Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
OP, you should have just kept quiet. Parents get really touchy when other people question their parenting decisions.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah, the pro-circumcision wackos are here again. Because it's extremely common in their (American) culture and most users are from America the rest of us is supposed to treat this particular genital mutilation as reasonable.

Laughable health arguments and made up statistics are welcome!

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
Religion isn't a good enough reason for me I'm afraid but then I'm not religious. People do all kinds of things in the name of religion. Baffling to those of us looking in from the outside.


Oct 27, 2017
Not going to touch this subject very deep beyond thinking it's mutilation, but I would like to say that people saying because women like it need to chill, if you suggested women surgically alter their bodies because men prefer it sexually you would be rightfully banned, and this should be bannable too, and it's fucking gross.
This. Do you guys really think women care about the SHAPE of your dick in 2020?!?!?

Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
That's your opinion. They are not breaking the law
Ah yes, let's not hurt the feelings of people who take part in a practice that's child abuse.

It's not child abuse. No laws are being broken and it's a medically accepted procedure.

Furthermore, all these responses saying that OP is better off that the friendship is broken is just dumb. Like plenty of people think spanking is child abuse and I personally am not in favor of it. But I'm not going to throw a friendship away because parents want to discipline their kids in a way that I disagree with. It doesn't affect me and it's not my business.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Given how distressing some posts about hygiene that pop up from time to time sound I can't really get fully on board with people claiming it's a myth with no benefits, there's definitely an audience for this so called mutilation. OP's friend is a nut job though and no one should feel bad about dropping crazy people from their life.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
First, he's probably Jewish or Islamic. Both religions have their traditions.

In Europe, sure, it's rare outside Jewish communities.

In the US however, it's very common even among non-Jews. That is because there is medical evidence that suggests it's more hygienic. In fact, MOST men in the USA are circumcised. Like 80-90% of the male population in the country are.

Statistically, half of all non-circumcised men will contract a medical condition related to their foreskin. It should be considered equivalent to a vaccination - sure it's optional, but it's not smart to not get a circumcision if the opportunity is present.

Haha, no.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No it doesn't. Circumcision scars are not attractive. The loss of vascularity (ymmv) is not as attractive. And on and on. Uncircumcised cocks look much better.

Some will disagree of course, but they're definitely in the minority worldwide and their preferred aesthetic almost always involves irreversible surgery on those unable to consent for completely backwards reasons.

I would love to demonstrate the beauty of the intact member, but alas that's not possible here. Also much readily available evidence lost in the great Tumblr disaster of 2018.

You're right; it's completely subjective. I always think it's sensible to affirm that there's nothing wrong with cut junk when I advocate for not cutting babies (and to be clear, I personally prefer the aesthetic of cut cocks on others, although usually there are a ton of other factors that make a dick pretty/not-so-pretty that are unrelated to presence/absence of foreskin).

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
That's your opinion. They are not breaking the law

It's not child abuse. No laws are being broken and it's a medically accepted procedure.

Furthermore, all these responses saying that OP is better off that the friendship is broken is just dumb. Like plenty of people think spanking is child abuse and I personally am not in favor of it. But I'm not going to throw a friendship away because parents want to discipline their kids in a way that I disagree with. It doesn't affect me and it's not my business.
They ended the friendship not the OP. Did you even read the post?

And OP wasn't even as harsh with them as some are being on here. Furthermore I don't really hold it against my parents at all but just because it's medically accepted doesn't mean it's ok either.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
User warned: Inflammatory comparison
It's not child abuse. No laws are being broken and it's a medically accepted procedure.
So it wasn't rape when a man had sex with a woman without her consent, because at one point that wasn't illegal either? Amputating your arm is an accepted procedure also, should we be doing those to infants too for no reason?


Oct 28, 2017
That's your opinion. They are not breaking the law

It's not child abuse. No laws are being broken and it's a medically accepted procedure.

Furthermore, all these responses saying that OP is better off that the friendship is broken is just dumb. Like plenty of people think spanking is child abuse and I personally am not in favor of it. But I'm not going to throw a friendship away because parents want to discipline their kids in a way that I disagree with. It doesn't affect me and it's not my business.

No current laws being broken doesn't mean it's not abuse. What sort of metric is that fuck sake.

Committing male genitalia mutilation on an unconsenting new born baby is absolutely abuse.


Oct 25, 2017
i honestly never really thought about this too much but now i'm reading all about it. thanks guys sharing info.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That's your opinion. They are not breaking the law

It's not child abuse. No laws are being broken and it's a medically accepted procedure.

Furthermore, all these responses saying that OP is better off that the friendship is broken is just dumb. Like plenty of people think spanking is child abuse and I personally am not in favor of it. But I'm not going to throw a friendship away because parents want to discipline their kids in a way that I disagree with. It doesn't affect me and it's not my business.
The scenario is the friend dropping off the friendship and claiming they're disappointed in OP, are you saying you would go apologize to your friend and tell him you regret saying you're not in favor of hitting kids in an attempt to save the friendship?

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
You really have to wonder if circumcision would exist at all if it wasn't some weird religious practice. It seems like it got ingrained into the U.S.'s "mainstream culture" via religion and now people have to create non-religious reasons to justify it.

I can't imagine my parents would have gotten me circumsized if my dad had a perfectly working circumsized penis. It's such a ridiculous line of thought to say 'hey, we should cut off a normal, functioning part of our son's penis!'

I had no idea there was so much fud spread about circumcision lol. Is it a desperate need to justify it?
Console wars for penises, but in this case you also force your children to be Xbox fanboys for life.


Oct 26, 2017
Statistically, half of all non-circumcised men will contract a medical condition related to their foreskin. It should be considered equivalent to a vaccination - sure it's optional, but it's not smart to not get a circumcision if the opportunity is present.
Must be why numbers everywhere in the western world continually went down and every medical association in the western world outside the US is against it, with even the US one now taking a neutral stance on it.
But what do they know ...

Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Your friend is projecting his lack of tolerance onto you. If it wasn't this issue it could have been something else.


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny to me the rationalizations that Americans make for circumcision. The rest of the uncircumcised world seems to be doing just fine.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Your friends had a pretty severe over reaction for sure. Circumcision is actually really good for long term health of the child however, I work in a nursing home and have seen what happens when uncut penises don't get taken care of well. They are more prone to infections and bacteria.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny to me the rationalizations that Americans make for circumcision. The rest of the uncircumcised world seems to be doing just fine.
Your foreskin is gonna get gangrenous sooner or later tho. Brought to you by the American Snippers Association.
Jul 19, 2018
Your friends had a pretty severe over reaction for sure. Circumcision is actually really good for long term health of the child however, I work in a nursing home and have seen what happens when uncut penises don't get taken care of well. They are more prone to infections and bacteria.

Yep, far better to mutilate genitals than have a conversation about hygiene.


Oct 27, 2017
People get surgery that changes their body all the time. People cut off non cancerous growths, excess skin after weight loss, skin tags, removing wisdom teeth, etc and it is not mutilation.

I'm glad my husband's parents had him circumcised, they at least did 1 thing right.
Circumcision rates in most of Europe and Latin America are below 20%. In Asia, they're even lower. We're all doing just fine, somehow. American exceptionalism never fails to surprise.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
hmmm unless you consider basic hygiene "work". Like very basic having a shower every so often and washing your dick "work".

I've never had a problem or known anyone to have a problem with being uncircumcised - most men in my country would be. I think you've just fallen for all the bullshit about it.

I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately kids growing up aren't exactly known for their hygiene, and while there can be a discussion about whether you feel circumcision is justified I don't think you can look at the data/research and come away saying there is no increased risk for medical complications/health issues if you aren't circumcised even if those issues are relatively minor.

Stop spreading this nonsense, please.

Maybe there is some correlation between cultures that rarely have their kids circumcised and it refutes these statistics. If so I'd be interested to read them. But let's not act like it's some religious conspiracy. The actual data supports my reasoning for believing in it. I hope I won't be castigated for them, especially considering the premise of the thread.


Oct 27, 2017
Parents make choices about their children's bodies every day, children have medical procedures done to correct things as well, cleft pallet, skin grafts after burns/cancer/injuries.
The presence of foreskin is not something that needs to be corrected, holy crap. You are dumb as hell.


Oct 26, 2017
To be honest I came in here thinking it was gonna be the other way around where your friend is one of those super against circumcision folks like the dude who used the Silent Hill wiki to vent about male circumcision.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately kids growing up aren't exactly known for their hygiene, and while there can be a discussion about whether you feel circumcision is justified I don't think you can look at the data/research and come away saying there is no increased risk for medical complications/health issues if you aren't circumcised even if those issues are relatively minor.

Maybe there is some correlation between cultures that rarely have their kids circumcised and it refutes these statistics. If so I'd be interested to read them. But let's not act like it's some religious conspiracy. The actual data supports my reasoning for believing in it. I hope I won't be castigated for them, especially considering the premise of the thread.
No, you provided a single link that doesn't do what you think it does... It IS nonsense that it's more healthy.

Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
They ended the friendship not the OP. Did you even read the post?

And OP wasn't even as harsh with them as some are being on here. Furthermore I don't really hold it against my parents at all but just because it's medically accepted doesn't mean it's ok either.

Did you read my post? I said OP should have just kept quiet. There are plenty of things that are brought up in conversation with me by parents wrt to raising kids that I don't agree with and I don't say anything. Like does voicing my disagreement going to actually change the parents mind? No, all it does is cause people to get mad because it sounds like you are criticizing their parenting skills.

The scenario is the friend dropping off the friendship and claiming they're disappointed in OP, are you saying you would go apologize to your friend and tell him you regret saying you're not in favor of hitting kids in an attempt to save the friendship?

If I valued the friendship, yes.


Oct 26, 2017

Maybe there is some correlation between cultures that rarely have their kids circumcised and it refutes these statistics. If so I'd be interested to read them. But let's not act like it's some religious conspiracy. The actual data supports my reasoning for believing in it. I hope I won't be castigated for them, especially considering the premise of the thread.
I don't see any statistics on that site?


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So the "medical reason" is that people with poor or non existent hygiene get dick infections. Yeah we need circumcision to remedy that. It fucking must be that. Are you people for real?

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Circumcision rates in most of Europe and Latin America are below 20%. In Asia, they're even lower. We're all doing just fine, somehow. American exceptionalism never fails to surprise.
Of course... no one is suggesting that you NEED a circumcision. People are merely posting evidence that indicates there MIGHT be medical benefits with minimal drawbacks.

It's not a big deal if you don't get one. Nor is this an example of "Amercian exceptionalism" or whatever.

Deleted member 21012

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Not only you're meddling into their religion and culture, but you're also meddling into their parental decisions. So, yeah.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm non-circumsized and did have a minor UTI when I was 6 or so because my single mother did not know to educate me on how to properly wash my Penis. I had a quick round of anti-biotics and a little chat from a Doctor, and it's been issue-free for 25 years. So I can believe that this is not a super uncommon thing to happen in the life of an uncircumsized boy.

I know this isn't the argument that you personally are making, but copping off a part of your child to avoid an issue that can be fixed with good hygiene and a round of antibiotics at worse just seems mental to me as someone from the UK.

The idea that "women prefer circumcised dicks" is a complete myth too. American women maybe "prefer" it because to them it's what looks normal, but I've banged a few Americans and I assure you they had no issues with my ant eater.


Oct 27, 2017
You probably came off a lot more condescending than in your OP because the story isn't adding up - not likely they would get that mad over what you posted you said. Parents make the choices they feel is best for their kids. It's not your place to tell them what to do or offer unwanted advice. Next time try being more tolerant of other people's views.