
Oct 27, 2017
you should track down OC's (likeliest) finest match, and one of AEW's oldest breakout matches: revolution, 2020.

the setup: OC vs PAC. one is angry. the other is not very angry.

what results is probably one of the finest comedy matches in wrestling, deadass; There's a point where you can visibly see both wrestlers are having super fun. This clip alone highlights some crazy fun energy.


The jump kick and then OC posing for second is maybe the coolest thing ever. Sure the no arm reverse thing he did next was so much more technical, but the pose...

Legit how is OC so amazing at taking a beating. In this match the double kick to the chest and the head in to the ring pole looked fucking brutal!


Oct 25, 2017
Why do we have Trent as a top heel when we could've gotten Trench?




Oct 29, 2017
The real danhaussen answer is he wants to wrestle not be a gimmick character and also he was selling a bunch of merch he didn't have the clearance to selll


Oct 24, 2017
Pretty good Dynamite all told.

- I wish there were more pomp and theatrics around the announcement of the Anarchy in the Arena match. Kenny announcing it from a hospital bed and the two extra competitors coming out at the end felt anticlimactic, like they were rushing for time.

- That said, I also have...some issue with them calling it Team AEW? Danielson I'll buy because he has clearly made AEW his home and Eddy obviously is fine. But FTR is a weird one and I think their spots should have gone to someone else. I tire of FTR/Bucks. We've hit our quota for the year.

- Also I suspect this means we're probably going to have another PPV where the world title match isn't the main event, which makes the world title feel like less than it is. I get it, Anarchy in the Arena is hard to clean up after, but it does a disservice to the world title holder for it to be the penultimate match.

- Glad Swerve is free of the Mogul Embassy but he has to make that opportunity count. I'm expecting some great lone wolf promos from him and presumably Nana. I am very excited for Christian Cage to tell Brian Cage that he is his father. It has to happen eventually, right?

- I sympathize with Deeb for having what appeared to be one of AEW's most classless crowd ever during her promo, but also...damn, that promo wasn't good. It was obvious during her feud with Thunderosa that Deeb does not have the mic skills to make that build up work and she has not improved in that area since. Let her be a monster character that comes out and wrecks house to build the feud. You're never going to get people to boo Toni so lean into it with a Monster Heel vs. Silly Heel build up.

- This Rocky angle where he refuses to condemn Trent and he thinks Orange is making too big a deal about it sucks. It makes me dislike Rocky. I am guessing he will go heel alongside Trent just to give Orange someone else to fight and for Callis to intervene on beatdowns. Maybe a build to Forbidden Door and the CMLL matches?

- I think Mariah May is quickly becoming my favorite woman wrestler. She brings a stiffness to the fights that they have long needed.

- That said, I am pretty sure I am in love with Mina Shirakawa.

- Good on Saraya for calling out the creepers in the audience. Apparently they were heckling her about the sex tape not being good. I hope they got jumped outside the arena.

- Sounds like we might either get Death Triangle vs. BCG soon or perhaps even better, Jay White vs. PAC.

- They are doing a fantastic job of making Copeland look like he's slaying giants every Dynamite.

- I've already forgotten why Mone came out or what she said. Bringing her in months before she was cleared to wrestle has only made me tired of her.


Oct 26, 2017
Team AEW…..Garcia, Starks, Wardlow, Hook. Built up over two months (six months) as they watched AEW change around them.

Starks resigned.
Oct 27, 2017
Every time Mercedes complains about Willow stealing a year of her career from her I remember that Mercedes stole five years from Saraya.

That's a legitimate beef they could use to build for a Wembley match. Assuming Mercedes isn't a champion by then. I think Tony Khan is wild enough to book Mercedes to lose to Willow in her debut.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
Remember when they gave Harley a 'terrible singer' thing and she was actually really good but they still tried to pretend she sucked because heel? Remember when she was to rap as a joke so they could make fun of her but she could actually do it? Now everyone just assumed she was a shit wrestler too when she was fine?

Keep proving that talent girl!


Mar 30, 2024
Remember when they gave Harley a 'terrible singer' thing and she was actually really good but they still tried to pretend she sucked because heel? Remember when she was to rap as a joke so they could make fun of her but she could actually do it? Now everyone just assumed she was a shit wrestler too when she was fine?

Keep proving that talent girl!

I know Penelope Ford had personal issues that have limited her in the last year but this is how I feel about her work, too. She's a good worker with plenty of physical charisma and it was much easier to buy into her than many of the people AEW actually feature in the division but they never really did anything with her post Miro and Kip being obsessed with arcade machines.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I always really loved how she would be there for his but also Kip would accompany Penelope to the ring for her matches too. That's the way it should be!

Would have been nice to see her and the Bunny work in this (slowly) getting more focus womens division. I know Britt's gonna get her chance at least.


Oct 26, 2017
The last big rating AEW had was for Joe vs Hook. Pizza littering. Twitter record slandering. What's with all these boring ass shows lately? Focusing on one thing and not Jericho tagging vs jobbers, who wants to watch Swerve get attacked by the Mogul Embassy? Injuries. Monthly ppvs. Mercedes debut flopping.

I used to vote in polls. I'll never vote again, for anything. In a presidential election year.

Rush abducted and tortured two people for nothing.
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2023
This week's Dynamite wasn't the biggest, the best, or filled with all of their top stars but aew's major strength as a wrestling company is that they can still put on great shows week in and week out with a mix of top people and lesser utilized people. Rocky Romero versus Jay White ain't going to bring in the big ratings but I love that we get a match like that on American television. Each week is a variety show of different people and matches.


Oct 30, 2017
Every time Mercedes complains about Willow stealing a year of her career from her I remember that Mercedes stole five years from Saraya.

That's a legitimate beef they could use to build for a Wembley match. Assuming Mercedes isn't a champion by then. I think Tony Khan is wild enough to book Mercedes to lose to Willow in her debut.
I think if Mercedes loses her first match you either have to push her full mega heel or have it happen due to such interference that it changes the programme totally. She can't appear for so long, be pushed as such a star, lose momentum like this and then actually lose.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Friday. You know what that means. ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Damn, Yoots. I appreciate having an update but had no idea that's why he's been away. Hope he's able to make a full recovery soon.


Aug 15, 2021
I would take Yoots returning outta nowhere to avenge Chuck. (I'd also take Yuta showing up the minute Garcia wins a title to reignite that feud.)

Sincerely hope this isn't it for Chucky. WON getting worked (I hope).

Wonky Mump

Oct 30, 2017
Oh shit, I actually thought that was storyline and they were building Chuck for a "surprise" type return and match at Double or Nothing.

Also damn for Yuta, thought it was odd he seemed to disappear. Hopefully his symptoms clears up soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
I would take Yoots returning outta nowhere to avenge Chuck. (I'd also take Yuta showing up the minute Garcia wins a title to reignite that feud.)

Sincerely hope this isn't it for Chucky. WON getting worked (I hope).

I've been wondering whether Yuta was going to come back to go "I coulda told you! You coulda seen!" about Trent and that might be a reason for keeping him off screen even with the BCC continuously being featured.

Awful news. Hopefully Yuta's head gets sorted out and Chuck gets a chance to cook many more Awful Waffles for us.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I figured Yoots was dealing with something concussiony. He just disappeared seemingly without a clear timetable of when he can comeback.

Terrible about Chuckie T. Hoping he beats the odds.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully for Chucky T it's one of those cases where Dr's tell him one thing and he still beats the odds. Seems like it's been happening more and more lately so hopefully he can do it also.

The Climaxan

Oct 27, 2017
My prediction/hope is that Britt costs Mercedes the match with Willow. Then those two feud over the summer to determine who the real BOSS of AEW is, leading to a match at All In.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely awful news. At least Chuck sort of finished his story and got to finally say shit on Dynamite plus went out with a great match with Trent.
Oct 27, 2017
A bit off-topic, but how'd that work out for you? I'm interested in getting them to shred a few pounds.
I was impressed with how much I was sweating from doing fairly basic movements but I never stuck with them long term. The dvds got repetitive quickly. There's a whole Web program now but I didn't sign up for any of that.

I got better results when I focused on keeping my diet clean.


Mar 10, 2019
A bit off-topic, but how'd that work out for you? I'm interested in getting them to shred a few pounds.
DDP Yoga is regular yoga with wrestler themed names for the poses, and a focus on tension. You resist the movements by tensing your muscles, which is actually standard, DDP just calls more attention to it during the session. It's a good workout, and you can apply it to any yoga.


Oct 27, 2017
Revolutions watch continued:
-Was excited for Toni Storm, but the first half of this Toni/The Vurtuoso match is boring. It's like it's in slow mo how they counter and reverse each other. It got better but felt overly drawn out with just how slow it felt early on. Like even the set ups and transitions seemed slow.
-Toni storm getting an old time effect before and after her matches though is perfecto.
-Oh shit Ospreay vs Takeshita next. Ok
-Actually the hype video for this match is great. They both look beastly
-AEW mentions time limits to the matches a lot, is this like a freedom of creatives kind of thing? Like do your thing but you have a set time?
-God Damn, Ospreay is good. Like 2 minutes in and there's been like 2 punches that looked amazing and the leg take down. He just instantly looks so good.
-Ospreay's slaps are not playing around, but Takeshita's dive out of the ring over Ospreays.
-Takeshita shows so much strength in this match. One time taking Ospreay on all fours on the ground in to a german suplex but he wasn't even planted. No idea how he fucking threw Ospreay around like that.
-The back and forth elbows to the head and neck are nuts.
-I literally don't even know what was going on in the corner, but it looked insane. The multple misses then Takeshita bringing Ospreay down straight on the corner
-These guys are literally doing shit I can barely understand what is going on. So many reverses and insane switches.
-That was a god damn match. I need a break.
-The bow, the ROH guy coming out with the stair down and then the hug. Closest this has felt to a damn shonen manga.
-Damn it looks like his back is legit fucked up with lacerations and rub burn.
-Swerve, Hangman, and Somoa. No idea really what to expect here.
-Joe is cool
-I'm not saying this match is bad by anymeans, but man is it a momentum swing lol
-The crowd is even dead. Swerve's side guy randomly has to go around yelling who's house it is lol The last match they barely stopped chanting
-Hangman pulling out the ref out of the ring seems like the first thing that's brought the audience alive.
-It's funny hearing the announcer just saying "There's no ref. You're fucked dude." haha
-Hangman and the ref seems to be it's own b plot. He fucking hates this ref lmao
-"Did he tap out because of the choke hold or to keep the belt from Swerve? That's a debate we could have for months and years." I doubt
-Sting and Sting Jr vs the Survivor Ozzy wannabes
-Man, sting look old
-Holy fuck Ric Flair! Talk about fucking old jesus crhist! He's walking out already haunting this bitch.
-I never thought Sting would name his kid with a name like Darby, but ok.
-Feels mean having the silent movie type music over the Sting old footage lol Not that old, damn
-Does Sting and his gimmick still have menace? How does sting work in 2020's? This team is 15-0?
-People coming out in his old get ups is honestly cool
-Damn they had sting go 28-0 haha they really signed him and was like don't worry you'll never lose
-Wait, they're his sons?! Ok that's kinda cool, have his kids there in his old fits.
-It was nice of the Ozzy wannabes offer themselves for this retirement ceremonial beating.
-Ric Flair out here looking like fucking Station from Bill and Ted's

-"hes all bandaged up and still bleading" There is literally not a single bandage on his back lol


Nov 1, 2017
Revolutions watch continued:
-Was excited for Toni Storm, but the first half of this Toni/The Vurtuoso match is boring. It's like it's in slow mo how they counter and reverse each other. It got better but felt overly drawn out with just how slow it felt early on. Like even the set ups and transitions seemed slow.
-Toni storm getting an old time effect before and after her matches though is perfecto.
-Oh shit Ospreay vs Takeshita next. Ok
-Actually the hype video for this match is great. They both look beastly
-AEW mentions time limits to the matches a lot, is this like a freedom of creatives kind of thing? Like do your thing but you have a set time?
-God Damn, Ospreay is good. Like 2 minutes in and there's been like 2 punches that looked amazing and the leg take down. He just instantly looks so good.
-Ospreay's slaps are not playing around, but Takeshita's dive out of the ring over Ospreays.
-Takeshita shows so much strength in this match. One time taking Ospreay on all fours on the ground in to a german suplex but he wasn't even planted. No idea how he fucking threw Ospreay around like that.
-The back and forth elbows to the head and neck are nuts.
-I literally don't even know what was going on in the corner, but it looked insane. The multple misses then Takeshita bringing Ospreay down straight on the corner
-These guys are literally doing shit I can barely understand what is going on. So many reverses and insane switches.
-That was a god damn match. I need a break.
-The bow, the ROH guy coming out with the stair down and then the hug. Closest this has felt to a damn shonen manga.
-Damn it looks like his back is legit fucked up with lacerations and rub burn.
-Swerve, Hangman, and Somoa. No idea really what to expect here.
-Joe is cool
-I'm not saying this match is bad by anymeans, but man is it a momentum swing lol
-The crowd is even dead. Swerve's side guy randomly has to go around yelling who's house it is lol The last match they barely stopped chanting
-Hangman pulling out the ref out of the ring seems like the first thing that's brought the audience alive.
-It's funny hearing the announcer just saying "There's no ref. You're fucked dude." haha
-Hangman and the ref seems to be it's own b plot. He fucking hates this ref lmao
-"Did he tap out because of the choke hold or to keep the belt from Swerve? That's a debate we could have for months and years." I doubt
-Sting and Sting Jr vs the Survivor Ozzy wannabes
-Man, sting look old
-Holy fuck Ric Flair! Talk about fucking old jesus crhist! He's walking out already haunting this bitch.
-I never thought Sting would name his kid with a name like Darby, but ok.
-Feels mean having the silent movie type music over the Sting old footage lol Not that old, damn
-Does Sting and his gimmick still have menace? How does sting work in 2020's? This team is 15-0?
-People coming out in his old get ups is honestly cool
-Damn they had sting go 28-0 haha they really signed him and was like don't worry you'll never lose
-Wait, they're his sons?! Ok that's kinda cool, have his kids there in his old fits.
-It was nice of the Ozzy wannabes offer themselves for this retirement ceremonial beating.
-Ric Flair out here looking like fucking Station from Bill and Ted's

-"hes all bandaged up and still bleading" There is literally not a single bandage on his back lol

Reading your reactions to Ospreay vs. Takeshita...thank you. LOL We all reacted similarly at the time. Incredible match.