
Oct 25, 2017
I guess... I use guides for annoying collectible trophies cause when I already went so far to do everything else I just want that platinum trophy to pop without running circles through a giant game world over and over again.

Also used cloud saves shenanigans for some alternative gameplay routes/trophies which require completing a game a bunch of times with very little differences in the respective playthroughs. Like Sekiro and that rooftop decision. Loved playing both scenarios/endbosses plus the third one, would have hated to complete the exact same game from scratch just to reach that point.


Feb 11, 2018
I do low level invasions in Latria (Demon's Souls), use firestorm and watch them roll off the edge. There's no reason for me to do this except that I laugh every time.


Jul 18, 2019
if it has turn based combat and random encounters, i'm probably going to use cheats to skip battles. more interested in exploring and experiencing the worlds i guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I abandoned The Witcher III because I thought controls were shit. I hope they fix it for the PS5 update.

I played Control Ultimate Edition a few days ago. It was my first time playing the game. I turned on Immortality and 1-hit kills and skipped all story stuff. I read the platinum was super easy, so that's what I focused on. Deleted the game immediately after getting the platinum trophy.


Sep 3, 2018
I just blind bought a game that is more than likely a shitty switch game. I bought it due to the absurd and blasphemous nature of it and it was a physical copy.


Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
After finally getting a gaming PC and some time to play Fallout New Vegas in all its glory, I installed the game, looked at the very well written but lengthy modding guide and uninstalled the game.

A decade of console gaming has spoilt me.


Oct 27, 2017
My wife had to sit next to me when I played RE2 Remake and made it to the Mr X. section (was playing as Claire). I was too scared to do it alone lol.


Oct 28, 2017
When I was younger my mum and I would stay at my Nans house for a week or so in the summer holiday. She lived in Doncaster which is a good 3+ hours away. My mum would take my master system with us so I could play some games if I got bored at Nana's.

while there one year, mum bought me Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion for Master System. I played it lots but got stuck and died repeatedly at one stage. I tore up the game cover, broke the game box and threw the ripped up pieces, game box and cartridge out of my nana's spare bedroom window into the garden, not telling my mum.

I never did tell her, and never went to get the bits I'd thrown. We went home and I never gathered the pieces up or took it home. My nana and grandad seemingly never found it all as they never told my mum they'd found anything.
To this day, mum doesn't know what happened. I'm 34 now and the guilt still haunts me.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I've played some really shit games for achievements/trophies, especially the former when I used to be part of a group that had monthly gamerscore challenges back in the 360 days. I even went as far as using a free trial for a rental company to rent Avatar the Last Airbender on the 360 just for the easiest 1000 gamerscore in existence.

Please don't judge me.


Nov 1, 2017
Have started Skyrim no less than 8 times (including the VR version) and played a decent way through but never actually finished it... not once.

Have spent a large chunk of time modding it to the extreme only never to actually play past Riverwood.


Dec 10, 2018
I've owned Gran Turisimo 2,3,4,5 and Sport, but only actually "completed" the career mode of 4.
I've only ever bought COD for it's SP, I've stopped buying them altogether now.
I only finished Devil May Cry 3 out of all of the DMCs because all the others bore me. Vs combat sections stopped me from finishing 5
I've finished all the Dark Souls games, but I'm not very good at the MP.
The only Battle Royale I could get into was Apex Legends and that was only for a whole month.
I can't stand Smash Bros and the only fighters I actually like is Guilty Gear and Virtua Fighter 5. I'm not terribly good at any of them
I don't think every game should be stylised. There is room for both stylised and realism where it is needed.
I've only ever finished 2 JRPGs : Panzer Dragoon Saga and Grandia. I was recommended FF15 and kept stopping at the same point 3 times.
I asked for a SEGA SATURN over a PS1 for Christmas. I feel I made the right choice even though I was made unpopular at school for it.
The only Pokemon I ever finished was Red on Game Boy.
I'm no longer exited for new console launches, even though I've not missed one for a very long time.
I spent more on my PC than I have on my car last year.
I skipped my high-school social due to threats of violence if I came, so I returned my suit to the hire company and bought Tribes 2 and played that instead.


Oct 27, 2017
I returned an original copy of FF7 when I was a kid because I felt guilty for spending my money.


Jun 3, 2019
Bought many games on digital sale , very little time to juggle between them

Certain IPs would be day1 purchase

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
If the game has an easy mode, I'm picking it. Old Man Arthritis Hands does not have the time or energy to devote to gitting gud.


Jan 27, 2018
I have aphantasia (I cant visualize stuff in my head). So there are a lot of puzzles i have to brute force or look up solutions for. Its mostly the ones where you have to move a box around in an enclosed area and the ones where when you flip switches; adjacent objects activate/deactivate. Those are both nightmares for me.
I also have it and this makes we wonder if this is why I couldn't really wrap my head around the Eagle's Tower in Link's Awakening. Felt like I just randomly walked around stumbling into things I could do.


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
I beat most pre memory cards games on emulators using save states.

I just beat Adventure Island going this. I started out saving at the start of every level, I ended up having to save at random platforms. In the end, to clear the last set of platforms on Stage 8, Level 3, I had to use a game genie code for high jumps to get past it because I couldn't nail the timing on the fireballs.

The kid from The Wizard is the only person capable of beating that game without save states.


Oct 27, 2017
I cheesed Flamelurker with poison cloud in my last play through of Demons Souls remake. Couldn't be bothered to waste time learning to beat him fair again. Not even remotely sorry.


Oct 27, 2017
Stealth games are a joyless save-scumming experience for me, it has to be perfect undetected without takedowns or I won't think I actually played the game right.

Hate not being able to snap out of this mindset and it has harmed my perception of that genre.


Feb 22, 2018
I am super scared to start Mario Sunshine. Never played it and I got it in the 3D Mario collection but I have heard such mixed reactions about it for so long that I don't know if it's worth starting


Oct 27, 2017
MGS 1 was probably the only game I really finished on PS1, or at least the only one I remember.
Can't even recall a PS2 game I would be able to say the same about.


Sky Van Gogh
Dec 23, 2018
Washington State
Did the Sound Shapes trophy trick to basically multiple platinum trophies back in the day.

I recently bought and am thoroughly enjoying Madden 21 (franchise mode and the yard only). I haven't purchased a Madden game since 09 so I think that helps.
Oct 25, 2017
The PlayStation 1 and 2 are both in my top 5 systems ever, but I never owned any of the consoles since...

PlayStation 3: Skipped it for launching with an absurd price, hardware issues, lack of games, and bamboozling me with the FFVII remake tech demo. The system started to look more attractive in it's later years, but in 2011 I got a new computer as Steam was starting to grow and pick up third party games I was interested in.

PlayStation 4: Once again, it started off lacking games and I favored the Wii U and it's excellent catalog, even though the system bombed. Bought a Switch in 2017. In 2019 I finally got another computer. Both of these events dampened my interest in the PS4 even though the system was looking REALLY good. I almost bought one in 2020 to finally play the FFVII remake I've been wanting for decades, but I wanted to be careful with my money as the pandemic affected my income big time.

PlayStation 5: I really want one. The future looks promising, PS4 games are improved on it, etc. but $400/$500 is a lot of money. I'm hoping to be playing FFVII Remake on the PC this year, then pick up a PS5 if the system turns out to be reliable/revised and gets a big timed exclusive like VII Part 2 of XVI.


Jan 9, 2018
My first Nintendo console was the N64. Got my start with the Genesis. Even got the Sega cd and 32x for it.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I started Red Dead Redemption, could not be bothered with everyone telling me a story, played poker for a few days then quit.


Nov 25, 2020
I'm 33 and I've never beaten a Zelda game. I haven't even come close. I have watched people beat them and even backseat solved puzzles, but the controller was never in my hands.


Oct 27, 2017
I skip cutscenes and read up on the story on the internet once I beat the game. Games are such a bad medium to tell a story imo.