
Oct 27, 2017
Hear me out, I'm a leftist who grew up in 1980s rural America. For a long time I was sheltered from the history of the preceding decades that saw the hippie anti-war movement, feminist movements, black power movements, gay rights movements, etc. rise to prominence.

What I grew up with was a lot of gay panic, Reagan-era American nationalism, anti-feminism, racism, etc. People on the left were looked at like fringe loonies who were either drug addicts, criminals, cultists you'd see at airports in hare Krishna garb, sexual deviants, or just fringes of society in general.

None of those people from the movements I mentioned probably envisioned they would be basically ostracized or the subject of massive cultural blowback, but that's what happened -- at least in the rural country where I'm from, in the 1980s.

I don't know. It just feels like culturally the tides are changing and the whole country, not just the Maga cultists, are becoming hostile towards the left. I mean, frankly, I have no faith in political or cultural institutions, let alone most people, at this point. Am I being too cynical?


I mean not that Brianna Wu was ever some sort of radical leftist, but there was a time I looked at her as at least a moderate ally supportive of progressive politics? Now? I mean she's entitled to her opinion as anyone is, but I would not consider her an ally.


I mean, not that corporations were ever our friends and Rainbow Capitalism has always been a facade, but it's easy to see how mainstream companies will not bat at an eye when they abandon us and deny our existence when the next angry mob targets them.

Speaking of denying people's existence, this piece of shit is basically tied in the polls with Biden despite being on trial for like literally every crime you can think of.


Yet somehow, I feel even less confident than I did leading up to the 2016 election. Can anyone here say with 100 percent confidence that they feel Trump is going to lose? It should be easy to believe that. How extremely fucked up is it that there is even the slightest question?

And then we have people from our own party who say shit like this:


Like, excuse me? What? Do I think there are some bad actors on the fringes of the left? Sure, every movement does. Do I think lots of people, some on the left included, don't have great media literacy? Sure. But to suggest that the left doesn't understand the history of the Middle East or that we are over reacting to what we are seeing with our own eyes and ears? Like what? Further, I don't think anyone who is serious about peace is hand-waving away the awful shit Hamas has done, but to suggest the left is just a bunch of dumb kids who have never read a book or that we are all a bunch of anti-semites for not wanting kids on either side to be killed by this conflict is fucking maddening.

I just feel that when measured by every metric, we are regressing culturally to become far more hostile towards progressive ideals than at any time in recent history. Am I wrong?


Oct 25, 2017
No. The baseline numbers just aren't there. There will be plenty short term backslides in policy though, especially at the state and local level

It's unavoidable given America's specific political and cultural makeup.


Mar 17, 2020
You're not and I can't speak for America but this is already happening in France sadly...


Apr 1, 2024
No. I would say democrats and liberals are better positioned now than when they were in 2016/2020. I think this country is sick of Trumpism which has completely surmounted Reganism in America. Biden will win in Nov


Oct 27, 2017
No that OP is not being too paranoid or no that there's not a Reagan-era backlash to leftism?




Oct 28, 2017
Isn't this a common popular talking point at the moment, re: 'biden's vietnam' and there being a conservative lean after presidents like lbj


Oct 27, 2017
No. I would say democrats and liberals are better positioned now than when they were in 2016/2020. I think this country is sick of Trumpism which has completely surmounted Reganism in America. Biden will win in Nov

I wish I had that confidence however it seems there are too many who wont vote biden because of legitimate reasons concerning genocide even if that means throwing the ukraine, palestine and every American citizen to the wolves.

Im afraid were going to lose it all this year because people are unable to save themselves if it means supporting biden.


Oct 25, 2017
fwiw brianna wu worked in conservative politics in her 20s before she gained cred as a "progressive" in the gamergate era, so this is perhaps just a reversion to normal for her
Mar 15, 2019
unrelated to the US but this is definitely happening in Brazil, a place where leftism and progressive policies are being associated with the figure of Lula, a 80 year old who's getting increasingly less popular and effective smear campaigns are being worked on by the media and by the governments of the more conservative, reactionary states like Santa Catarina and São Paulo

the result is that when Lula dies, i predict that the very idea of institutional leftism in Brazil will die along with him

not that he was getting much progress done in his third term anyway, and this whole process is kinda his fault too by not getting succession ready so 🤷‍♂️


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
There's always been hostility to leftism in politics. Welcome to advocating for a viewpoint that says the political and economic status quo is immoral.


Oct 25, 2017
In America they're literally trying to take things back to 1880s, so they can say the period when we had a Black President was just a happy little experiment in the history of America before they went back to normal.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
The aging Democratic Party will say and do anything to demonize people that actually want progress and not just empty platitudes. Republicans have always hated anyone left of them any non-white or non-gender conforming people.

So yeah they're trying to do what they always do but I really do believe people are seeing past their attempts this time. Because it's pretty fucking apparent they don't want anything but a status quo where they hold all the power.

Also lmao at saying Brianna Wu resembles anything but a ghoul ass republican at this point


Oct 25, 2017
One pattern or trend I've noticed with most left-leaning social media spaces have often centred around doomerism or hopelessness. To me, it doesn't feel very productive and can lead to radicalization for some just like the radical right. Everything must be 100% in agreement and aligned with your ideals or it is 0%. Are there backsliding and things going terribly wrong? Yes absolutely. But as a US citizen, you have much freedom and choices to influence for a better tomorrow even if it's very incremental. Definitely don't take that for granted.


Oct 25, 2017
most people in the us support progressive policies. the moderates and republicans are just really loud roadblocks. if we regress drastically itll be because the wrong people got into office


Oct 25, 2017
To the east of Parts Unknown...
To make the shift happen you need someone compelling enough to the moderate left to say "Maybe I can give this guy a try. He seems different." or "I don't like my guy and this dude doesn't seem like he could do that much damage. That'll show 'em!" (Always a bad call to make when you're picking the "LEADER OF THE FREEWORLD!") That was Donald Trump in 2016 where people who didn't know better were projecting whatever they believed onto him. That's not not Donald Trump in 2024.


Nov 25, 2017
Los Angeles
If we were, i dont think worrying about it is mentally healthy. The political landscape is gonna unfold as it will. Vote, organize if you have the energy and space for it, have convos with people… its all you can do.


Oct 29, 2017
Leftist politics is overrun with radicalism just as the right is. The democrats use them to get votes, but don't actually push policy that the leftists want. In America at least. Fear mongering the right is enough to get them onboard without actually needing to do anything.

The right on the other hand actually tries and sometimes succeeds at pushing policy their extremists want.

If the left decided to put forth a populous candidate there would be severe backlash.


Apr 3, 2024
Already happened in 2016. This election is going to be a shitshow with RFK polling in the double digits. Requirement is what? 15% to secure a place on the debate stage? Assuming Trump even shows up.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Issue is that at the end of the day any real progress be movement would be lead by people who have genuine akin in the game; generally leftist politics always fall to the side in America when the power structure genuinely gets challenged and white leftists sell out because it would be giving up power. Its still the same white people in charge in politics and also as the face of the movement.

That said, this is the biggest push of true progressive ideas we've seen in decades pre-dating Reagan. Protests reactions have been terrible but lets not forget this country mowed down white college kids with gunfire during 'nam protests, and lots of it were driven by self interests. Palestine being a legit political discussion in the mainstream is huge, too bad it took a genocide. I see the opposite overall in regards to unionization movements etc. Terrible metaphor but we are losing the battle, but winning the war of spreading the ideas.


Aug 1, 2018
Leftist politics is overrun with radicalism just as the right is. The democrats use them to get votes, but don't actually push policy that the leftists want. In America at least. Fear mongering the right is enough to get them onboard without actually needing to do anything.

The right on the other hand actually tries and sometimes succeeds at pushing policy their extremists want.

If the left decided to put forth a populous candidate there would be severe backlash.

The forms of "radicalism" is far different on the left and the right. For example, the far left thinks housing should be a human right. That's radical but it's not a bad thing.

No. I would say democrats and liberals are better positioned now than when they were in 2016/2020. I think this country is sick of Trumpism which has completely surmounted Reganism in America. Biden will win in Nov

Unless I'm misinterpreting OP, they are not talking about Democrats and Liberals but leftists. The far left, if you will.


Oct 30, 2017
Florianópolis, Brazil
The pendulum swings both ways. I'm sure there will be, and the cycle continues. There's too many morons in the world and America, specifically, with its terrible electoral college system and gerrymandering, makes it easier for them to be relevant.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
The dynamics of Reagan are massively incomparable today. Literally different worlds--universes actually--from the 80s.

Russia (USSR) were our enemies at time. Now Reagan's party loves them some Russia and Putin. Many other things as well.


Oct 27, 2017
The left hasn't been successful enough for there to be a backlash at.

I say this as a person on the left.


Nov 1, 2017
You're not and I can't speak for America but this is already happening in France sadly...

What is happening in France is so incredibly depressing. I live in a traditionally left-wing region and I see more and more formerly """moderate""" people openly admitting they're going to vote for no holds barred fascists.


Oct 25, 2017
Self serving narcissists like Brianna Wu and Hillary Clinton doing the reactionary scolding routine is more a sign of society moving further left without them.


Oct 25, 2017
No, but there's always been hostility against the left and leftists from conservatives and liberals, even in "progressive" places. Belief in hierarchies and status quo or only incremental reformism because some folks are too scared to imagine a life outside of capitalism. 🤷🏾‍♂️

There are smaller victories happening worldwide (watch Positive Leftist News), but they're not spread as far as wide.


Oct 26, 2017
Brianna Wu


Also no - as others have said the numbers don't back this. some old in centrists are crying but nah


Aug 1, 2018
No, but there's always been hostility against the left and leftists from conservatives and liberals, even in "progressive" places. Belief in hierarchies and status quo or only incremental reformism because some folks are too scared to imagine a life outside of capitalism. 🤷🏾‍♂️

There are smaller victories happening worldwide (watch Positive Leftist News), but they're not spread as far as wide.

Jan 15, 2019
There is an actual, sizable Pro-Palestinian movement in the country for the first time ever and a solid number of elected Dems in Congress are part of it.

Being "pro-life" has gone from being a 50/50 thing to a political cyanide pill.

Support for unions is at a multi-decade high.

I could keep going, but the point is the leftward march is only continuing. The right's problem is that only about 1/3 of people under 40 actually want to vote for them. You can't have a Reagan revolution without support across all age groups.


Oct 27, 2017
There is always and has been a continuous cycle of backlashes against "The Left" since way before Reagan , mostly starting with Nixon. Every Democrat president since Johnson has dealt with said backlash where the GOP returns to power in congress too.