
Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
What's up with so many cock sure he's guilty? Did I miss news between the podcast and now? I always felt like he was overall but my family was like naw. It's been so long I forget a lot of the details.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Adnan is likely to be the murderer. However, I would vote to acquit. No hesitation. The number of people applauding this imprisonment like they predicted the last season of True Detective disturbs me a bit.

Ironically I think the podcast reinforces the idea that he did it for some because of how much is focuses on only a couple of people. It makes it seem as if you don't believe it was Don (or Jay), that Adnan was the only other possible suspect.

Yup. The story Serial weaved was based off a cast of characters penned by the investigation.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I love all the armchair quarterbacks in here stating he did it like it's fact. You don't know shit. I don't know shit. The case was super weak and we don't know whether he did it or not. Stop pretending you do.
Yep. People just wholeheartedly trusting the justice system despite a hundred holes in the case is completely aggravating. Same in the case of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey.


Oct 27, 2017
No, it wasn't. It was about Beau Burgdahl, and I stopped listening halfway through, cause I stopped caring.
Holy shit, this. At some point, a few episodes in, I realized both that I hadn't been paying attention for the last fifteen minutes, and that I didn't care enough to go back, and eventually, didn't care enough to keep going. It was just so... boring.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
watching the first episode of the documentary right now

don was trying to hit on hae's friend after her disappearance? mayor creep vibes. trying to hook up with high school girl after high school girl


Nov 22, 2017
People retro-actively bashing Serial S1? lmao, cmon now.

Like a sane person, I still cant figure if he really is guilty or not. However, to say that the case was strong enough to judge him guilty is a joke. Fiancee has been listening to Undisclosed and I'm super excited for the HBO Doc.
Yeah, not sure what some of the haters in this topic are on about.

Like I'm pretty sure I came to the conclusion that Adnan was guilty from season 1.


Oct 25, 2017
Serial was never about "is he guilty?" it was about "was he given a fair trial?"

Same with Making a Murderer.
Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco
Yep. People just wholeheartedly trusting the justice system despite a hundred holes in the case is completely aggravating. Same in the case of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey.

With the Avery case, one could at least see a motive behind the police's framing: the pending settlement.

With Adnan's case, the police don't have an ulterior motive to frame Adnan. Except for the fact that BPD is quite possibly one of the worst police forces in America. This is the same police force that killed Freddie Gray, has a systemic history of malfeasance and would literally do anything they saw fit in the moment that would benefit an individual officer.

This just goes into the most recent history of the BPD, but that tree has been rottung for decades.

zill pickle

Sep 30, 2018
Just a thought: if he did do it, or if you believe he did, do you think he's in denial, like OJ? Otherwise, is he a psychopath, to be able to lie that well?