
Nov 2, 2017
Earlier today, while I was volunteering at my friend's charity shop, the topic of religion came up and I was asked what I believe in and I said atheism, my friend then proceeded to ask my why I believed there's no God, while i was conversing and discussing my views, this lady overhead us and asked me to stop because I was offending her, I asked how I offended her and she said that my belief of their being no God is offensive to her Christian belief. I never said anything bad about Christianity or insult it in anyway. I just said okay and let it go, no point in arguing.

Later in the day, while my friend was on Facebook, she came across a post by that lady who was saying that she "encountered some guy in the store trying to denounce God and all his blessings" and she also said am an agent of Satan put on earth to lead her astray. I just laughed and let it go, my friend was a bit angry with my indifference to the whole thing.

TLDR: Literally what the title says.
Has something like this ever happened to you. How do people really find it offensive for others to hold views different from them? How do they justify that?

EDIT:Clarifying question.
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Oct 27, 2017
Never, but I'm in California, and one of the good parts, so I don't have to deal with this in public.


Oct 25, 2017
I am 2/4 LGBT living in south america so yeah, people more than once said that my "views" were offensive for them. They justified very poorly


Oct 25, 2017
Same thing happens at work almost everyday. Some girl keeps on talking about Jesus. And always ask me about religion stuff.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
"Sorry lady, I can't control what you're offended by, but I have the freedom to state my beliefs the same as anyone else."


Apr 17, 2018
Not quite, but I was once called a smug atheist for saying the Earth was more than 5,000 years old and that carbon dating proved it.

Topic came up because they were grumpy that the state funding got cut for their church lead, young Earth dino digs. The conversation developed organically (I did not realize she was a young Earth believer) but it did end in her telling me that it is impossible for an atheist to have morals.

On second thought, I have been told that I will go to hell for not being baptised. Maybe that was their way of being offended.
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Oct 25, 2017
Nah, I'm very fortunate that I've never encountered anyone like this here in the UK and nor have I ever had to involve myself unwittingly or otherwise in any heated religious exchange.

The woman you encountered certainly sounds like a piece of work. There's being really insecure about your own faith and then there's aggressively confronting a stranger with some utterly batshit insane extremist nonsense. I'm not fully sure how I would handle such a situation besides just not engaging with that person whatsoever. Someone of that mindset is too far gone for me to dedicate any effort towards being reasonable to.

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People unwilling to even contemplate that God might not exist lack even the basic understanding of what faith is. Any kind of faith worth having goes well beyond a blind obstinacy of belief, at least so says Kierkegaard, who is on the short list of legit christians actually worth listening to.

I'm in a Christian country and my vocational interest is in Buddhist philosophy, and I have thoughts about becoming clergy. Mentioning that I'm a student, what I want to do, and that I've converted to a foreign religion, is a pretty hard conversation to avoid, and one that is pretty awkward too, lol. Saying anything that could be considered even mild criticism of the dominant culture will always seem to present a problem for some insecure and nosy people.
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2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Whew my dad asked me the other day when im making it to church. I was like uhhh lmao


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Your indifference is honestly a great reaction.
This woman deserves no attention at all, she sounds like weird psycho and any attempt at explaining yourself would have probably lead to her losing her mind at you.
The only people who think these sort of things are offensive are the ones drowning their mind in religion and extremism, therefore their opinions or behavior should be ignored.
Some people are that insecure about their religion. It's not enough they believe something, others must believe it as well else it's taken as an active attack on their beliefs.

Just think about how neurotic this person is every day, looking for and waiting for anyone different from themselves to appear so they can have a new enemy.


Nov 2, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
As an agent of Satan, you should now attempt to lead this lady "astray" at any point possible. "Sssssssss hey lady, want to try some drugs...want to try some...adultery??"


Oct 27, 2017
If meeting an atheist is causing her to "stray", she was never on the path to begin with. A LOT of so called Christians in the midwest/south act this way (some of my extended family included). They'll put on the act of being a spiritual, good christian but it doesn't get much farther than that.


Oct 25, 2017
Watch out OP, if movies have taught me anything, she'll run you over with a car and then the Newsboys will run in for a musical number.
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Oct 29, 2017
Remind her that her Satan only exists because of her judgmental God;
an Atheist doesn't have a Satan to constantly blame for stuff.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Should have hit her with you actually being a Pastafarian.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
"Your atheism offends me." - Some random lady

- OP


Oct 26, 2017
i find it odd that non-believers use the word "ATHEIST" out loud lol

I just say non-religious or non-practicing

the A word sounds too rigid.

*I'm not religious, LOL


Oct 25, 2017
As a Christian, it's not offensive. She just didn't want to hear it.

What is offensive is when people snicker and laugh when you pray over your food but whatever.

I used to take offense when atheists I spoke to called the Bible fairy tales and tell me I believe in magic and shit. But I realize they're just trying to get a rise out of me. It happens here and the old place pretty often too.