Portable or Console?

  • Portable

    Votes: 129 22.6%
  • Console

    Votes: 237 41.5%
  • Why not both?

    Votes: 205 35.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Having a both option kind of ruins the premise of the thread.

Anyway for now I've gone portable. Mainly as the idea of the sit down console experience has led them to put in time wasting grindy shit like the guiding lands.


Jul 21, 2020

Not just the performance, although that's a huge benefit. There are also some killer mods out there: Improved weapon movesets/rebalance, shiny drops you can actually see, shiny drops last forever, more reasonable deco drops... the list goes on.


Oct 25, 2017
Wherever the sixty eff pee ess is. So, PC currently. I do prefer handheld usually, but not over frame rate.


Nov 2, 2017
World is the only Monster Hunter game I've liked, but I wouldn't be against a portable one in principle as long as the improvements from World were there.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Outside of me not fully getting into any game I play handheld, MH is pretty time consuming so I wouldnt wanna play it that way.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I am firmly in the PC category for Monster Hunter now. We will see how the next iteration of World performs on the new consoles but I simply will not go back to 30fps Monster Hunter again.
Sep 11, 2020
I don't see how World wants you to stay engaged for hours. Besides the Guiding Lands in Iceborne, which require you to allocate a bit more time, the game is perfectly fine for shorter bursts of play. You can login, call your friends, do a couple of Investigations and then leave after 30-60 minutes of play, depending on how good your gear is.

There are a few enemies that are more involved, but those are a small part of the game and it's nice to have something that's more involved than your usual hunt IMO.

For me PC is the way to go. It's where most of my friends play, online is free, and Discord is really easy to set up. I have a Switch, but I'll probably wait until the PC port for Rise.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
Honestly, considering what Monster Hunter World did for the series and it was the first in the series I really absolutely got into, I would say console (and PC) takes priority for me. More high definition, open world environments combined with high frame rate potential.


Oct 4, 2018
Portable, but that's more because I vastly prefer portable gaming in general.

I'm so freaking excited for Rise.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Switch is a console.

World is on PC.

This poll is odd.

Also voted both, both are valid takes on the series.
Jun 10, 2018
Portable, but that goes for gaming in general. Flexibility >>>>> pixels and graphical effects any day of the week.

Also, bring back the underwater hunts you cowards 🗣️🗣️
Switch is a console.

World is on PC.

This poll is odd.

Also voted both, both are valid takes on the series.
Switch is both, so handheld-only applies.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Portable all the way. Not only because It's easier to grind / famr mats everywhere, but also I want MH to be designed for short burst play.

I don't ever want richer, more detailed and more open maps. I played thousands of hours of MHW and still get lost in fucking Ancient Forest.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Well, after playing MH World on pc with my friends, my choice is "wherever my friends are playing", because single player MH lost some of it's charm to me.


Oct 25, 2017
After playing World on PC, I can't go with anything else. Being able to fine tune settings to get a higher framerate is easily worth it. Not saying that I didn't enjoy 4 and generations but they became uncomfortable quickly since I have big hands.


Oct 27, 2017
Paris, France
Couldn't get into world

> abysmal UI design with unreadable tiny fonts
> self-censored many of the silly things I love in the series to cater to a larger crowd of gamers who apparently can't bear a little humor now and then.
>can't play locally with my boyfriend, which is the main enjoyment I got from the previous games
> online mode was confusing and weird and I don't like playing with strangers
>Loading times were painful and you couldn't pick and play hunts like I did on the previous games by pausing the console
>For grinding games and Rpgs I prefer playing on portable

Ride seems to solve most if not all of these problems, and you get to craft costumes for your dog and cat which will be the main hook for me if I'm honest.

Hope they didn't ditch the pooggies completely


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Console no doubt. Just having a proper controller made a world of difference.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't vote because no PC.

MHW with 60fps and mods is a much better game. For me, games like this are not great on Switch.

I'd take something like Xenoblade at 30fps on Switch over emulation at 4K60 on PC, though.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I'll take the convenience of a portable other being tethered to a screen any day of the week when choosing hardware, but really I just like Monhun, it's my favourite series and I'm glad there's something for everyone. When the series is big enough to accomodate both and the next major title is out on a hybrid though, a poll seems a bit pointless rather than as a poll of Era's hardware preferences in general.


Oct 27, 2017
Joke answer:

Handheld PC

Real answer:


Contrary to prior belief, I think we can safely say that the market can support both a quality console and handheld Monster Hunter title without any issues at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Portable is my choice! All of the Console only entries that the West has received are not the highlights of the franchise in my opinion (MH1,MHtri, and MH World).

Unfortunately OP the poll is kinda of a moot point because the amount of fresh blood in the MH Community who's only point of reference is Monster Hunter World vastly outnumbered us veteran hunters so of course they are going to vote for Console/PC


Oct 28, 2017
Portable is my choice! All of the Console only entries that the West has received are not the highlights of the franchise in my opinion (MH1,MHtri, and MH World).

Unfortunately OP the poll is kinda of a moot point because the amount of fresh blood in the MH Community who's only point of reference is Monster Hunter World vastly outnumbered us veteran hunters so of course they are going to vote for Console/PC

I'm a veteran from the original on ps2, then the freedom games on psp.

Portable means nothing to me. The quality of the experience and access to my friends is more important, which is why I'm not picking up rise. World was such a great growth in the series and everyone I know who plays MH has a ps4 or 5 now, most of whom have been playing nearly as long. Not all those people have switches, and those that do, most aren't willing to pay for another online membership for a single game, myself included.

Your comment just rings really hollow.


Oct 25, 2017
After years and years of playing it portably, on a small screen and mediocre framerate, it was the nicest thing to see it at a high fidelity and run at 60fps. I can't go back and am definitely just waiting for a Switch Pro or PC version before playing Rise.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I put more time in the console games than in the portable games, although I strongly feel that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is the best in the series. That said, I'll go with PC over portable, and I'll go with portable over console. I hope Rise has cross-play between PC and Switch, and that the sequel to World has cross-play too.


Oct 25, 2017
World finally freed the series from years of painful portable controls.


Oct 27, 2017
Wherever i can play it at 60fps, native / supersampled resolution, a proper controller and voice chat.


Oct 25, 2017
Portable to me, being able to take it with me on the go and sneak a quest here and there is what made the series most enjoyable to me.
Only reason I was able to get through World was because of being stuck at home, otherwise It'd have taken me years to get through it.

Switch really is the perfect platform for Monster Hunter, though cause it's the best of both worlds.


Jan 14, 2018
Anything with more than a little inventory management and or text is a worse experience on handheld for me. I want big screen and a decent controller.


Oct 25, 2017
The mission structure of MH goes so well with portable. Loved doing a quick quest my psp whenever I had free time back in the days.
Oct 27, 2017
The only Monster Hunter I've ever enjoyed was World, and a big part of it was that it was a console experience.

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017
After playing MHW and seeing how console specs benefited the game (Capcom's best on last gen) console is the way to go, I played the series first on PSP so I know it feels great on portable but nothing comes close to the console experience.

Huge monster battles and big scale requires specs.


Feb 12, 2019
Portable and/or PC - I don't usually mind 30fps, so PC is mostly because of mods which are always fun to mess around with.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
portable because I generally prefer the portable teams offerings and think they are usually superior to the main team. the one exception might be monster hunter 4, which is made by the main team but it's also a portable game so yah, portable all the way.

Worlds quality of life improvements are wonderful but there were also some awkward design choices in terms of online functionality, or stuff that just negatively impacted the 'flow' of monster hunter.

Rise looks to be the best of both worlds and also looks to have a far superior story/art style to world.

Of course, I'm excited we get both. Can't wait for monster hunter world 2 or whatever the main team is making


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a veteran from the original on ps2, then the freedom games on psp.

Portable means nothing to me. The quality of the experience and access to my friends is more important, which is why I'm not picking up rise. World was such a great growth in the series and everyone I know who plays MH has a ps4 or 5 now, most of whom have been playing nearly as long. Not all those people have switches, and those that do, most aren't willing to pay for another online membership for a single game, myself included.

Your comment just rings really hollow.
You sound like a lapse player who case back in World or at the very least not someone who wasn't willing to go the extra miles for this franchise like very few of us did and despite my petty gripes with Monster Hunter World I will follow the franchise where ever it goes and jump through however many hoops as I have to because this franchise to me has been a Quality Experience since the start and it has never stopped being one.

Here let me share a few tidbits on how far I went for this franchise:

- I was there 11 years ago trying to set up Xlink Kai with my WiFi setup so I can play MHFU online with other players
- I was there 10 years ago learning how to run CFW on my PSP just so I can apply a bare bones English Fan Patch to my imported copy of MHP3rd so I can hop on Ad-Hoc Party on PS3 and play with other players online
- 9 years ago I had to buy MH3U on both the Wii U and 3DS because only the console version can play online but I still wanted the portability so I got the 3DS version too, unfortunately the text size/font on the 3DS version was bad for me so I also had to buy a 3DSXL just to make the text legible for me and I imported a Circle Pad Pro+ from Japan just so I can stop using "The Claw" on the game.
- In 2015 I was fiddling around VPNs,Patches and Mods on PC because I wanted to experience Monster Hunter Frontier G
- When MH4U finally released in the West I once again went out of my way and bought the New 3DS simply because MH4U ran better on that system versus my old 3DSXL
- I already had a Switch but yeah you are correct the sole reason I pay for Nintendo Online right now has been from the start just so I can play Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate with others online

I should note than none of my gripes with World have nothing to do with the fact that's it's on console only (It's more about some design choices they made) and I don't care where the franchise ends up but I do prefer the Portable games because they allow me to put more time on the game while I'm not at home.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Console, but I prefer the aesthetics of the handheld titles and wished the console ones looked like that.