
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
How are people this fucking stupid

This is just like when people gave Anna Gunn shit for Breaking Bad, an acting role as a character

God I fucking hate people

Ex Libris

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 1, 2017
I dunno that this is the time or place to have said it, but yeah I kinda agree because Neil's tweet rubbed me the wrong way.
This might not be the topic for it. The comments to Laura are heinous. I was only critiquing Druckmanns response.

These threats are terrible, but fuck Neil huh. I promise if he didn't say anything a bunch of these posts would be pivoting to how he didnt defend her
Oct 25, 2017

Look, I get it, it wasn't the place (or the thread) to make this kind of comment about Neil. What's happening to Laura is terrible and the fact that some can't separate the character from the actor or actress is disturbing.

I apologize.


This thread is about the harassment and threats Laura has been getting. But you all made this about Neil. He's been getting his fair share of threats too



Oct 25, 2017
This site is a trash fire anytime Neil Druckmann is brought up. He can't lift a finger without people shitting on him left right and center, if he even mentions he's been receiving death threats someone jumps in to tell him "there's other people receiving death threats".

Him, existing, drives people insane.
Yep, bringing Neil up in this thread at all is a joke. People literally threatening her kids in tweets, yet people here didn't like the "tone" of how he defended her?


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck these people.
I was just playing the game and thinking about what a great job she did.
I mean, threatening her child? Fuck you, you pieces of shit!
Why do people behave like this?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
This site is a trash fire anytime Neil Druckmann is brought up. He can't lift a finger without people shitting on him left right and center, if he even mentions he's been receiving death threats someone jumps in to tell him "there's other people receiving death threats".

Him, existing, drives people insane.

I legitimately confused by it.

Not that he's above criticism but he definitely gets shit from all sides. The fact that he complained about receiving anti-semitic messages from people and no one batted an eye is pretty telling.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd happily get rid of this hobby if it meant folks like that did not exist. They'd just find someone else to berate though.

Just fucking sad to see.


Oct 28, 2017
Misogyny or any other kind of phobia isn't a mental challenge or a mental health issue, Neil.
It's perhaps not categorically a health issue, but it is something that I would hope can be curbed with proper education. We like to look at people like this as irredeemable, but I'd like to hope there's a way to help them grow more in tune with their empathy.


Oct 28, 2017
Getting this angry over a video game is a hint that maybe it's time to get out a bit and grow the fuck up. What a bunch of cunts.
What shitty people, it's just a video game. No one deserves death threats over a fucking game.

i think it's been mentioned but assholes have always been like this. Just now they have a platform. From popular movies which have unpopular sequels , to certain bands who release not as good second albums to TV shows final seasons. People will spout their shite.

Its a load of bollox, and makes liking or not liking media for sincere reasons far more difficult because there is now always a fucking agenda


Oct 29, 2017
Laura is amazing and people are trash, as always.

I remember the same with Brigitte's voice actress from Overwatch: Just because some low-life douchebags in their basements with ego-problems get rekt by Brigitte PLAYERS they somehow draw the connection to the character and the English voice actress.

Some people should have never gotten access to the internet.


Oct 25, 2017
How is this even allowed? twitter and social media were a mistake.

if someone did this in public, they would be in jail. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack whatshisface need to be in jail right alongside each and every one of these assholes.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that the 4+ people in this very thread are dismissing death threats to victims to further attack said victims and still haven't been banned yet kinda says it all really. Hope those making the death threats get outed.
Dec 4, 2017
It's up to us send tweets to her with kind words and support.

Now, even this thread is depressing.
People found a way to talk about Neil when he just gave support to Laura. What is wrong with you people? Seriously?

Deleted member 41183

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
These threats are terrible, but fuck Neil huh. I promise if he didn't say anything a bunch of these posts would be pivoting to how he didnt defend her

I'm not saying fuck Neil or that he shouldn't have said anything.

I just think he could have very easily supported his actor & highlighted that these are disgusting people without bringing mental health into it and the fact that he chose to do that rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry.


Oct 27, 2017
But Polygon said we are better than that, imagine what 25 years of an Apocalyptic world can make to people if we have this kind of shit today.


Oct 1, 2018
Yep, bringing Neil up in this thread at all is a joke. People literally threatening her kids in tweets, yet people here didn't like the "tone" of how he defended her?
They can't help themselves. They don't give a shit about a person and her family being threatened by a bunch of psychos. It's all about taking the cheap shot everytime they get a chance.

Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread any further.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Every single one of you attempting to derail this thread are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Do you have no shame? No self-respect?

Of course not.
I said this on Twitter and I'll say it here.

Outing these people needs to be normalized. The default of showing their message but hiding their identity emboldens this kind of behavior because there's no consequence.

These are threats. End of conversation. One of them is even to a young child.
I really feel like the entire industry has been ignoring the months-long harassment the people involved in TLOU2 have been getting. Barely a peep of support or coverage from anyone, either Sony themselves, other publishers, or video game journos. No action taken at all. Why isn't anyone up in arms?

The industry should be galvanizing to make an effort to put an end to this shit. Somebody has to start pushing Twitter to curb this behavior, in gaming and elsewhere. Force Twitter/Facebook to reveal these garbage-people's identities and hit them with the full fucking extent of the law. These are direct threats. Closing their accounts isn't enough. No protections whatsoever for these scumbags. Because this shit is starting to feel commonplace. Sony should be making moves to protect their employees and contractors from either psychological or physical harm.

Like I literally don't understand how this is allowed to slide. It's just a thing that happens and we should all just be okay with it?


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
How is this even allowed? twitter and social media were a mistake.

if someone did this in public, they would be in jail. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack whatshisface need to be in jail right alongside each and every one of these assholes.
We need Twitter, Facebook, hell even Youtube is a big problem and they need to start doubling down on this, because this isn't acceptable in any capacity.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the thing Youtubers should be bringing up and disparaging rather than catering to the alt-right crowd and their negativity.

Deleted member 12186

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
My mind can't comprehend going to these lengths and generalizing a VA with the character they portray.

Are some of these trolls? People surely can't be that....messed up.


Feb 25, 2018
I am yet to play the game, but i just cannot fathom at all sending death threats to nay human being, yet alone over a fucking videogame.

The world is literally falling apart and the storyline of a game is where you decide you would like to focus your energy?

Good grief.
Jan 11, 2018
Nah. I'm gonna feel how I feel...

Neil has been defending everyone part of the project since it launched and people want to shift the narrative over to how he didn't choose the right characters on a platform that is shit at conveying any meaningful thought or language.

Yes let's paint the guy who bit the bullet and wrote a AAA game that took a shot at inclusion with a lesbian lead, and a non sexualized very muscular female lead that threatened the ego of a bunch of manchildren as a misogynist enabler.

The fact that there are people arguing over this instead of just collectively agreeing that the messages that Laura has been receiving is horrifying is pretty lame. Can we not enjoy the smell of our farts for just one thread? No one is saying this is because of mental Illness but anyone typing that stuff is a disturbed individual..

So no, there is no chill anymore. The site is an embarrassment sometimes.

I apologize, I misunderstood what you were implying with your original post I quoted. I agree with you completely here.


Oct 25, 2017
Every single one of you attempting to derail this thread are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Do you have no shame? No self-respect?

Of course not.

I really feel like the entire industry has been ignoring the months-long harassment the people involved in TLOU2 have been getting. Barely a peep of support or coverage from anyone, either Sony themselves, other publishers, or video game journos. No action taken at all. Why isn't anyone up in arms?

The industry should be galvanizing to make an effort to put an end to this shit. Somebody has to start pushing Twitter to curb this behavior, in gaming and elsewhere. Force Twitter/Facebook to reveal these garbage-people's identities and hit them with the full fucking extent of the law. These are direct threats. Closing their accounts isn't enough. No protections whatsoever for these scumbags. Because this shit is starting to feel commonplace. Sony should be making moves to protect their employees and contractors from either psychological or physical harm.

Like I literally don't understand how this is allowed to slide. It's just a thing that happens and we should all just be okay with it?

Half the articles I've seen mention it, has been in a single line and usually in the same line say that people trying to shut down criticism of the game due to it.


Banned for Abuse Of The Giftbot system
Jul 1, 2019
Don't dismiss these people as idiots or lunatics. They know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. They are fighting a culture war and believe that they can force developers to comply with their demands through threats and harassment.


Oct 26, 2017
When I don't like something I just move on with my life and find something I do enjoy. Spending your life making other people's lives miserable is pitiful take that energy and make something creative with your own two hands.


Oct 25, 2017
I am 100% with Laura and I'm as disgusted as anyone here about what's happening to her. I should have opened my post with that.

The way some of Neil's tweet is worded just rubs me the wrong way.

Have you ever stopped to consider that the problem isn't with Neil or his tweet or how he worded it, but rather that you are just a miserable prick looking for something to get angry about?


Oct 29, 2017
Absolutely disgusting. How pathetic does your existence have to be to threaten someones children because they VOICED a character in a game that you didn't enjoy?

Low life scumbags, fuck you.

Ex Libris

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 1, 2017
I'm not saying fuck Neil or that he shouldn't have said anything.

I just think he could have very easily supported his actor & highlighted that these are disgusting people without bringing mental health into it and the fact that he chose to do that rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry.

Fuck Neil for defending his staff in a way that is not completely aligned with how I would do it. It might be painting with a broad brush that this is a result of mental illness. But I promise you, plenty of these people would benefit from some psychotherapy

Deleted member 50232

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2018
Every single one of you attempting to derail this thread are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Do you have no shame? No self-respect?

Of course not.

I really feel like the entire industry has been ignoring the months-long harassment the people involved in TLOU2 have been getting. Barely a peep of support or coverage from anyone, either Sony themselves, other publishers, or video game journos. No action taken at all. Why isn't anyone up in arms?

The industry should be galvanizing to make an effort to put an end to this shit. Somebody has to start pushing Twitter to curb this behavior, in gaming and elsewhere. Force Twitter/Facebook to reveal these garbage-people's identities and hit them with the full fucking extent of the law. These are direct threats. Closing their accounts isn't enough. No protections whatsoever for these scumbags. Because this shit is starting to feel commonplace. Sony should be making moves to protect their employees and contractors from either psychological or physical harm.

Like I literally don't understand how this is allowed to slide. It's just a thing that happens and we should all just be okay with it?

Well said, couldn't agree more.

The silence is shameful.

Deleted member 41183

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
Don't dismiss these people as idiots or lunatics. They know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. They are fighting a culture war and believe that they can force developers to comply with their demands through threats and harassment.

Exactly. This happens repeatedly when games/nerd media like TLOU happen (new Star Wars trilogy, She-Ra, etc.). It's targeted, it's probably coordinated, they know what they're doing/trying to accomplish and it's absolutely disgusting.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying fuck Neil or that he shouldn't have said anything.

I just think he could have very easily supported his actor & highlighted that these are disgusting people without bringing mental health into it and the fact that he chose to do that rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry.

These people need help. Yes they do. If your response to a video game is to send death threats to an actress you need help and to talk to someone. If these people sent these messages to their employers not only would they be locked up they'd be talking to a counselor.

But yall gotta drag Druckmann any chance you get. It's fucking disgusting at this point. I respect the mods, but they've clearly allowed these drive by posts in these threads to go on far too long that in a thread about Laura Bailey has not become about Neil and the quite frankly imo appropriate language he used.