
Oct 26, 2017
Double or Nothing Hype List time. Sidenote, they had to adjust both women's matches to get Mercedes and Deeb more heelish. If Mercedes would have started out as the CEO of The Elite...

Double the Hype:

Copeland vs Malakai barbed wire cage match - they added the match stipulation and amped things up.
Mercedes vs Willow - Mercedes' first match, it's time to see how things go for her in AEW as the two months of promos only half count. High expectations.

Regular Amount of Hype:

Anarchy in the Arena - Team AEW is not working for me but these kinds of matches are still fun.

Half the Hype:

Ospreay vs Strong - Strong vs Cassidy was pretty good last ppv for the in ring and I assume this will as well

The Nothing Side of Hype:

Swerve vs Cage
Deeb vs Toni
Jericho vs Hook vs Shibata
Bang bang gang vs Death Triangle
Cassidy vs Trent
Moxley vs Takeshita - I cannot accept Team Don

Looking like a good ppv beforehand.


Mar 30, 2024
PAC v Jay would be so, so much better and I even like Buddy/Brody and the Bros but I just cannot care about the six man matches at all.

AEW seems to oscillate from wrestlers not appearing for weeks on end to just shoving as many people as possible onto the PPV cards and it's never made sense besides placating those on the roster. Sometimes less is more.
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Mar 30, 2024
Guys, Darby wouldn't even be in the match if Eddie didn't take that crazy bump on the NJPW card. Jay won't be involved in the hardcore match.


Oct 27, 2017
overall I'm getting on a downswing with this company again, in particular the booking and how/how much talent is used



Oct 27, 2017
also mildly interested about that gauntlet for the title shot, though tempering my expectations as LIJ or Zack Sabre Jr won't be in it due to NJPW bookings.
they announced it as international stars appearing so expecting CMLL to be in the mix too

I might even be tempted to announce some of the participants beforehand, to see if it might move some tickets

I guess it's either Umino, Narita or someone on the CMLL side winning the match


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Thursday. You know what that means. ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I felt so bad for Satnam with the table haha, you just know they went over that spot for ages earlier in the day so everyone knew exactly what-was-what, then that happens and he's like wtf??



Oct 27, 2017
I felt so bad for Satnam with the table haha, you just know they went over that spot for ages earlier in the day so everyone knew exactly what-was-what, then that happens and he's like wtf??

It was rather amusing. That said, overall I thought it was a really fun match . Reminded me of the Big Show matches of old. I hope he continues to put reps in because he's got a natural charisma to him IMO
Oct 27, 2017
Very over the top Dynamite, certainly kept my attention.

I wonder if Taz was legit pissed about the bloodbath splatter. They joked during the international break about how angry he'd been during the previous commercial break. Then while Excalibre was running down matches you could hear a producer saying "in future we'll make sure to let you know" and then on the next wide shot you could see Taz was standing up and someone was walking away from him.


Oct 29, 2017
I felt so bad for Satnam with the table haha, you just know they went over that spot for ages earlier in the day so everyone knew exactly what-was-what, then that happens and he's like wtf??


My favorite part is Jarrett set a chair up for satnam to plant him on and I think he saw that and was like 'lol no'


Oct 29, 2017
It was rather amusing. That said, overall I thought it was a really fun match . Reminded me of the Big Show matches of old. I hope he continues to put reps in because he's got a natural charisma to him IMO

His deep voice is something you can't teach but it adds an intimidation to him. Dude has 'it' he just needs to improve in the ring


Oct 27, 2017


Nov 1, 2017
The Dynamite Dozen! (for May 22nd, 2024)

"Are they shootin' or are they workin'?" Award

Malakai Black vs. Kyle O'Reilly. Heard you like stiff kicks and arm strikes. Here you go, you pervert.

View: https://x.com/BronBrokeHim/status/1793454486465257634

"Bloody 'ell!" Award
Malakai Black makes me want a strawberry jam sandwich.

"Hi, guys! It's so good to be here!" Award
The Learning Tree and his stupid dumb no-good smiling face.

"Did ya miss me?" Award
Prince Nana. Could've named this the "Who you looking at, motherfucker?" award.

1 in a Billion Guitar Punch Award

Satnam Singh turns JJ's guitar to dust in the wind. Because...all we are is dust in the wind.

View: https://x.com/AEW/status/1793462520188965088

The "Creepy Bastard" Award

Adam Copeland. I know, I know. "PAC was robbed."

View: https://x.com/AEW/status/1793461800857440552

The "Jumped the Shark" Award

Toni and Mariah kissing their opponents. It's fine if it's in service of the Mariah, Toni, and Mina story, but this is now just in service of promoting #HotGirlGraps. Stahp it.

LOL Moment of the Week!

Swerve hits a drive-by House Call on Killswitch. He was in the way. Swerve had no choice.
Timestamped: https://youtu.be/xKeKDpGBeeo?si=XWPnaYYN0NqdJQDs&t=295

"That doesn't work for me, brother" Award

The announce table. Or was Sonjay really just that strong?

"Oh, he's DEAD dead" Award

Matt Sydal. RIP. Cause of death: Forearm strike to the head delivered by Konosuke Takeshita. This match would've killed on Dark back in the day, so here's a throwback image.

Biggest Losers Award

Jim Cornette and Triple H sign guys. Fucking traaaaaaaaaaaaash. Boo these, fools. Boo them!

Informative Video Package Award
Mercedes Mone and Willow. Wow! Now I know! Thanks, video package!

FINAL GRADE: AEW In the Blood. Thanks, NBA playoffs, NHL playoffs, and Survivor Finale!

BONUS! Awards that were given out offscreen
-The Nelson Muntz Award: Toni Storm (https://youtu.be/f63cRnoG9Zk?si=Jf3xZro8NS4BPdMa&t=86)

-Best Use of a Motor Vehicle: Swerve Strickland and Christian Cage.

-"Kind of over it" Award: Trent, OC, Roddy in the same match.

-"Outta Nowhere but it's For the Best" Award: Serena Deeb officially heel going into DoN.

-Return of the Month: Death Triangle.

-"Oh, he's a SUB" Award: Bryan Keith. Double tap. Phew.

-Best Supporting Actor: Big Bill and his background facial reactions to The Learning Tree.

-Best Injury Caused by a Table: Nick Jackson's scratch that turns into a cut.
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Oct 24, 2017
I'm glad they recognize that Deeb is never going to be over as a face, especially against Toni Storm in her most popular gimmick ever.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I hope Death Triangle beats The Bang Bang Gang and Jay White turns on the ass boys and going on an epic singles run I know he is capable of.


Dec 15, 2017
Alex Windsor is really good. And given she's Will Ospreay's partner we might get to see her more regularly in AEW. They can't have too many women who know how to talk and work.

Only 2 times I saw her was in 2022 in TJPW. Beat Itoh for the International title, defended it against Hikari in EVE then lost it to Watanabe. I remember her doing well. Didn't get to hear her cut promos, though.
Oct 27, 2017
Is this worth listening to or am I going to be sent into a dark depression.
I thought it started well but then they got bogged down in talking about when WWE was at its weakest and competitors had a good chance to compete. Then they ended up rambling about TNA booking vs AEW booking.

It is not a comprehensive overview of AEW's first 5 years.

I wonder if someone can put together a decent timeline of events in AEW history that all the wrestling podcasts could use a guide for talking points. Nothing too detailed but something that would result in an hour to two hours of discussion.


Oct 1, 2018
Average dynamite for me. High spots were the Swerve/Christian build up, love strikers so enjoyed KOR/Black, actually enjoyed Danielson/Singh as a match itself but all the other stuff surrounding it had me a little meh. Hyped for DoN still!


Oct 24, 2017

My heart goes out to Eddie and I'm going to miss seeing him on TV and will pop when he comes back


what a stupid stunt that was that got him injured in the first place! Anyone could have foreseen how a suplex from the apron onto the barricades would be bad. Hopefully it will at least convince wrestlers not to do obviously dumb things like that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
An improvement in ratings from last week. Not sure what the competition was like, but I'll take it. And I enjoyed the show overall... fairly excited for DoN, now.


Oct 29, 2017
I think Eddie and Danielson being on the same team worked because of the animosity they've shown.

I think to me this version of team aew is going to lose and lead to this story continuing. The real team aew needs Mox, Kenny Hanger and Eddie.


Oct 26, 2017
An improvement in ratings from last week. Not sure what the competition was like, but I'll take it. And I enjoyed the show overall... fairly excited for DoN, now.

Mavs Wolves at 830pm. I actually chose AEW over it but it was apparently a good game. I also chose overwatch over it :/

All I saw was a random user post saying 713k. I'm still on a shambles talk vacation since that Collision rating.