
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
You are wrong. Nothing the op did is even remotely assholish but the people suggesting they did are leaning in that direction.
I gotta agree. I literally dont get how he is an asshole. The dude basically transferred the floor germs onto the new bread.

I guess people believe the 5 second rule is real... LOL
Oct 28, 2017
Asking for new bread? If you're that nervous about germs you should probably bake your own bread at home. A little bit of dirt ain't gonna kill ya.

Pretty much how I feel.

@op- he simply picked bread up off the floor with his gloves real quick and you think his gloves are "contaminated" or some shit? How dirty could his gloves possibly be lol


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldnt have cared personally, but no I don't think you're an ass for that. A germophobe possibly but not an ass. He should not have sighed, though it's understandable.


Oct 27, 2017
I think having to prepare and serve food with gloves is detrimental to both the food and the customer. If that sandwich maker had felt the sloppy food on his skin, he never would have grabbed a loaf of bread. I'd rather they wash their hands more frequently than fumble with gloves.


Oct 25, 2017
Why would you pay for unsanitary food? Its literally their job to give clean food. Good for walking out.

This will never not be the single greatest tweet in history.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean, I had a rough day and I literally said "please" when I asked him to change his gloves and the bread, I didn't yell at him or anything or say it in some demeaning "commanding" type of voice, literally was just like " could you please change your gloves?" and then "Can I get new bread please?"

He sighed (like intentionally and loudly) with a head shake when I asked for the new bread,, and when I said forget it, again I didn't yell it or stomp my feet or anything, I just said in a normal voice "that's ok, forget it" then just walked out.

I just didn't want to deal with someone who was obviously annoyed at me, I just wanted to get out of the situation, I'm not good in social situations (get super nervous) and things like that on the spot just drive my anxiety way up.

Pretty much how I feel.

@op- he simply picked bread up off the floor with his gloves real quick and you think his gloves are "contaminated" or some shit? How dirty could his gloves possibly be lol

He didn't just pick bread up, the sub broke open and sent lettuce/meat/vegatables tumbling out of it and he picked it all up with his gloves then touched the new bread. If it was literally just picking up a piece of bread it wouldn't have really bothered me, it was the fact he was literally grabbing "tiny" pieces of shredded lettuce and things off the floor and using his finger tips to do so out of the cracks between the tile, etc that made me want him to use new ones.
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Oct 28, 2017
Imagine eating fast food and caring about some germs that MAY have been on the gloves and may have touched the new bread.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Puerto Rico
I used to make sandwiches at my last job, and a few times I forget to remove my gloves for new ones, but it was very rare, like at times you can get like 10 orders you try to go fast and not make the customer wait, but usually I changed them every 2 or 3 sandwiches depending on what kind of order and ingredients I had to use (vegan stuff always change gloves) I had times customers ask me to get new gloves despite just making one order before, but I did, I don't want to escalate a situation, some customers can be very...annoying, but I know, just like me they are also busy, so I try to put myself in their shoes, would be nice if they did too, but I mean, it takes like 15 seconds to change em, no big deal, the dramatic walking out part, ehh...not sure that was necessary but it's your food.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to work a sub shop in a mall across the street from a music venue. When jimmy buffet would come it was absurdly busy. We had roaches and rats as do all food court shops. A parrothead brought his philly back with roach intact and seemed shocked I could not promise a redo without one (offered redo or refund). Still think about him to this day. Miss him

ETA: you weren't wrong to leave but he was probably glad you did
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Oct 25, 2017
The walking out part is a bit much but everything else was completely shitty on the employees part.

I've worked retail and fast food. It's a difficult and soul crushing job but no fucking way would I sigh at a customer for asking me to be sanitary. It's not even that difficult. You drop something you just start again from the beginning including new gloves. The only way a customer would be a dick is if they were angry over the first mistake.


Oct 25, 2017
You're not wrong to ask, you're not 'wrong' to walk out either, but it's a bit much. Yeah he sighed, doesn't mean anything though, surely you can understand how he's not happy about what happened, doesn't mean it's directed AT you.


Oct 27, 2017
I would've understood their sigh and probably let them know I'm being a little difficult. But your customer reaction is why I stay out of jobs where I have to interact with them. I hate customers.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
All they had to do is a simple function of their job. Next time you order food I assume it would be alright if the waiter dropped your shit all over the floor. No way you would complain and make their job harder, right? Fuck your money!
I'm assuming you never made a mistake in your life and are a 100% perfect. That's what customers expect out of you and if you are anything less than that in their minds that gives them a ticket to treat you as an emotional punching bag.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm assuming you never made a mistake in your life and are a 100% perfect. That's what customers expect out of you and if you are anything less than that in their minds that gives them a ticket to treat you as an emotional punching bag.
I've been verbally abused by customers multiple times and it sucks but what does that have to do with someone dropping all your food and you expecting it to be replaced?

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
I was at a sub place recently and after toasting my sub when he went to get it out he dropped the whole thing on the floor and when hitting the floor it came apart and stuff went all over the place, they picked the sub and stuff up (with their gloves) threw it away and then turned around and started to make a new one and got bread out (with the same gloves they just picked up everything with off the floor). I said "Could you please change your gloves?" and he was like "oh yeah probably should." and then I asked if he could get new bread out (since he touched it with the gloves he had on before) at this moment he let out a noticeable "sigh" and I just said "forget it" and walked out and went to another one (just a few blocks away so not far).

Was I an asshole for asking for that? What would you have done in that situation?

No, but you were an asshole for the way you behaved after asking for it.


Oct 25, 2017
I think you're good OP. If subway guy is going to sigh at you for suggesting to do his job properly, fuck him.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I've been verbally abused by customers multiple times and it sucks but what does that have to do with someone dropping all your food and you expecting it to be replaced?
It's hard for me to judge this situation since obviously i wasn't there in person. I was okay with the initial request, but the reaction afterward was not warranted. Years of being treated like subhuman dirt make me jump to the worst conclusion sadly. :/


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I mean, I had a rough day and I literally said "please" when I asked him to change his gloves and the bread, I didn't yell at him or anything or say it in some demeaning "commanding" type of voice, literally was just like " could you please change your gloves?" and then "Can I get new bread please?"

He sighed (like intentionally and loudly) with a head shake when I asked for the new bread,, and when I said forget it, again I didn't yell it or stomp my feet or anything, I just said in a normal voice "that's ok, forget it" then just walked out.

I just didn't want to deal with someone who was obviously annoyed at me, I just wanted to get out of the situation, I'm not good in social situations (get super nervous) and things like that on the spot just drive my anxiety way up.

He didn't just pick bread up, the sub broke open and sent lettuce/meat/vegatables tumbling out of it and he picked it all up with his gloves then touched the new bread. If it was literally just picking up a piece of bread it wouldn't have really bothered me, it was the fact he was literally grabbing "tiny" pieces of shredded lettuce and things off the floor and using his finger tips to do so out of the cracks between the tile, etc that made me want him to use new ones.
Nah, you def did the right thing. There is no need to pay for subpar food when you can just walk to another site. If he sighed and with the intent to show you are being ridiculous, I would suspect other shortcuts have been used at that branch.

I just dont comprehend how people are okay with what that employee did. Then again a few people here dont wash their legs, so I shouldn't be too surprised


Oct 25, 2017
He was doing what you asked so walking out was a bit off, he's a human being in the end who could just be having a really bad day. I can understand the guy sighing if he's feeling a bit of pressure because of a sandwich.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm assuming you never made a mistake in your life and are a 100% perfect. That's what customers expect out of you and if you are anything less than that in their minds that gives them a ticket to treat you as an emotional punching bag.

You're taking your experience of working at a Deli out on the OP.

He didn't want to eat a dirty ass sandwich, then to be given attitude for asking the worker NICELY to use different gloves and bread.

OP also says he has social anxiety and is not great in those situations.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd have done pretty much the same thing as you, OP. Sure, fast food employees are paid minimum wage, but they're required [at least in most states] to get a food handlers card prior to employment, and they're supposed to be trained. As a customer, I would have reported that worker to the manager for showing attitude for something he should know is against company policy and for showing me attitude from the simple request to use new gloves and new bread [you shouldn't have had to ask in the first place, the fact you did, is appalling]. You weren't an asshole for walking out and going to a different store [anyone who says you are, is a coward who apparently enjoys paying to eat dirty food]. This isn't entitlement, it's common sense, which the worker obviously severely lacked
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Oct 25, 2017
It's hard for me to judge this situation since obviously i wasn't there in person. I was okay with the initial request, but the reaction afterward was not warranted. Years of being treated like subhuman dirt make me jump to the worst conclusion sadly. :/
I get that. Retail and fast food can really exhaust and make you jaded. I did it for 6 years and it caused so much stress and misery.

It's unfortunate that a large portion of customers are absolute garbage people but I do think there is times where some customer service is just that bad and deserves to be criticized. Retail taught me patience and empathy for workers but I've still encountered some of the worst attitudes and behaviour despite that.

Maximum Spider

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cleveland, OH
I'm as sympathetic as you can possibly be towards service workers but i'm not about to eat anything when i've seen them touch their dirty floor and then prepare a sandwich with those gloves.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure Gordon Ramsay would do the same thing as the OP.

In addition to calling them a Donkey :D


Feb 22, 2019
Im just picturing them scooping up the lettuce with their hands so no I dont think youre an asshole.

Also, subway should be used to these requests since they often get asked to change gloves multiple times a day from muslim customers.


Oct 27, 2017
No you're not an asshole. A little bit of this comes down to how visibly annoyed the worker was versus how politely you said "forget it", but I don't think you did anything wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, OP. Stop being so precious about germs.

I'm 33 years old and I'll still eat something I drop on the ground. I haven't been sick in over a decade. My immune system is fucking jacked.

Maximum Spider

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cleveland, OH
You know, it's a little unfornatue that everyone just assumes that all patrons would have the same capacity to compartmentalize things like this. Germs and what's perceived to be unsanitary conditions can really triggering. I've seen the anxiety stuff like this can cause. It's not a thing some people can just get over for the sake of courtesy. As long as someone someone is being polite with their request, who cares?

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, OP. Stop being so precious about germs.

I'm 33 years old and I'll still eat something I drop on the ground. I haven't been sick in over a decade. My immune system is fucking jacked.

This is just so stupid. Like you would let a McDonald's employee drop your order on the floor and then serve it to you after scooping it up.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
Same thing happened to me once.

I just ate the remade sandwich that was briefly touched by the contaminated gloves.

Not dead yet.

Pet Rock

Mar 14, 2018
You did nothing wrong, especially not over walking out when he sighs loudly and intentionally. I ain't spending money where I'm given attitude neither, especially when it's about less than sanitary food-handling.


Oct 29, 2017
TIL that walking out is considered dramatic. I'm now imagining OP was putting up both hands out front at chest level, while saying "forget it," then taking two steps backwards towards the door, all the while making unblinking eye contact with the employee, right before finally turning around to the exit. Or maybe I should be thinking of a different type of 'dramatic,' like the quiet smoldering type, e.g., the film There Will Be Blood.

Is there a Simpsons GIF for OP's situation?


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I think you went overboard by walking out. Though TBH if I was the sub worker that's the preferable outcome. I know when I deal with people that complain a lot, they'll keep pointing out and questioning literally everything. I'd rather they just leave without ordering anything


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of concerned about basic sanitary precautions being considered "germaphobic".


Oct 26, 2017
Lmao. This thread is nuts

As a longtime retail worker who despises 90% of the people I interact with daily, this worker's behaviour is unacceptable on every level.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just so stupid. Like you would let a McDonald's employee drop your order on the floor and then serve it to you after scooping it up.
Might. I'd probably eat something I dropped on the floor myself, at least. Depends on if floor was visibly dirty.

I definitely wouldn't do something silly like make the employee change their gloves though. Germs are already on those damn gloves. It's not like you're getting a "clean" sandwich to begin with.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I think you went overboard by walking out. Though TBH if I was the sub worker that's the preferable outcome. I know when I deal with people that complain a lot, they'll keep pointing out and questioning things until they're done. I'd rather they just leave without ordering anything
I love when they threaten and tell you they are never coming back then the next day they are back right at the same time they normally are again. Just fucking leave so I never have to see your face again.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
I worked in fast food and now I deliver pizza. yeah, i'd be annoyed. but it's not a big deal. we deal with dozens of customers a day. I won't be thinking about you when my shift is over and you should forget about it too.
this post is not encouragement to annoy service workers

Drain You

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a asshole but it really doesn't sound like you were an asshole. Maybe you were when you walked out but whatever. I'm sure said dude didn't really care.


Aug 27, 2018
People like you are the worst. Treating service workers like shit and step all over them thinking you are better than them. God I hated every moment working as a Deli Clerk because people turn into monsters when they know they can get away with it.
Lmao is this real? Not wanting dirty floor bread is thinking you're better than someone else? Come on dude.


Oct 27, 2017
You didn't ask for anything unreasonable, and the fact that they let out an audible sigh is telling of someone who probably doesn't even bother to wash their hands if something like that annoys them.

Probably safe to never go back to that location.