Deleted member 3812

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Oct 25, 2017
ABC News conducted an exclusive interview with Ivanka Trump where she was questioned about her use of private email to conduct official government business and the Mueller probe was brought up in this interview:

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter and a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, defended her use of a private email account while transitioning to an administration job, insisting to ABC News in an exclusive interview on Tuesday "there's no connection between" her situation and Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

Speaking with ABC News' Deborah Roberts in Wilder, Idaho, where she's promoting STEM initiatives alongside Apple CEO Tim Cook, Ivanka Trump maintained that all of the emails on her private account were properly archived and contained no classified information. She is adamant they bear no resemblance to Hillary Clinton's email scandal, which her father eagerly and frequently condemned as part of his campaign for president.

"All of my emails are stored and preserved. There were no deletions. There is no attempt to hide," she said, adding, "There's no equivalency to what my father's spoken about."

The Washington Post first reported earlier this month that the president's daughter had used a personal email account to conduct official government business. The president has defended his daughter's private email use, telling reporters last week that he looked at the matter and concluded that "they're all in presidential records."

"There is no restriction of using personal email," she said. "In fact, we're instructed that if we receive an email to our personal account that could relate to government work, you simply just forward it to your government account so it can be archived."

Congressional investigators aside, Ivanka Trump said she has no fears of legal exposure for herself, her father, or anyone else in her family with regard to another investigation in Washington: special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

"I know the facts as they relate to me and my family, and so I have nothing to be concerned about," she said.

Asked whether she thinks Mueller's probe should be allowed to continue, Ivanka Trump echoed her father's sentiment that the time has come for the special counsel to close up shop.

"I think it should reach its conclusion. I think it's been a long time that this has been ongoing, but I want it to be done in a way in which nobody could question that it was hurried or rushed," she said. "And I think after this long period of time, we're well beyond that point, so I think it absolutely should reach its conclusion."

Despite their differences of opinion on some issues, she insists they have a good working relationship.

"He is my father, and he's my boss. And one of the reasons that I have such a good relationship with him in both a personal and professional capacity is because I'm incredibly candid with him," she said.

Sometimes, however, she said she outright disagrees with the president -- "frequently," in fact.

"He knows exactly where I stand on any issue," she said. "I'll always tell you what I'm for, but it is not my place as somebody working within a White House to tell you what I'm against. The only person who knows that is one person, and he knows it."

Earlier this week, ABC News reported that border patrol agents dispersed tear gas on migrants who attempted to breach the border. She called the images "heartbreaking" and "devastating" to see as a mother, but agreed with her father that securing the border is the priority.

"I think, like any other person with a heart, it's devastating to see the images and seeing children put at risk. Running towards the border is heartbreaking," she said. "But there are people in the caravan who are not so innocent ... [the president] has to protect our country's security."


Oct 27, 2017
Says that there were no deletions, says that nothing was classified. Well...that's something that the Democratic House will be checking on.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
"there's no connection between" her situation and Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
Yes there is.
"I think it should reach its conclusion. I think it's been a long time that this has been ongoing, but I want it to be done in a way in which nobody could question that it was hurried or rushed," she said. "And I think after this long period of time, we're well beyond that point, so I think it absolutely should reach its conclusion."
"It shouldn't be hurried or rushed but please hurry it up and close it"
She called the images "heartbreaking" and "devastating" to see as a mother, but agreed with her father that securing the border is the priority.


Oct 25, 2017
"There is no restriction of using personal email," she said. "In fact, we're instructed that if we receive an email to our personal account that could relate to government work, you simply just forward it to your government account so it can be archived."

I'm pretty sure this is flat out wrong and if that's the answer she was given by counsel they fucked up or told her what she wanted to hear. But you know fuck national security.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
Remember when Era thought she wasn't like her father because she's pretty?

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Look at this AP news article:

Ivanka Trump says 'Lock her up!' doesn't apply in her case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ivanka Trump defended her use of a private email account as she was moving into an adviser's position in her father's administration, saying that it cannot be compared to the flap over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server and that "Lock her up!" doesn't apply to her.

Donald Trump harshly criticized Clinton, his 2016 Democratic presidential rival, for her use of the private email server. Trump dubbed her "Crooked Hillary" and repeatedly said, including to her face, that she belonged in jail. At his campaign rallies, chants of "Lock her up!" rang out.

Ivanka Trump was asked by ABC News, "So the idea of 'Lock her up!' doesn't apply to you?"

"No," she replied.

Referencing her father's denunciations of Clinton's private email server, she said, "There's no equivalency to what my father's spoken about."

Clinton deleted thousands of emails that she and her lawyers decided were personal or unrelated to her work as secretary of state before she turned over thousands of other emails to federal investigators. She said she had been unaware of rules against using private email to conduct the public's business and said she never knowingly emailed classified information.

Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill plan to scrutinize Ivanka Trump's personal email use. The Republican chairmen of Senate and House oversight committees — as well as a top House Democrat who will be wielding a gavel when his party takes power in January — have called on the White House to provide more information about the email account and the nature of her messages.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
These people are just delusional. The fact hillary used a private email was entirely the goddamn reason for the investigation into her at all. Holy shit they are dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
She is trash and may her name be forever tarnished because of her dad.

What's her end game here? Public office? Good fucking luck.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
"He is my father, and he's my boss. And one of the reasons that I have such a good relationship with him in both a personal and professional capacity is because I'm incredibly candid with him," she said.

And he with you, constantly talking about how great you look in your clothing during fucking meetings.

She is fucking pathetic. But I'm glad that she has to struggle every day with pretending like her father is a thoughtful, normal, intelligent and kind person who definitely doesn't sexualize her in front of WH staff. Must suck. And I'm glad.


Oct 29, 2017
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She's no different from her feckless pathetic brothers. Like I've always said, Barron is the only Trump that has the potential to actually be a decent person simply because he's young. Everyone else in that family is too far gone.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
The same Ivanka who was involved in this.

Donald Trump and his children urged Californians to buy condos at a Baja resort they promised to build, then abandoned the project. Buyers lost more than $32 million and accused the Trumps of fraud.

When questioned about the scam in an interview on CBS, Ivanka claimed that as far as she and her father were concerned, they had "lived up to [their] obligation under a license agreement."

The Trump Organization was "never the developer of this project, and that was made clear," she said.

"We never took anyone's deposit," said Ivanka, which, of course, does not rule out the possibility she received cash from others who took the deposit.

"I am sorry for everyone," said Ivanka, whose father says he's worth $10 billion and whose husband, Jared Kushner, reportedly has a net worth of $200 million, "but we are in the same boat."

Many people who bought condos at the Trump Ocean Resort lost their entire life savings when the developers absconded with their deposits. Many of them couldn't even afford the legal fees required to sue. Those who could afford lawyers settled collectively for $7.25 million.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck off Ivanka.

It's such a common word to use in the UK ... it's really weird people on here saying c-word to it.
I don't personally have a problem with it, but I thought it was pretty amusing to see conservatives clutch their pearls over Samantha Bee calling her one a few months ago.
Last edited:


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
99% of interviews with Trump and his family are like

"NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Interview with ___ Trump where they lie to our faces"

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Well she's kind of right that there's no equivalency because when Clinton was in office there was no regulation barring the use of private email for official business but now there is.


Oct 31, 2017
Woodinville, WA
The same Ivanka who was involved in this.

Donald Trump and his children urged Californians to buy condos at a Baja resort they promised to build, then abandoned the project. Buyers lost more than $32 million and accused the Trumps of fraud.

When questioned about the scam in an interview on CBS, Ivanka claimed that as far as she and her father were concerned, they had "lived up to [their] obligation under a license agreement."

The Trump Organization was "never the developer of this project, and that was made clear," she said.

"We never took anyone's deposit," said Ivanka, which, of course, does not rule out the possibility she received cash from others who took the deposit.

"I am sorry for everyone," said Ivanka, whose father says he's worth $10 billion and whose husband, Jared Kushner, reportedly has a net worth of $200 million, "but we are in the same boat."

Many people who bought condos at the Trump Ocean Resort lost their entire life savings when the developers absconded with their deposits. Many of them couldn't even afford the legal fees required to sue. Those who could afford lawyers settled collectively for $7.25 million.

You're the first person I have seen mention that before. I had actually read about this before the election.

Why wasn't this story promoted more, since it really shows he doesn't give a fuck about the people that lost money? Some of those people are his base.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, she's a cunt. Though she's probably miserable, like everyone else involved in their legal problems, so I certainly don't envy her. Hopefully she screws over her husband, but I doubt it.


Oct 27, 2017
You're the first person I have seen mention that before. I had actually read about this before the election.

Why wasn't this story promoted more, since it really shows he doesn't give a fuck about the people that lost money? Some of those people are his base.

I think it probably got lost in the noise. I do remember this story as well, but the overwhelming flood of "Lock her up" just kind of obliterated everything else. Once people white voters knew Trump was as racist as they were, they were ready to forgive anything he did.