
Oct 25, 2017
Might not have been in the right mood for Everything Everywhere All At Once when I saw it, and all the hype surrounding it might've built too high of expectations, but I couldn't really get into it.

Honestly the first time I watched it I felt the same way. Was very much like, "This is it? Really?"

Second watch was much, much better and I finally understood the hype, even if I wasn't *THAT* high on it.


Nov 2, 2018
almost everything by Christopher Nolan, i just.. don't get it. the bombastic overly dramatic style just makes the movies as a whole hard to take seriously. especially when i have to cover my ears in the theater because he thinks the louder the movie is the more impressive it is.

i'll give him The Dark Knight though, that really is a damn good movie, and i don't even care about any superhero stuff at all.
Ledger carries TDK on his back the entire movie whether he's on screen or not. I'm with you on not really getting why Nolan has been elevated as some premiere director.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
2001: A Space Odyssey is my third least favorite film of all time. It's unwatchable imo


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly think Cruella is awful.

Black Panther is just ok. Not really much more going on than any typical Marvel movie.

Endgame is a weak film, Age of Ultron level of quality.

Top Gun Maverick is just enjoyable, and doesn't deserve it's insane hype and praise.

Not a movie but Andor to me doesn't match the hype. Chunks of it feel pretty sloppy and boring.

Midsommar is mid.

Shouldn't have to mention the Avatar's.
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Oct 27, 2017
-Avatar. Just never clicked with me and have never had the urge to rewatch, let alone watch the sequel.
-Anything from Baz Lurman, so many better Australian directors who never got to make something anywhere near as self-indulgent.
-Once Upon a Time in The West/ America. I love other Leone films but not those two.


Oct 26, 2017
Are any of the sequel movies held in high regard? I would say Rise of the Skywalker is the worst mainline Star Wars movie by far.
Critically, sure. The Last Jedi and The Force Awakens are held in very high regard.

Now, if we also consider the fanbase, that's a whole different story.

Honestly think Cruella is awful.

How is Cruella an acclaimed movie? Lol.

Wasn't the overall response to that "I guess it's a movie that exists"?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Green Book, so many things wrong but it started from jump because they barely mention the book. And then the writer treated the family like shit then came out as a trumper


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
How is Cruella an acclaimed movie? Lol.

Wasn't the overall response to that "I guess it's a movie that exists"?
lol I ask that question all the time, but it is like 7.5 on IMDB and 75 or something on Rottentomatoes and the discourse here was mostly about how it turned out to be an actual really good movie when I thought it was fairly trash 😆

Like I would say Joker was acclaimed, and there were threads here discussing Cruella being the better film and more deserving of Academy Awards.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
There will be blood
Mad Max Fury Road

I have never watched titanic or avatar


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Everything Everywhere All At Once is conceptually right up my alley, and while I didn't hate it, I didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as I expected and have no desire to see it again. I found films tone a hammy saccharine and not in an enduring way, with a reliance on gaudy, inelegant quirkiness. That being said I'm not invested in my critique, because I genuinely think it's entirely a subjective thing in this instance, some weird brain blip that just couldn't connect with the film's tone and presentation, rather than me genuinely feeling a film is overrated or whatever. I was just so surprised how little it landed for me.

Interstellar has all the pieces of a tremendous work of art and then all the bullshit that unravels it. Nolan hasn't remotely the chops to even touch the fringes of Clarke and Kubric's 2001-esque scientific cosmic spiritualism. I've gone through several legitimate phases of convincing myself "it's not that bad, because the highs is so fucking high, I should rewatch it!", and the moment Hathaway's character starts rambling about love being a dimension my brain collapses and the one dimensional idiocy of the script seeps through and I remind myself how much I loathe it. To be fair though, that resentment is compounded precisely because of how much of it I do love, which probably isn't fair.

Both Avatar films are dumb fun cinema with amazing technology but otherwise mediocracy incarnate due to their snooze-worthy scripts. Cameron is obviously insanely talented, and I just can't breath the word Avatar whenever discuss the strengths of his output.

Primer is ass. No amount of heady ideas can push it past its dry as bones script and characters, bland cinematography and direction. Again another film well and truly up there as a "this is made for me!" on paper that completely failed to meet any expectation I had.

Bohemian Rhapsody sucked. It seemed more interested in selling itself entirely as a resurrection Mercury through Malek, leaning heavily on the recreated live performance, than actually telling a deep, compelling, and accurate biography of Mercury's persona and life. It's a tremendously shallow film that glosses over so much of Mercury's identity and complexities, and I'm baffled it won any awards at all.

Cloverfield sucks.

Despite enjoying a lot of Lanthimos' output, I really didn't like The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Again another film that had me super interested based on the people attached to it and its concept.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I need to revisit it but I remember not really jiving with Infernal Affairs to the point that I thought the Departed was A LOT better after seeing people were hyping up the OG.

Granted, I saw the departed first and infernal years and years later so maybe that might be it? I was not prepared for the hyper-melodrama editing in IF and I remember feeling like there were parts where it felt like I was missing something as if the film cut something out important in the editing bay. Despite loving Leung and Lau in it there was a feeling of underdevelopment of the characters I couldn't help shake off. Ultimately it left me cold.
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Oct 28, 2017
Honestly the first time I watched it I felt the same way. Was very much like, "This is it? Really?"

Second watch was much, much better and I finally understood the hype, even if I wasn't *THAT* high on it.
Good to know. I think there was just sooo much going on that it felt like a complete panic attack at times; like a visual take on Uncut Gems' audio hellscape. Might have to re-add it to the watchlist now that I know what to expect going in.


Oct 28, 2017
Oldboy (the Korean one, never even saw the other one).

Most Ghibli movies, with the exception of Porco Rosso.


Oct 18, 2020
United States
Brokeback Mountain and There Will be Blood. Both are well made and well acted but I just hate the stories they tell and think the characters are assholes. Very few films/series pull off the unlikeable protagonist well though.
Oof. This one hurts. I went through each page of this thread saying, "I hope nobody says There Will Be Blood because I will take it personally."


Oct 26, 2017
You can be pretty sure that the filmmakers of each of these films would be especially proud of this thread.

If someone doesn't hate your film, you're not doing something right.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty cool on most of Christopher Nolan's filmography. I think he's a pretty unremarkable director.

I've cooled with a lot of Tarantino's work as I've got older. I think when you're a kid or just getting into movies, those films are the shit. But as you get older it's like... why are you using the theme from The Grand Duel here? Why have you just lifted this entire sequence out of Bird With the Crystal Plumage? Really takes the shine off.

I feel this way about both. Talented but I can't vibe. I don't necessarily feel stimulated or inspired. Tarantino in particular feels like a theater kid for cinema. He seems so enthusiastic about the medium and playing with it, it feels like he forgets what it's like to be a viewer. Jackie Brown is my favorite Tarantino because it feels like the most normal ass movie he could possibly make.


Oct 30, 2017
Bay Area, CA
I think Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally is a creep, borderline stalker at least at the beginning, and not particularly charming at all. For such a "classic" of the rom com genre, I didn't find it particularly good


Nov 8, 2017
The VVitch
The Three Colors trilogy
Saving Private Ryan
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Spring Breakers

I respect some of these but I do not enjoy them at all.


Dec 3, 2018
Lanthimos Dogtooth is by far his best movie,his Hollywood work is average at best and getting progressively worse.


Oct 18, 2020
United States


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It Follows

I think it works as a metaphor but the characters don't follow the rules of the world, they treat it like they ALSO know it's a metaphor so they just come off as idiots


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
I can kind of agree with you but then that other lesbian movie, the one obsessed with... Well you know... That came out and was an absolute insult. Drive away Dolls (which I fully recognize will not be getting any awards this year and so much better title than what it was on the book.. -_- )

Also found it very creepy the friend took it upon herself to have pity sex with her as an obligation. I'm just going to say it: if a guy did that... :0


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Oof. This one hurts. I went through each page of this thread saying, "I hope nobody says There Will Be Blood because I will take it personally."
Said earlier that I did not enjoy there will be blood. Bored me senseless. I've never seen the film I feel I should have seen instead which is No country for old men.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Dark Knight. I even agree that it's a well-made film, but I don't enjoy watching it. I like Batman Begins more.