes because I never heard a single warning! Well, consider yourself informed. And if you don't believe the warning, then believe because of the consequences. There really is a curse for disobedience. I pray more people will wake up to the reality of the evil in this world and stop supporting it.

Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Brethren, what shall we do?"

Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

- Acts 2:37-38

"And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in the sight of everyone; and they counted up the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver."

- Acts 19:19

Basically, holy shit.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Woooooooooooooooooow, that's wild. I wasn't expecting this to be the direction it went. Was thinking a more sentimental message or something.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
i dunno but i think if he really felt like that he'd have deleted the guide even if it pissed off his friends.

seems like a way to get more exposure.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This happens a lot. I've seen old Youtube channels I used to watch back in the day where the video descriptions randomly got updated with Christian propaganda because the account-holder randomly found God.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 30, 2017
Zaragoza, Spain.
I remember laughing my ass off to a Shin Megami Tensei thread in a christian forum I found by chance in Google years ago.

These are incredible, holy shit.

Hope he doesn't listen to Nocturne's Fierce Battle.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I remember laughing my ass off to a Shin Megami Tensei thread in a christian forum I found by chance in Google years ago.

This are incredible, holy shit.

Hope he doesn't listen to Nocturne's Fierce Battle.
you just reminded me of that christian video game site that reviews smt and persona games. they had an interesting review system if you know what i mean
Sep 14, 2018
Lmao don't show Nocturne to this person.

P2 is like pretty tame about it? I appreciate drawing people's attention to the duology though, hopefully more people check them out!


Oct 27, 2017
anyone Remember the guy pissed at bioshock infinite because you have to get a baptism.


Oct 25, 2017
Who wants to tell them that Satan is also not a thing because it's based on mistranslation/misinterpretation and was pushed by the church to scare people into giving them money

What a wild wall of text


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
Well, Lucifer & Satan are indeed the strongest in the game.

Their fusion spell Armageddon could even wipe out all enemies including last boss.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember laughing my ass off to a Shin Megami Tensei thread in a christian forum I found by chance in Google years ago.

This are incredible, holy shit.

Hope he doesn't listen to Nocturne's Fierce Battle.

I remember years and years ago I randomly stumbled on to a Christian gaming reviews site with their review for Diablo 2. The guy explained how the gameplay was amazing and really fun but struggled to give it a pass for the imagery but did concede that you're fighting against the devil so that's alright but ultimately decided it was still a bad game.


Dec 15, 2018
Lmao as a christian this is pretty great. Nocturne is the GOAT though I guess now he'll never know


Fallen Guardian
Oct 31, 2017
it's a game... I don't see any need to take the story seriously... if you are an adult though


Oct 28, 2017
My favorite part is the Russia/China/Iran/Syria bit spelling the apocalypse despite there being no mention of any modern nation in the Bible. Just so happens to be four nations adversarial to the US, by complete coincidence. This is why critical thinking should be stressed more in schools.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 30, 2017
Zaragoza, Spain.
Christians are the first to "mislead" representing angels as winged people instead of infinite burning circles with thousands of eyes and so on.

My favorite part is the Russia/China/Iran/Syria bit spelling the apocalypse despite there being no mention of any modern nation in the Bible. Just so happens to be four nations adversarial to the US, by complete coincidence. This is why critical thinking should be stressed more in schools.

It's like poetry; it rhymes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Is this a Persona-like take to have? I don't know how in-character this is as I haven't really played Persona games, but this seems like a bit...?


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
I love how these end of days prophecies are always updated to include the current Big Bads (or whoever the far right imagines are the Big Bads) of the world. Gotta have timely and consistent lore retcons in your doomsday cult so that followers don't get confused.

"What the fuck is a Babylon? Whatever, just change it to Russia."


Oct 27, 2017
In forsaking Persona, he has inadvertently predicted the plot to the next Shin Megami Tensei entry.

Bravo, my newly enlightened friend. Join us on the true path, for without Law, there can be no order, no prosperity, no safety. Our Thousand Year Kingdom awaits!


Oct 25, 2017
Though to be real, it is kinda fucked that they can't remove the guide or their association with it.

i dunno but i think if he really felt like that he'd have deleted the guide even if it pissed off his friends.

seems like a way to get more exposure.

Get more exposure by updating a 9 year old guide for a extremely niche PSP game?
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
30 days later will be the huge invasion of the Gog/Magog war, which is Russia, China, Syria, and Iran successfully invading the rest of the world.

That lasts for 1260 days, then the next 45 days consist of the death of the two witnesses, the 1st resurrection (7th trumpet), and the wrath of God at the same time as the marriage supper in heaven.

On the 1335th day Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom on earth, destroys the son of perdition and the false prophet, and imprisons Satan and his fallen angels until the 2nd resurrection, which is another opportunity for all unsaved to repent towards God and achieve eternal life.

This...sounds like the plot of an old school JRPG


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I just used this guide two weeks ago while playing the game for my 52 challenge.

What a wild time, lol. This is giving me flashbacks to the Circumcision debacle on the Silent Hill wiki.

i dunno but i think if he really felt like that he'd have deleted the guide even if it pissed off his friends.

seems like a way to get more exposure.

He mentions in the update that it can't be deleted by him, as it was part of the FAQ bounty program. A mod would need to delete it.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I just used this guide two weeks ago while playing the game for my 52 challenge.

What a wild time, lol. This is giving me flashbacks to the Circumcision debacle on the Silent Hill wiki.

He mentions in the update that it can't be deleted by him, as it was part of the FAQ bounty program. A mod would need to delete it.

hm, seems i misunderstood that part. it looked like he had control of the text if he could add more to it.

Though to be real, it is kinda fucked that they can't remove the guide or their association with it.

Get more exposure by updating a 9 year old guide for a extremely niche PSP game?

with the amount of retweets the tweet is getting, it could probably beat the western sales of the game at some point.