
Oct 26, 2017
As officials scramble to supply hospitals with much needed protective equipment for doctors and nurses fighting the novel coronavirus on the front lines, hospital leaders around the country warn that they are running low on another critical supply: money.

Hospitals have taken a significant loss of revenue as they cut back lucrative elective procedures to free up resources to treat COVID-19 patients. At the same time, they are pouring money into efforts to fight the virus like buying personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies, providing child care for staff and overtime pay, transforming units to COVID-19 wings for treatment and setting up drive-thru testing sites, hospital officials told ABC News.

"We can't print money, so we have to have the financial support coming in." LeRay Brown, the CEO of One Brooklyn Health System, told ABC News. "Without that funding I don't know how long we can continue."

One Brooklyn Health System, which operates three hospitals in New York City where the virus has hit hardest in the U.S., projects they will need to spend an additional $30 million per month in order to respond to surge needs in their area, Brown said, including the nearly $8 million they will lose per month by cutting out elective surgeries. Purchasing nearly 300 additional beds in order to increase hospital's capacity by 50% -- which they have been mandated to do under an executive order signed by Cuomo -- will cost $5 million alone.

The hospital system, which is crucial for low-income individuals in the area, is already caring for over 200 patients who either have the virus or are awaiting test results. Meanwhile, it only has two weeks cash on hand, Brown said.


In the middle of the coronavirus crisis, some hospitals fear financial ruin

"If we don't bail out the hospitals, we're going to lose ... the front lines."

Late capitalism at its finest.


Jun 10, 2018
Yeah I'm sure for-profit healthcare is really biting them in the ass now.

Not sure how much sympathy I can muster for that. The one thing they should obstensibly be doing isn't profitable.


Oct 27, 2017
It's what happens when you let the market dictate medical care. It doesn't prepare for the future or any potential emergency, just the here and now. Something as critical as health care shouldn't be left to the free market.


Nov 11, 2017
Says it all when hospitals cant afford to operate during a major health crisis

I get how swamped they are and how many costs and losses of money are facing.

Yet a healthcare system which falls apart cause it has to treat sick people.... We've fucked up.


Oct 27, 2017
If this shit doesn't convince the USA that it's time to cut it with private healthcare, i don't know what will.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
like every single problem with private, non-national healthcare exploding all at once at the same time. Goddamn this sucks so bad to live in the US right now.


Oct 30, 2017
As a Canadian ....what the fuck is this ? what do you mean hospitals can go bankrupt ? I have a cousin in Ohio that was charged $3,000 for an ambulance ride which cost probably $3 in gas , I hope after all this is over you guys get your shit together and reform the entire system


Oct 26, 2017
Postpone those plans to gild the entire geriatrics ward in palladium for a few years. You'll be fine.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As a Canadian ....what the fuck is this ? what do you mean hospitals can go bankrupt ? I have a cousin in Ohio that was charged $3,000 for an ambulance ride which cost probably $3 in gas , I hope after all this is over you guys get your shit together and reform the entire system

It's top to bottom systemic in the US. Like for example, current doctors feel obligated to take in enormous salaries, because they usually build up quite a bit of debt going through medical school, because our secondary education in the US is all out of whack regarding pricing. Then you have medical equipment that can be monopolized by patents.

There are lots of invisible costs in running this awful system. It's so gross top to bottom.


Oct 26, 2017
If every bad move republicans have made in this crisis doesn't convince people to get out and vote blue, I don't know what will. Even the stimulus bill isn't enough to fix what's going on but can you imagine how bad it would have been for the average American if republicans still controlled both houses of Congress?

I know our system of almost everything is broken but keeping trump in office is like handing gasoline and matches to an arsonist. We have to get rid of him and the senate and replace them with democrats and people who actually give a shit about people.

Trump hasn't once apologized or expressed sympathy for the dead in this crisis. Instead he's called it a hoax and put all of us in danger while he talks about his ratings.

Twenty Three

Oct 28, 2017
Urgh. I cant believe the US runs basic things such as healthcare on a profit basis. I am starting to think that something as tiny as a virus will be the one thing that destroys the US fantasy of exceptionalism and the power of the market. What a third world shit show.
Oct 30, 2017
As people continue to lose their jobs and their health insurance coverage, there will be less insured people entering hospitals, too.


Oct 27, 2017
As a Canadian ....what the fuck is this ? what do you mean hospitals can go bankrupt ? I have a cousin in Ohio that was charged $3,000 for an ambulance ride which cost probably $3 in gas , I hope after all this is over you guys get your shit together and reform the entire system

It's still insane to consider that the US doesn't have a single payer system.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't understand how health care ever became something that needed to generate a profit in the first place.

I mean elective stuff like plastic surgery...sure. But hospitals shouldn't be in danger of going under because they're 'just' saving lives.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Wouldnt it be great if America had some kind of Nationalised health service. Some kind of Aid for Medicine and treatment. You could call it "Medicaid for all"


Oct 25, 2017
I used to live up in rural central NY for several years earlier in the decade and several hospitals had either already closed or the couple still open were not large or well known. I can easily see the Corona Virus destroying this little regional hospitals that are not at all financially prepared for this kind of harsh reality. It sucks for the employees and it especially sucks for the locals as its already a depressed area and losing any business is bad, especially the one that keeps people alive.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
If every bad move republicans have made in this crisis doesn't convince people to get out and vote blue, I don't know what will. Even the stimulus bill isn't enough to fix what's going on but can you imagine how bad it would have been for the average American if republicans still controlled both houses of Congress?

I know our system of almost everything is broken but keeping trump in office is like handing gasoline and matches to an arsonist. We have to get rid of him and the senate and replace them with democrats and people who actually give a shit about people.

Trump hasn't once apologized or expressed sympathy for the dead in this crisis. Instead he's called it a hoax and put all of us in danger while he talks about his ratings.

He already said he don't take responsibility. He hasn't before this and he wont after. The only thing Trump is looking for is someone else or something else to take the blame. Thats it. He's already trying to sling around conspiracy theories in the midst of this shit storm.
Nov 1, 2017
As a Canadian ....what the fuck is this ? what do you mean hospitals can go bankrupt ? I have a cousin in Ohio that was charged $3,000 for an ambulance ride which cost probably $3 in gas , I hope after all this is over you guys get your shit together and reform the entire system
It is a system that sadly far too many of my fellow citizens think works perfectly fine. Essential services that receive a ridiculous amount of money for years if not decades, brought to their knees in a matter if weeks. Capitalism everyone.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
If this shit doesn't convince the USA that it's time to cut it with private healthcare, i don't know what will.
We are talking about the same country that refused to pass any meaningful gun-control legislation after literal children were targeted in a mass shooting.

The United States government and its businesses do not give a fuck about anything unless they can make money off of it or benefit from it in some way. It's citizens are not people in the eyes of the government and corporations. They are merely cattle to be hurted and butchered for their votes and their money. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand that this article is about smaller rural hospitals that don't rake in massive profits, but it's unbelievable how many companies can't even handle one bad month.


May 8, 2018
How was there ANY money set aside in this aide package other than hospitals and people....The Kennedy Center we should be FURIOUS news story like this exist when the arts are getting funded.


Oct 27, 2017
As a Canadian ....what the fuck is this ? what do you mean hospitals can go bankrupt ? I have a cousin in Ohio that was charged $3,000 for an ambulance ride which cost probably $3 in gas , I hope after all this is over you guys get your shit together and reform the entire system

Unfortunately due to lack of universal health care and lack of government oversight, we are in this crazy inefficient system that I mostly blame the insurance companies for. This is definitely one area where free market absolutely makes no sense. But anecdotally, hospitals are bleeding money during this crisis because they have to cancel a lot of none essential patient care. So unless they start laying off those doctors like other industries they are bleeding like crazy.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm sure for-profit healthcare is really biting them in the ass now.

Not sure how much sympathy I can muster for that. The one thing they should obstensibly be doing isn't profitable.
Even Not-for-profit still needs a positive balance sheet as well, so no one is immune. Many of those probably have less of a reserve. Right now hopefully they get an infusion of support quickly since the bill has been signed.


Oct 25, 2017
well guess the free market has spoken, shut down hospitals since they cannot make a profit

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
If this was some rural hospital then maybe I'd have some sympathy but major hospitals in big cities have been screwing people for generations

Deleted member 8901

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
As a Canadian, it's pretty mind boggling to hear that a hospital can go into bankruptcy... like it's not even a thought that occurs to me


Oct 26, 2017
He already said he don't take responsibility. He hasn't before this and he wont after. The only thing Trump is looking for is someone else or something else to take the blame. Thats it. He's already trying to sling around conspiracy theories in the midst of this shit storm.
Oh I know. I saw his bullshit on Sunday about masks "disappearing".

It enrages me every day that people can't see what a fucking con man he is. Seeing how many people have this guy's back in the face of all of this just... holy shit. It makes me question the decency of every single person I know who's a republican or conservative.