
Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
If it's like Oxenfree I'm out, I couldn't stand that game and I usually love this type of game too. But for some reason Oxenfree really rubbed me the wrong way and I wanted every character to just die.

I quite enjoyed my 'no talk' run in Oxenfree. It makes EVERYONE hate you. I hope we have that sort of shit in this game as well.
Oct 25, 2017
It looks amazing. I didn't like Oxenfree, which had decent dialogue, but pretty bad voice acting. I thought that maybe the dev could do something that I enjoy someday, though, and maybe this is it. I'm interested in this.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished Oxenfree yesterday. Not sure how I felt about it. To be clear I really enjoyed the story and Alex was super endearing. Soundtrack was also outstanding. Overall I think this was a rare case where the sum of the parts was actually greater than the whole. As in I wouldn't say I absolutely loved the game but I loved many parts about the game without disliking any. Weird. Guess I'd call it like 7/10 and worth my $10 easily.

Totally in for their next game. Can't wait.


Jun 7, 2018
Love the voice acting and pacing--Oxenfree was great at capturing awkward interruptions and pauses, which made the characters feel idk more human I guess? Glad they stuck with that.

Wondering if they're using hell as a metaphor for life after undergrad and how shitty it can be. Can't wait to find out.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
"We're fucking dead and there's a God" made me giggle. I liked Oxenfree, and I kinda like the humor they're going for here.


Oct 28, 2017
Central California
Super excited for this. Oxenfree was one of my favorite games of the gen. The dialog felt so natural and real. It was also awesome to get messages on Xbox live from random people playing the game asking for hints because they same my GT and decisions in their play through.


Oct 28, 2017
"Follow up to Oxenfree" means it's in the same universe or just dev's next game?

Looks like a great time. Liked Oxenfree a lot.


Oct 28, 2017
Did oxenfree get patched on Switch? When I played it, it didn't run well and the loading was atrocious. If they never supported the game after release then I'll probably pass on this.


Oct 31, 2017
This looks dope! Oxenfree was top tier imo, I hope this one keeps the quality check!


Oct 30, 2017
I have up on Oxenfree after 30 mins as the dialogue was too much for me but I'm interested in this.
Oct 27, 2017
I loved Oxenfree, and from what we've seen, this looks very similar gameplay wise. I'm really interested in the drinking mechanic they showed, it seems like it opens up different dialogue routes depending on how intoxicated you are.

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
This looks fun and I'll be checking for it when it comes out. I wasn't certain if I liked Oxenfree at first but my second playthrough was enjoyable and the more I think about it the more I think it was a fine game.

That dialogue during the college party though, lol. It has the same kind of mild cringe to it that Oxenfree had IMO, of 30 and 40 something writers working on teenage characters. Anecdotal of course but nobody I knew back in college talked like that! (Then again I think most of the dialogue on modern television is trite as well, so...)


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
Oxenfree was such a gem for me that I automatically am interested in this game.


Oct 26, 2017
What a coincidence, I finally started playing Oxenfree last night, but had to give up after couple hours - I didn't like anyone (except for the player character, I guess) and sometimes dialogue would play out in such a way that my choices had already faded out by the time I read them and weighed the consequences, yet the person I was supposed to be replying to still wasn't finished talking.

Still, I'm willing to give this a try.
The dialogue thing is by design. You're supposed to interrupt people and not take long carefully considering every possible consequence. It's simulating how conversations actually go in real life.


Oct 28, 2017
The dialogue thing is by design. You're supposed to interrupt people and not take long carefully considering every possible consequence. It's simulating how conversations actually go in real life.

I know it is, I explained as much. I just don't like this particular design, since in real life I don't have three choices I have to read before I decide whether to interrupt or not.


Oct 27, 2017
Subtitles is over each other, in those bubbles and sorry it's hard to read screen long dialogue and watch what my character should say at the same time and I don't think I read slowly, as a dyslectic I see words more like a shapes/pictures and even then it was too fast. Actually many friends in here and who I know which have English as a second language had this problem.

Which is a shame, since if this would be better spaced out, I think Oxenfree would be really good game.

Are you saying you never interrupt your friends? You all always finish a sentence before another person speaks, every time?