
User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Posts like this remind me not to ever take internet comments seriously.

Alanah said she wasn't going to review this game a long time ago.

thats good at least, im still not a fan of the trend, i think people who cover games and publishers are a little too close for comfort. I remember feeling the same way when bioware put chobot in mass effect 3, or when ea had greg miller host their presentation this year. It just seems sort of gross.

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
Happy for Alanah, it's really cool for her to be in it plus she's a good actress too! But it does bring into question just how long this was in the works for, and all the coverage Cyberpunk's been getting (not that I doubt either her integrity nor the quality of the game, but I think you have to judge everyone on the same metrics), at the very least it raises an eyebrow for future journalist/influencers and game collaborations
I'm not going to go as far as to say it's concerning, but it's not a good look.

I was also very put off by Outstar suddenly going all in with Vampire content and then becoming Paradox's PR for World of Darkness. And I enjoy her content, but I'm familiar with the business and I know of a few influencers who seek gigs by low key pushing brands until said brands take notice. Even if she wasn't looking for it, it's something that you can't shake off.

I think it's something streamers and other internet personalities may want to take in consideration. Because they may not have ulterior intentions, but lavishly covering a certain brand and then profiting from it can look pretty damn sus.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
I didn't know they put a bunch of Streamers/YouTubers in the game. Major cringe.

They've put quite a few yeah. I don't think it's cringe but certainly for some it will take some suspension of disbelief. As much as I love CohhCarnage, I would never trust his opinions on Cyberpunk. It's hard to take someone's opinions objectively when they're involved in a game on that level.


May 21, 2018
Keanu Reeves looks exactly like Keanu Reeves. This looks nothing like her. I think she's in the game in the same way Troy Baker is in the Last of Us, which is to say acting/mo cap. But not in the same way Troy Baker is in Death Stranding, or the same way Keanu Reeves is in Cyberpunk, which is to say clearly recognizable from thier face model that its unapologetically them.

She explains it in the video that her character was only modeled after her based on pictures she sent them. There was no mo-cap involved so I think they did a pretty good job.


Dec 26, 2018
I have nothing against Alanah. But I'm tired of seeing influencers getting to be in games so easily.


Oct 27, 2017
thats good at least, im still not a fan of the trend, i think people who cover games and publishers are a little too close for comfort. I remember feeling the same way when bioware put chobot in mass effect 3, or when ea had greg miller host their presentation this year. It just seems sort of gross.

Greg Miller and Kinda Funny are exactly the sort of people who should be doing that stuff. Of their multiple projects they release every week, they have exactly one gaming review podcast. It's mostly just about what they've been playing in general. The rest of their work is about reporting on news and doing interviews and shit like that.

TBH, they review more movies than games lately. If someone who's primary source of income was writing reviews was doing it, I'd agree with you. But as someone who watches a ton of their content, I don't go there for their gaming stuff.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
I feel like this is going to blow up in CD's face JonTron-style.

Obviously not talking about Alanah of course, she's a decent person (as far as I'm aware), but Cyberpunk seems to have quite a few other influencers in there and all it takes is one ending up being shitty. That reminds me actually, did CD cut ties with Angry Joe? Because they had a lot of promo material with him.


Oct 27, 2017
I have nothing against Alanah. But I'm tired of seeing influencers getting to be in games so easily.
But she's one of the better influencers out there. Wouldn't you rather see that being a trend instead? And what difference does it make having her or an unknown voice actor. At the end of the day, its just an NPC and if the role in-game is well done, I don't see why people should have any real issue with it, unless they actually don't like her personality or just paint all influencers with the same brush


Oct 27, 2017
Call me cynical but it's a nice cheap way to get good press for your game by sticking a load of influencers / streamers in it.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
That's not her. That is Chloe from 24.


May 17, 2018
I mean Ashley Burch started out making online videos and now she's one of the go to people for videogame voice work. Alanah Pierce isn't currently working for any outlet that reviews games so who cares if she has a minor gig in a popular videogame?

HAWP was a bunch of skits, where Ashly straight up acted as a character. She went from on-screen acting to voice acting (and some on-screen now as well). Alanah's YT channel is straight up an influencer channel.

Like, her pinned video is a "Q&A" about the game where she goes off about how "the hype is real" and how she "cannot think of a more detailed world in any game I have ever played otherwise."


Mar 11, 2020
I'm sure she'll recuse herself from covering this game in any way just like every other games media personality who was in a game.

oh wait…


Oct 27, 2017
Muncie, IN
Some of ya'll are reaching peak cynicism. Holy shit. Even saw some statements bordering the line of "ethics in games journalism" here which is mindboggling.

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
I feel like this is going to blow up in CD's face JonTron-style.

Obviously not talking about Alanah of course, she's a decent person (as far as I'm aware), but Cyberpunk seems to have quite a few other influencers in there and all it takes is one ending up being shitty. That reminds me actually, did CD cut ties with Angry Joe? Because they had a lot of promo material with him.
This is going to be an issue with any personality that hasn't enjoyed the privilege of having social media handlers overseeing their public image. I bet most actors have a few potential skeletons in their closet (who hasn't said something really stupid or kept bad companies?) and some of them may be genuinely mean people, but they didn't have open access to social media until well into their careers and their failings weren't always public.

That isn't the case with influencers and even some younger actors. It's asking for trouble.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I know there were some not-great social media posts, but I think CDPR is pretty great! May have missed something nasty though, so what do I know?
They're a bigoted company with more instances of issues with trans topics and the community than you can count on one hand. The topics are a search away here and on Google.


Oct 27, 2017
Good for her. She loved rubbing in the fact she was in Gears 5 with her cohosts on Xcast lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Good for Alanah.

It sort of looks like her, maybe a tweak here and there with an update?


Dec 26, 2018
But she's one of the better influencers out there. Wouldn't you rather see that being a trend instead? And what difference does it make having her or an unknown voice actor. At the end of the day, its just an NPC and if the role in-game is well done, I don't see why people should have any real issue with it, unless they actually don't like her personality or just paint all influencers with the same brush

I'm not gonna get into a detailed argument. Your first sentence pretty much says you're a fan, and your last already puts me in the hater column.

For me when I see someone in a game that I know exists in real life and their partipation in the game is more than an easter egg (name on the wall or name drop/reference), they aren't influencers they partipating in it. I hope you don't mind if PewDiePie or Ninja announced a same role she has.

Easily as opposed to what? Earning their cameos in trial by combat? lol

Hunger Games or Royal Rumble not picky.
May 17, 2018
Also, what the hell, just watched the start of her video and she says "this is why, when talking about this game, I always said 'full disclosure: I'm really biased towards this game.'"

That's...not full disclosure, though?


Oct 25, 2017
Alannah seems nice but I don't like it when the media (critics, influencers etc) are used in game (like when Keighley was in Death Stranding). Separation of church and state ya know.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Doesn't look like her at all, kinda weird.

Ah, in the vid she says she sent them pictures of herself. Wasn't face scanned or anything. No wonder.
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