
Jan 21, 2018
I don't have the patience for things like this and I'd say something like "I guess you changed my view, I am fine now with cutting off dickheads but only the ones like you and your wife"


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Statistically, half of all non-circumcised men will contract a medical condition related to their foreskin. It should be considered equivalent to a vaccination - sure it's optional, but it's not smart to not get a circumcision if the opportunity is present.
Yeah, gonna need some receipts with this.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
The way they seem to have completely ignored the fact that you were circumcised is completely nonsensical and makes them a special kind of asshole.
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't realize the thread title joke until I wrote it honestly....anyway;

was talking to a friend I've know for 4-5 years, and they were telling me about their marriage plans and having kids this year. Topic switched to raising kids, and they had some questions from me since I work with kids, so they wanted to talk about how they were nervous about having kids and just being a good parent. They made a comment about circumcision and I told them how I was against it even though it was done to me....this is where their mood suddenly changed and got very serious. I honestly have rarely seen my friend like this in the past few years. They told me how it's their religion and it's unthinkable to even suggest that. I wasn't attacking their choice, but just said "hey it was done to me as a child due to my parents religion. I just wish I had a choice in the matter and I will give that choice to my child" and then they went on to say how every man they know in their community doesn't complain about it and it's not that big of a deal.

fast forward to today I get a message from them about how upset they were and still are with my stance against this matter, and don't see how we can still be friends since me being against circumcision equals me being against their religion and culture...?? I responded back to the text saying how I don't care about their religion or have anything against it, just don't believe in circumcision. The last text they sent me was how they are to utterly disappointed because they were looking forward to me possibly being their child's teacher someday at my school, and teaching them things etc but now that can't happen.

Like seriously, holy fuck. I've never seen someone do such a shift in their attitude. I get that some people are religious and passionate about it, but bruh...I'm legit speechless right now and don't know how to process this. I thought circumcision wasn't as controversial anymore and less and less people were doing it but I guess I was wrong.

Yeah this isn't a great stance, ngl. "I don't care about their religion" is hopefully not what you actually said because clearly there's something there.

OP, give it some time and then respond back with an apology saying you didn't know their stance the religious aspects and don't hold it against them for circumcising their son. Say you don't wish your friendship to break over this topic and you are open to hearing more of their opinions. Keep it open and honest but avoid "I don't care about ____" or things of that nature. In the end you'll probably end up in a "for my child I probably won't but I do not fault you for your child and believe you will be good parents".

Remove circumcision and insert "alcohol". Imagine saying you couldn't imagine people having fun without alcohol and arguing against it. That's kinda where you're at.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's all ignore that like 95% of European men are uncircumcised and have lower rates of everything circumcision is supposed to help with than their American counterparts. It's almost as if there's better ways to achieve something other than irreversible surgery at birth. Like, I don't know, basic levels of education on various topics.

Half of European and Asian men contract medical conditions relating to their foreskin???


Oct 25, 2017
Your "friend" is stupid.

I am circumcised and i also will have it done on my future son. It is normal in my religion/culture and i know noone in real Life who has issues with it.

But i would never be angry with soneone who has a different opinion. I would just say it is important for our family and i hope that he can respect my beliefs.

It would be different if you where an ass about it. Then i would say we are not compatible and should not be friends anymore... but his reaction is unreasonable


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Let's all ignore that like 95% of European men are uncircumcised and have lower rates of everything circumcision is supposed to help with than their American counterparts. It's almost as if there's better ways to achieve something other than irreversible surgery at birth. Like, I don't know, basic levels of education on various topics.

Half of European and Asian men contract medical conditions relating to their foreskin???
Didn't you know? Also, vaccines cause autism and Epstein didn't kill himself.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems weird to me to react that way, even more after making it clear it wasn't about religion. I had to get circumcised because I had phimosis, I still remember being afraid of peeing because of the pain. About the reduced sexual pleasure, I can't compare, I was 6 years old... but, personally I think it isn't true.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's all ignore that like 95% of European men are uncircumcised and have lower rates of everything circumcision is supposed to help with than their American counterparts. It's almost as if there's better ways to achieve something other than irreversible surgery at birth. Like, I don't know, basic levels of education on various topics.

Half of European and Asian men contract medical conditions relating to their foreskin???

Indeed, circumcision is uncommon in Europe except amongst Jews and Muslims. But maybe Americans consider some smegma as a "medical condition" like how having some teeth plaque is a "medical condition". Just wash your dicks.
Oct 28, 2017
How do you people become friends with these people? There's many stories on this forum where people break up with friends over some inane issue that makes you wonder how the friendship endured.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
That's whack. Better off without them I suppose


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
Sounds like they kind of suck.

That being said this whole genitalia mutilation and focusing on the religious reason to circumcise your baby seems...odd. Maybe it's because I don't have a kid yet but the idea of waiting and letting them decide years down the line, is that really a common thing? Not being circumcised is unhealthier, more "work", and although anecdotal it seems more women prefer uncircumcised men than do. And while I don't know this to be true, wouldn't it be more expensive and complicated to have it done later in life? Not only that, but at what point do you ask? Before they hit puberty? After? Just never do it and leave it up to them if they want to spend the money and time to have it done when they are adults?

Maybe my boomer is showing but this just seems like one of those overly weird stances that when you think about it seems very extra. Like not giving your baby a gender until they tell you or asking permission to change their diaper or anything like that (although that one has a subtle psychological reasoning behind it even if I don't know how justified it is).
Who knows maybe when I become a dad my perspective will change but even though you shouldn't loose a friendship over it I still believe in getting your child circumcised and it has nothing to do with religion.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this isn't a great stance, ngl. "I don't care about their religion" is hopefully not what you actually said because clearly there's something there.

OP, give it some time and then respond back with an apology saying you didn't know their stance the religious aspects and don't hold it against them for circumcising their son. Say you don't wish your friendship to break over this topic and you are open to hearing more of their opinions. Keep it open and honest but avoid "I don't care about ____" or things of that nature. In the end you'll probably end up in a "for my child I probably won't but I do not fault you for your child and believe you will be good parents".

Remove circumcision and insert "alcohol". Imagine saying you couldn't imagine people having fun without alcohol and arguing against it. That's kinda where you're at.
Nah, religion isn't actually a good reason to cut bits off your kid? Like that should be self evident...


Oct 27, 2017
It's fucking bullshit and I can't believe this practice survived modern times, thanks to that Kellogg's man. And to those people saying parents have to make medical decisions for their children, are you serious? Foreskin isn't exactly a tail or an abnormal growth, every male baby is born with it, it's a natural part of our bodies and removing it surgically as a default status makes as much sense as amputating a toe that is perfectly fine.

The only "reason" for circumcision is a pathetic weird attempt to prevent the evil masturbation practice.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have any ill will toward parents who circumcise their sons. The more common it gets, the more people are willing to do it. And if doctors freely do it, then surely there must be health benefits, right? I think that's what people believe. I think if you were to try to convince someone that the health benefits are overstated, then they'll regard you in the same way we regard anti-vax people or people who swear by natural remedies. I think the doctors' willingness to do procedures like this go a long way with pushing the normalization of circumcision.

Personally, the more I think about it, the more I think it's really weird that lopping off skin from an infant's penis is so normal here. I guess people look at it the same way as piercing a toddler's ears. They want to spare them the pain of potentially doing it later in life I suppose.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking bullshit and I can't believe this practice survived modern times, thanks to that Kellogg's man. And to those people saying parents have to make medical decisions for their children, are you serious? Foreskin isn't exactly a tail or an abnormal growth, every male baby is born with it, it's a natural part of our bodies and removing it surgically as a default status makes as much sense as amputating a toe that is perfectly fine.

The only "reason" for circumcision is a pathetic weird attempt to prevent the evil masturbation practice.

Any toe other than big toe would be much less of a loss.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah this isn't a great stance, ngl. "I don't care about their religion" is hopefully not what you actually said because clearly there's something there.

OP, give it some time and then respond back with an apology saying you didn't know their stance the religious aspects and don't hold it against them for circumcising their son. Say you don't wish your friendship to break over this topic and you are open to hearing more of their opinions. Keep it open and honest but avoid "I don't care about ____" or things of that nature. In the end you'll probably end up in a "for my child I probably won't but I do not fault you for your child and believe you will be good parents".
He has nothing to apologize for.

The fact his friend would continue to try to push this conversation by using a false equivalency to vaccinations, which the op noted in a subsequent post you may have missed, means his friend is arguing in bad faith, pun intended.

Not to mention, let's not forget the friend used this as a way to question the OPs ability as a teacher, and then insulting him and his profession. Like, what? What does being a teacher have anything to do with this, at all?

And let's not forget, the OP never questioned his friend's decision to do this. He only said he would not do it for his child if he had the choice. That was it at that point until his friend decided to escalate it.

There's nothing for the op to apologize for, so let's not go down this road. The friend is the one that is refusing to rationally discuss this topic, not the OP. If he says he doesn't believe in it, what's wrong with that? If he says he doesn't believe in it because it's against HIS religion, what's wrong with that?

If you're focusing more on the religious part, and not on everything else, it feels like you're missing the point of this whole thread. This thread isn't about whether or not you believe in this, it's about a friend willing to torch their whole friendship over something so minor. Yes, it's okay to respect others religious beliefs, but it should also be okay to respect others who don't share you religious beliefs, and then you can go from there.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like they kind of suck.

That being said this whole genitalia mutilation and focusing on the religious reason to circumcise your baby seems...odd. Maybe it's because I don't have a kid yet but the idea of waiting and letting them decide years down the line, is that really a common thing? Not being circumcised is unhealthier, more "work", and although anecdotal it seems more women prefer uncircumcised men than do. And while I don't know this to be true, wouldn't it be more expensive and complicated to have it done later in life? Not only that, but at what point do you ask? Before they hit puberty? After? Just never do it and leave it up to them if they want to spend the money and time to have it done when they are adults?

hmmm unless you consider basic hygiene "work". Like very basic having a shower every so often and washing your dick "work".

I've never had a problem or known anyone to have a problem with being uncircumcised - most men in my country would be. I think you've just fallen for all the bullshit about it.


Nov 6, 2017
I had no idea there was so much fud spread about circumcision lol. Is it a desperate need to justify it?

Deleted member 9932

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
circumcision is a barbaric practice that shouldn't even be allowed. That people are allowed to cut childrens dicks under "religion circumstances" is downright nonsensical.

Elderly Parrot

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 13, 2018
hmmm unless you consider basic hygiene "work". Like very basic having a shower every so often and washing your dick "work".

I've never had a problem or known anyone to have a problem with being uncircumcised - most men in my country would be. I think you've just fallen for all the bullshit about it.
Do you know what site you are posting on. Hygiene is the worst kind of work


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: The religious custom described is only practiced by a fringe and extremist minority and not at all mainstream. Please avoid potential misinformation or generalizations in sensitive discussions.
Yeah, gonna need some receipts with this.

I'm non-circumsized and did have a minor UTI when I was 6 or so because my single mother did not know to educate me on how to properly wash my Penis. I had a quick round of anti-biotics and a little chat from a Doctor, and it's been issue-free for 25 years. So I can believe that this is not a super uncommon thing to happen in the life of an uncircumsized boy.

A search for more serious problems related to foreskin isn't turning up a whole lot, although circumcision is a surgery and has risks of infection itself. Especially in parts of the world where you have religious figures with improper medical training performing Brit Milah instead of surgeons simply doing the procedure in a sterile environment. I mean, for fucks sakes, a traditional Brit Milah involves a Rabbi sucking on the foreskin before performing the incision. Super, super unsanitary and frankly fucking disgusting conceptually.


Oct 30, 2017
Statistically, half of all non-circumcised men will contract a medical condition related to their foreskin. It should be considered equivalent to a vaccination - sure it's optional, but it's not smart to not get a circumcision if the opportunity is present.
Lmao what. How can you equate vaccination with circumcision. Give your head a shake.


May 17, 2018
I had the procedure done in my teens for medical reasons, about 70% of men in my country undergo this for usually the same reason.
Anyway, what followed was one of the worst months of my life, with excruciating pain and lack of sleep. People who had it as a baby don't remember this, but believe me, that's what you are putting your kid through.

I was also baptized, and I wish I hadn't. It's not a big deal though, because it wasn't irreversible.

Had my parents removed a chunk of my body without my consent for religious reasons, I don't know if we'd have the same relationship nowadays.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
First, he's probably Jewish or Islamic. Both religions have their traditions.

In Europe, sure, it's rare outside Jewish communities.

In the US however, it's very common even among non-Jews. That is because there is medical evidence that suggests it's more hygienic. In fact, MOST men in the USA are circumcised. Like 80-90% of the male population in the country are.

Statistically, half of all non-circumcised men will contract a medical condition related to their foreskin. It should be considered equivalent to a vaccination - sure it's optional, but it's not smart to not get a circumcision if the opportunity is present.

Speak for yourself. I have minor balinitis that occurs a few times a year, but I put a cream on for a few days and it goes away. Much better than the risk of surgery. Not everything needs to be treated with a scalpel.
Jan 10, 2018
Parents making the choice to mutilate their child, impacting their body for the rest of their lives, just seems so fucking bizarre that I'm having a hard time even believing it. I could never befriend such people.


Oct 25, 2017
Remove circumcision and insert "alcohol". Imagine saying you couldn't imagine people having fun without alcohol and arguing against it. That's kinda where you're at.

...You're really comparing something that's technically illegal to provide to children outside of certain medical circumstances and does no irreversable damage unless consumed in extreme quantites to irreversable surgery done to someone before they can even make a decision about it?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm non-circumsized and did have a minor UTI when I was 6 or so because my single mother did not know to educate me on how to properly wash my Penis. I had a quick round of anti-biotics and a little chat from a Doctor, and it's been issue-free for 25 years. So I can believe that this is not a super uncommon thing to happen in the life of an uncircumsized boy.
That's not a receipt on his/her statement...


Oct 30, 2017
Speaking as a European dude... that 50% air plucked figure about medical issues for uncircumcised men?



Oct 27, 2017
...You're really comparing something that's technically illegal to provide to children outside of certain medical circumstances and does no irreversable damage unless consumed in extreme quantites to irreversable surgery done to someone before they can even make a decision about it?
Oh god, I didn't even notice he added that part.

Well, it appears this poster is definitely arguing in bad faith just like his friend is, comparing circumcisions to vaccinations, and now comparing circumcisions to alcohol, lol.

Who knows, maybe that's his friend's account on here.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wow. I mean, I now personally lean toward "not gonna circumcise my child," but even when I was more religious I can't imagine circumcision being a reason I cut a person out of my life. Like . . . that's just crazy to me.


Oct 31, 2017
I can't imagine being friends with someone who take their religion that seriously. I'd probably have cut that person out of my life long before this.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people do understand how weird and messed up it is and so they get super defensive when people point out how bad things about circumcision.

Boom. It's absolutely this. The sooner the practice dies out in the US, the better. Yes, it makes your dick look prettier, but come on. Don't cut bits off babies.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
No, it's an anecdote about why I can believe that stat without a receit.

It's just also a post about why I don't think it matters as much as their claiming.


Oct 25, 2017
Boom. It's absolutely this. The sooner the practice dies out in the US, the better. Yes, it makes your dick look prettier, but come on. Don't cut bits off babies.

No it doesn't. Circumcision scars are not attractive. The loss of vascularity (ymmv) is not as attractive. And on and on. Uncircumcised cocks look much better.

Some will disagree of course, but they're definitely in the minority worldwide and their preferred aesthetic almost always involves irreversible surgery on those unable to consent for completely backwards reasons.

I would love to demonstrate the beauty of the intact member, but alas that's not possible here. Also much readily available evidence lost in the great Tumblr disaster of 2018.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Not going to touch this subject very deep beyond thinking it's mutilation, but I would like to say that people saying because women like it need to chill, if you suggested women surgically alter their bodies because men prefer it sexually you would be rightfully banned, and this should be bannable too, and it's fucking gross.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Not going to touch this subject very deep beyond thinking it's mutilation, but I would like to say that people saying because women like it need to chill, if you suggested women surgically alter their bodies because men prefer it sexually you would be rightfully banned, and this should be bannable too, and it's fucking gross.
This so much. I would also love to hear their stance on female circumcision.
Oct 25, 2017
Well, seems like that's that. They just texted me again and I quote "it's not any more traumatizing to the child compared to them getting vaccination shots, are you against needles as well? I want my child to be part of the community so will do it regardless of what you think"

I'm still shocked at how I had never seen this side of my friend in 5 years of knowing them. Just don't know what to think of this.

As a parent, I can see ditching a non-doctor as well if they said or implied that my actions towards my children was traumatizing. Particularly if reasons were religion based. Non parents giving advice on things is obnoxious to begin with, fundamental issues like this are well beyond. Of course, that's why you avoid these discussions with other people.
Oct 27, 2017
Especially in parts of the world where you have religious figures with improper medical training performing Brit Milah instead of surgeons simply doing the procedure in a sterile environment. I mean, for fucks sakes, a traditional Brit Milah involves a Rabbi sucking on the foreskin before performing the incision. Super, super unsanitary and frankly fucking disgusting conceptually.

The fuck?? A grown man sucks on a babies dick before chopping it off? How is this legal?